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Picturing Time: The Work of Etienne-Jules Marey

University of Chicago Press (1992)

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  1. Symmetries of Touch: Reconsidering Tactility in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing.Henning Schmidgen & Rebekka Ladewig - 2022 - Body and Society 28 (1-2):3-23.
    Engaging with the specific ways current media technologies interact with, or directly access the human body, we suggest developing a ‘symmetrical’ theory of touch. Critically referring to Bruno Latour’s invocation of ‘symmetrical anthropology’, we reconsider tactile agency as ‘technological agency’, arguing that the concept of touch – traditionally viewed as an exclusively human ability – should be extended to non-human actors and analysed in view of the cultural logic of capitalism. Its systematic focus, then, is on the productive intersections and (...)
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  • Pictures, Preparations, and Living Processes: The Production of Immediate Visual Perception (Anschauung) in late-19th-Century Physiology.Henning Schmidgen - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (3):477-513.
    This paper addresses the visual culture of late-19th-century experimental physiology. Taking the case of Johann Nepomuk Czermak as a key example, it argues that images played a crucial role in acquiring experimental physiological skills. Czermak, Emil Du Bois-Reymond and other late-19th-century physiologists sought to present the achievements and perspective of their discipline by way of "immediate visual perception." However, the images they produced and presented for this purpose were strongly mediated. By means of specifically designed instruments, such as the "cardioscope," (...)
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  • “Tangible as Tissue”: Arnold Gesell, Infant Behavior, and Film Analysis.Scott Curtis - 2011 - Science in Context 24 (3):417-442.
    ArgumentFrom 1924 to 1948, developmental psychologist Arnold Gesell regularly used photographic and motion picture technologies to collect data on infant behavior. The film camera, he said, records behavior “in such coherent, authentic and measurable detail that... the reaction patterns of infant and child become almost as tangible as tissue.” This essay places his faith in the fidelity and tangibility of film, as well as his use of film as evidence, in the context of developmental psychology's professed need for legitimately scientific (...)
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  • E.-j. Marey's Visual Rhetoric And The Graphic Decomposition Of The Body.John W. Douard - 1995 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 26 (2):175-204.
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  • (1 other version)Lebende Tiere und inszenierte Natur: Zeichnung und Fotografie in der populären Zoologie zwischen 1860 und 1910.Alexander Gall - 2017 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 25 (2):169-209.
    ZusammenfassungIn dem Beitrag wird die These vertreten, dass die für Deutschland typische „biologische Perspektive“ (Lynn Nyhart) mit ihrem Interesse am lebenden Tier nicht nur die naturkundliche Praxis während der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts in vielfältiger Weise beeinflusste, sondern auch die Illustrationen der populären Zoologie, wie etwa in Brehms Thierleben, prägte: Die Zeichner bevorzugten als Modelle nun lebende Tiere, die sie in den zoologischen Gärten studierten; dabei stellten sie diese häufig in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung dar, die sie aus Mangel an (...)
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  • Embodying the Patient: Records and Bodies in Early 20th-century US Medical Practice.Marc Berg & Paul Harterink - 2004 - Body and Society 10 (2-3):13-41.
    This article discusses the emergence of the modern body, as portrayed by Foucault, in early 20th-century medical practice. Specifically, this article argues how the coming of the patient-centered record in the United States was a pivotal event in this emergence. We argue how the shape and functions that the record acquired during this period was fundamentally intertwined with the new shape that both the patient’s body and medical institutions acquired. We zoom in on two specific examples: the re-historizing and subjectifying (...)
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  • Desired Machines: Cinema and the World in Its Own Image.Jimena Canales - 2011 - Science in Context 24 (3):329-359.
    ArgumentIn 1895 when the Lumière brothers unveiled their cinematographic camera, many scientists were elated. Scientists hoped that the machine would fulfill a desire that had driven research for nearly half a century: that of capturing the world in its own image. But their elation was surprisingly short-lived, and many researchers quickly distanced themselves from the new medium. The cinematographic camera was soon split into two machines, one for recording and one for projecting, enabling it to further escape from the laboratory. (...)
