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  1. Resurrecting logical probability.James Franklin - 2001 - Erkenntnis 55 (2):277-305.
    The logical interpretation of probability, or "objective Bayesianism'' – the theory that (some) probabilities are strictly logical degrees of partial implication – is defended. The main argument against it is that it requires the assignment of prior probabilities, and that any attempt to determine them by symmetry via a "principle of insufficient reason" inevitably leads to paradox. Three replies are advanced: that priors are imprecise or of little weight, so that disagreement about them does not matter, within limits; that it (...)
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  • Base rates do not constrain nonprobability judgments.Paul D. Windschitl & Gary L. Wells - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):40-41.
    Base rates have no necessary relation to judgments that are not themselves probabilities. There is no logical imperative, for instance, that behavioral base rates must affect causal attributions or that base rate information should affect judgments of legal liability. Decision theorists should be cautious in arguing that base rates place normative constraints on judgments of anything other than posterior probabilities.
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  • The perils of reconstructive remembering and the value of representative design.Kim J. Vicente - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):40-40.
    Abstract(1) The miscitations of seminal experiments in the base rate literature adds to the existing database of systematic miscitations of wellknown psychological experiments. These miscitations may be caused by a process of reconstructive remembering. (2) Representative design should be the methodological core of Koehler's call for ecologically valid research. This approach can benefit both basic and applied research.
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  • Throwing out the baby with the bathwater? Let's not overstate the overselling of the base rate fallacy.Cynthia J. Thomsen & Eugene Borgida - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):39-40.
    Koehler's summary and critique of research on the base rate fallacy is cogent and persuasive. However, he may have overstated the case, and his suggestions for future research may be too restrictive. We agree that methodological approaches to this topic should be broadened, but we argue that experimental laboratory research and the Bayesian normative standard are useful and should not be abandoned.
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  • Where do you stand on the base rate issue?Douglas Stalker - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):38-39.
    This commentary presents a self-assessment inventory that will allow readers to determine their own attitude toward the base rate fallacy and its literature. The inventory is scientifically valid but not Medicare/Medicaid reimbursable.
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  • The implicit use of base rates in experiential and ecologically valid tasks.Barbara A. Spellman - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):38-38.
    When base rates are learned and used in an experiential manner subjects show better base rate use, perhaps because the implicit learning system is engaged. A causal framework in which base rates are relevant might also be necessary. Humans might thus perform better on more ecologically valid tasks, which are likely to contain those three components.
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  • How much of commonsense and legal reasoning is formalizable? A review of conceptual obstacles.James Franklin - 2012 - Law, Probability and Risk 11:225-245.
    Fifty years of effort in artificial intelligence (AI) and the formalization of legal reasoning have produced both successes and failures. Considerable success in organizing and displaying evidence and its interrelationships has been accompanied by failure to achieve the original ambition of AI as applied to law: fully automated legal decision-making. The obstacles to formalizing legal reasoning have proved to be the same ones that make the formalization of commonsense reasoning so difficult, and are most evident where legal reasoning has to (...)
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  • Grading the Quality of Evidence of Mechanisms.Stefan Dragulinescu - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Kent
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  • Keynes after Ramsey: In defence of a treatise on probability.Jochen Runde - 1994 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 25 (1):97-121.
    Ramsey's critique of Keynes's ‘logical’ approach to probability is widely regarded as decisive, and his own ‘subjective’ approach and SEU framework are now familiar tools in economics. This paper challenges the standard view of Ramsey's critique and assesses the SEU model from a Keynesian viewpoint on probability. It consists of a summary of the two theories and an evaluation of Ramsey's criticisms and alternative. The two main conclusions are that although Keynes yields to Ramsey on the question of the existence (...)
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  • Improving decision accuracy where base rates matter: The prediction of violent recidivism.Vernon L. Quinsey - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):37-38.
    Base rates are vital in predicting violent criminal recidivism. However, both lay people given simulated prediction tasks and professionals milking real life predictions appear insensitive to variations in the base rate of violent recidivism. Although there are techniques to help decision makers attend to base rates, increased decision accuracy is better sought in improved actuarial models as opposed to improved clinicians.
