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  1. Social conceptions of knowledge and action: DAI foundations and open systems semantics.Les Gasser - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 47 (1-3):107-138.
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  • Agent-oriented programming.Yoav Shoham - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 60 (1):51-92.
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  • Auditory hallucinations, inner speech, and the dominant hemisphere.Pierre Flor-Henry - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):523-524.
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  • Who may I say is calling?Kathleen A. Akins & Daniel C. Dennett - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):517-518.
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  • Cognitive and Computer Systems for Understanding Narrative Text.William J. Rapaport, Erwin M. Segal, Stuart C. Shapiro, David A. Zubin, Gail A. Bruder, Judith Felson Duchan & David M. Mark - manuscript
    This project continues our interdisciplinary research into computational and cognitive aspects of narrative comprehension. Our ultimate goal is the development of a computational theory of how humans understand narrative texts. The theory will be informed by joint research from the viewpoints of linguistics, cognitive psychology, the study of language acquisition, literary theory, geography, philosophy, and artificial intelligence. The linguists, literary theorists, and geographers in our group are developing theories of narrative language and spatial understanding that are being tested by the (...)
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  • How Helen Keller Used Syntactic Semantics to Escape from a Chinese Room.William J. Rapaport - 2006 - Minds and Machines 16 (4):381-436.
    A computer can come to understand natural language the same way Helen Keller did: by using “syntactic semantics”—a theory of how syntax can suffice for semantics, i.e., how semantics for natural language can be provided by means of computational symbol manipulation. This essay considers real-life approximations of Chinese Rooms, focusing on Helen Keller’s experiences growing up deaf and blind, locked in a sort of Chinese Room yet learning how to communicate with the outside world. Using the SNePS computational knowledge-representation system, (...)
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  • Games that agents play: A formal framework for dialogues between autonomous agents. [REVIEW]Peter McBurney & Simon Parsons - 2002 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 11 (3):315-334.
    We present a logic-based formalism for modeling ofdialogues between intelligent and autonomous software agents,building on a theory of abstract dialogue games which we present.The formalism enables representation of complex dialogues assequences of moves in a combination of dialogue games, and allowsdialogues to be embedded inside one another. The formalism iscomputational and its modular nature enables different types ofdialogues to be represented.
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  • Knowledge and communication: A first-order theory.Ernest Davis - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence 166 (1-2):81-139.
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  • Intentions in communication.Jon Oberlander - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 63 (1-2):511-520.
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  • Views from a cognitive scientist: cognitive representations underlying discourse are sometimes social.Arthur C. Graesser - 2006 - Discourse Studies 8 (1):59-66.
    Most areas of the cognitive and social sciences assume that knowledge representations are constructed and used during communication and that much of its content is social. Those of us who build computer models of comprehension and conversation are forced to be explicit about the nature of these knowledge representations and affiliated processes. There are some conditions when knowledge is not sufficiently social, and other conditions when knowledge is overly grounded in social mechanisms. The argument is advanced that constraints, coherence, and (...)
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  • AI and affordances for mental action.McClelland Tom - unknown
    To perceive an affordance is to perceive an object or situation as presenting an opportunity for action. The concept of affordances has been taken up across wide range of disciplines, including AI. I explore an interesting extension of the concept of affordances in robotics. Among the affordances that artificial systems have been engineered to detect are affordances to deliberate. In psychology, affordances are typically limited to bodily action, so the it is noteworthy that AI researchers have found it helpful to (...)
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  • Reference to Abstract Objects in Discourse.Nicholas Asher - 1993 - Dordrecht, Boston, and London: Kluwer.
    This volume is about abstract objects and the ways we refer to them in natural language. Asher develops a semantical and metaphysical analysis of these entities in two stages. The first reflects the rich ontology of abstract objects necessitated by the forms of language in which we think and speak. A second level of analysis maps the ontology of natural language metaphysics onto a sparser domain--a more systematic realm of abstract objects that are fully analyzed. This second level reflects the (...)
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  • Arousal and the disruption of language production processes in schizophrenia.Per F. Gjerde - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):524-524.
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  • Hallucination, rationalization, and response set.Steven Schwartz - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):532-533.
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  • Intensional Concepts in Propositional Semantic Networks.Anthony S. Maida & Stuart C. Shapiro - 1982 - Cognitive Science 6 (4):291-330.
    An integrated statement is made concerning the semantic status of nodes in a propositional semantic network, claiming that such nodes represent only intensions. Within the network, the only reference to extensionality is via a mechanism to assert that two intensions have the same extension in same world. This framework is employed in three application problems to illustrate the nature of its solutions.The formalism used here utilizes only assertional information and no structural, or definitional, information. This restriction corresponds to many of (...)
