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  1. The Mediating Role of Anticipated Guilt in Consumers' Ethical Decision-Making.Sarah Steenhaut & Patrick Van Kenhove - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 69 (3):269 - 288.
    In this paper, we theorize that the anticipation of guilt plays an important role in ethically questionable consumer situations. We propose an ethical decision-making framework incorporating anticipated guilt as partial mediator between consumers' ethical beliefs (anteceded by ethical ideology) and intentions. In the first study, we compared several models using structural equation modeling and found empirical support for our research model. A second experiment was set up to illustrate how these new insights may be applied to prevent consumers from taking (...)
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  • Ethical consumer decision‐making: The role of need for cognition and affective responses.Omneya Mokhtar Yacout & Scott Vitell - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 27 (2):178-194.
    Most of the academic research in the field of consumer ethics has focused on the cognitive antecedents and processes of unethical consumer behavior. However, the specific roles of discrete emotions such as fear have not yet been investigated thoroughly. This research examines the role of the need for cognition, the three affective responses—fear, power, and excitement—and perceived issue importance on moral intensity, ethical perceptions, and ethical intentions for four types of unethical consumer behaviors. A sample of consumers from the two (...)
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  • Predicting the Use of Pirated Software: A Contingency Model Integrating Perceived Risk with the Theory of Planned Behavior.Chechen Liao, Hong-Nan Lin & Yu-Ping Liu - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (2):237-252.
    As software piracy continues to be a threat to the growth of national and global economies, understanding why people continue to use pirated software and learning how to discourage the use of pirated software are urgent and important issues. In addition to applying the theory of planned behavior (TPB) perspective to capture behavioral intention to use pirated software, this paper considers perceived risk as a salient belief influencing attitude and intention toward using pirated software. Four perceived risk components related to (...)
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  • Consumer Social Responsibility : Toward a Multi-Level, Multi-Agent Conceptualization of the “Other CSR”.Robert Caruana & Andreas Chatzidakis - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (4):577-592.
    Despite considerable debate as to what corporate social responsibility is, consumer social responsibility, as an important force for CSR :19–45, 2005), is a term that remains largely unexplored and under-theorized. To better conceive the role consumers play in activating CSR, this paper provides a multi-level, multi-agent conceptualization of CnSR. Integrating needs-based models of decision making with justice theory, the article interpretively develops the reasons why variously positioned agents leverage consumers as a force for corporate social responsibility. The paper theoretically expands (...)
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  • Measuring Unethical Consumer Behavior Across Four Countries.Vince W. Mitchell, George Balabanis, Bodo B. Schlegelmilch & T. Bettina Cornwell - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (2):395-412.
    The huge amounts spent on store security and crime prevention worldwide, not only costs international businesses, but also amounts to a hidden tax on those law-binding consumers who bear higher prices. Most previous research has focused on shoplifting and ignored many other ways in which consumers cheat businesses. Using a hybrid of both qualitative research and survey approaches in four countries, an index of 37 activities was developed to examine consumers’ unethical activities across UK, US, France, and Austria. The findings (...)
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  • Three-Level Mechanism of Consumer Digital Piracy: Development and Cross-Cultural Validation.Mateja Kos Koklic, Monika Kukar-Kinney & Irena Vida - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (1):15-27.
    Digital piracy as a continuing problem significantly impacts various stakeholders, including consumers, enterprises, and countries. This study develops a three-level mechanism of determinants of consumer digital piracy behavior, with personal risk as an individual factor, susceptibility to interpersonal influence as an inter-personal factor, and moral intensity as a broad societal factor. Further, it explores the role of rationalization and future piracy intent as outcomes of past piracy behaviors. The authors use survey data from four countries in the European Union to (...)
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  • Ethical Decisions About Sharing Music Files in the P2P Environment.Rong-An Shang, Yu-Chen Chen & Pin-Cheng Chen - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (2):349-365.
    Digitized information and network have made an enormous impact on the music and movie industries. Internet piracy is popular and has greatly threatened the companies in these industries. This study tests Hunt-Vitell’s ethical decision model and attempts to understand why and how people share unauthorized music files with others in the peer-to-peer (P2P) network. The norm of anti-piracy, the ideology of free software, the norm of reciprocity, and the ideology of consumer rights are proposed as four deontological norms related to (...)
