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  1. A Logical Reconstruction of Medieval Terminist Logic in Conceptual Realism.Nino Cocchiarella - 2001 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 4 (1):35-72.
    The framework of conceptual realism provides a logically ideal language within which to reconstruct the medieval terminist logic of the 14th century. The terminist notion of a concept, which shifted from Ockham's early view of a concept as an intentional object to his later view of a concept as a mental act , is reconstructed in this framework in terms of the idea of concepts as unsaturated cognitive structures. Intentional objects are not rejected but are reconstructed as the objectified intensional (...)
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  • Denoting concepts, reference, and the logic of names, classes as many, groups, and plurals.Nino B. Cocchiarella - 2005 - Linguistics and Philosophy 28 (2):135 - 179.
    Bertrand Russell introduced several novel ideas in his 1903 Principles of Mathematics that he later gave up and never went back to in his subsequent work. Two of these are the related notions of denoting concepts and classes as many. In this paper we reconstruct each of these notions in the framework of conceptual realism and connect them through a logic of names that encompasses both proper and common names, and among the latter, complex as well as simple common names. (...)
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  • O Princípio de Verdade (Ensaio de Reconstrução Filosófica da Teoria Aristotélica da Verdade).Nazareno Eduardo de Almeida - 2005 - Dissertation, Pontificia Universidade Católica de Porto Alegre (Pucrs), Brazil
    A tese central deste trabalho consiste em reconstruir em bases filosóficas as linhas gerais da teoria aristotélica da verdade mostrando, a partir da análise do Livro IV da Metafísica, que esta teoria está fundada naquilo que é chamado nesta investigação de princípio transcendental de verdade, o qual é constituído pela bi- implicação modal dos princípios de não-contradição, do terceiro excluído e de identidade.
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