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  1. Using artificial intelligence to enhance patient autonomy in healthcare decision-making.Jose Luis Guerrero Quiñones - forthcoming - AI and Society.
    The use of artificial intelligence in healthcare contexts is highly controversial for the (bio)ethical conundrums it creates. One of the main problems arising from its implementation is the lack of transparency of machine learning algorithms, which is thought to impede the patient’s autonomous choice regarding their medical decisions. If the patient is unable to clearly understand why and how an AI algorithm reached certain medical decision, their autonomy is being hovered. However, there are alternatives to prevent the negative impact of (...)
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  • When can we Kick (Some) Humans “Out of the Loop”? An Examination of the use of AI in Medical Imaging for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis.Kathryn Muyskens, Yonghui Ma, Jerry Menikoff, James Hallinan & Julian Savulescu - 2025 - Asian Bioethics Review 17 (1):207-223.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) has attracted an increasing amount of attention, both positive and negative. Its potential applications in healthcare are indeed manifold and revolutionary, and within the realm of medical imaging and radiology (which will be the focus of this paper), significant increases in accuracy and speed, as well as significant savings in cost, stand to be gained through the adoption of this technology. Because of its novelty, a norm of keeping humans “in the loop” wherever AI mechanisms are deployed (...)
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  • Artificial intelligence in medicine and the negative outcome penalty paradox.Jacob M. Appel - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (1):34-36.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) holds considerable promise for transforming clinical diagnostics. While much has been written both about public attitudes toward the use of AI tools in medicine and about uncertainty regarding legal liability that may be delaying its adoption, the interface of these two issues has so far drawn less attention. However, understanding this interface is essential to determining how jury behaviour is likely to influence adoption of AI by physicians. One distinctive concern identified in this paper is a ‘negative (...)
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  • What’s wrong with medical black box AI?Bert Gordijn & Henk ten Have - 2023 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (3):283-284.
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  • The ethical requirement of explainability for AI-DSS in healthcare: a systematic review of reasons.Nils Freyer, Dominik Groß & Myriam Lipprandt - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-11.
    Background Despite continuous performance improvements, especially in clinical contexts, a major challenge of Artificial Intelligence based Decision Support Systems (AI-DSS) remains their degree of epistemic opacity. The conditions of and the solutions for the justified use of the occasionally unexplainable technology in healthcare are an active field of research. In March 2024, the European Union agreed upon the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA), requiring medical AI-DSS to be ad-hoc explainable or to use post-hoc explainability methods. The ethical debate does not seem (...)
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  • Machine learning, healthcare resource allocation, and patient consent.Jamie Webb - 2024 - The New Bioethics 30 (3):206-227.
    The impact of machine learning in healthcare on patient informed consent is now the subject of significant inquiry in bioethics. However, the topic has predominantly been considered in the context of black box diagnostic or treatment recommendation algorithms. The impact of machine learning involved in healthcare resource allocation on patient consent remains undertheorized. This paper will establish where patient consent is relevant in healthcare resource allocation, before exploring the impact on informed consent from the introduction of black box machine learning (...)
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  • KI:Text: Diskurse über KI-Textgeneratoren.Gerhard Schreiber & Lukas Ohly (eds.) - 2024 - De Gruyter.
    Wenn Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) Texte generieren kann, was sagt das darüber, was ein Text ist? Worin unterscheiden sich von Menschen geschriebene und mittels KI generierte Texte? Welche Erwartungen, Befürchtungen und Hoffnungen hegen Wissenschaften, wenn in ihren Diskursen KI-generierte Texte rezipiert werden und Anerkennung finden, deren Urheberschaft und Originalität nicht mehr eindeutig definierbar sind? Wie verändert sich die Arbeit mit Quellen und welche Konsequenzen ergeben sich daraus für die Kriterien wissenschaftlicher Textarbeit und das Verständnis von Wissenschaft insgesamt? Welche Chancen, Grenzen und (...)
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