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  • Illegal Downloading, Ethical Concern, and Illegal Behavior.Kirsten Robertson, Lisa McNeill, James Green & Claire Roberts - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 108 (2):215-227.
    Illegally downloading music through peer-topeer networks has persisted in spite of legal action to deter the behavior. This study examines the individual characteristics of downloaders which could explain why they are not dissuaded by messages that downloading is illegal. We compared downloaders to non-downloaders and examined whether downloaders were characterized by less ethical concern, engagement in illegal behavior, and a propensity toward stealing a CD from a music store under varying levels of risk. We also examined whether downloading or individual (...)
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  • One Sail Fits All? A Psychographic Segmentation of Digital Pirates.Charlotte Emily De Corte & Patrick Van Kenhove - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (3):441-465.
    This paper focuses on segmenting digital movie and TV series pirates and on investigating the effectiveness of piracy-combatting measures i.e., legal and educational strategies, in light of these segments. To address these research objectives, two online studies were conducted. First, 1277 valid responses were gathered with an online survey. Four pirate segments were found based on differing combinations of attitude toward piracy, ethical evaluation of piracy and feelings of guilt. The anti-pirate, conflicted pirate, cavalier pirate, and die-hard pirate can be (...)
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  • The Effects of Victim Anonymity on Unethical Behavior.Kai Chi Yam & Scott J. Reynolds - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (1):13-22.
    We theorize that victim anonymity is an important factor in ethical decision making, such that actors engage in more self-interested and unethical behaviors toward anonymous victims than they do toward identifiable victims. Three experiments provided empirical support for this argument. In Study 1, participants withheld more life-saving products from anonymous than from identifiable victims. In Study 2, participants allocated a sum of payment more unfairly when interacting with an anonymous than with an identifiable partner. Finally, in Study 3, participants cheated (...)
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  • Is music downloading the new prohibition? What students reveal through an ethical dilemma.Shoshana Altschuller & Raquel Benbunan-Fich - 2009 - Ethics and Information Technology 11 (1):49-56.
    Although downloading music through unapproved channels is illegal, statistics indicate that it is widespread. The following study examines the attitudes and perceptions of college students that are potentially engaged in music downloading. The methodology includes a content analysis of the recommendations written to answer an ethical vignette. The vignette presented the case of a subject who faces the dilemma of whether or not to download music illegally. Analyses of the final reports indicate that there is a vast and inconsistent array (...)
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  • Do You Need a Receipt? Exploring Consumer Participation in Consumption Tax Evasion as an Ethical Dilemma.Barbara Culiberg & Domen Bajde - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (2):271-282.
    The paper focuses on the consumer side of consumption tax evasion (CTE), a subcategory of the shadow economy. The ethical dimensions of tax evasion have been effectively captured by the existent literature on tax morale, yet it fails to address the role consumers can play in CTE. Further, there is a shortage of tax morale studies that explore ethical decision making as a process composed of multiple steps and determinants. To bridge these gaps, we turned to the consumer ethics literature (...)
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  • How ethical and political identifications drive adaptive behavior in the digital piracy context.Dario Miocevic & Ivana Kursan Milakovic - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (1):256-273.
    Today, digital piracy remains a growing challenge for both legislators and businesses operating in the entertainment industry. This study explores when and why consumers make trade-offs between illegal and legal streaming services. By drawing on protection motivation theory, we find that consumers' threat and coping appraisals increase their adaptive behavior, i.e., lower intention to consume illegal and higher intention to consume legal streaming services. We also show that the strength of consumers' inherent ethical (relativism) and political (economic liberalism) identities conditions (...)
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  • E-textbook piracy behavior.Sri Rahayu Hijrah Hati, Rahma Fitriasih & Anya Safira - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 18 (1):105-123.
    The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors that influence the intention of students to pirate academic e-books by integrating three main theories: ethics theory, deterrence theory, and the theory of planned behavior. The study also examines the moderating role of past piracy behavior on the relationship between the factors in the previously mentioned theories and students’ piracy intention.,The data were collected using a convenience sample of 662 university students. Based on their past behaviors, the students were grouped (...)
