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Kants Begründung der Ethik

F. Dümmler (1877)

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  1. Psychophysiological Transcendentalism in Friedrich Albert Lange’s Social and Political Philosophy.Elisabeth Theresia Widmer - 2022 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 3 (1):253-275.
    In recent literature, it has been suggested that Lange’s social and political philosophy is separate from his neo-Kantian program. Prima facie, this interpretation makes sense given that Lange argues for an account of social norms that builds on Darwin and Smith rather than on Kant. Still, this paper argues that elements of psychophysiological transcendentalism can be found in Lange’s social and political philosophy. A detailed examination of the second edition of the History of Materialism, Schiller’s Poems, and the second edition (...)
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  • Elements of Völkerpsychologie in Hermann Cohen’s Mature Ethical Idealism.Elisabeth Widmer - 2021 - Idealistic Studies 51 (3):255-278.
    This paper challenges the hitherto common distinction between Hermann Cohen’s early phase of Völkerpsychologie and his later phase as a critical idealist. Recently, it has been claimed that Cohen’s turn was not a rapid conversion but a development that was already inherent to his early view. This paper argues that even in Cohen’s mature critical idealism, a thin basis of Völkerpsychologie continues to exist. Cohen’s critical programme is presented as having a twofold aim: On the one hand, it strives to (...)
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  • The Sensation and the Stimulus: Psychophysics and the Prehistory of the Marburg School.Marco Giovanelli - 2017 - Perspectives on Science 25 (3):287-323.
    In 1912, Ernst Cassirer contributed to the special issue of the Kant-Studien that honored Hermann Cohen's retirement—his mentor and teacher, and the recognized founding father of the so-called 'Marburg school' of Neo-Kantianism. In the context of an otherwise rather conventional presentation of Cohen's interpretation of Kant, Cassirer made a remark that is initially surprising. It is “anything but accurate,” he wrote, to regard Cohen's philosophy as focused “exclusively on the mathematical theory of nature,” as is usually done. A reconstruction of (...)
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  • Cassirer and Kant on the Unity of Space and the Role of Imagination.Roberto Horácio de Sá Pereira - 2020 - Kant Yearbook 12 (1):115-135.
    The focus of this paper is Cassirer’s Neo-Kantian reading of Kant’s conception of unity of space. Cassirer’s neo-Kantian reading is largely in conformity with the mainstream of intellectualist Kant-scholars, which is unsurprising, given his own intellectualist view of space and perception and his rejection of the existence of a ‘merely sensory consciousness’ as a ‘formless mass of impression’. I argue against Cassirer’s reading by relying on a Kantian distinction first recognized by Heinrich Rickert, a neo-Kantian from the Southwest school, between (...)
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  • Leibniz’s Influence on Hermann Cohen’s Interpretation of Kant.Scott Edgar - 2021 - Kant E-Prints 16 (2):200-230.
    In the second edition of Hermann Cohen’s Kant’s Theory of Experience, he abandons the interpretation of Kant’s Anticipations of Perception that he gave in the first edition, in favourof a radically different one. On his early interpretation, the Anticipations is largely of psychological interest for its influence on, and continuing significance for, physiological psychology and psychophysics. But on his mature interpretation, it defends the superiority of a dynamic conception of nature over a mechanical conception. Further, on his early interpretation, Cohen (...)
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  • (3 other versions)Paul Natorp.Alan Kim - 2003 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • On Method: The Fact of Science and the Distinction between Natural Science and the Humanities.Brigitte Falkenburg - 2020 - Kant Yearbook 12 (1):1-31.
    This article examines Cohen’s “transcendental method”, Windelband’s “critical method”, the neo-Kantian distinctions between natural science and the humanities (i. e., human or cultural sciences), and Weber’s account of ideal-typical explanations. The Marburg and the Southwest Schools of neo-Kantianism have in common that their respective philosophies of science focused on method, but they substantially differ in their approaches. Cohen advanced the “transcendental method”, which was taken up and transformed by Natorp and Cassirer; later, it became influential in neo-Kantian approaches to 20th (...)
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  • Eduard von Hartmann, die Postulatenlehre und die Genese des Neukantianismus im Kontext spiritistischer Debatten um 1900.Hauke Heidenreich - 2020 - Kant Yearbook 12 (1):57-79.
    Most scholars dealing with neo-Kantianism emphasize the existence of an explicit origin that characterizes neo-Kantianism as a clearly defined ‘movement’ with certain objects. In spite of the fact that differences between various neo-Kantian authors are mentioned in the current discourse (e. g. ‘Südwestdeutsche’ and ‘Marburger Schule’) scholars claim a singular unity of all neo-Kantian debates represented in the problem of ‘Geltung’. This is used to construct a certain relevance of neo-Kantianism in today’s philosophy. My contribution will pursue a historical approach (...)
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  • (1 other version)Hermann Cohens Konzept der Anthropodizee in der Sicht Jacob Gordins.Nina Dmitrieva - 2015 - Kantian Journal (3(ENG)):78-86.
    The paper focuses on the problem of anthropodicy in the philosophical system of Hermann Cohen and its interpretation by Jacob Gordin (1896—1947). Gordin was one of the last followers of Cohen in Russia. He developes his interpretation in the lecture “Anthropodicy”, which was given in the Philosophical Circle at the Petrograd University in December 1921. For the study of the problem of anthropodicy he was apparently inspired by the discussions at the Free Philosophical Association in 1919—1921. Gordin places Cohen’s concept (...)