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  • Revisiting Marey’s Applications of Scientific Moving Image Technologies in the Context of Bergson’s Philosophy: Audio-Visual Mediation and the Experience of Time. [REVIEW]Martha Blassnigg - 2010 - Medicine Studies 2 (3):175-184.
    This paper revisits some early applications of audio-visual imaging technologies used in physiology in a dialogue with reflections on Henri Bergson’s philosophy. It focuses on the aspects of time and memory in relation to spatial representations of movement measurements and critically discusses them from the perspective of the observing participant and the public exhibitions of scientific films. Departing from an audio-visual example, this paper is informed by a thick description of the philosophical implications and contemporary discourses surrounding the scientific inventions, (...)
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  • The Meaning of ‘Other’ in Classifications: Formal Methods Meet Artistic Research.Patrick Allo - 2017 - Philosophy and Technology 30 (4):541-545.
    This commentary is a reflection on a collaboration with the artist Rossella Biscotti and comments on how artistic research and logico-mathematical methods can be used to contribute to the development of critical perspectives on contemporary data practices.
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  • The Hands of the Projectionist.Lisa Cartwright - 2011 - Science in Context 24 (3):443-464.
    ArgumentThis essay considers the work of projection and the hand of the projectionist as important components of the social space of the cinema as it comes into being in the nineteenth century and the early decades of the twentieth. I bring the concept of Maurice Merleau-Ponty on the place of the body as an entity that applies itself to the world “like a hand to an instrument” into a discussion of the pre-cinematic projector as an instrument that we can interpret (...)
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  • Science and Cinema.Janina Wellmann - 2011 - Science in Context 24 (3):311-328.
    This issue ofScience in Contextis dedicated to the question of whether there was a “cinematographic turn” in the sciences around the beginning of the twentieth century. In 1895, the Lumière brothers presented their projection apparatus to the Parisian public for the first time. In 1897, the Scottish medical doctor John McIntyre filmed the movement of a frog's leg; in Vienna, in 1898, Ludwig Braun made film recordings of the contractions of a living dog's heart (cf. Cartwright 1992); in 1904, Lucien (...)
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  • Creeping, Drinking, Dying: The Cinematic Portal and the Microscopic World of the Twentieth-Century Cell.Hannah Landecker - 2011 - Science in Context 24 (3):381-416.
    ArgumentFilm scholars have long posed the question of the specificity of the film medium and the apparatus of cinema, asking what is unique to cinema, how it constrains and enables filmmakers and audiences in particular ways that other media do not. This question has rarely been considered in relation to scientific film, and here it is posed within the specific context of cell biology: What does the use of time-based media such as film coupled with the microscope allow scientists to (...)
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  • “The Swarming of Life”: Moving Images, Education, and Views through the Microscope.Oliver Gaycken - 2011 - Science in Context 24 (3):361-380.
    ArgumentDiscussions of the scientific uses of moving-image technologies have emphasized applications that culminated in static images, such as the chronophotographic decomposition of movement into discrete and measurable instants. The projection of movement, however, was also an important capability of moving-image technologies that scientists employed in a variety of ways. Views through the microscope provide a particularly sustained and prominent instance of the scientific uses of the moving image. The category of “education” subsumes theses various scientific uses, providing a means by (...)
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  • Töne sehen? Zur Visualisierung Akustischer Phänomene in der Herzdiagnostik.Michael Martin & Heiner Fangerau - 2011 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 19 (3):299-327.
    During the nineteenth century physiologists and clinicians developed several graphical recording systems for the mechanical registration of heart sounds. However, none of these replaced traditional methods of auscultation. The paper describes criticism of the aural sense as one of the driving forces behind the development of phonocardiography and analyses its variants from a technological and clinical perspective. Against the background of the physiological “method of curves,” the parameters that prevented the implementation of phonocardiography against overwhelming odds are highlighted. Contemporaries denied (...)
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