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  1. (1 other version)Cosmopolitan Virtue: On Religion in a Global Age.Bryan S. Turner - 2001 - European Journal of Social Theory 4 (2):131-152.
    The sociological debate about globalization has often neglected the place of religion in a global age. This absence is problematic, given the creative role of the world religions in the shaping of the modernization and globalization processes. This article treats globalization as a particular phase of the general process of modernity, and considers religion in terms of four paradoxes. The first (the Nietzsche paradox) argues that, against the received wisdom, fundamentalism is a form of modernization. Although religious fundamentalism may be (...)
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  • The sanskrit of science.Frits Staal - 1995 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 23 (1):73-127.
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  • Meaning-Making in an Atheist World.William J. F. Keenan & Tatjana Schnell - 2011 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 33 (1):55-78.
    This article explores atheist meaning-making by employing a multidimensional model of meaning operationalized by the Sources of Meaning and Meaning in Life Questionnaire. When compared to a representative sample of “religionists” and “nones”, atheists show lower degrees of meaningfulness, but they do not suffer from crises of meaning more frequently. However, subsequent cluster analysis reveals that heterogeneity within atheism has to be taken into account. Three types of atheists are identified. ‘Low-commitment’ atheists are characterised by generally low commitment; they report (...)
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  • Towards the knowledge democracy? Knowledge production and the civic role of the university.Gert Biesta - 2007 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 26 (5):467-479.
    In this paper I ask whether the University has a special role to play in democratic societies. I argue that the modern University can no longer lay claim to a research monopoly since nowadays research is conducted in many places outside of the University. The University can, however, still lay claim to a kind of knowledge monopoly which has to with the central role Universities play in the definition of what counts as scientific knowledge. The problem is, however, that the (...)
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  • Defending scientific study of the social: Against Clifford Geertz (and his critics).Kei Yoshida - 2007 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 37 (3):289-314.
    This paper will defend scientific study of the social by scrutinizing Clifford Geertz's interpretive anthropology, and evolutionary psychologists' criticism of it. I shall critically examine Geertz's identification of anthropology with literary criticism, his assumption that a science of society is possible only on a positivist model, his view of the relation between culture and mind, and his anti anti-relativism. Then I shall discuss evolutionary psychologists' criticism of Geertz's view as an exemplar of the so-called "Standard Social Science Model." Finally, I (...)
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  • A Broader Discussion of Authorship.Dena Plemmons - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (2):389-398.
    While it may be useful to consider the development of new topics in teaching the responsible conduct of research (RCR), it is perhaps equally important to reconsider the traditionally taught core topic areas in both more nuanced and broader ways. This paper takes the topic of authorship as an example. Through the description of two specific cases from sociocultural anthropology, ideas about credit and responsibility are examined. It is suggested that placing more focus on the array of meanings found in (...)
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  • Complexity Theory and the Politics of Education.Deborah Osberg & Gert Biesta (eds.) - 2010 - Sense Publishers.
    Complexity theory has become a major influence in discussions about the theory and practice of education. This book focuses on a question which so far has received relatively little attention in such discussions, which is the question of the politics of complexity. The chapters in this book engage with this question in a range of different ways. Whereas some contributions make a case for the promotion of complexity in education, others focus more explicitly on questions concerning the reduction of complexity (...)
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  • Sociology's Eurocentrism and the `Rise of the West' Revisited.Gregor McLennan - 2000 - European Journal of Social Theory 3 (3):275-291.
    Under the impact of `postcolonial' critique, it is increasingly assumed in radical social theory that traditional disciplines like sociology remain palpably Eurocentric. However, this important challenge is typically advanced at a very general level, often lacking adequate instantiation. In this article some general formulations of the problem of Eurocentrism are connected to the work of three pairs of theorists in historical sociology. Foregrounding recent approaches to the classic `rise of the West' question, these authors are probed for either substantive or (...)
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  • (1 other version)On the Idea of Islamic Feminism.Raja Bahlul - 2000 - Journal of Islamic Studies 20:33.
    The object of this paper is to explore the possibility defending women's rights (or, more broadly, expressing women's concerns) within a framework of Islamic concepts and ideas. This is to be accomplished by introducing a number of methodological principles that can, and (for feminists) should govern the practice of "religious interpretation" (ijtihad) which Muslims have used throughout the centuries to adapt Qur'anic and Islamic teachings to changing realities and circumstances.
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  • Is secularism history?Gregor McLennan - 2015 - Thesis Eleven 128 (1):126-140.
