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  1. Stakeholder Engagement: Past, Present, and Future.Daniel Laude, Anna Heikkinen, Heta Leinonen, Sybille Sachs & Johanna Kujala - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (5):1136-1196.
    Stakeholder engagement has grown into a widely used yet often unclear construct in business and society research. The literature lacks a unified understanding of the essentials of stakeholder engagement, and the fragmented use of the stakeholder engagement construct challenges its development and legitimacy. The purpose of this article is to clarify the construct of stakeholder engagement to unfold the full potential of stakeholder engagement research. We conduct a literature review on 90 articles in leading academic journals focusing on stakeholder engagement (...)
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  • A Social Commons Ethos in Public Policy-Making.Jennifer Lees-Marshment, Aimee Dinnin Huff & Neil Bendle - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (4):761-778.
    In the business ethics literature, a commons paradigm orients theorizing toward how civil society can promote collaboration and collectively govern shared resources, and implicates the common good—the ethics of providing social conditions that enable individuals and collectives to thrive. In the context of representative democracies, the shared resources of a nation can be considered commons, yet these resources are governed in a top-down, bureaucratic manner wherein public participation is often limited to voting for political leaders. Such governance, however, can be (...)
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  • Mission Accomplished? Reflecting on 60 Years of Business & Society.Martina Linnenluecke, Layla Branicki & Stephen Brammer - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (5):980-1041.
    Business & Society’s 60th anniversary affords an opportunity to reflect on the journal’s achievements in the context of the wider field. We analyze editorial commentaries to map the evolving mission of the journal, assess the achievement of the journal’s mission through a thematic analysis of published articles, and examine Business & Society’s distinctiveness relative to peer journals using a machine learning approach. Our analysis highlights subtle shifts in Business & Society’s mission and content over time, reflecting variation in the relative (...)
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  • What We Talk About When We Talk About Stakeholders.Heather Elms, Shawn L. Berman, Hussein Fadlallah, Robert A. Phillips & Michael E. Johnson-Cramer - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (5):1083-1135.
    Will stakeholder theory continue to transform how we think about business and society? On the occasion of this journal’s 60th anniversary, this review article examines the journal’s role in shaping stakeholder theory to date and suggests that it still has transformative potential. We conducted a bibliometric analysis of co-citations in the literature from 1984 to 2020. Reporting these results, we examine the field’s evolving structure. Contextualized theoretically as an accomplishment of institutional work—the creation of a meaningful and innovative field ideology—this (...)
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  • Moral CSR.Donna J. Wood, Duane Windsor & Barry M. Mitnick - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (1):192-220.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is about the moral purpose of business and its proper relationship to society. We map the logical structure of CSR—its canonical core—and identify the view of CSR that is most consistent with CSR as driven by moral purpose as Moral CSR (CSRM). The numerous perspectives of CSR, which we term CSR memes, are complements to CSRM. A meme is an idea or usage diffusing within communities. Moral norms and what we term normatively injunctive warrants are implicit (...)
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  • Family Members’ Salience in Family Business: An Identity-Based Stakeholder Approach.Silvana Signori & Yves Fassin - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (1):1-21.
    The paper builds on the stakeholder salience framework and applies a social identity approach to explain family firm dynamics and how these could impact on family firm governance and ethics. In particular, we consider the family as the main stakeholder for family firms and we refer to the recent approaches to stakeholder theory based on ‘names-and-faces’ and on social identity to focus on family members at the individual and organizational level. Family businesses offer an opportunity to study stakeholder salience in (...)
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