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  1. Family Business Ethics: At the Crossroads of Business Ethics and Family Business.Pedro Vazquez - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (3):691-709.
    In spite of the considerable development of research in the fields of business ethics and family business, a comprehensive review and integration of the area where both disciplines intersect has not been undertaken so far. This paper aims at contributing to the call for more research on family business ethics by answering the following research questions: What is the status of the current research at the intersection of business ethics and family business? Why and how do family firms differ from (...)
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  • How Religion Shapes Family Business Ethical Behaviors: An Institutional Logics Perspective.Ramzi Fathallah, Yusuf Sidani & Sandra Khalil - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (4):647-659.
    Based on case studies of religious Muslim and Christian family firms operating in a religiously diverse country, we explain the multiplicity of family, business, religion, and community logics in the family firm. In particular, we give attention to the religion logic and how it interacts with other logics when family firms are considering ethical issues. We show that religion has a rule-based approach in Muslim family firms and a principle-based approach in Christian family firms. We also draw attention to the (...)
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  • CSR and Family CEO: The Moderating Role of CEO’s Age.Olivier Meier & Guillaume Schier - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (3):595-612.
    This study examines to what extent different types of CEOs in family firms influence external and internal stakeholder-related CSP as compared to CEOs in nonfamily firms. Linking family CEO and nonfamily CEO with CSR outcomes, we provide evidence that family CEOs are positively associated with both external and internal CSR, whereas nonfamily CEOs within family firms tend to be negatively associated with both external and internal CSR. We show that the incumbent CEO’s age moderates the above relationships, indicating the existence (...)
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  • The Risk of Fraud in Family Firms: Assessments of External Auditors.Gopal Krishnan & Marietta Peytcheva - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (1):261-278.
    There is a dearth of business ethics research on family firms, despite the importance of such firms to the US economy. We answer Vazquez’s call to examine the intersection of family-firm research and business ethics, by investigating whether external auditors assess higher risk of fraud in family firms. We test the contradictory predictions of two dominant theoretical perspectives in family-firm research—entrenchment theory and alignment theory. We conduct an experiment with highly experienced external audit professionals, who assess the risk of fraud (...)
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  • Corporate Social Responsibility Report Narratives and Analyst Forecast Accuracy.Albert Tsang, Suresh Radhakrishnan, Sunay Mutlu & Volkan Muslu - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (4):1119-1142.
    Standalone corporate social responsibility reports vary considerably in the content of information released due to their voluntary nature. In this study, we develop a disclosure score based on the tone, readability, length, and the numerical and horizon content of CSR report narratives, and examine the relationship between the CSR disclosure scores and analyst forecasts. We find that CSR reporters with high disclosure scores are associated with more accurate forecasts, whereas low score CSR reporters are not associated with more accurate forecasts (...)
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  • Family Members’ Salience in Family Business: An Identity-Based Stakeholder Approach.Silvana Signori & Yves Fassin - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (1):1-21.
    The paper builds on the stakeholder salience framework and applies a social identity approach to explain family firm dynamics and how these could impact on family firm governance and ethics. In particular, we consider the family as the main stakeholder for family firms and we refer to the recent approaches to stakeholder theory based on ‘names-and-faces’ and on social identity to focus on family members at the individual and organizational level. Family businesses offer an opportunity to study stakeholder salience in (...)
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  • Articulating Values Through Identity Work: Advancing Family Business Ethics Research.Marleen Dieleman & Juliette Koning - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (4):675-687.
    Family values are argued to enable ethical family business conduct. However, how these arise, evolve, and how family leaders articulate them is less understood. Using an ‘identity work’ approach, this paper finds that the values underpinning identity work: arise from multiple sources, evolve in tandem with the context; and, that their articulation is relational and aspirational, rather than merely historical. Prior research mostly understood family values as rooted in the past and relatively stable, but our rhetorical analysis unlocks a more (...)
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  • Corporate Social Responsibility in Family Firms: Status and Future Directions of a Research Field.Christoph Stock, Laura Pütz, Sabrina Schell & Arndt Werner - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (1):199-259.
