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  1. Electrifying the Future, 11th Budapest Visual Learning Conference.Kristof Nyiri (ed.) - 2024 - Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Science.
    The present online volume contains the papers prepared for the 11th Budapest Visual Learning Conference – ENVISIONING AN ELECTRIFYING FUTURE – held in a physical-online blended form on Nov. 13, 2024, organized by the University of Pécs (represented by Prof. Gábor Szécsi, Dean, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development), and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (represented by Prof. Kristóf Nyíri, Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences). Nyíri and Szécsi were responsible for sending out the call for abstracts (...)
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  • Arthur Danto as a Zen master: an interpretation of Danto’s philosophy of art from a Zen perspective.Peng Feng - 2021 - Asian Philosophy 31 (1):33-47.
    Arthur Danto is one of the best Anglophone philosophers of art of the second half of the 20th century. His unique methodology of indiscernibility and provocative claim about the end of art have bee...
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  • Aesthetic opacity.Emanuele Arielli - 2017 - Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics.
    Are we really sure to correctly know what do we feel in front ofan artwork and to correctly verbalize it? How do we know what weappreciate and why we appreciate it? This paper deals with the problem ofintrospective opacity in aesthetics (that is, the unreliability of self-knowledge) in the light of traditional philosophical issues, but also of recentpsychological insights, according to which there are many instances ofmisleading intuition about one’s own mental processes, affective states orpreferences. Usually, it is assumed that (...)
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  • The Development of the Sense of 'the End of Art’ in Arthur Danto.Raquel Cascales - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 68 (2):131-148.
    The striking title The End of Art managed to draw attention to the philosophical work of Arthur Danto. However, the lack of a systematic development which could support this thesis made him face harsh criticism. However, strong foundations for his statements can be deduced from his writings. In this paper, I analyse how to understand the thesis of the ‘end of art’. It should be approached not as a monolitical notion but as a complex concept that combines three different senses: (...)
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  • Judicial Greatness and the Duties of a Judge.Omri Ben-Zvi - 2016 - Law and Philosophy 35 (6):615-654.
    This paper addresses the phenomenon of judicial greatness by developing a general concept of greatness and applying it to law. Under the view offered in the paper, greatness is connected to theoretical or methodological diversification. When applied to adjudication, this means that great judges are revered because they successfully make a prima facie case for their novel adjudicative methods. This is not a judicial duty but rather a voluntary project. However, once a judge succeeds in making such a prima facie (...)
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  • (1 other version)Narración y autoconciencia. Una lectura crítica a los postulados dantianos sobre el fin del arte.Pablo Olvera & Mariano Martínez - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (157):171-189.
    Danto inicia su filosofía de la historia del arte con un núcleo problemático que inaugura el modernismo: una obra de arte llega a ser indiscernible de una mera cosa, en la medida en que es el resultado lógico de la narrativa de un cierto periodo. Hablar sobre el fin del arte es hablar de las razones que sustentan esa narración y de la posibilidad de su culminación. Se propone una crítica, a partir de la relación entre esencialismo, historicismo y pluralismo, (...)
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  • Lo stile individuale dopo la fine dell’arte.Regina Wenninger - 2007 - Rivista di Estetica 35 (35):375-385.
    In The Transfiguration of the Commonplace (1981) Arthur Danto propone la nozione di «stile individuale» identificando quest’uldma con qualcosa di dato che appartiene all’artista in maniera essenziale e inseparabile. In contrasto con questa idea, la sua teoria della fine dell’arte, presentata in After the End of Art (1997) e altrove, suggerisce la liberazione degli artisti da qualsiasi impegno stilistico. Come si accordano queste due teorie? Possono esserci stili individuali dopo la fine dell’...
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  • «Like paired dolphins» Sincronia di alternative tra Danto e Belting.Luca Vargiu - 2007 - Rivista di Estetica 35 (35):335-355.
    Alcuni anni or sono, nel ricostruire lo sviluppo delle discipline storico-artistiche in ambito tedesco e angloamericano tra gli anni Settanta e Novanta del secolo passato, lo studioso polacco Mariusz Bryl registrava tra le due aree il manifestarsi di una discrepanza nei metodi e nelle teorie, tale da costituire per lui un elemento essenziale in ogni ricognizione degli aspetti teorici della storiografia artistica contemporanea. Basandosi sulla propria esperienza, e sul panorama descritto paral...
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  • The Openness of Art. The Poetics of Art and Loss of Autonomy of Art.Polona Tratnik - 2021 - Rivista di Estetica 76:161-180.
    With the concept of the open work, Umberto Eco addressed the poetics to which art turned with modernism. In the article the author analyzes the notion of the open work, the references relevant to this concept and the relations of this concept to similar concepts introduced by other scholars such as Roland Barthes. Scholars discussing the openness of art were deriving primarily from Paul Valéry, and they distanced themselves from the myth of the artist as a genius and from the (...)
