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  1. A realist framework for the sociology of education: Thinking with Bourdieu.Roy Nash - 2002 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 34 (3):273–288.
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  • Wittgenstein and nonsense: Psychologism, kantianism, and the habitus.José Medina - 2003 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 11 (3):293 – 318.
    This paper is a critical examination of Wittgenstein's view of the limits of intelligibility. In it I criticize standard analytic readings of Wittgenstein as an advocate of transcendental or behaviourist theses in epistemology; and I propose an alternative interpretation of Wittgenstein's view as a social contextualism that transcends the false dichotomy between Kantianism and psychologism. I argue that this social contextualism is strikingly similar to the social account of epistemic practices developed by Pierre Bourdieu. Through a comparison between Wittgenstein's and (...)
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  • Erotic habitus: toward a sociology of desire. [REVIEW]Adam Isaiah Green - 2008 - Theory and Society 37 (6):597-626.
    In the sociology of sexuality, sexual conduct has received extensive theoretical attention, while sexual desire has been left either unattended, or, analyzed through a scripting model ill-suited to the task. In this article, I seek to address two related aspects of the problem of desire for sociology—what might roughly be referred to as a micro-level and a macro-level conceptual hurdle, respectively. At the micro-level, the sociology of sexuality continues to reject or more commonly gloss the role of psychodynamic processes and (...)
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  • Calhoun’s Critical Sociology of Cosmopolitanism, Solidarity and Public Space.Michael D. Kennedy - 2006 - Thesis Eleven 84 (1):73-89.
    Calhoun’s critical sociology relies not only on engagements with Habermas, Bourdieu and Taylor, but also on the middle range empirical traditions of American sociology. Through a review of his recent work on cosmopolitanism and globalization, community and solidarity, and public spaces and sociology, I propose that his search to explain different ways in which solidarity is developed offers a robust sociological foundation for the development of the most appropriate intellectual formation, and institutional sequel, to the emancipatory project that undergirds critical (...)
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  • Routine, Reflexivity, and Realism.Margaret S. Archer - 2010 - Sociological Theory 28 (3):272 - 303.
    Many scholars continue to accord routine action a central role in social theory and defend the continuing relevance of Bourdieu's habitus. Simultaneously, most recognize the importance of reflexivity. In this article, I consider three versions of the effort to render these concepts compatible, which I term "empirical combination," "hybridization," and "ontological and theoretical reconciliation." None of the efforts is ultimately successful in analytical terms. Moreover, I argue on empirical grounds that the relevance of habitus began to decrease toward the end (...)
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  • Discourse analysis and the epidemiology of meaning.David Allen & Pamela K. Hardin - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (2):163-176.
    This paper delineates a postmodern discourse analysis that is positioned within a semiotic theory of language. This theory of language foregrounds the performative aspects of language usage and provides the theoretical space from which to theorize the interrelationship between social organizations or structure and social agents or individuals. Our version of discourse analysis contends that social structure is enacted (production and reproduction) through the employment of various vocabularies: social structure is not something outside of, behind, or underneath these performances, and (...)
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  • Reflexivity and the research interview: Habitus and social class in parents' accounts of children in public care.Stef Slembrouck - 2004 - Critical Discourse Studies 1 (1):91-112.
    This paper engages with “researcher reflexivity” in terms of a set of discourse analytical imperatives which derive from the work of Pierre Bourdieu and as a set of epistemological implications which follow from my ethnographic-interventionist engagement with a specific field of practice. The focus of the paper is on a reflexive discourse analysis of two data events. My key claim is that a reflexive discourse analysis which succeeds in revealing the role of social class as an interpretative filter on data (...)
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  • Some remarks on the sociology of translation: A reflection on the global production and circulation of sociological works.Esperanza Bielsa - 2011 - European Journal of Social Theory 14 (2):199-215.
