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  1. Logical Multilateralism.Heinrich Wansing & Sara Ayhan - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (6):1603-1636.
    In this paper we will consider the existing notions of bilateralism in the context of proof-theoretic semantics and propose, based on our understanding of bilateralism, an extension to logical multilateralism. This approach differs from what has been proposed under this name before in that we do not consider multiple speech acts as the core of such a theory but rather multiple consequence relations. We will argue that for this aim the most beneficial proof-theoretical realization is to use sequent calculi with (...)
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  • Meaningless Divisions.Damian Szmuc & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson - 2021 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 62 (3):399-424.
    In this article we revisit a number of disputes regarding significance logics---i.e., inferential frameworks capable of handling meaningless, although grammatical, sentences---that took place in a series of articles most of which appeared in the Australasian Journal of Philosophy between 1966 and 1978. These debates concern (i) the way in which logical consequence ought to be approached in the context of a significance logic, and (ii) the way in which the logical vocabulary has to be modified (either by restricting some notions, (...)
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  • Relevant Logics Obeying Component Homogeneity.Roberto Ciuni, Damian Szmuc & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Logic 15 (2):301-361.
    This paper discusses three relevant logics that obey Component Homogeneity - a principle that Goddard and Routley introduce in their project of a logic of significance. The paper establishes two main results. First, it establishes a general characterization result for two families of logic that obey Component Homogeneity - that is, we provide a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for their consequence relations. From this, we derive characterization results for S*fde, dS*fde, crossS*fde. Second, the paper establishes complete sequent calculi (...)
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  • Proof Theory of Paraconsistent Weak Kleene Logic.Francesco Paoli & Michele Pra Baldi - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (4):779-802.
    Paraconsistent Weak Kleene Logic is the 3-valued propositional logic defined on the weak Kleene tables and with two designated values. Most of the existing proof systems for PWK are characterised by the presence of linguistic restrictions on some of their rules. This feature can be seen as a shortcoming. We provide a cut-free calculus for PWK that is devoid of such provisos. Moreover, we introduce a Priest-style tableaux calculus for PWK.
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  • Pure Variable Inclusion Logics.Francesco Paoli, Michele Pra Baldi & Damian Szmuc - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-22.
    The aim of this article is to discuss pure variable inclusion logics, that is, logical systems where valid entailments require that the propositional variables occurring in the conclusion are included among those appearing in the premises, or vice versa. We study the subsystems of Classical Logic satisfying these requirements and assess the extent to which it is possible to characterise them by means of a single logical matrix. In addition, we semantically describe both of these companions to Classical Logic in (...)
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  • A Simple Logical Matrix and Sequent Calculus for Parry’s Logic of Analytic Implication.Damian E. Szmuc - 2021 - Studia Logica 109 (4):791-828.
    We provide a logical matrix semantics and a Gentzen-style sequent calculus for the first-degree entailments valid in W. T. Parry’s logic of Analytic Implication. We achieve the former by introducing a logical matrix closely related to that inducing paracomplete weak Kleene logic, and the latter by presenting a calculus where the initial sequents and the left and right rules for negation are subject to linguistic constraints.
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  • Extensions of paraconsistent weak Kleene logic.Francesco Paoli & Michele Pra Baldi - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Paraconsistent weak Kleene logic is the $3$-valued logic based on the weak Kleene matrices and with two designated values. In this paper, we investigate the poset of prevarieties of generalized involutive bisemilattices, focussing in particular on the order ideal generated by Α$\textrm{lg} $. Applying to this poset a general result by Alexej Pynko, we prove that, exactly like Priest’s logic of paradox, $\textrm{PWK}$ has only one proper nontrivial extension apart from classical logic: $\textrm{PWK}_{\textrm{E}}\textrm{,}$ PWK logic plus explosion. This $6$-valued logic, (...)
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  • Exactly true and non-falsity logics meeting infectious ones.Alex Belikov & Yaroslav Petrukhin - 2020 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 30 (2):93-122.
    In this paper, we study logical systems which represent entailment relations of two kinds. We extend the approach of finding ‘exactly true’ and ‘non-falsity’ versions of four-valued logics that emerged in series of recent works [Pietz & Rivieccio (2013). Nothing but the truth. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 42(1), 125–135; Shramko (2019). Dual-Belnap logic and anything but falsehood. Journal of Logics and their Applications, 6, 413–433; Shramko et al. (2017). First-degree entailment and its relatives. Studia Logica, 105(6), 1291–1317] to the case (...)
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  • On bivalent semantics and natural deduction for some infectious logics.Alex Belikov - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (1):186-210.
    In this work, we propose a variant of so-called informational semantics, a technique elaborated by Voishvillo, for two infectious logics, Deutsch’s |${\mathbf{S}_{\mathbf{fde}}}$| and Szmuc’s |$\mathbf{dS}_{\mathbf{fde}}$|⁠. We show how the machinery of informational semantics can be effectively used to analyse truth and falsity conditions of disjunction and conjunction. Using this technique, it is possible to claim that disjunction and conjunction can be rightfully regarded as such, a claim which was disputed in the recent literature. Both |${\mathbf{S}_{\mathbf{fde}}}$| and |$\mathbf{dS}_{\mathbf{fde}}$| are formalized in (...)
