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Behaviorism 15 (1):63-66 (1987)

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  1. Cognitive robotics, enactive perception, and learning in the real world.A. Morse & Tom Ziemke - unknown
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  • Neurophysiology and freedom of the will.Dirk Hartmann - 2004 - Poiesis and Praxis 2 (4):275-284.
    In the first two sections of the paper, some basic terminological distinctions regarding “freedom of the will” as a philosophical problem are expounded and discussed. On this basis, the third section focuses on the examination of two neurophysiological experiments (one by Benjamin Libet and one by William Grey Walter), which in recent times are often interpreted as providing an empirical vindication of determinism and, accordingly, a refutation of positions maintaining freedom of the will. It will be argued that both experiments (...)
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  • Optimization and simplicity: Computational vision and biological explanation.Daniel J. Gilman - 1996 - Synthese 107 (3):293 - 323.
    David Marr's theory of vision has been a rich source of inspiration, fascination and confusion. I will suggest that some of this confusion can be traced to discrepancies between the way Marr developed his theory in practice and the way he suggested such a theory ought to be developed in his explicit metatheoretical remarks. I will address claims that Marr's theory may be seen as an optimizing theory, along with the attendant suggestion that optimizing assumptions may be inappropriate for cognitive (...)
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  • Book reviews. [REVIEW]Roger F. Gibson - 1995 - Mind 104 (415):637-645.
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  • Varieties of representation in evolved and embodied neural networks.Pete Mandik - 2003 - Biology and Philosophy 18 (1):95-130.
    In this paper I discuss one of the key issuesin the philosophy of neuroscience:neurosemantics. The project of neurosemanticsinvolves explaining what it means for states ofneurons and neural systems to haverepresentational contents. Neurosemantics thusinvolves issues of common concern between thephilosophy of neuroscience and philosophy ofmind. I discuss a problem that arises foraccounts of representational content that Icall ``the economy problem'': the problem ofshowing that a candidate theory of mentalrepresentation can bear the work requiredwithin in the causal economy of a mind and (...)
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  • Is there a future for AI without representation?Vincent C. Müller - 2007 - Minds and Machines 17 (1):101-115.
    This paper investigates the prospects of Rodney Brooks’ proposal for AI without representation. It turns out that the supposedly characteristic features of “new AI” (embodiment, situatedness, absence of reasoning, and absence of representation) are all present in conventional systems: “New AI” is just like old AI. Brooks proposal boils down to the architectural rejection of central control in intelligent agents—Which, however, turns out to be crucial. Some of more recent cognitive science suggests that we might do well to dispose of (...)
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  • Brave mobots use representation: Emergence of representation in fight-or-flight learning. [REVIEW]Chris Thornton - 1997 - Minds and Machines 7 (4):475-494.
    The paper uses ideas from Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Genetic Algorithms to provide a model of the development of a fight-or-flight response in a simulated agent. The modelled development process involves (simulated) processes of evolution, learning and representation development. The main value of the model is that it provides an illustration of how simple learning processes may lead to the formation of structures which can be given a representational interpretation. It also shows how these may form the infrastructure for (...)
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  • Prediction in evolutionary systems.Steve Donaldson, Thomas Woolley, Nick Dzugan & Jason Goebel - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (2):169-199.
    Despite its explanatory clout, the theory of evolution has thus far compiled a modest record with respect to predictive power—that other major hallmark of scientific theories. This is considered by many to be an acceptable limitation of a theory that deals with events and processes that are intrinsically random. However, whether this is an inherent restriction or simply the sign of an incomplete theory is an open question. In an attempt to help answer that question, we propose a classification scheme (...)
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  • The interpretation of intentionality from dynamic scenes.Peter C. Pantelis - unknown
    This thesis explores how the mind uses the motion of animate objects to make inferences about these objects' underlying mental states, intentions, goals, or dispositions. We present dynamic scenes to subjects in which autonomously programmed triangular "agents"' interact with each other and--in two of the experiments--an additional agent that is controlled by the subject. We strive for the autonomous agents to be simple in their underlying programming but to also engage in a rich array of lifelike behaviors. Subjects watch short (...)
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  • A Theory of Sentience.Austen Clark (ed.) - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Drawing on the findings of neuroscience, this text proposes and defends the hypothesis that the various modalities of sensation share a generic form that the author, Austen Clark, calls feature-placing.
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  • Geist und welt ist bewußtsein reduktiv erklärbar?Ansgar Beckermann - manuscript
    Was ist das überhaupt – Bewußtsein? Beim Gebrauch des Substantivs „Bewußt- sein“ sollte man eine gewisse Vorsicht walten lassen. Die deutsche Sprache kennt dieses Substantiv nur innerhalb weniger Redewendungen – „Dann verlor er das Bewußtsein“, „Nach vielen Stunden kam er wieder zu Bewußtsein“, „Im Bewußtsein seiner schweren Verantwortung“ usw. Außerhalb dieser Redewen- dungen kommt das Wort dagegen praktisch nicht vor; und deshalb sollte man skeptisch werden, wenn Philosophen Sätze formulieren wie „Menschen haben ein Bewußtsein“. „Bei Bewußtsein sein“ ist gebräuchliches Deutsch, (...)
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  • Behavioral systems interpreted as autonomous agents and as coupled dynamical systems: A criticism.Fred A. Keijzer & Sacha Bem - 1996 - Philosophical Psychology 9 (3):323-46.
