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  1. Neoliberal restructuring, neoregulation, and the Mexican poultry industry.Francisco Martinez-Gomez, Gilberto Aboites-Manrique & Douglas H. Constance - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (4):495-510.
    The US poultry industry based on flexible accumulation has been advanced as the model of agro-industrial development for agrifood globalization. Similarly, Mexico has been presented as a noteworthy example of the negative effects of neoliberal restructuring associated with the globalization project. In this paper we use both of these assertions as points of departure to guide an investigation of the case of the restructuring of the Mexican poultry industry. Informed by a commodity systems analysis, archival data and key informant interviews (...)
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  • New avenues of farm corporatization in the prairie grains sector: farm family entrepreneurs and the case of One Earth Farms.André Magnan - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (2):161-175.
    This paper addresses longstanding debates around changing patterns of farm ownership and structure on the North American plains. Over the last 150 years, the agrifood system has been transformed by a process of capitalist penetration through which non-farm capital has appropriated key links in the ‘food chain’. Today, large, often transnational corporations dominate in the provision of farm inputs, as well as in food processing, distribution, and retailing. The paradox for food system scholars has been that primary food production (i.e., (...)
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  • Regulating surplus: charity and the legal geographies of food waste enclosure.Joshua D. Lohnes - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (2):351-363.
    Food charity in the United States has grown into a critical appendage of agro-food supply chains. In 2016, 4.5 billion pounds of food waste was diverted through a network of 200 regional food banks, a fivefold increase in just 20 years. Recent global trade disruptions and the COVID-19 pandemic have further reinforced this trend. Economic geographers studying charitable food networks argue that its infrastructure and moral substructure serve to revalue food waste and surplus labor in the capitalist food system. The (...)
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  • Responsible Business Conduct in Commodity Trading—A Multidisciplinary Review.Henrietta Dorfmüller, Wangui Kimotho, Isabel Ebert, Pascal Dey & Florian Wettstein - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 195 (3):449-473.
    Responsible business conduct (RBC)—the corporate activities and initiatives that proactively address corporate involvement in human rights, environmental, and governance threats—has become an increasingly used means to counteract and prevent adverse effects of global businesses. Unlike other business sectors whose adverse impacts and RBC efforts (or lack thereof) are well documented, a comprehensive understanding of the state of commodity trading (CT), has been missing. In response, this paper uses a multidisciplinary literature review to provide an integrative understanding of the current state (...)
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  • Investor ownership or social investment? Changing farmland ownership in Saskatchewan, Canada.Annette Aurélie Desmarais, Darrin Qualman, André Magnan & Nettie Wiebe - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (1):149-166.
    There is growing recognition that land grabbing is a global phenomenon. In Canada, investors are particularly interested in Saskatchewan farmland, the province where 40 % of country’s agricultural land is situated. This article examines how the changing political, economic, and legal context under neoliberalism has shaped patterns of farmland ownership in Saskatchewan, between 2002 and 2014. Our research indicates that over this time, the amount of farmland owned by investors increased 16-fold. Also, the concentration of farmland ownership is on the (...)
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  • The doctors of agrifood studies.Douglas H. Constance - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (1):31-43.
    The Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society and the journal _Agriculture and Human Values_ provided a crucial intellectual space for the early transdisciplinary critique of the industrial agrifood system. This paper describes that process and presents the concept of “The Doctors of Agrifood Studies” as a metaphor for the key role critical agrifood social scientists played in documenting the unsustainability of conventional agriculture and working to create an alternative, ethical, sustainable agrifood system. After the introduction, the paper details the “Critical (...)
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  • Food justice or food sovereignty? Understanding the rise of urban food movements in the USA.Jessica Clendenning, Wolfram H. Dressler & Carol Richards - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (1):165-177.
    As world food and fuel prices threaten expanding urban populations, there is greater need for the urban poor to have access and claims over how and where food is produced and distributed. This is especially the case in marginalized urban settings where high proportions of the population are food insecure. The global movement for food sovereignty has been one attempt to reclaim rights and participation in the food system and challenge corporate food regimes. However, given its origins from the peasant (...)