    This article explores the emerging field of the sociology of translation and, at the same time, outlines the relevance of translation for sociology with respect to the global production and circulation of sociological works. Drawing on already existing accounts developed in interdisciplinary translation studies, it is argued that an awareness of the complex nature of translation is fundamental for a self-understanding of the sociological endeavour. The article is divided into three main parts which deal, first, with the role of translation (...)
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  • The reflexive habitus : Critical realist and Bourdieusian social action.Claire Laurier Decoteau - 2016 - European Journal of Social Theory 19 (3):303-321.
    The critical realist and Bourdieusian conceptions of action fundamentally disagree on a number of fronts: the synthetic versus dualistic relationship between structure and agency; the social nature of the self/body; the link between morphogenesis and reflexivity. Despite these differences, this article argues that re-reading Bourdieu’s theories with attention to some of the core tenets of critical realism (emergence, the stratification of reality, and conjunctural causality) can provide insights into how the habitus is capable of reflexivity and social change. In particular, (...)
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  • Finance, Nature and Ontology.Glen Lehman & Chris Mortensen - 2019 - Topoi 40 (4):715-724.
    The paper examines connections between ontology and finance. The ontological debates concerning the role of finance are examined between two opposing schools of thought that can be labelled, very broadly, ‘instrumentalist’ and ‘realist’. These two schools of thought have had momentous repercussions in understanding what is a good society. Each school defines Nature in particular ways which can be explored using ontology and philosophical insight. Our theoretical investigation aims to accommodate Nature in community financial deliberations. A positive role for government (...)
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  • Critical Sociology and the Interdisciplinary Imagination.Jonathan VanAntwerpen - 2006 - Thesis Eleven 84 (1):60-72.
    This article situates Craig Calhoun’s early sociological trajectory within a diverse set of movements that aimed to transform the discipline of sociology in the United States. As a means to historicizing Calhoun’s critical intellectual practice, I position it within the extensively debated, though only partially understood, disciplinary insurgencies of the 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s, emphasizing attempts to transform sociology that drew substantially on interdisciplinary engagements to fuel the fires of a critical sociological imagination. A member of American sociology’s ‘disobedient (...)
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  • Reconciling Archer and Bourdieu in an Emergentist Theory of Action.Dave Elder-Vass - 2007 - Sociological Theory 25 (4):325 - 346.
    Margaret Archer and Pierre Bourdieu have advanced what seem at first sight to be incompatible theories of human agency. While Archer places heavy stress on conscious reflexive deliberation and the consequent choices of identity and projects that individuals make, Bourdieu's concept of habitus places equally heavy stress on the role of social conditioning in determining our behavior, and downplays the contribution of conscious deliberation. Despite this, I argue that these two approaches, with some modification, can be reconciled in a single (...)
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  • Sign, cause, or general habit? Toward a “historicist ontology” of character on the early modern stage.James R. Siemon - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (2):217-222.
    (1997). Sign, cause, or general habit? Toward a “historicist ontology” of character on the early modern stage. The European Legacy: Vol. 2, Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, pp. 217-222.
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  • Bringing Pierre Bourdieu to Science and Technology Studies.Mathieu Albert & Daniel Lee Kleinman - 2011 - Minerva 49 (3):263-273.
    Bringing Pierre Bourdieu to Science and Technology Studies Content Type Journal Article Pages 263-273 DOI 10.1007/s11024-011-9174-2 Authors Mathieu Albert, Wilson Centre and Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, 200 Elizabeth Street , Eaton-South 1-581, Toronto, ON M5G 2C4, Canada Daniel Lee Kleinman, Department of Community and Environmental Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 348 Agricultural Hall 1450 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706, USA Journal Minerva Online ISSN 1573-1871 Print ISSN 0026-4695 Journal Volume Volume 49 Journal Issue Volume 49, Number (...)
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  • Biopolitical Metaphor: Habitualized Embodiment between Discourse and Affect.Sam Binkley - 2018 - Body and Society 24 (3):95-124.