    This systematic literature review contributes to the increasing interest regarding corporate social responsibility (CSR) in family firms—a research field that has developed considerably in the last few years. It now provides the opportunity to take a holistic view on the relationship dynamics—i.e., drivers, activities, outcomes, and contextual influences—of family firms with CSR, thus enabling a more coherent organization of current research and a sounder understanding of the phenomenon. To conceptualize the research field, we analyzed 122 peer-reviewed articles published in highly (...)
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  • Why some are more equal: Family firm heterogeneity and the effect on management’s attention to CSR.Kerstin Fehre & Florian Weber - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (3):321-334.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  • Corporate Social Performance of Family Firms: A Place-Based Perspective in the Context of Layoffs.Kihun Kim, Zulfiquer Ali Haider, Zhenyu Wu & Junsheng Dou - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (2):235-252.
    This paper investigates the layoff behavior, a typical people dimension of corporate social performance, of family firms from a place-based perspective. We theorize that a place-based culture within family firms ensures that all organizational members share a deep sense of connection with the place of operations which makes them inherently care about their impact on society. Using data on layoffs of 2000 largest US firms between 1994 and 2007, we find that family firms do indeed exhibit a lower tendency to (...)
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  • Family firm status and environmental disclosure: The moderating effect of board gender diversity.Barbara Maggi, Rafaela Gjergji, Luigi Vena, Salvatore Sciascia & Alessandro Cortesi - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (4):1334-1351.
    Building on agency and resource-based view theories, this study investigates the level of environmental disclosure (ED) practices of family versus non-family firms and explores the moderating role of board gender diversity. We test our hypotheses on a 3-year (2018–2020) panel data sample comprising 324 observations of Italian small- and medium-sized enterprises traded on the Euronext Growth Milan. Findings show that, compared to non-family firms, companies with a family firm status are characterized by lower levels of ED. Gender diversity on the (...)
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  • Managing Organizational Gender Diversity Images: A Content Analysis of German Corporate Websites.Leon Windscheid, Lynn Bowes-Sperry, Karsten Jonsen & Michèle Morner - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (4):997-1013.
    Although establishing gender equality in board and managerial positions has recently become more important for organizations, companies with low levels of gender diversity seem to perceive an ethical dilemma regarding the ways, in which they attempt to attain it. One way that organizations try to move toward gender equality is through the use of their corporate websites to manage potential applicants’ impressions of their current levels of, and actions to improve, gender diversity. The dilemma is whether to truthfully communicate their (...)
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  • The Influence of a Family Business Climate and CEO–CFO Relationship Quality on Misreporting Conduct.Jingyu Gao, Adi Masli, Ikseon Suh & Jingchang Xu - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (1):99-122.
    This study answers Vazquez’s :691–709, 2016) call for more research focused on the intersection between family firms and business ethics. We investigate two contextual factors potentially affecting the ethical reporting of chief financial officers : a firm’s social ties to the controlling family and the CFOs’ perceived relationship quality with the CEO. We test our hypotheses by examining the financial reporting behavior of Chinese CFOs who work at family or nonfamily businesses and in private or public firms. Results of this (...)
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  • Trends and Drivers in CSR Disclosure: A Focus on Reporting Practices in the Automotive Industry.Tiziana Russo-Spena, Marco Tregua & Alessandra De Chiara - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (2):563-578.
    This work focuses on corporate social responsibility disclosure practices of multinational corporations. Based on a longitudinal study of CSR reports of companies operating in the automotive industry, the paper offers a detailed study of how disclosure practices are changing and which principles and approaches influence and drive the development of such disclosure. Based on a four-year report-based study, the findings enable us to identify three main trends in the CSR disclosure strategy of automotive firms. First, in line with the mainstream (...)
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  • Governance Structure and the Credibility Gap: Experimental Evidence on Family Businesses’ Sustainability Reporting.Josh Wei-Jun Hsueh - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (2):547-568.