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  • Responsibility to the rescue? Governing private financial investment in global agriculture.Jennifer Clapp - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (1):223-235.
    This paper examines the recent rise of initiatives for responsible agricultural investment and provides a preliminary assessment of their likely success in curbing the ecological and social costs associated with the growth in private financial investment in the sector over the past decade. I argue that voluntary responsible investment initiatives for agriculture are likely to face similar weaknesses to those experienced in responsible investment initiatives more generally. These include vague and difficult to enforce guidelines, low participation rates, an uneven business (...)
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  • Just-in-case transitions and the pursuit of resilient food systems: enumerative politics and what it means to make care count.Michael Carolan - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (3):1055-1066.
    This paper represents one of the first critical social science interrogations of an agrifood just-in-case transition. The just-in-case transition speaks to a philosophy that values building buffers and flexibility into longer value chains to make them more resilient to shocks, which stands in contrast to the just-in-time philosophy with its emphasis on long, specialized, and often inflexible networks. Influenced by COVID-related disruptions and climate change induced uncertainties, the just-in-case transition examined here centers on the heightened interest in vertical farm-anchored supply (...)
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  • Governance in the age of global markets: challenges, limits, and consequences.Lawrence Busch - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (3):513-523.
    We live in an age defined in large part by various facets of neoliberalism. In particular, the market world has impinged on virtually every aspect of food and agriculture. Moreover, most nation-states and many international governance bodies incorporate aspects of neoliberal perspectives. Multi-stakeholder initiatives, with their own standards, certifications, and accreditations are evidence of both the continuing hegemony of neoliberalism as well as various responses to it. Importantly, to date even attempts to limit neoliberal hegemony through MSIs have been largely (...)
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  • Introduction to symposium on the changing role of supermarkets in global supply chains: from seedling to supermarket: agri-food supply chains in transition. [REVIEW]David Burch, Jane Dixon & Geoffrey Lawrence - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (2):215-224.
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  • Financialization in agri-food supply chains: private equity and the transformation of the retail sector. [REVIEW]David Burch & Geoffrey Lawrence - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (2):247-258.
    The analysis of the financialization of food and farming has tended to focus on issues such as the impact on the productive and input sectors of the food chain, including the role of asset management companies, private equity consortia and other financial institutions in acquiring and managing farmland. However, processes of financialization impact along the whole agri-food supply chain, including the retail and food service sectors. This paper analyses the take-over by a private equity company of Somerfield, one of the (...)
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  • Building the local food movement in Chiapas, Mexico: rationales, benefits, and limitations.Laurel Bellante - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (1):119-134.
    Alternative food networks have become a common response to the socio-ecological injustices generated by the industrialized food system. Using a political ecology framework, this paper evaluates the emergence of an AFN in Chiapas, Mexico. While the Mexican context presents a particular set of challenges, the case study also reveals the strength the alternative food movement derives from a diverse network of actors committed to building a “community economy” that reasserts the multifunctional values of organic agriculture and local commodity chains. Nonetheless, (...)
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  • From Big Ag to Big Finance: a market network approach to power in agriculture.Loka Ashwood, Andy Pilny, John Canfield, Mariyam Jamila & Ryan Thomson - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (4):1421-1434.
    AbstractCritics charge that agriculture has reached an unsustainable level of consolidation and expropriation, as exemplified by the supply-chain breakdown of the COVID-19 pandemic. Simultaneously, advocates suggest the current system serves consumers well by keeping prices low and access to choices high. At the center of this debate rests a disagreement over how to compute market power to identify monopolies and oligopolies. We propose a method to study power across different sectors by using Social Network Analysis to analyze key players, the (...)
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  • Food sovereignty in US food movements: radical visions and neoliberal constraints.Alison Hope Alkon & Teresa Marie Mares - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (3):347-359.