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  • Dialogue games: Conventions of human interaction. [REVIEW]William C. Mann - 1988 - Argumentation 2 (4):511-532.
    Natural dialogue does not proceed haphazardly; it has an easily recognized “episodic” structure and coherence which conform to a well developed set of conventions. This paper represents these conventions formally in terms related to speech act theory and to a theory of action.The major formal unit, the dialogue game, specifies aspects of the communication of both participants in a dialogue. We define the formal notion of dialogue games, and describe some of the important games of English. Dialogue games are conventions (...)
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  • Communicative Intentions and Conversational Processes in Human-Human and Human-Computer Dialogue.Matthew Stone - unknown
    This chapter investigates the computational consequences of a broadly Gricean view of language use as intentional activity. In this view, dialogue rests on coordinated reasoning about communicative intentions. The speaker produces each utterance by formulating a suitable communicative intention. The hearer understands it by recognizing the communicative intention behind it. When this coordination is successful, interlocutors succeed in considering the same intentions— that is, the same representations of utterance meaning—as the dialogue proceeds. In this paper, I emphasize that these intentions (...)
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  • (1 other version)Logical foundations for belief representation.William J. Rapaport - 1986 - Cognitive Science 10 (4):371-422.
    This essay presents a philosophical and computational theory of the representation of de re, de dicto, nested, and quasi-indexical belief reports expressed in natural language. The propositional Semantic Network Processing System (SNePS) is used for representing and reasoning about these reports. In particular, quasi-indicators (indexical expressions occurring in intentional contexts and representing uses of indicators by another speaker) pose problems for natural-language representation and reasoning systems, because--unlike pure indicators--they cannot be replaced by coreferential NPs without changing the meaning of the (...)
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  • (1 other version)Designing Meaningful Agents.Matthew Stone - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (5):781-809.
    I show how a conversational process that takes simple, intuitively meaningful steps may be understood as a sophisticated computation that derives the richly detailed, complex representations implicit in our knowledge of language. To develop the account, I argue that natural language is structured in a way that lets us formalize grammatical knowledge precisely in terms of rich primitives of interpretation. Primitives of interpretation can be correctly viewed intentionally, as explanations of our choices of linguistic actions; the model therefore fits our (...)
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  • Speech errors and hallucinations in schizophrenia – no difference?Trevor A. Harley - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):525-526.
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  • A three-component analysis of Hoffman's model of verbal hallucinations.Heidelinde Allen - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):518-518.
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  • Teleology and agency in speech production.Robert M. Gordon - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):525-525.
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  • Verbal hallucinations also occur in normals.Thomas B. Posey - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):530-530.
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  • Conversation and Behavior Games in the Pragmatics of Dialogue.Gabriella Airenti, Bruno G. Bara & Marco Colombetti - 1993 - Cognitive Science 17 (2):197-256.
    In this article we present the bases for a computational theory of the cognitive processes underlying human communication. The core of the article is devoted to the analysis of the phases in which the process of comprehension of a communicative act can be logically divided: (1) literal meaning, where the reconstruction of the mental states literally expressed by the actor takes place: (2) speaker's meaning, where the partner reconstructs the communicative intentions of the actor; (3) communicative effect, where the partner (...)
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  • User modeling in dialog systems: Potentials and hazards. [REVIEW]Alfred Kobsa - 1990 - AI and Society 4 (3):214-231.
    In order to be capable of exhibiting a wide range of cooperative behavior, a computer-based dialog system must have available assumptions about the current user's goals, plans, background knowledge and (false) beliefs, i.e., maintain a so-called “user model”. Apart from cooperativity aspects, such a model is also necessary for intelligent coherent dialog behavior in general. This article surveys recent research on the problem of how such a model can be constructed, represented and used by a system during its interaction with (...)
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  • The structure of communicative acts.Sarah E. Murray & William B. Starr - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (2):425-474.
    Utterances of natural language sentences can be used to communicate not just contents, but also forces. This paper examines this topic from a cross-linguistic perspective on sentential mood. Recent work in this area focuses on conversational dynamics: the three sentence types can be associated with distinctive kinds of conversational effects called sentential forces, modeled as three kinds of updates to the discourse context. This paper has two main goals. First, it provides two arguments, on empirical and methodological grounds, for treating (...)
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  • Verbal hallucinations, unintendedness, and the validity of the schizophrenia diagnosis.R. P. Bentall & P. D. Slade - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):519-520.
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  • Verbal hallucinations and language production processes in schizophrenia.Ralph E. Hoffman - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):503-517.
