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  1. Davidson’s Externalism and the Unintelligibility of Massive Error.Andrew Carpenter - 1998 - Disputatio 1 (4):24-45.
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  • Radical Scepticism, How-Possible Questions and Modest Transcendental Arguments.Ju Wang - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 25 (2):210-226.
    According to radical scepticism, knowledge of the external world is impossible. Transcendental arguments are supposed to be anti-sceptical, but can they provide a satisfying response to radical scepticism? Especially, when radical scepticism is cast as posing a how-possible question, there is a concern that transcendental arguments are neither sufficient nor necessary for answering such question. In light of this worry, I argue that we can take a modest transcendental argument as a stepping stone for a diagnostic anti-sceptical proposal, and I (...)
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  • A Davidsonian Response to Radical Scepticism.Ju Wang - 2015 - Logos and Episteme 6 (1):95-111.
    In this paper, I attempt to show how Davidson’s anti-sceptical argument can respond to the closureRK-based radical scepticism. My approach will focus on the closureRK principle rather than the possibility that our beliefs could be massively wrong. I first review Davidson’s principle of charity and the triangulation argument, and then I extract his theory on content of a belief. According to this theory, content of a belief is determined by its typical cause and other relevant beliefs. With this constraint on (...)
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  • To interpret, or to be omniscient.Wai-Hung Wong - 1993 - Philosophical Papers 22 (3):189-198.
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  • Interpreting Davidson’s Omniscient Interpreter.Richard N. Manning - 1995 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 25 (3):335-374.
    Donald Davidson infamously claims that belief is in its nature veridical, and that skepticism is for this reason fundamentally incoherent. To those who take the issue of external world skepticism seriously, Davidson's arguments may seem to involve a conjuring trick. In particular, his invocation of an ‘omniscient interpreter’, whose intelligibility supposedly ensures that our beliefs must be largely true, has the air of incense and lantern-rubbing about it. Davidson's claim has received considerable critical response in the literature, almost all of (...)
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  • Les conditions de l'interprétation.Martin Montminy - 1996 - Dialogue 35 (3):505-528.
    Donald Davidson considère qu'une théorie de l'interprétation doit êtreradicale, c'est-à-dire qu'elle ne doit présupposer aucune connaissance de la langue à interpréter. Cette exigence repose sur l'idée suivante: si une théorie de l'interprétation pour une langue L présuppose une certaine compréhension de L, alors elle perd son pouvoir explicatif et échoue à rendre compte de ce qui permet la compréhension de L. L'interpr'tation radicale a l'avantage de nous forcer à rendre explicite ce qui est à l'œuvre dans le processus d'interprétation du (...)
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  • Interpretive Charity, Massive Disagreement, and Imagination.Wai-Hung Wong - 1999 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 29 (1):49-74.
    I argue that it is a main theme of Davidson's theory of interpretation that interpretive charity implies the impossibility of massive disagreement. There is clear textual support for that. I then argue that from the first-person point of view of a full-blooded interpreter, the theme must be accepted; and that is precisely why Davidson accepts it. If massive disagreement between speaker and interpreter seems to us easy to imagine, it is only because the imagination involved is third-personal and not full-blooded.
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  • A Reverse Interpretation Model of Testimony.Hamid Vahid - 2018 - Acta Analytica 33 (1):85-102.
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  • Self-knowledge and scepticism.Jeff Malpas - 1994 - Erkenntnis 40 (2):165-184.
    Donald Davidson has argued that 'most of our beliefs must be true' and that global scepticism is therefore false. Davidson's arguments to this conclusion often seem to depend on externalist considerations. Davidson's position has been criticised, however, on the grounds that he does not defeat the sceptic, but rather already assumes the falsity of scepticism through his appeal to externalism. Indeed, it has been claimed that far from defeating the sceptic Davidson introduces an even more extreme version of scepticism according (...)
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  • Menos es más: davidson y el extravío del escéptico.Jesús A. Coll Mármol - 2007 - Análisis Filosófico 27 (2):145-165.
    Este artículo discute cuál es la mejor forma de entender las consecuencias antiescépticas de la aproximación davidsoniana al pensamiento y el lenguaje. Se rechaza que desde tal aproximación se siga, con o sin la ayuda de un intérprete omnisciente, una refutación de las posiciones escépticas. Se defiende que la filosofía de Davidson ha de ser entendida como un diagnóstico teórico del escepticismo en el que juega un papel fundamental el antirepresentacionismo davidsoniano. Desde esta interpretación no se conseguiría una victoria definitiva (...)
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