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  • Conservatism revisited: Base rates, prior probabilities, and averaging strategies.Nancy Paule Melone & Timothy W. McGuire - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):36-37.
    Consistent with Koehler's position, we propose a generalization of the base rate fallacy and earlier conservatism literatures. In studies using both traditional tasks and new tasks based on ecologically valid base rates, our subjects typically underweight individuating information at least as much as they underweight base rates. The implications of cue consistency for averaging heuristics are discussed.
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  • How are base rates used? Interactive and group effects.Peter J. McLeod & Margo Watt - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):35-36.
    Koehler is right that base rate information is used, to various degrees, both in laboratory tasks and in everyday life. However, it is not time to turn our backs on laboratory tasks and focus solely on ecologically valid decision making. Tightly controlled experimental data are still needed to understandhowbase rate information is used, and how this varies among groups.
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  • Which reference class is evoked?Craig R. M. McKenzie & Jack B. Soll - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):34-35.
    Any instance (i.e., event, behavior, trait) belongs to infinitely many reference classes, hence there are infinitely many base rates from which to choose. People clearly do not entertain all possible reference classes, however, so something must be limiting the search space. We suggest some possible mechanisms that determine which reference class is evoked for the purpose of judgment and decision.
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  • First things first: What is a base rate?Clark McCauley - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):33-34.
    The fallacy beneath the base rate fallacy is that we know what a base rate is. We talk as if base rates and individuating information were two different kinds of information. From a Bayesian perspective, however, the only difference between base rate and individuating information is – which comes first.
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  • Nuancing should not imply neglecting.Howard Margolis - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):32-33.
    Koehler is right to argue for more nuanced interpretation of base rate anomalies. These anomalies are best understood in relation to a broader class of cognitive anomalies, which are important for theory and practice. Recognizing a need for more nuanced analysis should not be taken as a license for treating the effects as “explained away.”.
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  • Fallacy and controversy about base rates.Isaac Levi - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):31-32.
    Koehler's target article attempts a balanced view of the relevance of knowledge of base rates to judgments of subjective or credal probability, but he is not sensitive enough to the difference between requiring and permitting the equation of probability judgments with base rates, the interaction between precision of base rate and reference class information, and the possibility of indeterminate probability judgment.
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  • Probabilistic fallacies.Henry E. Kyburg - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):31-31.
    Two distinct issues are sometimes confused in the base rate literature: Why do people make logical mistakes in the assessment of probabilities? and why do subjects not use base rates the way experimenters do? The latter problem may often reflect differences in an implicit reference class rather than a disinclination to update a base rate by Bayes' theorem. Also important are considerations concerning the interaction of several potentially relevant base rates.
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  • Studying the use of base rates: Normal science or shifting paradigm?Joachim Krueger - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):30-30.
    The underutilization of base rates is a consistent finding. The strong claim that base rates are ignored has been rejected and this needs no further emphasis. Following the path of “normal science,” research examines the conditions predicting changes in the degree of underutilization. A scientific revolution that might dethrone the heuristics and biases paradigm is not in sight.
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  • Base rates in the applied domain of accounting.Lisa Koonce - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):29-30.
    Koehler's call for a reanalysis of the base rate fallacy is particularly important in the applied domain of accounting, since base rate data appear to be an important input for many accounting tasks. In this commentary I discuss the use of base rates in accounting and explain why more flexible standards of performance are important when judging the use of base rates.
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  • The base rate fallacy reconsidered: Descriptive, normative, and methodological challenges.Jonathan J. Koehler - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):1-17.
    We have been oversold on the base rate fallacy in probabilistic judgment from an empirical, normative, and methodological standpoint. At the empirical level, a thorough examination of the base rate literature (including the famous lawyer–engineer problem) does not support the conventional wisdom that people routinely ignore base rates. Quite the contrary, the literature shows that base rates are almost always used and that their degree of use depends on task structure and representation. Specifically, base rates play a relatively larger role (...)
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  • Issues for the next generation of base rate research.Jonathan J. Koehler - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):41-53.