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  • Pirate or Buy? The Moderating Effect of Idolatry.Chia-Chen Wang, Chin-ta Chen, Shu-Chen Yang & Cheng-Kiang Farn - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (1):81-93.
    Due to the development of information technology, music piracy has become an escalating problem. This study attempts to employ the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and the social identity theory to investigate the antecedents of downloading pop music illegally from the Internet, the relationship between the intention to illegally download music and the intention to buy music, and the moderating effects of idolatry. Data were collected from 350 teenagers in Northern Taiwan through questionnaire interviews conducted in city centers where teenagers (...)
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  • Perceived Ethicality of Insurance Claim Fraud: Do Higher Deductibles Lead to Lower Ethical Standards?Anthony D. Miyazaki - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (4):589-598.
    Insurance claim fraud costs insurance companies, policymakers, and taxpayers billions of dollars every year and has been described as the second largest white collar crime. The most common insurance fraud activity and one that contributes a significant portion of dollar losses is the practice of padding claim amounts in the event of a loss. One of the largest issues insurance companies face is that policyholders often do not perceive insurance claim padding as an unethical behavior. However, very little research has (...)
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  • Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Non-pirated Software.Jane L. Hsu & Charlene W. Shiue - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (4):715-732.
    This study analyzed consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for non-pirated computer software and examined how attitudes toward intellectual property rights and perceived risk affect WTPs. Two commonly used software products, Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office, were used in the study as objects to reveal consumer assessed values. A consumer survey was administered in Taiwan and the total valid samples were 799. Respondents in this study included students from senior high schools, colleges, and graduate schools, and general consumers who were no (...)
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  • Psychological Reactance to Anti-Piracy Messages explained by Gender and Attitudes.Kate Whitman, Zahra Murad & Joe Cox - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (1):61-75.
    Digital piracy is costly to creative economies across the world. Studies indicate that anti-piracy messages can cause people to pirate more rather than less, suggesting the presence of psychological reactance. A gender gap in piracy behavior and attitudes towards piracy has been reported in the literature. By contrast, gender differences in message reactance and the moderating impact of attitudes have not been explored. This paper uses evolutionary psychology as a theoretical framework to examine whether messages based on real-world anti-piracy campaigns (...)
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  • Predicting Accounting Students’ Intentions to Engage in Software and Music Piracy.Philmore Alleyne, Sherlexis Soleyn & Terry Harris - 2015 - Journal of Academic Ethics 13 (4):291-309.
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the salient factors that influence accounting students to engage in software and music piracy. This study uses the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior, and extends these models to incorporate other variables to predict individuals’ behavioral intentions. Specifically, we hypothesize that attitudes toward the behavior, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, moral obligation and perceived prosecution risk influence intentions to engage in software and music piracy. Data were obtained from (...)
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  • Costs and Utilities Perspective of Consumers' Intentions to Engage in Online Music Sharing: Consumers' Knowledge Matters.Mei-Fang Chen & Ya-Hui Yen - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (4):283 - 300.
    Online music sharing, deemed illegal for invading intellectual property rights under current laws, has become a crucial issue for the music industry in the modern digital age, but few have investigated the potential costs and utilities for individuals involved in such online misbehavior. This study aimed to fill in this gap to predict consumers' intentions to engage in online music sharing and further consider consumers' online music sharing knowledge as a moderator in the research model. The results of repeated measures (...)
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  • Enjoying music and movies without paying: examining factors affecting unauthorized downloading amongst young adults.Meenakshi Handa, Parul Ahuja & Swati Jain - 2022 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 20 (4):568-586.
    Purpose Along with their immense benefit, online channels of communication and information-sharing also present a myriad set of challenges. The unauthorized downloading and sharing of copyrighted content such as music and movies is one such issue. This study aims to examine the factors related to the unauthorized downloading of content amongst young internet users in an emerging market. Design/methodology/approach An online structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data from 219 internet users between 17 and 24 years of age. The (...)