    In recent years, the intellectual tide has moved strongly against the kind of secular thinking that characterized Gellner’s work. Whether couched in terms of postcolonialism, multiculturalism, genealogy, global understanding, political theology, or the revival of normative, metaphysical and openly religious perspectives, today’s postsecular and even anti-secular mood in social theory seems to consign Gellner’s project to the dustbin of history: a stern but doomed attempt to shore up western liberal rationalism. Under some revisionary lights, it has even become pointless to (...)
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  • The Message of Islam.Abdelwahab Bouhdiba - 2005 - Diogenes 52 (1):111-116.
    Islamic culture may be labelled a ‘superculture’ on account of its richness, whose living message goes from the peasants of the Indian subcontinent to Africa, for instance, dating back fourteen centuries in time. The author contrasts with an Islam that is frozen in its medieval form an Islam capable of inventing new solutions. The drama of today’s Muslim populations is living under the sign of a failure to adapt, because there has been no adequate analysis of the demands of their (...)
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  • The Problem of Appropriate Psychology of Religion Measures for Non-Western Christian Samples with Respect to the Turkish–Islamic Religious Landscape.Zuhal Agilkaya - 2012 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 34 (3):285-325.
    Despite the fact that Islam is the second largest religion in the world, empirical studies on Muslim religiosity have been very rare. The reason for this is seen in the lack of measurements applicable to Muslim samples. Nonetheless, the few empirical studies about Muslims, the role of Islam in terms of physical and psychological well-being, and comparative studies give rise to hope. The problems of application, adaptation and translation of religiosity and spirituality scales developed for Christian traditions is an issue (...)
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  • Gellner’s case against cognitive relativism.Rod Aya - 2015 - Thesis Eleven 128 (1):26-40.
    Moral relativism is a tragedy and cognitive relativism is a farce – so Gellner argues. First the tragedy: moral relativism is consistent and compelling given moral diversity and contention worldwide. Then the farce: cognitive relativism is self-contradictory and logically false; it is also absurd in view of hard science, which gets testable, cumulative, applicable results that yield high tech; and it is insidious – where logical consistency and empirical accuracy are a dead letter, mummery rules.
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  • The contingent university: An ethical critique.Richard G. Bagnall - 2002 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 34 (1):77–90.
    Book reviewed in this article: Eros as the Educational Principle of Democracy Kerry T.Burch. Feeling Power—emotions and education Megan Boler. The Students are Watching: schools and the moral contract Theodore R.Sizer & Nancy Faust Sizer.
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  • Critical Responses to Faith Development Theory: A Useful Agenda for Change?Adrian Coyle - 2011 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 33 (3):281-298.
    Since it was first presented, James Fowler’s faith development theory has proven influential in pastoral care and counselling, pastoral and practical theology, spiritual direction, and Christian education. However, it has also been subject to substantial critical evaluation. This article reviews the major themes within psychological critiques and considers the agenda provided by these critiques for the theory’s future development. Critical themes concern Fowler’s understanding of “faith”; the theory’s structural “logic of development”; its overemphasis on cognition and lack of attention to (...)
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  • Islamism, Castoriadis and Autonomy.Chistopher Houston - 2004 - Thesis Eleven 76 (1):49-69.
    In the context of nationalizing, secularizing or Kemalist states, analyses of Islamist movements are often thrown back on notions of traditionalism or atavism. In a related vein, for certain social theorists writing on modernity, the uniqueness of the West is clarified through an imaginative [mis]interpretation of other cultures or civilizations. Too often, however, the apparent gains in Western self-insight reflect an ‘inability to constitute oneself without excluding the other’ (Cornelius Castoriadis). Ironically Castoriadis himself, in a project we might term an (...)
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  • Culture and Social Structure: Identity in Turkey.M. Aytül Kasapoğlu & Mehmet C. Ecevit - 2004 - Human Studies 27 (2):137-167.
    Using a historical and biographical perspective, this paper examines the structural elements and cultural signs of contemporary social events and problems in Turkey in order to understand their basic features. Hermeneutics is used in order to understand contemporary Turkey by way of its historical background and prominent biographies. Two basic epic texts were interpreted using Gadamarian hermeneutics with the help of key concepts such as gaza1 and gaza cult. Semiotics is used to examine key concepts as binary opposites. Dialectics is (...)
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  • Consensus, Civility, and Community: The Origins of Minerva and the Vision of Edward Shils.Roy MacLeod - 2016 - Minerva 54 (3):255-292.
    For over 50 years, Minerva has been one of the leading independent journals in the study of ‘science, learning and policy’. Its pages have much to say about the origins and conduct of the ‘intellectual Cold War’, the defence of academic freedom, the emergence of modernization theory, and pioneering strategies in the social studies of science. This paper revisits Minerva through the life and times of its founding Editor, Edward Shils, and traces his influence on its early years – from (...)
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  • Ethics and Epistemology: Ecclesial Existence in a Postmodern Era.Michael O'Neil - 2006 - Journal of Religious Ethics 34 (1):21 - 40.
