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  1. Dancing all the way to the stage by way of the stadium: on the iconicity and plasticity of actions.Göran Sonesson - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (248):321-349.
    In the sense of phenomenology, actions are special cases of acts of consciousness. Within semiotics, first Jan Mukařovský and then A. J. Greimas have established, in different terms, a distinction between instrumental actions and actions which carry their meaning in themselves. But this is insufficient to account for the variety of actions which comprises everything from the creation of artefacts, dance, sporting events, theatre, rituals, and much else. Already those actions mentioned relate in different ways to instrumentality and intrinsic meaning, (...)
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  • Playing Symbolically with Death in Extreme Sports.David Le Breton - 2000 - Body and Society 6 (1):1-11.
    Many amateur sportsmen in the West, have today started undertaking long and intensive ordeals where their personal capacity to withstand increasing suffering is the prime objective. Running, jogging, the triathlon and trekking are the sorts of ordeal where people without any particular ability are not pitting themselves against others but are committed to testing their own capacity to withstand increasing pain. Constantly called upon to prove themselves in a society where reference points are both countless and contradictory and where values (...)
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  • Suits and “game-playing”: formalism and subjectivism revisited. A critique.Paulo Antunes - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-15.
    In his work, Bernard Suits presents and pursues a stated objective: to define ‘game’ or, more precisely, ‘game-playing’. In The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia, the author seeks a definition not as a ‘commitment to the universal fruitfulness of definition construction’, but rather with the idea ‘that some things are definable, and some are not’. This is something he believed could resolve many of the issues surrounding the debate on ‘game’ and ‘play’, such as those with Huizinga (in Homo Ludens) (...)
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  • Running Away From the Taskscape: Ultramarathon as 'Dark Ecology'.Jim Cherrington, Jack Black & Nicholas Tiller - 2020 - Annals of Leisure Research 23 (2):243-263.
    Drawing on reflections from a collaborative autoethnography, this article argues that ultramarathon running is defied by a 'dark' ecological sensibility (Morton 2007, 2010, 2016), characterised by moments of pain, disgust, and the macabre. In contrast to existing accounts, we problematise the notion that runners 'use' nature for escape and/or competition, while questioning the aesthetic-causal relationships often evinced within these accounts. With specific reference to the discursive, embodied, spatial and temporal aspects of the sport, we explore the way in which participants (...)
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  • Pedagogy of play.Roberto Farné - 2005 - Topoi 24 (2):169-181.
    “Pedagogy of play” focuses on the educational value of this field of experience, by claiming that play characterizes the two fundamental guidelines which are at the basis of education; the spontaneous and natural direction on the one side, and the intentional one on the other side. It is commonly assumed that pedagogy of play concerns only the latter of the two above-mentioned aspects of education, that is to say the design and management of playing experiences and materials with clear educational (...)
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  • Citizen child: Play as welfare parameter for urban life.Francesco Tonucci - 2005 - Topoi 24 (2):183-195.
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  • Aztecs and Games.Christian Duverger & R. Scott Walker - 1984 - Diogenes 32 (125):24-47.
    At the end of the sixteenth century, Friar Juan de Torquemada watched the game of volador on the central plaza in Mexico. At the top of a pole some twenty meters high there was a small pivoting platform. Four ropes were wound around the top of the pole and held in place by a wooden frame. Five men dressed in feathery costumes making them look like birds climbed up the shaft. One of them reached the narrow platform and began to (...)
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  • Afterword.Roberte N. Hamayon - 1992 - Diogenes 40 (158):169-180.
    Most of the images evoked by the term shamanism are derived from the soul's field of experience. These images run the gamut of possibilities, from a disconcerting exoticism to the most intimate familiarity. Sometimes the shaman's role is limited to that of pathetic hero, struggling in solitude against hostile nature; sometimes he becomes the rudimentary model of the mystic or even of the psychiatrist of contemporary societies. These images, however, without being completely false, wrongly reduce the shamanic phenomenon to the (...)
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  • The Element of Play in Twentieth Century Art.André Chastel & Malcolm Sylvers - 1965 - Diogenes 13 (50):1-12.
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  • Marx, Freud, and the Undertakings of Thought in the Future.Kostas Axelos - 1970 - Diogenes 18 (72):96-111.
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  • Der Bericht ^|^uuml;ber eine Abhandlung Gebauers: ^|^Uuml;ber Das Fortschrittsprizip im Sport und Probleme einer Sportethik.Kiyoshi Kono - 2004 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 26 (2):63-71.
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  • Ritual Clowns and Symbolical Behaviour.Laura Makarius - 1970 - Diogenes 18 (69):44-73.
