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Varieties of Anomalous Experience: Examining the Scientific Evidence

& (eds.)
American Psychological Association (2000)

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  1. Toward A Physical Theory of the Source of Religion.Mark A. Schroll & Stephan A. Schwartz - 2005 - Anthropology of Consciousness 16 (1):56-69.
    Huston Smith has argued that the universal source of wholeness, which he refers to as the primordial tradition, is essential to a meaningful life. Indeed embracing this tradition is, said Smith, an act of rejoining the human race. Our current forms of organized religion offer us ritualized expressions of this tradition, yet often fail to provide us with transpersonal growth; it is this transpersonal growth that reconnects us with the source of religion. This essay differentiates mainstream religion from a way (...)
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  • Anomalous Experiences, Trauma, and Symbolization Processes at the Frontiers between Psychoanalysis and Cognitive Neurosciences.Thomas Rabeyron & Tianna Loose - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • When the Truth Is Out There: Counseling People Who Report Anomalous Experiences.Thomas Rabeyron - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:693707.
    In this paper, we propose a clinical approach to the counseling of distressing subjective paranormal experiences, usually referred to as anomalous or exceptional experiences in the academic field. These experiences are reported by a large part of the population, yet most mental health practitioners have not received a specific training in listening constructively to these experiences. This seems all the more problematic since nearly one person in two find it difficult to integrate such experiences, which can be associated with different (...)
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  • Phenomenological Aspects of Complementarity and Entanglement in Exceptional Human Experiences (ExE).Wolfgang Fach - 2011 - Axiomathes 21 (2):233-247.
    The mental system of an individual usually generates a reality-model that includes a self-model and a world-model as fundamental components. Exceptional experiences (ExE) can be classified as subjectively experienced anomalies in the self-model or the world-model or in the relation of both. Empirical studies show significant correlations between specific patterns of ExE and socially and clinically relevant variables. In order to examine the ontological status of anomalous phenomena a psychophysical approach is presented in which the principle of complementarity is of (...)
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  • The Altered States Database: Psychometric Data of Altered States of Consciousness.Timo T. Schmidt & Hendrik Berkemeyer - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  • All of the myriad worlds: Life in the akashic plenum.Allan Combs, Tony Arcari & Stanley Krippner - 2006 - World Futures 62 (1 & 2):75 – 85.
    This article explores some experiential implications of Laszlo's Akashic Field hypothesis as well as similar information-rich field models such as those suggested by Bohm and Sheldrake. It examines the implications of such models for both ordinary and anomalous human experience, and proposes the idea that these models allow for the possibility of alternative experiential worlds as real as ordinary "material" reality. Such alternative realities are posited by many, if not all, major mythic and religious systems, and are said to be (...)
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  • Geomagnetic field effects in anomalous dreams and the akashic field.Stanley Krippner - 2006 - World Futures 62 (1 & 2):103 – 113.
    Ervin Laszlo has used the ancient concept of the Akashic Records for the basis of his "Akashic Field" (A-field) model, one that has obvious implications for parapsychology, the scientific study of anomalous human-human and human-environment interactions, that is, "psi." Experiments with "telepathic" and "precognitive" dreams are one example of parapsychological research that may fit the A-field model because of its information-carrying potential. Psi appears to be a complex system, one that may reflect the connective "web" posited by the A-field model. (...)
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  • Experience, culture, and reality: The significance of Fisher information for understanding the relationship between alternative states of consciousness and the structures of reality.Charles D. Laughlin & C. Jason Throop - 2003 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 22 (1):7-26.
    The majority of the world’s cultures encourage or require members to enter alternative states of consciousness while involved in religious rituals. The question is, why? This paper suggests an explanation for the culturally prescribed ASC from the view of Fisher information. It argues from the position, first put forward by Emile Durkheim in his magnum opus, The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, that all religions are grounded in reality. It suggests that many of the structural elements of cultural cosmologies (...)
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  • No pienso, luego existo. Un reto para la nueva buena ciencia.Manuel Almendro - 2018 - Endoxa 42:309.
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  • Antropología filosófica en los tratados de medicina sánscrita= Philosophical anthropology in the enciclopaedias of sanskrit medicine.Juan Arnau - 2013 - Endoxa 32:11-32.
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  • Psychical Research and the Outer Limits of Science.Glynn Custred - 2017 - Cosmos and History 13 (2):111-125.
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  • Una salida al dualismo: Juego y trabajo en John Dewey.Carlos Rodríguez Sabariz - 2018 - Endoxa 41:156.
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  • Editorial.Stephen Braude - 2012 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 26 (1).
    Composer and musicologist Nicolas Slonimsky published a fascinating and delightful book entitled Lexicon of Musical Invective: Critical Assaults on Composers Since Beethoven’s Time (Slonimsky 1965). The book is a collection of what Slonimsky called “biased, unfair, ill-tempered, and singularly unprophetic judgments” (p. 3) about famous composers and their works. We find, for example, the Gazette Musicale de Paris on August 1, 1847, saying of Verdi, “there has not yet been an Italian composer more incapable of producing what is commonly called (...)
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  • Unconscious Influences on Discourses About Consciousness: Ideology, State-Specific Science and Unformulated Experience.David Edwards - 2005 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 5 (1):1-20.