    Although the concept of food sovereignty is rooted in International Peasant Movements across the global south, activists have recently called for the adoption of this framework among low-income communities of color in the urban United States. This paper investigates on-the-ground processes through which food sovereignty articulates with the work of food justice and community food security activists in Oakland, California, and Seattle, Washington. In Oakland, we analyze a farmers market that seeks to connect black farmers to low-income consumers. In Seattle, (...)
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  • Fast Food Sovereignty: Contradiction in Terms or Logical Next Step?Louis Thiemann & Antonio Roman-Alcalá - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (5):813-834.
    The growing academic literature on ‘food sovereignty’ has elaborated a food producer-driven vision of an alternative, more ecological food system rooted in greater democratic control over food production and distribution. Given that the food sovereignty developed with and within producer associations, a rural setting and production-side concerns have overshadowed issues of distribution and urban consumption. Yet, ideal types such as direct marketing, time-intensive food preparation and the ‘family shared meal’ are hard to transcribe into the life realities in many non-rural, (...)
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  • Nature and food commodification. Food sovereignty: Rethinking the relation between human and nature.Federica Porcheddu - 2022 - Filozofija I Društvo 33 (1):189-217.
    The article aims to explore the link between commodification of nature and commodification of food. The latter is in fact one of the most negative and controversial aspects of nature commodification. The examination of food commodification represents fertile ground for investigating the relationship between humans and nature. In this context, food sovereignty provides a useful paradigm that not only serves as an alternative to the current food regime, but also allows for the experiencing a different kind of relationship between humans (...)
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  • Cargill’s corporate growth in times of crises: how agro-commodity traders are increasing profits in the midst of volatility.Tania Salerno - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (1):211-222.
    This paper proposes two interrelated arguments: first, it is argued that agro-commodity traders are uniquely placed at the crossroads of agricultural trade to benefit from agricultural commodity speculation; and second, that the networks constituting their operations are central to their hedging activities. The case of Cargill—the largest privately owned company in the United States and one of the largest agricultural traders in the world—is used to support this argument by unpacking its operations, structure, and hedging strategies. In order to connect (...)
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  • Maintaining Trust and Credibility in a Continuously Evolving Organic Food System.Martin Hvarregaard Thorsøe - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (4):767-787.
    Credibility is particularly important in organic food systems because there are only marginal visual and sensorial differences between organic and conventionally produced products, requiring consumers to trust in producers’ quality claims. In this article I explore what challenges the credibility of organic food systems and I explore how credibility of organic food systems can be maintained, using the Danish organic food system as a case study. The question is increasingly relevant as the sale of organic food is growing in Denmark (...)
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  • Digitalization and the third food regime.Louisa Prause, Sarah Hackfort & Margit Lindgren - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (3):641-655.
    This article asks how the application of digital technologies is changing the organization of the agri-food system in the context of the third food regime. The academic debate on digitalization and food largely focuses on the input and farm level. Yet, based on the analysis of 280 digital services and products, we show that digital technologies are now being used along the entire food commodity chain. We argue that digital technologies in the third food regime serve on the one hand (...)
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  • Grounding the financialization of farmland: perspectives on financial actors as new land owners in rural Australia.Sarah Ruth Sippel, Nicolette Larder & Geoffrey Lawrence - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (2):251-265.
    Sparked by the conjunction of food, fuel, and financial crises, there has been an increasing awareness in recent years of the scarce and finite character of natural resources. Productive resources such as agricultural land have been touted by financial actors—such as merchant banks, pension funds, and investment companies—as providing the basis for a range of new “alternative” financial asset classes and products. While the drivers, motives, and rationales behind the increasing interest of turning farmland into a financial asset class have (...)
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  • From “Food from Nowhere” to “Food from Here:” changing producer–consumer relations in Austria.Markus Schermer - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (1):121-132.
    The notion of a “third food regime” implies simultaneous processes of further global concentration and integration and at the same time resistance through new emerging producer–consumer relations. This paper examines these processes by looking at Austria over the last 30 years. While direct producer–consumer cooperatives established at an early point, today forms of community supported agriculture are rare. This paper explains this by identifying a shift of the entire food system from “food from nowhere” to “food from here.” The account (...)
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