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Was Heidegger an externalist?Cristina Lafont - 2005 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 48 (6):507 – 532.details
Beholdenness to Entities and the Concept of ‘Dasein’: Phenomenology, Ontology and Idealism in the early Heidegger.Denis McManus - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):512-534.details
Was Heidegger a Relativist?Sacha Golob - 2019 - In Martin Kusch, Johannes Steizinger, Katherina Kinzel & Niels Jacob Wildschut (eds.), The Emergence of Relativism: German Thought from the Enlightenment to National Socialism. London, New York: Routledge. pp. 18.details
Heidegger and the Supposition of a Single, Objective World.Denis McManus - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):195-220.details
Heidegger, Lafont and the necessity of the transcendental.R. Matthew Shockey - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (5):557-574.details
El impacto de Heidegger y Gadamer en la hermenéutica trascendental de Apel.Gonzalo Scivoletto - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 20 (1).details
Heidegger, the Given, and the Second Nature of Entities.Graham Bounds - 2018 - Open Philosophy 1 (1):256-274.details
Apertura y bidimensionalidad. El sentido ontológico de la verdad en Ser y tiempo.Tomás Domergue - 2022 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 34 (1):20-48.details
From Deconstruction to Rehabilitation: Heidegger, Gadamer, and Modernity.David Liakos - 2019 - Dissertation, University of New Mexicodetails
The Phenomenological Dimension of the Theory of Meaning: A Critical Inquiry through Husserl and Wittgenstein.Jacob Rump - 2013 - Dissertation, Emory Universitydetails
Seinsverständnis and meaning in Heidegger.Rafael Winkler - 2013 - South African Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):149-162.details
Heidegger's philosophy of disclosedness: a relational interpretation of being and time.Marco Motta - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Queenslanddetails