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The Case of Hannah Capes: How Much Does Consciousness Matter?Lois Shepherd, C. William Pike, Jesse B. Persily & Mary Faith Marshall - 2022 - Neuroethics 15 (1):1-16.details
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Implications of recent neuroscientific findings in patients with disorders of consciousness.L. Syd M. Johnson - 2010 - Neuroethics 3 (2):185-196.details
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EEG and fMRI agree: Mental arithmetic is the easiest form of imagery to detect.Amabilis H. Harrison, Michael D. Noseworthy, James P. Reilly, Weiguang Guan & John F. Connolly - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 48:104-116.details
The steady-state response of the cerebral cortex to the beat of music reflects both the comprehension of music and attention.Benjamin Meltzer, Chagit S. Reichenbach, Chananel Braiman, Nicholas D. Schiff, A. J. Hudspeth & Tobias Reichenbach - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.details
Detection of mental imagery and attempted movements in patients with disorders of consciousness using EEG.Petar Horki, Gã¼Nther Bauernfeind, Daniela S. Klobassa, Christoph Pokorny, Gerald Pichler, Walter Schippinger & Gernot R. Mã¼Ller-Putz - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.details
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Sale of Sperm, Health Records, Minimally Conscious States, and Duties of Candour.Cameron Stewart, Bernadette Richards, Richard Huxtable, Bill Madden & Tina Cockburn - 2012 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 9 (1):7-14.details
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Deep Brain Stimulation for Consciousness Disorders; Technical and Ethical Considerations.Alceste Deli & Alexander L. Green - 2024 - Neuroethics 17 (3):1-9.details
‘Is shealive?Is she dead?’ Representations of chronic disorders of consciousness in Douglas Coupland'sGirlfriend in a Coma.Matthew Colbeck - 2016 - Medical Humanities 42 (3):160-165.details
Assessing Decision-Making Capacity After Severe Brain Injury.Andrew Peterson - unknowndetails