    This paper examines the success of corporate communication in voluntary sustainability reporting. Existing studies have focused on the perspective of the communicators but lack an understanding of the perspective of information recipients to clearly evaluate this interactive communication process. This paper looks at the issue of a credibility gap perceived by external stakeholders when they doubt the authenticity of communicated information due to the reporting company’s governance structure. The paper uses family businesses to exemplify the emergence of such a gap (...)
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  • Drivers of Philanthropic Foundations in Emerging Markets: Family, Values and Spirituality.Valeria Giacomin & Geoffrey Jones - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (1):263-282.
    This article discusses the ethics and drivers of philanthropic foundations in emerging markets. A foundation organizes assets to invest in philanthropic initiatives. Previous scholarship has largely focused on developed countries, especially the United States, and has questioned the ethics behind the activities of foundations, particularly for strategic motives that served wider corporate purposes. We argue that philanthropic foundations in emerging markets have distinctive characteristics that merit separate examination. We scrutinize the ethics behind the longitudinal activity of such foundations using 70 (...)
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  • Socially responsible downsizing: Comparing family and non‐family firms.Maria J. Sanchez-Bueno, Fernando Muñoz-Bullón & Jose I. Galan - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (1):35-55.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  • Trees in the Forest: How Do Family Owners Make CSR Decisions in Business Groups?Won-Yong Oh, Hojae Ree, Young Kyun Chang & Igor Postuła - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 187 (4):759-780.
    Previous studies have been split over how to view family owners’ CSR engagement, arguing that they either engage in or disengage from CSR based on different motives (i.e., preserving socio-emotional wealth vs. seeking rent expropriation). Focusing on family owners in business groups, this study integrates these divergent views. We hypothesize that family owners would pursue both motives simultaneously by optimizing the level of CSR of each affiliated firm depending on their ownership level. Furthermore, we argue that this tendency is moderated (...)
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  • A ‘Grey’ Side of Family Business Ethics? Looking into the Interplay of Internal and External Ethical Orientations: Empirical Insights from the Wine Industry.Elena Casprini, Rocco Palumbo, Jacopo Cammeo & Lorenzo Zanni - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-22.
    Drawing on virtue ethics and stakeholder theory, the article investigates the unfolding of business ethics in the wine industry, with a focus on family businesses. Attention is specifically paid to the interplay of internal (i.e., employees-centeredness and organizational inclusiveness) and external (i.e., people-centeredness and territorial development) ethical orientations. A unique sample of 164 Italian wine businesses was built to get evidence of how the nexus of internal and external ethical orientations is handled, emphasizing the distinctive traits of family businesses. We (...)
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  • Does it Pay to Patent Green Innovations? Stock Market Reactions to Family and Nonfamily Firms’ Green Patents.Francesco Chirico, Kimberly A. Eddleston & Pankaj C. Patel - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-24.
    Are green patents granted to family firms perceived more favorably by the market than those granted to non-family firms? Using a sample of 8918 green patents granted to family and non-family firms between 2014 and 2018, our study shows that it depends on the attributes of the green patent. Integrating the green innovation and family firm literatures with signaling theory, we develop a theoretical framework that highlights the need for family firms to balance their pursuit of green innovation with signals (...)
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  • Linking CEO Celebrity to the Ethical Behavior of Family Firms in a Digital Age: Evidence from China.Tachia Chin, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Liang Wu & Grigorios Lamprinakos - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-25.
    Given the widespread use of social media, growing interest has been paid to the nexus of corporate ethics and the celebrity status of chief executive officers (CEOs). This is of even more paramount importance in family-owned firms that are very sensitive to public image and its ethical relevance. However, no empirical evidence has been found. In response, the purpose of this paper is to examine the mechanisms through which family business ethics and CEO celebrity are associated, as well as the (...)
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  • Value Creating Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies of Family and Non-Family Firms: An Interventionist Perspective.Isabel-María García-Sánchez, Lázaro Rodríguez-Ariza, Cristina Aibar-Guzmán, Huda Khan, Nadia Zahoor & Shlomo Y. Tarba - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-41.
