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  1. Mutually embeddable models of ZFC.Monroe Eskew, Sy-David Friedman, Yair Hayut & Farmer Schlutzenberg - 2024 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 175 (1):103325.
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  • Set-theoretic geology.Gunter Fuchs, Joel David Hamkins & Jonas Reitz - 2015 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 166 (4):464-501.
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  • Large cardinals need not be large in HOD.Yong Cheng, Sy-David Friedman & Joel David Hamkins - 2015 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 166 (11):1186-1198.
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  • Indestructibility of Vopěnka’s Principle.Andrew D. Brooke-Taylor - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (5-6):515-529.
    Vopěnka’s Principle is a natural large cardinal axiom that has recently found applications in category theory and algebraic topology. We show that Vopěnka’s Principle and Vopěnka cardinals are relatively consistent with a broad range of other principles known to be independent of standard (ZFC) set theory, such as the Generalised Continuum Hypothesis, and the existence of a definable well-order on the universe of all sets. We achieve this by showing that they are indestructible under a broad class of forcing constructions, (...)
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  • Inner models with large cardinal features usually obtained by forcing.Arthur W. Apter, Victoria Gitman & Joel David Hamkins - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (3-4):257-283.
    We construct a variety of inner models exhibiting features usually obtained by forcing over universes with large cardinals. For example, if there is a supercompact cardinal, then there is an inner model with a Laver indestructible supercompact cardinal. If there is a supercompact cardinal, then there is an inner model with a supercompact cardinal κ for which 2κ = κ+, another for which 2κ = κ++ and another in which the least strongly compact cardinal is supercompact. If there is a (...)
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  • Pointwise definable models of set theory.Joel David Hamkins, David Linetsky & Jonas Reitz - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (1):139-156.
    A pointwise definable model is one in which every object is \loos definable without parameters. In a model of set theory, this property strengthens $V=\HOD$, but is not first-order expressible. Nevertheless, if \ZFC\ is consistent, then there are continuum many pointwise definable models of \ZFC. If there is a transitive model of \ZFC, then there are continuum many pointwise definable transitive models of \ZFC. What is more, every countable model of \ZFC\ has a class forcing extension that is pointwise definable. (...)
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  • More on the Preservation of Large Cardinals Under Class Forcing.Joan Bagaria & Alejandro Poveda - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (1):290-323.
    We prove two general results about the preservation of extendible and $C^{(n)}$ -extendible cardinals under a wide class of forcing iterations (Theorems 5.4 and 7.5). As applications we give new proofs of the preservation of Vopěnka’s Principle and $C^{(n)}$ -extendible cardinals under Jensen’s iteration for forcing the GCH [17], previously obtained in [8, 27], respectively. We prove that $C^{(n)}$ -extendible cardinals are preserved by forcing with standard Easton-support iterations for any possible $\Delta _2$ -definable behaviour of the power-set function on (...)
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  • Coding into HOD via normal measures with some applications.Arthur W. Apter & Shoshana Friedman - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (4):366-372.
    We develop a new method for coding sets while preserving GCH in the presence of large cardinals, particularly supercompact cardinals. We will use the number of normal measures carried by a measurable cardinal as an oracle, and therefore, in order to code a subset A of κ, we require that our model contain κ many measurable cardinals above κ. Additionally we will describe some of the applications of this result. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
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