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  • Introduction.Fabio Paglieri - 2005 - Topoi 24 (2):117-123.
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  • Una salida al dualismo: Juego y trabajo en John Dewey.Carlos Rodríguez Sabariz - 2018 - Endoxa 41:156.
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  • De la alienación imitativa a la potencia mimética: Platón y Adorno, Aristóteles y Benjamin.Castor M. M. Bartolomé Ruiz - 2018 - Universitas Philosophica 35 (71):145-173.
    This essay defends that mimesis is an inherently agonistic and paradoxical human practice. The divergent views on mimesis by Plato and Aristotle, as well as by Adorno and Benjamin, are the philosophical manifestation of an agonistic tension of human mimesis that is not resolved in the exclusive truth of one of the positions, but remains as a permanent possibility to create alternative paths in history.
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  • Frustrating Desire.Maaike Lauwaert, Joseph Wachelder & Johan van de Walle - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (1):89-108.
    In the emerging academic field of game studies, Roger Caillois’ Les Jeux et les hommes has already received the status of an obligatory reference. It is honoured as one of the few classic texts in game theory, but some also argue that it is not useful for analysing digital games. Caillois’ book is of particular interest for cultural theorists, though, because it presents a theory of games and play while also addressing the meaning of play. After analysing more closely why (...)
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  • Stakes of the Game: Life and Death in Siberian Shamanism.Roberte N. Hamayon - 1992 - Diogenes 40 (158):69-85.
    Most of the images evoked by the term shamanism are derived from the soul's field of experience. These images run the gamut of possibilities, from a disconcerting exoticism to the most intimate familiarity. Sometimes the shaman's role is limited to that of pathetic hero, struggling in solitude against hostile nature; sometimes he becomes the rudimentary model of the mystic or even of the psychiatrist of contemporary societies. These images, however, without being completely false, wrongly reduce the shamanic phenomenon to the (...)
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  • Das große spiel der epoché. Die transzendentalphänomenologische einstellung zwischen natürlichem weltverhalten und theoretischer wissenschaft.Martina Roesner - 2008 - Husserl Studies 24 (1):31-52.
    Husserls Ansatz der Transzendentalphänomenologie wird gemeinhin als Versuch einer rationalen Letztbegründung von Erkenntnis überhaupt gedeutet. Sein Verständnis der konstitutiven Rolle des reinen Bewußtseins gegenüber dem Weltphänomen als solchem sowie seine Betonung des teleologischen Aspektes der transzendentalen Vernunft scheint sein Denken von vornherein in radikalen Gegensatz zu all jenen phänomenologischen Entwürfen zu bringen, die – wie etwa Heidegger oder Fink – die Beziehung von Subjekt und Welt sowie die Philosophie als ganze wesentlich vom Spiel her zu verstehen suchen. Andererseits hat die (...)
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  • Du Fl'neur au traceur: playful bodies in urban spaces.Eero Tarasti & Mattia Thibault - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (249):79-94.
    This paper investigates how play practices affect players’ relationships with the urban environment through the bodily movement and performances that characterize them. Building on a definition of playful behavior derived by semiotics of culture, we investigate urban play from the perspective of motor praxology to outline how movement is central for the experience of the players. We then concentrate on the role of semiotic valorizations in different urban contexts, notably the famous typology of Metro users by Floch and different kinds (...)
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  • Éditorial.Michelle Zancarini-Fournel & Thierry Terret - 2006 - Clio 23:5-14.
    Rencontre Ce numéro est le fruit de la rencontre entre CLIO, Histoire Femmes et Sociétés, revue d’histoire des femmes et du genre, et les historiens du sport. S’agit-il d’une stratégie de renforcement et de légitimation réciproque? Il n’en est rien. Les champs de recherche ne sont pas de même nature : le sport est un objet, le genre un concept devenu catégorie d’analyse. De plus, il est possible d’affirmer, sans naïveté ni arrogance, mais peut-être avec une touche d’optimisme, que l’illégiti...
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  • Reality, Fiction, and Make-Believe in Kendall Walton.Emanuele Arielli - 2021 - In Krešimir Purgar (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Image Studies. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 363-377.
    Images share a common feature with all phenomena of imagination, since they make us aware of what is not present or what is fictional and not existent at all. From this perspective, the philosophical approach of Kendall Lewis Walton—born in 1939 and active since the 1960s at the University of Michigan—is perhaps one of the most notable contributions to image theory. Walton is an authoritative figure within the tradition of analytical aesthetics. His contributions have had a considerable influence on a (...)
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  • Kalkuliertes Risiko Die Medialität des Spiels im Zeitalter der Krise.Marcus Sandl - 2011 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 85 (3):335-366.
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