    This article theorizes the biopolitical production of embodiment through a consideration of biopolitical metaphor. It is argued that much recent theoretical work on biopower fails to provide an adequate account of embodiment, and particularly the question of the habitualization of bodily experience. However, read through the lens of biopolitical metaphor, and drawing on the works of George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, a dynamic account of the biopolitical shaping of bodily memory and embodied habit becomes possible. Moreover, it is argued that (...)
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  • The Social as Heaven and Hell: Pierre Bourdieu's Philosophical Anthropology.Gabriel Peters - 2012 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 42 (1):63-86.
    Many authors have argued that all studies of socially specific modalities of human action and experience depend on some form of “philosophical anthropology”, i.e. on a set of general assumptions about what human beings are like, assumptions without which the very diagnoses of the cultural and historical variability of concrete agents' practices would become impossible. Bourdieu was sensitive to that argument and, especially in the later phase of his career, attempted to make explicit how his historical-sociological investigations presupposed and, at (...)
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  • Aspirations and Young People’s Constructions of Their Futures: Investigating Social Mobility and Social Reproduction.Kate Hoskins & Bernard Barker - 2017 - British Journal of Educational Studies 65 (1):45-67.
    The United Kingdom’s Coalition government has introduced an education policy that is focused on increasing the opportunities to promote and advance social mobility for all children within state education. Raising young people’s aspirations through school-based initiatives is a prominent theme within recent policy texts, which are focused on improving educational outcomes and thus advancing social mobility. This article draws on qualitative data from paired interviews with 32 students in two academies to first investigate if our participants’ aspirations indicate a desire (...)
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  • Calhoun's Critical Theory.Peter Beilharz - 1998 - Thesis Eleven 55 (1):97-105.
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  • Calhoun’s Social Science. [REVIEW]Peter Beilharz - 2006 - Thesis Eleven 84 (1):133-140.
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  • Perspectivism and truth in sociology: Bourdieu and Giddens.Jorge Gibert Galassi - 2015 - Cinta de Moebio 52:69-78.
    From the traditional point of view, power and truth are not related. Since 20th century there has been a social and historical breach in conventional assumptions about the relationship between power and truth. On one hand, it is generally accepted that scientific facts are considered artificial, in the sense of being constructed. This assumption neither implied any kind of fraud nor did it mean that they could be created ex-nihilo. But the interpretation of Kuhn as well as the subsequent developments (...)
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  • Pillars in the works of Loïc Wacquant.Kristian Nagel Delica & Christian Sandbjerg Hansen - 2016 - Thesis Eleven 137 (1):39-54.
    The critical and polemic receptions of the work of Loïc Wacquant has been extensive, but to a large extent focused on specific works and colored by professional specialty, that is, in a word: fragmented. In counteracting that fragmented response, the article sheds light on the undercurrents in Wacquant’s works by stressing four prominent and consistent features: his heritage from (and updating of) Bourdieu; his emphasis on and constant practice of theory (implicit as well as explicit); the distinct ethos with which (...)
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  • On bringing Mikhail Bakhtin into the social sciences.Anthony Wall - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (133).
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  • Pierre Bourdieu: E-Special Issue Introduction.Derek Robbins - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (7-8):325-353.
    This e-special issue explores the reception of Bourdieu’s work in one journal, Theory, Culture & Society, which commenced at about the same time that Bourdieu was beginning to acquire an international reputation. It offers a case-study of the English representation of Bourdieu’s work through almost 40 years and focuses on the role of the journal in carrying Bourdieu’s work across cultural boundaries. It introduces the scope of that work but, primarily, it is designed to encourage reference to his texts in (...)
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  • Habitus and Disposition in High-risk Mountain-climbing.Matthew Bunn - 2016 - Body and Society 22 (1):92-114.
    Habitus has been an attractive concept for works examining body-centric practices. This article draws on interviews and 18 months of ethnographic research with high-risk climbers primarily throughout North America. An important guide to this research has been the concept of habitus. However, this article demonstrates that there are limits to habitus being used to address the moment of action. The scope of habitus ranges widely, limiting its capacity to effectively address the experience of the individual. Rather than abandoning the concept, (...)
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