    This paper presents a study on how corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies create value amongst family and non-family firms. Additionally, in our study, we considered the moderating effect of independent directors on the relationship between CSR and firm value. Based on data drawn from companies operating in 61 countries over an 11-year period (i.e. from 2010 to 2020), our findings demonstrate that non-family firms derive market benefits from the governance improvements made by independent directors concerning CSR strategies. In contrast, the (...)
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  • Family Firms and Ethics: Towards a Deeper Understanding of the Determinants of Ethical Decision-Making and Emerging Future Research Pathways.Minas N. Kastanakis, Solon Magrizos, Katerina Kampouri & Andrea Calabrò - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-28.
    The goal of this study is to reveal which contextual factors can shape ethical behaviour and decision-making in family firms (FFs), with the aim to uncover emerging themes that help set the stage for future work on FF ethics. To do so, we conducted an integrative literature review. By systematically collecting, reviewing 90 studies and synthesizing their key findings with prior theoretical foundations in the FF field, we demonstrate how personal and family values, preservation of socioemotional wealth, generation succession and (...)
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  • Exploring the Potential for Theory Elaboration to Strengthen CSR Theorization and to Offer Enhanced CSR Theory: The Role of Grounded Theory.Petya Koleva & Maureen Meadows - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is often criticized for being undertheorized, contested, and largely redundant in the field of business and society. Yet limited attention has been paid to diverse ways of theorizing CSR. Driven by the identified weaknesses in the theoretical development of CSR, this research aims to explore the potential of theory elaboration implemented via grounded theory (GT) in strengthening CSR theorization. In doing so, the study offers a unique contribution by being the first study to offer actionable steps (...)
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  • The Best of Firms, the Worst of Firms: Ethical Bifurcation in Family Businesses During Crises.Danny Miller & Isabelle Le Breton-Miller - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-16.
    Despite the important progress being made in the study of family business ethicality, there remains a lack of consensus in the findings and some ambiguity concerning the concept. We propose a new perspective on family firm ethicality by building on a modified socioemotional wealth perspective. We theorize why family firms are likely to manifest exceptionally ethical or equally unethical behavior during crises, arguing this to be caused by the close socioemotional connection between family owners and their firms, the decision-making discretion (...)
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  • The Ties that Bind or Those That Tear Us Apart? Co-CEO Constellations and ESG Performance in Family Firms.Yuliya Ponomareva, Francesco Paolone, Domenico Rocco Cambrea & Marc Goergen - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-20.
    While the prevailing perspective on executive leadership has emphasized the effectiveness of a unified command structure, family firms frequently adopt shared leadership structures, such as dyads, triads, or larger co-CEO constellations. Given the widespread use of such structures in family firms, it becomes imperative to understand how family involvement in the firm shapes the dynamics of co-CEO constellations and their implications for firm outcomes. Drawing upon the socioemotional wealth (SEW) perspective, we propose that the salience of extended SEW concerns increases (...)
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  • Do Management Training Grounds Reduce Internal Auditor Objectivity and External Auditor Reliance? The Influence of Family Firms.Ikseon Suh, Adi Masli & John T. Sweeney - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (1):205-227.
    We test competing theoretical perspectives of family firm governance in two separate studies by investigating whether family firm control moderates the detrimental effect of a management training ground on internal auditor objectivity and on the external auditor’s decision to rely on the internal audit function. In Study 1, we assess the objectivity of internal auditors working under an IAF that serves as a MTG or non-MTG and located in a family or non-family firm. A key result of Study 1 is (...)
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  • A review of CSR classification schemes and the operationalization of bolted‐on vs. built‐in CSR. [REVIEW]Noushi Rahman & Laura Blake - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (3):248-261.
    Recent conceptualization of built‐in versus bolted‐on corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives has offered a much‐needed distinguishing framework to sophisticate our understanding of why different CSR initiatives yield varying corporate social performance (CSP) and associated recognition from stakeholders. One of the major roadblocks in conducting research on these two types of CSR initiatives is the absence of a valid and reliable measure. We address this void by developing a measure for bolted‐on versus built‐in CSR that relies on coding publicly available content. (...)
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