    How is it that many schizophrenics identify certain instances of verbal imagery as hallucinatory? Most investigators have assumed that alterations in sensory features of imagery explain this. This approach, however, has not yielded a definitive picture of the nature of verbal hallucinations. An alternative perspective suggests itself if one allows the possibility that the nonself quality of hallucinations is inferred on the basis of the experience of unintendedness that accompanies imagery production. Information-processing models of “intentional” cognitive processes call for abstract (...)
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  • A Critique of Top‐down Independent Levels Models of Speech Production: Evidence from Non‐plan‐Internal Speech Errors.Trevor A. Harley - 1984 - Cognitive Science 8 (3):191-219.
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  • Information Structure: Afterword.Craige Roberts - 2012 - Semantics and Pragmatics 5 (7):1-19.
    As a graduate student in Linguistics at UMass/Amherst in the 1980s, I was fortunate to be exposed to a number of new developments bearing on the relationship between formal semantics and pragmatics. In the 1970s under the influence of Cresswell, Lewis, Montague, and Partee, enormous progress in semantics was made possible by narrowing the focus of the field mainly to the consideration of the conventional, truth conditional content of an indicative utterance, calculated compositionally as a function of the semantic contributions (...)
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  • The intentionalist controversy and cognitive science.Raymond W. Gibbs - 1993 - Philosophical Psychology 6 (2):181-205.
    What role do speakers'/authors’ communicative intentions play in language interpretation? Cognitive scientists generally assume that listeners'/readers’ recognitions of speakers'/authors’ intentions is a crucial aspect of utterance interpretation. Various philosophers, literary theorists and anthropologists criticize this intentional view and assert that speakers'/authors’ intentions do not provide either the starting point for linguistic interpretation or constrain how texts should be understood. Until now, cognitive scientists have not seriously responded to the current challenges regarding intentions in communication. My purpose in this article is (...)
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  • Extended person-machine interface.Rachel Reichman-Adar - 1984 - Artificial Intelligence 22 (2):157-218.
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  • Attitudes and classification of utterances.Yasuo Nakayama - 1998 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 9 (3):37-53.
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  • A Plan Recognition Model for Subdialogues in Conversations.Diane J. Litman & James F. Allen - 1987 - Cognitive Science 11 (2):163-200.
    Previous plan‐based models of dialogue understanding have been unable to account for many types of subdialogues present in naturally occurring conversations. One reason for this is that the models have not clearly differentiated between the varoius ways that an utterance can relate to a plan structure representing a topic. In this paper we present a plan‐based theory that allows a wide variety of utterance‐plan relationships. We introduce a set of discourse plans, each one corresponding to a particular way that an (...)
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  • Representing Communicative Intentions in Collaborative Conversational Agents.Matthew Stone - unknown
    This paper pursues a formal analogy between natural language dialogue and collaborative real-world action in general. The analogy depends on an analysis of two aspects of collaboration that figure crucially in language use. First, agents must be able to coordinate abstractly about future decisions which cannot be made on present information. Second, when agents finally take such decisions, they must again coordinate in order to interpret one anothers’ actions as collaborative. The contribution of this paper is a general representation of (...)
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  • Manipulating Games by Sharing Information.John Grant, Sarit Kraus, Michael Wooldridge & Inon Zuckerman - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (2):267-295.
    We address the issue of manipulating games through communication. In the specific setting we consider (a variation of Boolean games), we assume there is some set of environment variables, the values of which are not directly accessible to players; the players have their own beliefs about these variables, and make decisions about what actions to perform based on these beliefs. The communication we consider takes the form of (truthful) announcements about the values of some environment variables; the effect of an (...)
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  • Distributed artificial intelligence from a socio-cognitive standpoint: Looking at reasons for interaction. [REVIEW]Maria Miceli, Amedo Cesta & Paola Rizzo - 1995 - AI and Society 9 (4):287-320.
    Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) deals with computational systems where several intelligent components interact in a common environment. This paper is aimed at pointing out and fostering the exchange between DAI and cognitive and social science in order to deal with the issues of interaction, and in particular with the reasons and possible strategies for social behaviour in multi-agent interaction is also described which is motivated by requirements of cognitive plausibility and grounded the notions of power, dependence and help. Connections with (...)
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  • Enumerating the preconditions of agent message types.Jeff Pelletier - unknown
    Agent communication languages (ACLs) invoke speech act theory and define individual message types by reference to particular combinations of beliefs and desires of the speaker (feasibility preconditions). Even when the mental states are restricted to a small set of nested beliefs, it seems that there might be a very large number of different possible preconditions, and therefore a very large number of different message types. With some constraints on the mental attitude of the speaker, we enumerate the possible belief states (...)
