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The romantic economist: imagination in economics

New York: Cambridge University Press (2009)

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  1. The grounds of solidarity: From liberty to loyalty.Fabio Wolkenstein & Jakob Kapeller - 2013 - European Journal of Social Theory 16 (4):476-491.
    Solidarity can be conceived in multiple ways. This article probes possible underlying ontological and normative assumptions of solidarity. In order to conceptually clarify the notion of solidarity, we distinguish between five types of solidarity. We suggest that solidarity is either grounded in the Enlightenment ideas of liberty, or a category of loyalty and allegiance. If the former is the case, solidarity can be justified on rational grounds. If the latter is the case, it is contingent on narratives of historical continuity (...)
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  • Hayek on the wisdom of prices: a reassessment.Richard Bronk - 2013 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 6 (1):82-107.
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  • Reflexivity unpacked: performativity, uncertainty and analytical monocultures.Richard Bronk - 2013 - Journal of Economic Methodology 20 (4):343-349.
    This paper analyses Soros' theory of reflexivity by breaking it down into several component concepts that are individually well analysed in existing literature – including performativity, self-reinforcing feedback loops and uncertainty. By focusing on the cognitive myopia implied by analytical monocultures and on the indeterminacy implied by innovation, it helps establish boundaries of applicability for reflexivity models. It argues that Soros largely ignores a key element in the formation of self-reinforcing delusions or market bubbles – the role played in conditions (...)
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  • (9 other versions)Reseñas de libros.Ramón A. Feenstra & Elena Martínez Santamaría - 2012 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 12:163-171.
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  • Technische Fiktionen: Zur Ontologie und Ethik der Gestaltung.Michael Kuhn - 2023 - transcript Verlag.
    Unentwegt werden neue technische Produkte gestaltet. Doch was macht die technische Gestaltung aus? Wie lässt sich ihr Gegenstand - (noch) nicht existierende Artefakte - adäquat auf den Begriff bringen? Michael Kuhn begreift technische Ideen vor ihrer Realisierung als Fiktionen. Er bietet eine fiktionstheoretische Rekonstruktion der Gestaltungstätigkeit und entwickelt hieraus eine Ethik der Gestaltung. Der stark interdisziplinäre Zugang zwischen Technikphilosophie und Ingenieurwissenschaften liefert neue Erkenntnisse für beide Fachrichtungen und stellt wertvolle Grundlagen bereit.
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  • Imagined futures: fictional expectations in the economy. [REVIEW]Jens Beckert - 2013 - Theory and Society 42 (3):219-240.
    Starting from the assumption that decision situations in economic contexts are characterized by fundamental uncertainty, this article argues that the decision-making of intentionally rational actors is anchored in fictions. “Fictionality” in economic action is the inhabitation in the mind of an imagined future state of the world and the beliefs in causal mechanisms leading to this future state. Actors are motivated in their actions by the imagined future and organize their activities based on these mental representations. Since these representations are (...)
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  • Pass it on: towards a political economy of propensity.N. J. Thrift - unknown
    The paper argues that the work of Gabriel Tarde on imitation provides a fertile means of understanding how capitalism is forging a new affective technology which conforms to a logic of propensity rather than to means-end reasoning. This it does by drawing together a biological understanding of semiconscious cognition with various practical geometric arts so as to re-stage the world as a series of susceptible situations which can be ridden rather than rigidly controlled. The paper examines the advent of technologies (...)
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