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De la sagesse

Genève: Slatkine Reprints. Edited by Amaury Duval (1968)

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  1. Leibniz's Models of Rational Decision.Markku Roinila - 2008 - In Marcelo Dascal (ed.), Leibniz: What Kind of Rationalist? Springer. pp. 357-370.
    Leibniz frequently argued that reasons are to be weighed against each other as in a pair of scales, as Professor Marcelo Dascal has shown in his article "The Balance of Reason." In this kind of weighing it is not necessary to reach demonstrative certainty – one need only judge whether the reasons weigh more on behalf of one or the other option However, a different kind of account about rational decision-making can be found in some of Leibniz's writings. In his (...)
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  • The ten modes of aenesidemus and the myth of ancient scepticism.Stephen Gaukroger - 1995 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 3 (2):371 – 387.
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  • Descartes’s Passions of the Soul.Lisa Shapiro - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (3):268-278.
    While Descartes’s Passions of the Soul has been taken to hold a place in the history to human physiology, until recently philosophers have neglected the work. In this research summary, I set Descartes’s last published work in context and then sketch out its philosophical significance. From it, we gain further insight into Descartes’s solution to the Mind--Body Problem -- that is, to the problem of the ontological status of the mind--body union in a human being, to the nature of body--mind (...)
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  • Thematic Reclassifications and Emerging Sciences.Raphaël Sandoz - 2021 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 52 (1):63-85.
    Over time, various thematic classifications have been put forward to organize science into a coherent system of specialized areas of research. From an analysis of the historical evolution of the criteria used to distinguish the sciences from one another, I propose in this paper a quadripartite typology for the different thematic classification systems propounded by scholars throughout the centuries. Basically, I argue that the criteria used to differentiate the sciences have been alternately drawn from their respective subject matters, kinds of (...)
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  • Pierre Charron: fideísta, libertino, deísta.Fernando Bahr - 2013 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 39 (2):00-00.
    El tratado De la sagesse de Pierre Charron es una obra difícil de clasificar y, como tal, ha recibido diversas interpretaciones en la historia de la filosofía. En este trabajo partimos de la interpretación "fideísta" propuesta por Richard Popkin y, luego de señalar sus limitaciones, prestamos atención a otras dos exégesis que guardan varios rasgos en común: la "libertina" y la "deísta". A propósito de esta última, en un cuarto momento, llamamos la atención sobre las semejanzas que presenta la Profession (...)
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  • Enciclopedística y escepticismo en el Advis pour dresser une bibliothèque de Gabriel Naudé.Santiago Juan Napoli - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía 47 (1):177-193.
    En 1627, el funcionario estatal francés Gabriel Naudé escribió un texto titulado _Advis pour dresser une bibliothèque_. El tratado, considerado con frecuencia obra fundacional de la biblioteconomía, pone a la vista ideas muy propias de dos concepciones del conocimiento erudito: la enciclopedística y el escepticismo. El presente trabajo examina las posibles afinidades filosóficas que los dos fenómenos epistemológicos mencionados presentarían en el texto de Naudé, todo ello en el marco del absolutismo francés del siglo XVII.
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  • The emergence of modern emotional power: governing passions in the French Grand Siècle.Daniel Pereira Andrade - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (3):465-491.
    This article aims to analyse the governmental rationalities that took passions as an object in the French seventeenth century, unleashing the modern transformation in emotional power. The classical question of the intertwining between emotions and rationality is approached through a cultural and historical perspective, analyzing historically situated discourses that define political rationalities that propose to govern, with specific techniques and objectives, certain “emotions”’ that are conceived in a certain way. Passions emerged as an object of government through the statement that (...)
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  • The skeptical cartesian background of Hume's "of the academical or sceptical philosophy".José R. Maia Neto - 2015 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 56 (132):371-392.
    ABSTRACT In section XII of the First Inquiry, Hume refers to the two Hellenistic schools of skepticism to present his own view of skepticism, which, however, depends on the ancient skeptics mainly indirectly. Hume's view of skepticism depends crucially on Descartes and post-Cartesian philosophers such as Pascal, Huet, Foucher and Bayle, who reacted skeptically to major Cartesian doctrines but followed one version or other of Descartes's methodical doubt. Although all these post-Cartesian philosophers are relevant in section XII, I focus on (...)
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