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  • The Effects of Artist Adoration and Perceived Risk of Getting Caught on Attitude and Intention to Pirate Music in the United States and Taiwan.Jyh-Shen Chiou, Hsiao-I. Cheng & Chien-Yi Huang - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (3):182 - 196.
    Piracy is the greatest threat facing the global music industry today. This study explores the effects of artist adoration and the perceived risk of being caught on the attitude and intention to engage in pirating a digital song among college students. The moderating effect of cultural environment factor is also examined. Experiments using between-group factorial designs were conducted in the United States and Taiwan. The results show that perceived risk of getting caught and cultural environment are important factors that can (...)
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  • Exploring antecedents of attitude and intention toward Internet piracy among college students in South Korea.Hyoungkoo Khang, Eyun-Jung Ki, In-Kon Park & Seon-Gi Baek - 2012 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 1 (2):177 - 194.
    Abstracts This study aims to examine the predictors of attitude and intentions toward Internet piracy in South Korea. Also, it intends to suggest a model of Internet piracy demonstrating the casual effects of factors of individual attitude and intentions toward Internet piracy. The results demonstrated that moral obligations and subjective norms are significant predictors of an individual’s attitude toward Internet piracy. Moreover, three factors—moral obligation, perceived behavioral control, and attitude—are essential antecedents of an individual’s intention to engage in Internet piracy. (...)
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  • Do I want to pay to download movies.Sunghan Ryu & Byungho Park - 2018 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 16 (1):45-60.
    Purpose The purpose of this study is to understand the nature and characteristics of legal movie download services and to explore the factors that influence user acceptance of the services. Design/methodology/approach The authors analyzed the three aspects of legal movie download services and empirically examined how they affect the potential users’ behavioral intent to adopt the services based on the theory of reasoned action. An online survey of 142 respondents about a real legal movie download services, currently operated by a (...)
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  • Online Music Consumption in Today’s Technological Context: Putting the Influence of Ethics in Perspective.Bert Weijters, Frank Goedertier & Sofie Verstreken - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (4):1-14.
    Whereas in the past ‘free’ and ‘illegal’ were nearly synonymous in the music industry, consumers nowadays face a myriad of music platforms with widely different characteristics in terms of business model (advertising supported, fee based, etc.), delivery mode (streaming, downloading, etc.), and others. The current research examines music consumption preferences in this new context. In order to break with the outmoded free-illegal versus paid-legal dichotomy, the present research studies consumer preferences for a broader range of music platform attributes, including free (...)
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  • Theory of Planned Behavior and Ethics Theory in Digital Piracy: An Integrated Model. [REVIEW]Cheolho Yoon - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (3):405 - 417.
    Since digital piracy has posed a significant threat to the development of the software industry and the growth of the digital media industry, it has, for the last decade, held considerable interest for researchers and practitioners. This article will propose an integrated model that combines the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and ethics theory, the two theories that are most often used in digital piracy studies. Data were obtained from university students in China, and the model was examined using the (...)
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  • Investigating Software Piracy in Jordan: An Extension of the Theory of Reasoned Action. [REVIEW]Hassan Aleassa, John Michael Pearson & Scott McClurg - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (4):663-676.
    Software piracy, the illegal and unauthorized duplication, sale, or distribution of software, is a widespread and costly phenomenon. According to Business Software Alliance, over 41% of the PC software packages installed worldwide were unauthorized copies. Software piracy behavior has been investigated for more than 30 years. However, after a review of the relevant literature, there appears to be two voids in this literature: a lack of studies in non-Western countries and a scarcity of process studies. This study contributes to literature (...)
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  • Lost in cyberspace: Ethical decision making in the online environment. [REVIEW]Joan M. McMahon & Ronnie Cohen - 2009 - Ethics and Information Technology 11 (1):1-17.
    In this study, a 20-item questionnaire was used to elicit undergraduates’ (N = 93) ethical judgment and behavioral intention regarding a number of behaviors involving computers and internet usage. Machiavellianism was found to be uncorrelated with both ethical judgment and behavioral intention. Gender was found to be negatively correlated with both ethical judgment and behavioral intention, such that females judged the behaviors as being less ethical than males, and were less likely to engage in the behaviors than males. A disconnect (...)
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