    Cognitive science's basic premises are under attack. In particular, its focus on internal cognitive processes is a target. Intelligence is increasingly interpreted, not as a matter of reclusive thought, but as successful agent-environment interaction. The critics claim that a major reorientation of the field is necessary. However, this will only occur when there is a distinct alternative conceptual framework to replace the old one. Whether or not a serious alternative is provided is not clear. Among the critics there is some (...)
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  • Cognition poised at the edge of chaos: A complex alternative to a symbolic mind.James W. Garson - 1996 - Philosophical Psychology 9 (3):301-22.
    This paper explores a line of argument against the classical paradigm in cognitive science that is based upon properties of non-linear dynamical systems, especially in their chaotic and near-chaotic behavior. Systems of this kind are capable of generating information-rich macro behavior that could be useful to cognition. I argue that a brain operating at the edge of chaos could generate high-complexity cognition in this way. If this hypothesis is correct, then the symbolic processing methodology in cognitive science faces serious obstacles. (...)
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  • What it is like to see: A sensorimotor theory of perceptual experience.J. Kevin O’Regan - 2001 - Synthese 129 (1):79-103.
    The paper proposes a way of bridging the gapbetween physical processes in the brain and the ''''felt''''aspect of sensory experience. The approach is based onthe idea that experience is not generated by brainprocesses themselves, but rather is constituted by theway these brain processes enable a particular form of''''give-and-take'''' between the perceiver and theenvironment. From this starting-point we are able tocharacterize the phenomenological differences betweenthe different sensory modalities in a more principledway than has been done in the past. We are also (...)
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  • Book reviews. [REVIEW]Donald Gustafson, Mark Turner & Roger F. Gibson - 1992 - Philosophical Psychology 5 (2):221-232.
    Simple Minds Dan Lloyd, Cambridge, MA, London, England, The MIT Press, A Bradford Book, 1989 xiv+266 pp., £22.50Metaphors in the history of psychology David E. Leary, 1990 Cambridge, Cambridge University Press xiii+383 pp.The metaphysics of meaning Jerrold J. Katz, 1990 Cambridge, MA, MIT Press xi+356 pp., notes, index, US$29.95.
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  • Robotic Simulations, Simulations of Robots.Edoardo Datteri & Viola Schiaffonati - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (1):109-125.
    Simulation studies have been carried out in robotics for a variety of epistemic and practical purposes. Here it is argued that two broad classes of simulation studies can be identified in robotics research. The first one is exemplified by the use of robotic systems to acquire knowledge on living systems in so-called biorobotics, while the second class of studies is more distinctively connected to cases in which artificial systems are used to acquire knowledge about the behaviour of autonomous mobile robots. (...)
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  • Subjectivity in the machine.Peter Caws - 1988 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 18 (September):291-308.
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  • Mental representation from the bottom up.Dan Lloyd - 1987 - Synthese 70 (January):23-78.
    Commonsense psychology and cognitive science both regularly assume the existence of representational states. I propose a naturalistic theory of representation sufficient to meet the pretheoretical constraints of a "folk theory of representation", constraints including the capacities for accuracy and inaccuracy, selectivity of proper objects of representation, perspective, articulation, and "efficacy" or content-determined functionality. The proposed model states that a representing device is a device which changes state when information is received over multiple information channels originating at a single source. The (...)
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  • Willensfreiheit und die Autonomie der Kulturwissenschaften.Dirk Hartmann - 2005 - E-Journal Philosophie der Psychologie 1.
    Die Kulturwissenschaften besitzen ein Interesse an einer positiven inkompatibilistischen Antwort auf die Frage nach der Freiheit des Willens. Wäre es nicht möglich, einen gehaltvollen inkompatibilistischen Begriff von Willensfreiheit zu entwickeln, besäßen die Kulturwissenschaften einen gegenüber den Naturwissenschaften defizienten Status in dem Sinne, dass ihre hermeneutische Vorgehensweise nur provisorischen Wert hat, solange bis eine verlaufsgesetzliche Erklärung des je betreffenden menschlichen Verhaltens etabliert ist. Im Beitrag wird zunächst der Begriff der Willensfreiheit diskutiert. Im Anschluss daran wird zum einen der deterministische Versuch widerlegt, (...)
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  • Book reviews. [REVIEW]Donald Gustafson, Edward K. Morris & Harold D. Fishbein - 1991 - Philosophical Psychology 4 (2):287-300.
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  • Doing without representations which specify what to do.Fred A. Keijzer - 1998 - Philosophical Psychology 11 (3):269-302.
    A discussion is going on in cognitive science about the use of representations to explain how intelligent behavior is generated. In the traditional view, an organism is thought to incorporate representations. These provide an internal model that is used by the organism to instruct the motor apparatus so that the adaptive and anticipatory characteristics of behavior come about. So-called interactionists claim that this representational specification of behavior raises more problems than it solves. In their view, the notion of internal representational (...)
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  • Homeostats for the 21st Century? Simulating Ashby Simulating the Brain.S. Franchi - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (1):93-101.
    Context: W. R. Ashby’s work on homeostasis as the basic mechanism underlying all kinds of physiological as well as cognitive functions has aroused renewed interest in cognitive science and related disciplines. Researchers have successfully incorporated some of Ashby’s technical results, such as ultrastability, into modern frameworks (e.g., CTRNN networks). Problem: The recovery of Ashby’s technical contributions has left in the background Ashby’s far more controversial non-technical views, according to which homeostatic adaptation to the environment governs all aspects of all forms (...)
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