    Discussions about consciousness are complicated by the fact that participants do not share a common underlying “ordinary” consciousness. Everyday experience is founded on what Teasdale calls implicational cognition, much of which is not verbally formulated. An unacknowledged aspect of debate is individuals’ attempts to negotiate the expression of their unformulated experience. This is further complicated by the way in which a discourse, based on particular ontological assumptions, exercises an ideological control which limits what underlying aspects of experience can be formulated (...)
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  • Cognitive Gain or Handicap: Magical Ideation and Self-Absorption in Clinical and Non-clinical Participants.János Kállai, Gábor Vincze, Imre András Török, Rita Hargitai, Sándor Rózsa, István Hartung, István Tamás, András Láng & Róbert Herold - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: This study aimed to examine magical ideation and absorption traits across non-clinical and clinical groups to determine their potential adaptive and maladaptive functions.Method: We enrolled 760 healthy participants from neighboring communities. Moreover, we recruited 318 patients, which included 25, 183, and 110 patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders, anxiety disorders, and mood disorders, respectively. Potentially adaptive and maladaptive sociocognitive functions were measured to determine the role of magical ideation and self-absorption in patients with psychiatric disorders.Results: The degree of magical ideation (...)
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  • Relational psychoanalysis and anomalous communication.Robin Wooffitt - 2017 - History of the Human Sciences 30 (1):118-137.
    There has been consistent interest in telepathy within psychoanalysis from its start. Relational psychoanalysis, which is a relatively new development in psychoanalytic theory and practice, seems more receptive to experiences between patient and analyst that suggest ostensibly anomalous communicative capacities. To establish this openness to telepathic phenomena with relational approaches, a selection of papers recently published in leading academic journals in relational psychoanalysis is examined. This demonstrates the extent to which telepathy-like experiences are openly presented and seriously considered in the (...)
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  • A New Case of Scientific Dishonesty in the Field of Parapsychology.Michael Nahm - 2021 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 35 (3).
    The present article informs about a case of prolonged scientific dishonesty in the field of parapsychology. It emerged that Alejandro Parra, an active member of the parapsychological community since about three decades, has published substantially plagiarized books and articles since at least 2007. Currently, I am aware of 20 publications that contain plagiarized sections or consist almost entirely of plagiarism. In the following, I present striking examples of such plagiarized texts and provide background information about the development of this case. (...)
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  • The Challenge, Prospects, and Promise of Transpersonal Psychology.Paul F. Cunningham - 2007 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 26 (1):41-55.
    Several substantial critiques remain a source of fractionalizing debate within transpersonal psychology, including the weakness of its definition, whether it is redundant with Wilber’s integral psychology, whether it is a scientific field, whether it is too metaphysical, whether it neglects the problem of evil, and what contribution can it make to mainstream psychology. This article explicates these and related areas of critique and provides a response that identifies the essential challenges and future prospects of transpersonal psychology. The article also emphasizes (...)
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  • Guest Editorial: On Wolverines and Epistemological Totalitarianism.Etzel Cardena - 2011 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 25 (3).
    While strolling with my beloved in the local zoo, we came across a shortish, furry, brown fellow who engaged our sight and seemed to want to play with us, albeit at a distance. He was friendlier even than the acknowledged local clowns (the bears) and surprise followed surprise as we read that this guy belongs to the ferocious wolverine species. Could this same jolly creature be one who would promptly dispatch us, much larger animals, if he were not fed for (...)
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  • JSE 35:3 Fall 2021.Kathleen E. Erickson - 2021 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 35 (3).
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  • Transpersonal Education: Problems, Prospects and Challenges.Paul F. Cunningham - 2006 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 25 (1):62-68.
    Despite its substantial scientific, academic, and professional achievements, transpersonal psychology has not been fully incorporated within traditional undergraduate psychology curricula. One reason is conventional psychology’s prejudiced perception of humanity’s spiritual nature. Other reasons lie within the field of transpersonal psychology itself, including the lack of agreed-upon general curricular models, absence of normative educational outcomes, unstructured courses with restricted content coverage, and conceptual and methodological disagreements among experts. One of the most pressing challenges facing contemporary transpersonal education is the publication of (...)
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  • Perspectives of Clinical Parapsychology: An Introductory Reader edited by Wim H. Kramer, Eberhard Bauer, and Gerd H. Hovelmann.Frank Pasciuti - 2012 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 26 (3).
    This valuable compilation of 12 papers was initially presented at a conference held in The Netherlands in 2007, where 20 professionals from different countries gathered to address the different aspects and clinical needs of people suffering from exceptional or anomalous experiences. As a clinical psychologist who has worked with such clients for more than 35 years, I found this book to be an excellent contribution to a field that according to Tierney (1993) appears to be increasingly needed.
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  • The Implications of Near-Death Experiences for Research into the Survival of Consciousness.David Rousseau - 2012 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 26 (1).
    It is generally supposed by psychical researchers that evidence suggestive of consciousness surviving bodily death would always be compatible with the so-called 'super-psi hypothesis', according to which living-agent psi is wholly responsible for the evidence. In this paper, I argue that, granted how super-psi is supposed to work, a case can be made for certain near-death experience cases to be incompatible with the super-psi hypothesis. From such a base, the explanatory impasse between the super-psi hypothesis and the survival hypothesis can (...)
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