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  1. Body Techniques of Vulnerability: The Generational Order and the Body in Child Protection Services.Lars Alberth - 2013 - Human Studies 36 (1):67-88.
    The paper seeks to analyze children’s bodily vulnerability as grounded in generational order. The thesis is put forward, that the generational order is embodied via body techniques of vulnerability, deployed both by adults and children. In presenting results from research on professional responses to child maltreatment and neglect, three sets of age related body techniques of vulnerability are identified, concerning caregivers, professionals and the children itself.
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  • Being a Child: A Social Constructivist Account.Andrée-Anne Cormier & Mauro Rossi - 2022 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 9 (39):1048-1079.
    In recent years, many scholars have offered innovative accounts of social categories such as gender, race, and disability. By contrast, comparatively little work has been done on the category of children. The goal of our paper is to offer a new account of what children are. We start by discussing the two main accounts that have been put forward so far in the literature: naturalistic accounts and normative accounts. According to the former, to be a child is a matter of (...)
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  • Investigating the digital media engagements of very young children at home: Reflecting on methodology and ethics.Julia Gillen & Helena Sandberg - 2021 - Communications 46 (3):332-351.
    In the media and communications field, research investigating the digital media engagements of very young children at home has largely been restricted to survey methods relying on parental self-reports. Recognizing that qualitative approaches can provide insights in families’ practices, values, and attitudes, we argue for the fruitfulness of an ethnographic perspective, drawing on three cases from the project “A Day in the Digital Lives of children 0–3;” two in Sweden and one in England. Using the concept of methodological responsibility, we (...)
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  • Evaluating a Board Game Designed to Promote Young Children’s Delay of Gratification.Stephanie Anzman-Frasca, Anita Singh, Derek Curry, Sara Tauriello, Leonard H. Epstein, Myles S. Faith, Kaley Reardon & Dave Pape - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  • Gender and time use in college: Converging or Diverging Pathways?Natasha Yurk Quadlin - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (2):361-385.
    Gender differences in children’s and adults’ time use are well documented, but few have examined the intervening period—young adulthood. Because many Americans navigate higher education in young adulthood, college time use provides insight into how gendered behaviors evolve during this critical life stage. Using three years of time use data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Freshmen and latent transition analysis, I examine gender differences in time use within and across the college years for those in selective institutions. Among students (...)
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  • Gender in Context, Content, and Approach: Comparing Gender Messages in Girl Scout and Boy Scout Handbooks.Kathleen E. Denny - 2011 - Gender and Society 25 (1):27-47.
    I explore gender messages in Boy Scout and Girl Scout handbooks through an analysis of how gender is infused in the context and content of Scout activities as well as in instructions about how the Scouts are to approach these activities. I find that girls are offered more activities intended to be performed in group contexts than are boys. Boys are offered proportionately more activities with scientific content and proportionately fewer artistic activities than are girls. The girls’ handbook conveys messages (...)
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  • Intersectionality and Credibility in Child Sexual Assault Trials.Sameena Mulla, Heather R. Hlavka & Amber Joy Powell - 2017 - Gender and Society 31 (4):457-480.
    Children remain largely absent from sociolegal scholarship on sexual violence. Taking an intersectional approach to the analysis of attorneys’ strategies during child sexual assault trials, this article argues that legal narratives draw on existing gender, racial, and age stereotypes to present legally compelling evidence of credibility. This work builds on Crenshaw’s focus on women of color, emphasizing the role of structures of power and inequality in constituting the conditions of children’s experiences of adjudication. Using ethnographic observations of courtroom jury trials, (...)
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  • Constructing Sexual Harm: Prosecutorial Narratives of Children, Abuse, and the Disruption of Heterosexuality.Jamie L. Small - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (4):560-582.
    Sociologists have identified many factors that mitigate the progressive effects of the legal mobilization to end sexual violence. Within this body of research, however, there is little interrogation about the social construction of sexual harm. I use the case of child sexual abuse to investigate how prosecutors make sense of sexual harm. Data are qualitative interviews with 43 prosecutors. Findings reveal that prosecutors use a framework of sexual identity to construct sexual injury on the child’s body. The perceived harm centers (...)