    Commentators agree that simple conclusions about a general base rate fallacy are not appropriate. It is more constructive to identify conditions under which base rates are differentially weighted. Commentators also agree that improving the ecological validity of the research is desirable, although this is less important to those interested exclusively in psychological processes. The philosophers and ecologists among the commentators offer a kinder perspective on base rate reasoning than the psychologists. My own perspective is that the interesting questions (both psychological (...)
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  • Critical and natural sensitivity to base rates.Gernot D. Kleiter - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):27-29.
    This commentary discusses three points: (1) The implications of the fact that it is rational to ignore base rates if probabilities are estimated by frequencies from samples without missing data (natural sampling); (2) second order probabilities distributions are a plausible way to model imprecise probabilities; and (3) Bayesian networks represent a normative reference for multi-cue models of probabilistic inference.
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  • P(D/H), P(D/˜H), and base rate consideration.Yechiel Klar - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):26-27.
    Failure to consider base rate is regarded as potentially hazardous, mainly because its consideration is assumed to be determined solely by P(H/D), the probability of the individuating data if the hypothesis is true, and not at all by P(D/˜H), the probability if the hypothesis is false. However, when P(D/˜H) is unconfounded from P(D/H), it turns out to be the stronger determinant of base rate consideration.
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  • The base rate controversy: Is the glass half-full or half-empty?Gideon Keren & Lambert J. Thijs - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):26-26.
    Setting the two hypotheses of complete neglect and full use of base rates against each other is inappropriate. The proper question concerns the degree to which base rates are used (or neglected), and under what conditions. We outline alternative approaches and recommend regression analysis. Koehler's conclusion that we have been oversold on the base rate fallacy seems to be premature.
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  • Keynesian Uncertainty and the Weight of Arguments.Jochen Runde - 1990 - Economics and Philosophy 6 (2):275.
    In Chapter 12 of the General Theory, on “The State of Long-Term Expectation,” Keynes writes: “It would be foolish, in forming our expectations, to attach great weight to matters which are very uncertain”. In a footnote to this sentence, Keynes points out that by “very uncertain” he does not mean the same as “very improbable” and refers to the chapter on “The Weight of Arguments” in his earlier Treatise on Probability. The purpose of this article, in the first place, is (...)
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  • Physicians neglect base rates, and it matters.Robert M. Hamm - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):25-26.
    A recent study showed physicians' reasoning about a realistic case to be ignorant of base rate. It also showed physicians interpreting information pertinent to base rate differently, depending on whether it was presented early or late in the case. Although these adult reasoners might do better if given hints through talk of relative frequencies, this would not prove that they had no problem of base rate neglect.
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  • Hume on probability.Barry Gower - 1991 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 42 (1):1-19.
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  • Judgment under uncertainty: Evolution may not favor a probabilistic calculus.Lev R. Ginzburg, Charles Janson & Scott Ferson - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):24-25.
    The environment in which humans evolved is strongly and positively autocorrelated in space and time. Probabilistic judgments based on the assumption of independence may not yield evolutionarily adaptive behavior. A number of “faults” of human reasoning are not faulty under fuzzy arithmetic, a nonprobabilistic calculus of reasoning under uncertainty that may be closer to that underlying human decision making.
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  • Why do frequency formats improve Bayesian reasoning? Cognitive algorithms work on information, which needs representation.Gerd Gigerenzer - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):23-24.
    In contrast to traditional research on base-rate neglect, an ecologically-oriented research program would analyze the correspondence between cognitive algorithms and the nature of information in the environment. Bayesian computations turn out to be simpler when information is represented in frequency formats as opposed to the probability formats used in previous research. Frequency formats often enable even uninstructed subjects to perform Bayesian reasoning.
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  • Keynes's Theory of Probability and Its Relevance to His Economics: Three Theses.Allin Cottrell - 1993 - Economics and Philosophy 9 (1):25-51.
    One calls a lot of things propositions. If one sees this, then one can discard the idea Russell and Frege had that logic is a science of certain objects – propositions, functions, the logical constants – and that logic is like a natural science such as zoology and talks about these objects as zoology talks of animals. Like a natural science, it could supposedly discover certain relations. For example, Keynes claimed to discover a probability relation which was like implication, yet (...)
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  • Base rates, stereotypes, and judgmental accuracy.David C. Funder - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):22-23.
