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  1. Ethico-onto-epistemology.Evelien Geerts & Delphi Carstens - 2019 - Philosophy Today 63 (4):915-925.
    This essay argues for a transversal posthumanities-based pedagogy, rooted in an attentive ethico-onto-epistemology, by reading the schizoanalytical praxes of Deleuzoguattarian theory alongside the work of various feminist new materialist scholars.
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  • Beyond Discourse? Using Deleuze and Guattari's schizoanalysis to explore affective assemblages, heterosexually striated space, and lines of flight online and at school.Jessica Ringrose - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (6):598-618.
    This paper explores how Deleuze and Guattari's philosophical concepts extend and elaborate discursive and psychoanalytic interpretations of qualitative research findings. Analyzing data from a UK research project exploring young people's engagements with Social Networking Sites (SNSs), Deleuze and Guattari's schizoanalytic method is drawn upon to consider complex desire-flows in the social. In particular the notion of ‘affective assemblages’ is developed to explore the relationships between school and online spaces and subjective interfacing with these spaces. The paper suggests online space is (...)
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  • The Vulnerability of Cyborgs: The Case of ICD Shocks.Nelly Oudshoorn - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (5):767-792.
    This article contributes to Science and Technology Studies on vulnerability by putting cyborgs at center stage. What vulnerabilities emerge when technologies move under the skin? I argue that cyborgs face new forms of vulnerability because they have to live with a continuous, inextricable intertwinement of technologies and their bodies. Inspired by recent feminist studies on the lived intimate relationships between bodies and technologies, I suggest that sensory experiences, material practices, and cartographies of power are important heuristic tools to understand the (...)
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  • Becoming‐Teachers: Desiring students.Duncan Mercieca - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (s1):43-56.
    This article proposes a reading of the lives of teachers through a Deleuzian-Guattarian materialistic approach. By asking the question ‘what kind of life do teachers live?’ this article reminds us that teachers sometimes welcome the imposed policies, procedures and programmes, the consequences of which remove them from students. This desire is compared to another desire—the desire for children. Teachers are seen as machines rather than singular organisms, so that what helps a teacher in her becoming are her connections to students. (...)
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  • There Is No Brain: Rethinking Neuroscience through a Nomadic Ontology.David R. Gruber - 2019 - Body and Society 25 (2):56-87.
    Building from recent attempts in the humanities and social sciences to conceive of creative, entangled ways of doing interdisciplinary work, I turn to Braidotti’s ‘nomadic ontology’ to (re)vision the human body without a brain. Her exploration of the body as a ‘threshold of transformations’ is put into conversation with Deleuze’s comments on neurobiology to consider what a brainless body might do, or undo, in neuroscientific practice. I ground discussion in a case study, detailing the practices of brain decoding or ‘mind (...)
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  • The Reproduction of Philosophical Bodies in Education with Language.David Robert Cole - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (8):816-829.
    This paper articulates a feminist poststructural philosophy of education by combining the work of Luce Irigaray and Michel Foucault. This acts as an underpinning for a philosophy of desire (McWilliam, 1999) in education, or as a minor philosophy of education where multiple movements of bodies are enacted through theoretical methodologies and research. These methods include qualitative analysis and critical discourse analysis; where the conjunction Irigaray-Foucault is a paradigm for dealing with educational phenomena. It is also a rigorous materialism (Braidotti, 2005) (...)
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  • Spaces of (Re)Connections: Performing Experiences of Disabling Gender Violence.Nicole Fayard - 2019 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 9 (9):273-291.
    The article explores the potential “healing” role performance art can have when representing disabling trauma, and engaging, as part of the creative process, participants who have experienced in their lives significant trauma and physical, as well as mental health concerns arising from gender violence. It focuses on the show cicatrix macula, performed during the exhibition Speaking Out: Women Healing from the Trauma of Violence (Leicester, 2014). The exhibition involved disabled visual and creative artists, and engaged participants in the process of (...)
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  • The invisible within: Dispersing masculinity in art.Gregory Minissale - 2015 - Angelaki 20 (1):71-83.
    :Visual culture – art, film, entertainment, advertising – are saturated with images of normative heterosexual masculinity. They form visual narratives that project a largely coherent kind of masculinity where heterosexual men are shown to be creative and powerful; they initiate heroic action, take the moral high ground and preserve traditional roles and the status quo. This widely extensive visual field, peopled with normative images of masculinity, also affects and infiltrates the domain of art exemplified by Jackson Pollock and abstract expressionism (...)
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  • The Negotiation of Motor In/Capabilities by Two Children with Cerebral Palsy as Experienced by their Carers.Pravani Naidoo - 2017 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 17 (sup1):1-12.
    The study reported in this paper utilised a qualitative approach to investigate the everyday lives of two children with cerebral palsy, as experienced by their carers. Analysis of the data collected through in-depth interviews with the girls’ teachers, mothers and therapists was informed by the reflective lifeworld research approach of Dahlberg et al.. The broader theme identified, negotiating motor in/capabilities, comprised the constituent sub-themes identity and difference, and living motor in/capabilities in a disabling/enabling environment. The phenomenological approach employed revealed that, (...)
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  • “A Horrible Interspecies Awkwardness Thing”: (Non)Human Desire in the Mass Effect Universe.Eva Zekany - 2016 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 36 (1):67-77.
    Canadian video game developer BioWare’s critically acclaimed Mass Effect video game series has been called the most important science fiction universe of a generation. Whether or not one is inclined to agree, it cannot be denied that Mass Effect matters. It matters not only because of its brilliant narrative and the difficult questions it asks, but also because, as bioethicist Kyle Munkittrick writes, it reflects society as a whole. Mass Effect is a sci-fi epic in the truest sense, spanning over (...)
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  • Desiring ethics. Reflections on veganism from an observational study of transitions in everyday energy use.Alice Dal Gobbo - 2018 - Energy Ethics: Emerging Perspectives in a Time of Transition: PART II 6 (2).
    Ecological issues are becoming more and more salient to our everyday lives as the effects of climate change become evident, resource depletion is put into government’s agendas, access to energy becomes increasingly costly and differentially distributed. They call on us to reconsider not only energy consumption and production systems, but also the very cultural and social premises of our societies. In particular, we need rethinking the anthro- pocentrism that has founded for centuries human exploitation of the earth. In this article (...)
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  • Affective Embodiment and the Transmission of Affect in Ex Machina.Chia Wei Fahn - 2019 - Philosophies 4 (3):53.
    The focus of posthuman thought centers on a shift in the humanistic paradigm; focusing on a state of existence that lies beyond being “human”, including bioengineering, artificial intelligence, and synthetic embodiment. Inspired by continuous breakthroughs in the research and creation of artificial intelligence, science fiction has moved beyond the realm of portraying artificial intelligence that is capable of conscious thought to speculate upon a future creation of machines that feel, and initiate feeling in return. The influence of posthuman discourse is (...)
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