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  • What young people report about the personal characteristics needed for social science research after carrying out their own investigations in an after-school club.Lucinda Kerawalla & David J. Messer - 2017 - Educational Studies 44 (3):326-340.
    Several arguments have been put forward about the benefits of young people carrying out their own social science research in terms of empowering their voices and their participation. Much less attention has been paid to investigating the understandings young people develop about the research process itself. Seven twelve-year olds carried out self-directed social science research into a topic of their choice. Towards the end of their six months experience, we used a questionnaire and follow-up semi-structured interviews to investigate, from a (...)
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  • Children’s interaction in an urban face-to-face society: The case of a South-American plaza.Jürgen Streeck & Kathryn E. Harrison - 2015 - Pragmatics and Society 6 (3):305-337.
    This paper reports on a micro-ethnography of social interaction in an urban plaza in Colombia, focusing on the plaza’s role as an arena for the acquisition of interaction skills. We investigate how children of different ages initiate and sustain interactions with same-age and older peers and the efforts they make to be recognized and ‘visible’. We interpret our data in light of three theories of socialization: Corsaro’s conception of childhood as “interpretive reproduction”, Vygotsky’s model of the “zone of proximal development”, (...)
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  • Tricks of Festival: Children, Enculturation, and American Halloween.Cindy Dell Clark - 2005 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 33 (2):180-205.
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  • The Child as Co-researcher—Moral and Epistemological Issues in Childhood Research.Elisabeth Willumsen, Jon Vegar Hugaas & Ingunn Studsrød - 2014 - Ethics and Social Welfare 8 (4):332-349.
    This article discusses whether a child can and should be engaged as a co-researcher on moral and epistemological grounds. Selected research literature has been used to illustrate various approaches to the issue of children's participating as co-researchers in social research. By exploring the predicament of childhood and the meaning of the concept ‘research’, we attempt to clarify the necessary conditions for a person to qualify as a researcher and for an activity to qualify as research. We then look at the (...)
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  • A categorisation of school rules.Robert Thornberg - 2008 - Educational Studies 34 (1):25-33.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate and describe the content in school rules by developing a category system of school rules, and thus making the logic behind different types of rules in school explicit. Data were derived from an ethnographic study conducted in two primary schools in Sweden. In order to analyse the data, grounded theory methodology was adapted. The analysis resulted in a category system of school rules, containing the following main categories: (a) relational rules, (b) structuring (...)
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  • Introduction: The Potential of Peer Talk.Catherine E. Snow & Shoshana Blum-Kulka - 2004 - Discourse Studies 6 (3):291-306.
    Research on children interacting with each other encompasses a wide variety of specific research interest, including but not limited to a focus on language. In this introduction to an issue of Discourse Studies devoted to the contribution of peer talk to pragmatic development, we define ‘peer talk’ as an interdisciplinary field of inquiry and we critically review literature on the role of peer talk in children’s pragmatic development. We suggest that ‘peer talk’ as a field of inquiry properly encompasses studies (...)
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  • Appropriate Child Participation and the Risks of Spiritual Abuse.Desiree Segura-April - 2016 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 33 (3):171-184.
    How can churches empower children-at-risk as ‘vulnerable agents of God’s mission,’ while also protecting them from potential risks for manipulation, exploitation, or spiritual abuse? What is ‘appropriate participation’? What types of manipulation, exploitation, or spiritual abuse might occur in this participation? This essay seeks to define ‘appropriate participation’ in the church and mission, drawing substantially from Hart’s ladder of participation to analyze the participation of children-at-risk as agents of mission. With this as a foundation, spiritual abuse is defined, and a (...)
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  • Elementary School Girls and Heteronormativity: The Girl Project.Laura Raymond & Kristen Myers - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (2):167-188.
    This article examines preadolescent girls in a group setting as they coconstructed heteronormativity. The authors contend that heteronormativity is not the product of a coming-of-age transformation but instead an everyday part of life, even for very young social actors. It emerges from the gender divide between boys and girls but is also reproduced by and for girls themselves. In the Girl Project, the authors sought to understand younger girls’ interests, skills, and concerns. They conducted nine focus groups with 43 elementary (...)