    The base rate literature has an opposite twin in the social psychological literature on stereotypes, which concludes that people use their preexisting beliefs about probabilistic category attributes too much, rather than not enough. This ironic discrepancy arises because beliefs about category attributes enhance accuracy when the beliefs are accurate and diminish accuracy when they are not. To determine the accuracy of base rate/stereotype beliefs requires research that addresses specific content.
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  • On analyzing the standards of forensic evidence: A reply to Schoeman.L. Jonathan Cohen - 1987 - Philosophy of Science 54 (1):92-97.
    Ferdinand Schoeman (1986) attempts to refute six arguments that I gave in The Probable and the Provable (1977, pp. 49-120) for not analyzing the standards of forensic proof in terms of any concept of probability that conforms to the familiar principles of the mathematical calculus of chance. But he evidently does not appreciate the strength of the case for rejecting the validity of any such analysis. In the course of discussing his criticisms, I shall add a seventh argument to fortify (...)
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  • How to reconsider the base rate fallacy without forgetting the concept of systematic processing.Pablo Fernandez-Berrocal, Julian Almaraz & Susana Segura - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):21-22.
    Abstract(1) There is enough contradictory evidence regarding the role of base rates in category learning to confirm the nonexistence of biases in such learning. (2) It is not always possible to activate statistical reasoning through frequentist representation. (3) It is necessary to use the concept of systematic processing in reconsidering the published work on biases.
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  • Base rates, experience, and the big picture.Stephen E. Edgell, Robert M. Roe & Clayton H. Dodd - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):21-21.
    The important question is how people process probabilistic information, not whether they process it in accordance with a normative model that we never should have expected them to be capable of following. Experience is not the cure, as widely thought, to problems with utilizing base rate information.
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  • Inference to the best explanation and mechanisms in medicine.Stefan Dragulinescu - 2016 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 37 (3):211-232.
    This article considers the prospects of inference to the best explanation as a method of confirming causal claims vis-à-vis the medical evidence of mechanisms. I show that IBE is actually descriptive of how scientists reason when choosing among hypotheses, that it is amenable to the balance/weight distinction, a pivotal pair of concepts in the philosophy of evidence, and that it can do justice to interesting features of the interplay between mechanistic and population level assessments.
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  • The purpose of experiments: Ecological validity versus comparing hypotheses.Robyn M. Dawes - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):20-20.
    As illustrated by research Koehler himself cites (Dawes et al. 1993), the purpose of experiments is to choose between contrasting explanations of past observations – rather than to seek statistical generalizations about the prevalence of effects. True external validity results not from sampling various problems that are representative of “real world” decision making, but from reproducing an effect in the laboratory with minimal contamination (including from real world factors).
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  • Are base rates a natural category of information?Terry Connolly - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):19-20.
    The base rate fallacy is directly dependent on a particular judgment paradigm in which information may be unambiguously designated as either “base rate” or “individuating,” and in which subjects make two-stage sequential judgments. The paradigm may be a poor match for real world settings, and the fallacy may thus be undefined for natural ecologies of judgment.
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  • The need for a theory of evidential weight.L. Jonathan Cohen - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):18-19.
    There is a familiar risk of antinomy if fromxisEand p(xisH/xisE) =rit is permissible to infer p(xisH) =r, and what Carnap (1950) called “The requirement of total evidence” will not prevent such antinomies satisfactorily. What is needed instead is a properly developed theory of evidential weight.
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  • The implications of Koehler's approach for fact finding.Craig R. Callen - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):18-18.
    Koehler's work will assist the effort to understand legal fact finding. It leaves two questions somewhat open: (i) the extent to which empirical research can measure correctness of fact-finding, a function that involves the resolution of normative questions and (ii) the standards judges should use in the absence of the research he advocates.
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  • Cognitive algebra versus representativeness heuristic.Norman H. Anderson - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):17-17.
    Cognitive algebra strongly disproved the representativeness heuristic almost before it was published; and therewith it also disproved the base rate fallacy. Cognitive algebra provides a theoretical foundation for judgment-decision theory through its joint solution to the two fundamental problems – true measurement of subjective values, and cognitive rules for integration of multiple determinants.
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