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  • Kant, Neo-Kantianism, and phenomenology.Sebastian Luft - 2018 - In Dan Zahavi (ed.), Oxford Handbook of the History of Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter offers a reassessment of the relationship between Kant, the Kantian tradition, and phenomenology, here focusing mainly on Husserl and Heidegger. Part of this reassessment concerns those philosophers who, during the lives of Husserl and Heidegger, sought to defend an updated version of Kant’s philosophy, the neo-Kantians. The chapter shows where the phenomenologists were able to benefit from some of the insights on the part of Kant and the neo-Kantians, but also clearly points to the differences. The aim of (...)
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  • Towards a Unity of Theoretical and Practical Reason: On the Constitutive Significance of the Transcendental Dialectic.Robert König - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):622-635.
    The article focuses on re-evaluating Kant’s Transcendental Dialectic by initially highlighting its seemingly negative function within the Critique of Pure Reason as a mere regulative form for cognition and experience. The Dialectic, however, does not only have such a negative-regulative function but also its very own positive and founding character for cognition that even is present in the supposedly most immediate forms of intuition. In exploring this positive side of the Transcendental Dialectic it becomes clear that it manifests itself as (...)
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  • (1 other version)Causalidad, invariancia y sistematicidad en el neokatismo de Ernst Cassirer.Hernán Bruno Pringe - 2013 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 48:109-127.
    En este trabajo nos proponemos estudiar los vínculos que Cassirer establece entre los conceptos de causalidad, invariancia y sistematicidad en el conocimiento de la física. Para ello, comenzaremos considerando el marco general en el que se inscribe el análisis que Cassirer realiza. Este marco es el provisto por el método trascendental. En segundo lugar, consideraremos el principio de causalidad de Kant a la luz de su distinción entre principios constitutivos y principios regulativos de la experiencia. Luego, discutiremos las dificultades que (...)
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  • Kant: A Republican Conception of Public Justice.Maria Julia Bertomeu - 2018 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (13):109-126.
    La filosofía jurídico-política kantiana es —desde hace varios años— protagonista de primer nivel en los debates sobre la justicia, la propiedad y la pobreza. El renacimiento vino de la mano del trabajo de varios filósofos y juristas que, afortunadamente, se apartan de los incómodos y desacertados apodos que recibió Kant en la segunda mitad del siglo pasado: “Kant el político moralista”, “Kant liberal”, “Kant, el defensor de la propiedad privada exclusiva y excluyente”. Ha vuelto ahora con renovado y creciente interés, (...)
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  • Cosmopolitanism, endless history, and game theory.Francis Cheneval - unknown
    This paper assesses the theory, first voiced by Schelling and Kant, according to which an infinite historical process will lead to cosmopolitan institutions.The assessment will mainly be done on the basis of theories about infinitely repeated games. The first part of the paper reconstructs “infinitesimal” historical cosmopolitanism as proposed by Schelling and Kant. The second part confronts this position with the results of the theory of infinitely repeated games among groups. The third part offers reflections on additional conditions and contingencies (...)
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  • Infinitesimal method and judgment of origin.Hernán Pringe - 2021 - Kant E-Prints 16 (2):185-199.
    The goal of this paper is to investigate the relation between Cohen's approach to differential calculus and his doctrine of pure thinking. We claim that Cohen's logic of origin is firmly based on his interpretation of infinitesimal analysis. More precisely, the transcendental method, when applied to differential calculus, reveals the productive capacity of thinking expressed by the judgment of origin.
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  • Dignity and autonomy. Reflections about Kantian tradition.Thomas Gutmann & Carlos Rendón Arroyave - 2019 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 59.
    The kantian idea according to which only people can claim respect and only for them can moral rights exist, yet, at the same time, not all human beings are people in this strict prescriptive sense, contains considerable potential of exclusion. From this view, the present article reconstructs the architecture of Kant’s moral philosophy and investigates thescope and the limits of the different proposals of solution based on his theory.
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  • The Logic of Cultures: Three Structures of Philosophical Thought.Paul Taborsky - 2010 - Peter Lang.
    This book proposes to identify three long-term structures in causal reasoning - in particular, in terms of the relationship between cause and identity - that appear to be of value in categorizing and organizing various trends in philosophical thought.<br>Such conceptual schemes involve a host of philosophical dilemmas (such as the problem of relativism), which are examined in the first chapter. A number of naturalistic and transcendental approaches to this problem are also analysed.<br>In particular, the book attempts to construct a theoretical (...)
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  • Applied Ethics: Perspectives from Romania.Muresan Valentin & Majima Shunzo (eds.) - 2013 - Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy, Hokkaido University.
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  • The Case for the Green Kant: A Defense and Application of a Kantian Approach to Environmental Ethics.Zachary T. Vereb - 2019 - Dissertation, University of South Florida
    Environmental philosophers have argued that Kant’s philosophy offers little for environmental issues. Furthermore, Kant scholars typically focus on humanity, ignoring the question of duties to the environment. In my dissertation, I turn to a number of underexploited texts in Kant’s work to show how both sides are misguided in neglecting the ecological potential of Kant, making the case for the green Kant at the intersection of Kant scholarship and environmental ethics. I build upon previous literature to argue that the green (...)
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