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  • Implications of Sibling Caregiving for Sibling Relations and Teaching Interactions in Two Cultures.Jacqueline Rabain-Jamin, Ashley E. Maynard & Patricia Greenfield - 2003 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 31 (2):204-231.
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  • “Doing” racialized and gendered age to organize Peer relations: Observing kids in summer camp.Valerie Ann Moore - 2001 - Gender and Society 15 (6):835-858.
    Using an interactionist approach, this study compares the ways that older preadolescents established and negotiated peer relations by engaging in racialized and gendered age processes at two summer day camps. The camps differed in their racial compositions, their organization of activities by age and gender, and their rules delineating camper behavior. Campers in both settings used notions of modesty and relations of dominance over younger children similarly in organizing their peer relations. They differed, though, in how they used a stance (...)
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  • Normalizing Sexual Violence: Young Women Account for Harassment and Abuse.Heather R. Hlavka - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (3):337-358.
    Despite high rates of gendered violence among youth, very few young women report these incidents to authority figures. This study moves the discussion from the question of why young women do not report them toward how violence is produced, maintained, and normalized among youth. The girls in this study often did not name what law, researchers, and educators commonly identify as sexual harassment and abuse. How then, do girls name and make sense of victimization? Exploring violence via the lens of (...)
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  • Conversational actions and category relations: An analysis of a children’s argument.Stephen Hester & Sally Hester - 2010 - Discourse Studies 12 (1):33-48.
    This paper presents an analysis of conversational actions and category relations exhibited in an episode of argument between a brother and sister during a family meal. The paper is based on two sets of auspices: on a conversation analytic concern with the interconnection between the sequential and categorical ‘layers’ of organization to which parties to talk-in-interaction are demonstrably oriented, and on ‘Sacks’ Conjecture’ regarding children’s culture and adult—child ‘culture contact’. In terms of these auspices, the analysis shows that the children (...)
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  • Confined to Care: Girls’ Gendered Vulnerabilities in Secure Institutions.Ann-Karina Henriksen - 2017 - Gender and Society 31 (5):677-698.
    In Denmark, secure care institutions are gender-integrated and accommodate young people with a wide range of psychiatric and social troubles. The large majority of young people are placed here in surrogate custody, and a minority, mostly girls, are placed here in protective care. Based on a qualitative study of gendered practices and experiences in Danish secure care institutions, this article provides insight into how gender and pathology merge to produce vulnerabilities in care. The study finds that while girls are viewed (...)
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  • Children talking television: The salience and functions of media content in child peer interactions.Michal Hamo & Zohar Kampf - 2015 - Discourse and Communication 9 (4):465-485.
    The study aims at exploring the salience and functions of media and television contents in children’s lives by focusing on their uses as a discursive resource in naturally occurring peer talk. We observed and recorded Israeli children talk in everyday, natural settings in two separate studies, in 1999–2002 and in 2012–2013. Detailed discourse analysis of television-based interactions from an ethnographic, child-centered perspective reveals the enduring centrality of television as an enjoyable, available, and shared cultural resource with valuable social, cognitive, and (...)
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  • Social functions of gossip in adolescent girl’s talk.Jackie Guendouzi - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (6):678-696.
    Research has shown that gossip plays an important role in establishing and supporting group values and behaviors. However, gossip also plays a role in the development and social construction of identity. In particular, gossip is a discursive resource that enables participants to create what Kyratzis refers to as practice communities: discursive contexts where speakers can explore the acceptability of social behaviors and values with their peers. This study analyzed excerpts of gossip taken from conversations involving 16-year-old high school girls to (...)
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  • Sign learning and its use in a co-enrollment kindergarten setting.Madlen Goppelt-Kunkel, Anne Wienholz & Barbara Hänel-Faulhaber - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Experimental studies report positive effects of signing for language acquisition and communication in children with and without language development delays. However, little data are available on natural kindergarten settings. Therefore, our study used questionnaire data to investigate the sign learning in hearing children with and without language development delays in an inclusive kindergarten group with a co-enrolled deaf child and a deaf signing educator. We observed that the hearing children in this co-enrollment group learned more signs than the hearing children (...)
