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The Logic of the Cultural Sciences: Five Studies

Yale University Press (2000)

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  1. A Philosophical Defense of Culture: Perspectives from Confucianism and Cassirer.Shuchen Xiang - 2021 - SUNY Press.
    In A Philosophical Defense of Culture, Shuchen Xiang draws on the Confucian philosophy of "culture" and Ernst Cassirer's philosophy of symbolic forms to argue for the importance of "culture" as a philosophic paradigm. A defining ideal of Confucian-Chinese civilization, culture (wen) spans everything from natural patterns and the individual units that make up Chinese writing to literature and other refining vocations of the human being. Wen is thus the soul of Confucian-Chinese philosophy. Similarly, as a philosopher who bridged the classical (...)
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  • Ernst Cassirer in Japanese Philosophy.Steve Lofts - 2021 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 2 (1):143-165.
    The primary goal of this paper is not to argue for the “influence” of Cassirer, but rather to make known the reception of Cassirer in Japanese philosophy, illustrate the interconnection between Cassirer’s critique of culture and that of Japanese philosophy, and hopefully spark interest in what might be a fruitful dialog between Cassirer scholars and those working in Japanese philosophy. Historically, the paper defines Japanese philosophy and makes known its engagement with Western philosophy and the Marburg school of neo-Kantianism and (...)
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  • Axiological and normative dimensions in Georg Simmel’s philosophy and sociology: a dialectical interpretation.Spiros Gangas - 2004 - History of the Human Sciences 17 (4):17-44.
    In this article I consider the normative and axiological dimension of Simmel’s thought. Building on previous interpretations, I argue that although Simmel cannot be interpreted as a systematic normative theorist, the issue of values and the normative standpoint can nevertheless be traced in various aspects of his multifarious work. This interpretive turn attempts to link Simmel’s obscure theory of value with his epistemological relationism. Relationism may offer a counterweight to Simmel’s value-pluralism, since it points to normative elements (e.g. internal teleology, (...)
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  • Cassirer and Steinthal on Expression and the Science of Language.Lydia Patton - 2015 - Cassirer Studies 7:99-117.
    Ernst Cassirer’s focus on the expressive function of language should be read, not in the context of Carnap’s debate with Heidegger, but in the context of the earlier work of Chajim (Heymann) Steinthal. Steinthal distinguishes the expressive form of language, when language is studied as a natural phenomenon, from language as a logical, inferential system. Steinthal argues that language always can be expressed in terms of logical inference. Thus, he would disagree with Heidegger, just as Carnap does. But, Steinthal insists, (...)
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  • On Creation, Cave Art and Perception: a Doxological Approach.Mats Rosengren - 2007 - Thesis Eleven 90 (1):79-96.
    The discovery of Palaeolithic cave art in the late 19th century entails many problems, some of which are perceptual. Presenting doxology as a post-phenomenological way of approaching epistemic and perceptual questions, this article draws on the problematics of cave art and contemporary cognitive science to discuss the process of perception — what it takes to see what one sees — in caves (and elsewhere). The article concludes that in order to see and perceive anything at all, both our physical and (...)
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  • Humor, Power and Culture: A New Theory on the Experience and Ethics of Humor.Jennifer Marra - 2019 - Dissertation, Marquette University
    The aim of this dissertation is to offer a new theory of humor that takes seriously both the universality and power of humor in culture. In the first chapter, I summarize historical and contemporary theories, and show how each either 1) fails to give any definition of humor, 2) fails as a theory of humor, and/or 3) underappreciates, dismisses, or does not consider the power of humor in experience. The second chapter explains the failures of prior theories by understanding the (...)
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  • Objetividade e matematização da Física em Ernst Cassirer.Ivânio Lopes de Azevedo Júnior - 2021 - Kant E-Prints 16 (2):256-280.
    O presente artigo discute a compreensão de Cassirer sobre a objetividade do conhecimento científico produzido pela física. Por se tratar de uma noção que perpassa várias obras do autor, e de diferentes períodos, minha escolha foi direcionar esforços, principalmente, para o terceiro volume da Filosofia das Formas Simbólicas. Esta escolha bibliográfica se justifica pelo fato de que, na referida obra, encontram-se dois aspectos estruturantes para o tratamento da questão proposta. O primeiro, de natureza sistemática, diz respeito à explicitação do processo (...)
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  • Critique of cultural sciences: Ernst Cassirer and symbolic monism.Przemysław Parszutowicz - 2021 - Kant E-Prints 16 (2):146-162.
    The main goal of the paper is to show that Cassirer’s philosophy of symbolic forms may be viewed as a culmination of efforts of those thinkers who at the turn of the 19 th and 20 th century were a part of the so called anti-positivist movement. The paper focuses fore and foremost on those philosophers who in their attempts of grounding and defining Geisteswissenschaften were following the initial idea of Immanuel Kant’s transcendental philosophy. Cassirer’s symbolical monism is presented as (...)
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  • Философско-антропологический подход в риторике. Случай Кассирера.Bengtson Erik & Rosengren Mats - 2019 - Философия И Культура 1:27-41.
    В этой статье мы утверждаем, что философия символических форм Эрнста Кассирера является незаменимым философско-антропологическим партнером риторики. Мы предполагаем, что освоение риторикой теории символических форм Кассирера позволит вывести риторику за пределы её доминирующей трактовки как теории, ориентированной на языковое выражение, и позволит ей полностью соответствовать широкому пониманию риторики как учения о том, каким образом создаётся, утверждается и изменяется социальное значение. Чтобы сделать наше расширенное понимание риторико-философско-антропологического подхода более ясным, мы построили наше рассуждение частично на критике недавней попытки Томаса А. Дишенны (Discenna, (...)
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  • О созидании, пещерном искусстве и восприятии: доксологический подход.Rosengren Mats & Dmitrii Vorobev - 2019 - Вопросы Философии 8:80-93.
    Представляя доксологию как постфеноменологический способ решения эпистемических и перцептивных проблем, автор обращается к истории открытия в конце XIX в. палеолитической наскальной живописи и к данным современных когнитивных наук. Восприятие и познание не являются отражением объективной реальности, это – особая творческая деятельность людей, обусловленная как биологическими, так и социокультурными факторами. Используя принципы Э. Кассирера, Л. Флека, П. Бурдье и Ж. Деррида, автор дает очерк сложного переплетения биологических и социальных факторов в процессе восприятия, анализируя первые попытки осмысления так называемого «пещерного искусства», и (...)
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