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  • Hallucinations and contextually generated interpretations.Nicholas P. Spanos - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):533-534.
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  • Mental Spaces from a Functional Perspective.John Dinsmore - 1987 - Cognitive Science 11 (1):1-21.
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  • Sentence generation as a planning problem.Alexander Koller & Matthew Stone - unknown
    We translate sentence generation from TAG grammars with semantic and pragmatic information into a planning problem by encoding the contribution of each word declaratively and explicitly. This allows us to exploit the performance of off-the-shelf planners. It also opens up new perspectives on referring expression generation and the relationship between language and action.
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  • On the nature and role of intersubjectivity in communication.Maurizio Tirassa & Francesca M. Bosco - 2000 - In Maurizio Tirassa, Antonella Carassa & Giuliano Geminiani (eds.), [Book Chapter].
    We outline a theory of human agency and communication and discuss the role that the capability to share (that is, intersubjectivity) plays in it. All the notions discussed are cast in a mentalistic and radically constructivist framework. We also introduce and discuss the relevant literature.
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  • Sharedness and privateness in human early social life.Maurizio Tirassa, Francesca M. Bosco & Livia Colle - 2006 - Tirassa, Maurizio and Bosco, Francesca M. And Colle, Livia (2006) Sharedness and Privateness in Human Early Social Life. [Journal (Paginated)].
    This research is concerned with the innate predispositions underlying human intentional communication. Human communication is currently defined as a circular and overt attempt to modify a partner's mental states. This requires each party involved to posse ss the ability to represent and understand the other's mental states, a capability which is commonly referred to as mindreading, or theory of mind (ToM). The relevant experimental literature agrees that no such capability is to be found in the human speci es at least (...)
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  • Prescribed mental attitudes in goal-adoption and Norm-adoption.Cristiano Castelfranchi - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 7 (1):37-50.
    The general aim of this work is to show the importance of the adressee's mind as planned by the author of a speech act or of a norm; in particular, how important are the expected motivations for goal adoption. We show that speech acts differ from one another for the different motivations the speaker is attempting to obtain from the hearer. The description of the participants' social positions is not sufficient. Important conflicts can arise which are not relative to what (...)
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  • (1 other version)Intention, interpretation and the computational structure of language.Matthew Stone - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (5):781-809.
    I show how a conversational process that takes simple, intuitively meaningful steps may be understood as a sophisticated computation that derives the richly detailed, complex representations implicit in our knowledge of language. To develop the account, I argue that natural language is structured in a way that lets us formalize grammatical knowledge precisely in terms of rich primitives of interpretation. Primitives of interpretation can be correctly viewed intentionally, as explanations of our choices of linguistic actions; the model therefore fits our (...)
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  • Understanding Miscommunication: Speech Act Recognition in Digital Contexts.Thomas Holtgraves - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (10):e13023.
    Successful language use requires accurate intention recognition. However, sometimes this can be undermined because communication occurs within an interpersonal context. In this research, I used a relatively large set of speech acts (n = 32) and explored how variability in their inherent face‐threat influences the extent to which they are successfully recognized by a recipient, as well as the confidence of senders and receivers in their communicative success. Participants in two experiments either created text messages (senders) designed to perform a (...)
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  • Intention is choice with commitment.Philip R. Cohen & Hector J. Levesque - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 42 (2-3):213-261.
    This paper explores principles governing the rational balance among an agent's beliefs, goals, actions, and intentions. Such principles provide specifications for artificial agents, and approximate a theory of human action (as philosophers use the term). By making explicit the conditions under which an agent can drop his goals, i.e., by specifying how the agent is committed to his goals, the formalism captures a number of important properties of intention. Specifically, the formalism provides analyses for Bratman's three characteristic functional roles played (...)
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  • The Role of Metarepresentation in the Production and Resolution of Referring Expressions.William S. Horton & Susan E. Brennan - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:168898.
    In this paper we consider the potential role of metarepresentation—the representation of another representation, or as commonly considered within cognitive science, the mental representation of another individual's knowledge and beliefs—in mediating definite reference and common ground in conversation. Using dialogues from a referential communication study in which speakers conversed in succession with two different addressees, we highlight ways in which interlocutors work together to successfully refer to objects, and achieve shared conceptualizations. We briefly review accounts of how such shared conceptualizations (...)
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  • Verbal hallucinations and speech disorganization in schizophrenia: A further look at the evidence.Martin Harrow, Joanne T. Marengo & Ann Ragin - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):526-526.
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  • When is an image hallucinatory?Graham F. Reed - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):530-531.
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