    This essay endeavors to show that application of a universalist epistemic method in theological ethics results in a construal of God, which is, from a biblical perspective, reductionist, and is a form of ethics in which universality is achieved at the expense of plurality. It argues for the formal possibility of an ecclesial ethics grounded in a tradition-centered rationality. It further argues that such an ethic need not result in a narrow and defensive sectarianism, a rigid and static orthodoxy, or (...)
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  • FOCUS: Investment. Finance and social responsibility.Bimal Prodhan - 1993 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 2 (4):192–198.
    ’Although the empirical and conceptual underpinnings of New Finance have been rigorously tested, its ethical underpinnings have not been explored.’These are seen to derive from the social remoteness of late twentieth century individualism, which needs to be countered by sensitivity to the social context of finance and to the developmental nature of ethical behaviour. The author is Fellow in Finance at Templeton College, Oxford.
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  • Science, religion, and the meaning of life and the universe: “Amalgam” narratives of polish natural scientists.Maria Rogińska - 2016 - Zygon 51 (4):904-924.
    This article deals with phenomena occurring at the interface of the existential, the religious, and scientific inquiry. On the basis of in-depth interviews with Polish physicists and biologists, I examine the role that science and religion play in their narrative of the meaning of the Universe and human life. I show that the narratives about meaning have a system-related character that is associated with responses to adjacent metaphysical questions, including those based on scientific knowledge. I reconstruct the typical amalgam questions (...)
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  • Ernest Gellner's Words and Things: A Case Study of Empirical Philosophy.Stefan Schubert - 2015 - Metaphilosophy 46 (2):300-316.
    This article considers how Ernest Gellner used sociology and anthropology to attack ordinary language philosophy in Words and Things. It argues that this attack can be seen as a part of the movement to make philosophy more empirical or “naturalized,” something that has not been generally noted. It also discusses what general lessons to draw from Words and Things regarding how empirical knowledge should be used in philosophy. Among other things, the article argues that one important lesson is that empirical (...)
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  • Gellner, science and globalization.Ralph Schroeder - 2015 - Thesis Eleven 128 (1):10-25.
    Cognition, or scientific knowledge, is the fulcrum of Gellner’s philosophy of history. Science, for Gellner, is central to understanding the rise of the West and also to his defence of Enlightenment rationality against postmodernism and other forms of relativism. This way of thinking has recently been challenged, first, by global historians who locate the ‘great divergence’ in the 19th century rather than earlier, and second, by those who assign to the Enlightenment a pernicious role and argue that rationality and scientific (...)
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  • Zwi Werblowsky, the IAHR, and Religionswissenschaft as ‘Basic Science’.Donald Wiebe - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 32 (2):130-147.
    In this essay I set out to defend the objectives of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR) to promote ‘religious studies’ in the modern university as a rigorous scientific enterprise in search of descriptive, explanatory, and theoretical knowledge of religious thought and behaviour. More often than not, however, the discipline has been, and currently still is, presented as a ‘life-enhancing-discipline.’ At the tenth IAHR world congress held in Marburg Germany in 1960, the conflict between these incommensurable approaches (...)
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  • Turkey’s dissonant engagement with modernity.Emad Bazzi - 2012 - Intellectual Discourse 20 (1).
    Turkey is the first Muslim country to engage with modernity as an integral phenomenon; its cultural and intellectual components being pre-requisites for its political project, and embodied in democracy. This paradigm, which was adopted by Ataturk and his secularist elites failed for several reasons. A markedly different approach was put forward by the Justice and Development Party which came to power in 2002 in which the modern political system was posited on conservative religious values in an attempt to come to (...)
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  • Anti-foundationalism and social ontology : towards a realist sociology.Justin Cruickshank - unknown
    My concern in this thesis is with the transcendental question concerning the condition of possibility for social science. I argue that for social scientific knowledge to obtain one must: have a conception of knowledge formation as theoretically mediated and fallible; and, social scientific knowledge claims must be about an object of study which conceptualises social structure as an enablement as well as an external constraint upon agency. This means: arguing for an anti-foundational epistemology, which avoids becoming truth-relativism, by being complemented (...)
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  • Concepts of religion in debates on secularization.Katarzyna Zielińska - 2013 - Approaching Religion 3 (1):25-35.
    Defining the concept of religion is a recurring theme in the sociology of religion. Yet the constant attempts to determine the subject of the study do not necessarily indicate the immaturity of the discipline. The ongoing discussions are rather part of a broader problem, as the acceptance or rejection of certain understandings of the core concepts determines the scope of the discipline’s field. More importantly, it also permits other concepts to be understood, along with the social reality beyond them. Since (...)
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