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  • O společenských vědách bez identity.Kamil Fleissner - 2014 - E-Logos 21 (1):1-16.
    Předkládaná esej se snaží představit koncept identity v kritické perspektivě a v širším kontextu problému demarkace v sociálních vědách. V souladu se známou statí Beyond "Identity" (Brubaker, Cooper) si pokládám otázku, zda je koncept identity nadále užitečný a vhodný coby analytický nástroj ve společenských vědách. Pozornost věnuji jak samotnému zanesení konceptu na pole sociálních věd, tak i srovnání a zhodnocení esencialistického, konstruktivistického a dekonstruktivistického pojetí, přičemž tyto tři způsoby uchopení daného pojmu vnímám zároveň jako reprezentace různých postojů k sociální realitě, (...)
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  • Inside The Primary Classroom: Examples of Dissatisfaction Behind A Veil of Compliance.Helen Fisher - 2011 - British Journal of Educational Studies 59 (2):121-141.
    This study explored over 100 Year 6 children's feelings towards, and behaviour within, literacy lessons across an academic year. This study revealed that the majority of dissatisfied children concealed their feelings from their teacher, defined within this article as 'dissatisfaction behind a veil of compliance'. Through progressive sampling, where children were observed in a range of subjects, the effort placed in this concealment is explored, together with the role of the teacher and external forces in potentially encouraging it. The article (...)
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  • Shifting Conceptions of Self and Society in Fijian Kindergartens.Karen J. Brison - 2009 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 37 (3):314-333.
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  • Putting reflexivity into practice: experiences from ethnographic fieldwork.Cara Blaisdell - 2015 - Ethics and Social Welfare 9 (1):83-91.
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  • Why the Little Mermaid stopped singing: how oppressive social forces silence children's voices, and rob them of the opportunity to develop and exercise autonomy in the health care context.Lori Seller - unknown
    The “new sociology of childhood” replaces the historical notion of children as inherently vulnerable, helpless and in need of protection, with a perception of children as capable of competent, autonomous, social participation. Although this new sociological perception underlies current children's rights literature, Canadian common law, and important Canadian pediatric health care guidelines, children's autonomy in health care contexts remains easily denied or subverted in favour of adult conceptions of their best interests. In order to try to understand why, I use (...)
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  • So how does it work? - rhizomatic methodologies.E. Honan & M. Sellers - 2006 - In P. L. Jeffery (ed.), AARE Education Research Conference. AARE. pp. 1-9.
    In this paper, we explore two different approaches to the development of a rhizomatic methodology. In a rhizomatic fashion, we map the connections and disconnections between and across these different pathways. Three connections are described: first, writing a rhizomatic text that is non-linear and self-consciously part of the research method; second, using rhizomatic thought to analyse the discourses operating within data; and third, following Deleuzian lines of flight that connect and link disparate forms of data so that plausible readings can (...)
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  • Ambiguities and Intertwinings in Teachers' Work : Existential dimensions in the midst of experience and global trends.Susanne Westman - unknown
    The purpose of this thesis was set against the background of changed expectations on education and teachers’ work in contemporary Western societies, reflecting global educational trends of standardisation and assessment moving further down the ages. The overall aim of the thesis was to explore and gain understandings of how teachers’ work is constituted. The exploration was based on lived experience and philosophical perspectives, and the main research questions were: i) what is the significance of existential dimensions of teachers’ work, and (...)
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  • Social Identities of Children in different Institutional Contexts.Susanne Højlund - 2001 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 3 (2):49-60.
    Based on an ethnographic fieldwork the article analyses the experiences of 8-10 year old children in three different institutions. It is shown how the children create and maintain different social landscapes in each setting. This means that children's experiences are related to the position they have in the landscape. The notion social identity is used to discuss and explain these findings. With this notion identity is explained as an interplay between internal and external factors: between group-identification and categorisation. Children's different (...)
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