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  • Restricted Rules of Inference and Paraconsistency.Sankha S. Basu & Mihir K. Chakraborty - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (3):534-560.
    In this paper, we study two companions of a logic, viz., the left variable inclusion companion and the restricted rules companion, their nature and interrelations, especially in connection with paraconsistency. A sufficient condition for the two companions to coincide has also been proved. Two new logical systems—intuitionistic paraconsistent weak Kleene logic (IPWK) and paraconsistent pre-rough logic (PPRL)—are presented here as examples of logics of left variable inclusion. IPWK is the left variable inclusion companion of intuitionistic propositional logic and is also (...)
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  • Modeling the interaction of computer errors by four-valued contaminating logics.Roberto Ciuni, Thomas Macaulay Ferguson & Damian Szmuc - 2019 - In Rosalie Iemhoff, Michael Moortgat & Ruy de Queiroz, Logic, Language, Information, and Computation. Folli Publications on Logic, Language and Information. pp. 119-139.
    Logics based on weak Kleene algebra (WKA) and related structures have been recently proposed as a tool for reasoning about flaws in computer programs. The key element of this proposal is the presence, in WKA and related structures, of a non-classical truth-value that is “contaminating” in the sense that whenever the value is assigned to a formula ϕ, any complex formula in which ϕ appears is assigned that value as well. Under such interpretations, the contaminating states represent occurrences of a (...)
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  • Structural proof theory for first-order weak Kleene logics.Andreas Fjellstad - 2020 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 30 (3):272-289.
    This paper presents a sound and complete five-sided sequent calculus for first-order weak Kleene valuations which permits not only elegant representations of four logics definable on first-order weak Kleene valuations, but also admissibility of five cut rules by proof analysis.
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  • Non-reflexive Nonsense: Proof-Theory for Paracomplete Weak Kleene Logic.Bruno Da Ré, Damian Szmuc & María Inés Corbalán - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-17.
    Our aim is to provide a sequent calculus whose external consequence relation coincides with the three-valued paracomplete logic `of nonsense' introduced by Dmitry Bochvar and, independently, presented as the weak Kleene logic K3W by Stephen C. Kleene. The main features of this calculus are (i) that it is non-reflexive, i.e., Identity is not included as an explicit rule (although a restricted form of it with premises is derivable); (ii) that it includes rules where no variable-inclusion conditions are attached; and (iii) (...)
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  • A Generalization of Beall’s Off-Topic Interpretation.Yang Song, Hitoshi Omori, Jonas R. B. Arenhart & Satoshi Tojo - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (4):893-932.
    In one of his papers, JC Beall advanced a new and interesting interpretation of Weak Kleene logic, in terms of on-topic/off-topic. In brief, Beall suggests to read the third value as _off-topic_, whereas the two classical values are read as _true and on-topic_ and _false and on-topic_. Building on Beall’s new interpretation, the aim of this paper is threefold. First, we discuss two motivations to enrich Beall’s interpretation, and offer an alternative semantic framework that reflects our motivations. Second, by making (...)
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  • Editorial Introduction.Francesco Paoli & Gavin St John - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (6):1201-1214.
    This is the Editorial Introduction to “S.I.: Strong and Weak Kleene Logics”.
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  • A New Game Theoretic Semantics (GTS-2) for Weak Kleene Logics.Massimiliano Carrara, Filippo Mancini, Michele Pra Baldi & Wei Zhu - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (6):1439-1463.
    Hintikka’s game theoretical approach to semantics has been successfully applied also to some non-classical logics. A recent example is Başkent (A game theoretical semantics for logics of nonsense, 2020. arXiv:2009.10878), where a game theoretical semantics based on three players and the notion of dominant winning strategy is devised to fit both Bochvar and Halldén’s logics of nonsense, which represent two basic systems of the family of weak Kleene logics. In this paper, we present and discuss a new game theoretic semantics (...)
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  • Non-Reflexive Nonsense: Proof Theory of Paracomplete Weak Kleene Logic.Bruno Da Ré, Damian Szmuc & María Inés Corbalán - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (6):1243-1259.
    Our aim is to provide a sequent calculus whose external consequence relation coincides with the three-valued paracomplete logic ‘of nonsense’ introduced by Dmitry Bochvar and, independently, presented as the weak Kleene logic $$\textbf{K}_{\textbf{3}}^{\textbf{w}}$$ by Stephen C. Kleene. The main features of this calculus are (i) that it is non-reflexive, i.e., Identity is not included as an explicit rule (although a restricted form of it with premises is derivable); (ii) that it includes rules where no variable-inclusion conditions are attached; and (iii) (...)
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  • Logical Pluralism and Interpretations of Logical Systems.Diego Tajer & Camillo Fiore - 2022 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 31 (2):209-234.
    Logical pluralism is a general idea that there is more than one correct logic. Carnielli and Rodrigues [2019a] defend an epistemic interpretation of the paraconsistent logic N4, according to which an argument is valid in this logic just in case it necessarily preserves evidence. The authors appeal to this epistemic interpretation to briefly motivate a kind of logical pluralism: “different accounts of logical consequence may preserve different properties of propositions”. The aim of this paper is to study the prospect of (...)
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