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  • (1 other version)Narration and self-consciousness a critical reading of A. C. danto’s postulates regarding the end of art.Pablo Olvera & Mariano Martínez - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (157):171-189.
    Danto inicia su filosofía de la historia del arte con un núcleo problemático que inaugura el modernismo: una obra de arte llega a ser indiscernible de una mera cosa, en la medida en que es el resultado lógico de la narrativa de un cierto periodo. Hablar sobre el fin del arte es hablar de las razones que sustentan esa narración y de la posibilidad de su culminación. Se propone una crítica, a partir de la relación entre esencialismo, historicismo y pluralismo, (...)
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  • La storia dell’arte dopo la fine della storia dell’arte.Luca Marchetti - 2021 - Rivista di Estetica 77:110-123.
    Danto’s philosophy of history of art has undergone several transformations. It is possible to distinguish three “phases”: in the first, history is considered an a posteriori construction (see Analytical Philosophy of History). In the second phase, history becomes an internal development within art itself. In this case, with the end of history, art dissolves into its own philosophy (see The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art). In the third phase, history is still an internal development, but now, with the end of history, (...)
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  • Can Art Change the World? On the Political Dimension of Danto’s Philosophy of Art.Šárka Lojdová - 2021 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 2:142-157.
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  • L’influsso morale dell’arte. Danto, Platone e le strategie della Mimesis.Francesco Lesce - 2021 - Rivista di Estetica 77:93-109.
    Danto’s interpretation about Plato’s original condemnation of art doesn’t ground in a rigorous and accurate exegesis of the Platonic text. This contributed to making the interpreters doubtful (e.g. Halliwell), since Danto seems to conceive the philosophical genesis of mimesis attributing to it an excessively univocal meaning as compared to Platonic theses. However, interesting topics about the dangers of poetry and the moral and political implications of the “philosophical disenfranchisement of art” arise from the few Danto’s mentions about Plato’s psychological arguments (...)
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  • After Contemporary Art: Actualization and Anachrony.Karlholm Dan - 2016 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 25 (51).
    Departing from a critical assessment of the most widespread and initiated definitions of Contemporary Art from the last decade and a half, sustaining a world-wide discourse on contemporary art and contemporaneity, this article will deal with two aspects of an immodest proposal captured by the keywords actualization and anachrony. While current discussions on contemporary art are arguably reproducing modernist assumptions on the primacy of innovation, bolstered by a veiled avant-garde logic, the proposal to regard contemporary art as actualized art upsets (...)
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  • Philistinism and the Preservation of Nature.Simon P. James - 2013 - Philosophy 88 (1):101-114.
    It is clear that natural entities can be preserved – they can be preserved because they can be harmed or destroyed, or in various other ways adversely affected. I argue that in light of the rise of scientism and other forms of philistinism, the political, religious, mythic, personal and historical meanings that people find in those entities can also be preserved. Against those who impugn disciplines such as fine arts, philosophy and sociology, I contend that this sort of preservation requires (...)
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  • Changes of status in states of political uncertainty: Towards a theory of derecognition.Dina Gusejnova - 2019 - European Journal of Social Theory 22 (2):272-292.
    This article critically examines existing versions of recognition theory in the light of several empirical case studies of twentieth-century political ruptures after the First World War. It notes that the prevalent theoretical focus on the enfranchisement of previously subaltern groups cannot account for the empirical significance of negative processes, such as the disenfranchisement of former elites and the decline of previously hegemonic values, which are typical for conditions of political uncertainty. To conceptualize such examples, an expansion of the existing vocabulary (...)
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  • On Works and Workings of Art: A Perspective from Comparative Aesthetics.Peng Feng - 2022 - Rivista di Estetica 79:74-87.
    The ontology of artworks tells us that a work of art, for example, a painting, cannot be identified as either physical or mental object. By the same token, this paper argues the working of art or artistic labor cannot be identified as either physical or mental labor. However, the works and workings of art are regarded as either physical or mental in the prevailing aesthetic theory. The main reason is that classical Western metaphysics is bifurcated. However, traditional Chinese division of (...)
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  • Danto’s indiscernibility: an intercultural interpretation.Peng Feng - 2022 - Rivista di Estetica 80:80-95.
    To discern the indiscernibles is the main purpose of Danto’s philosophy of art. Influenced by analytical philosophy, Zen Buddhism, and symbolism, three ways of discernment can be identified in Danto’s text: the external discernment, the internal discernment, and the middle discernment, which, roughly speaking, mean a discernment by means of examining the object, self-reflection or enlightenment, and the relation between experience and expression, in Danto’s terms, the aboutness and embodiment, respectively. However, neither analytic philosophy and its external discernment nor Zen (...)
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  • Il capolavoro sovrasensibile di Arthur Danto. Indiscernibilità, estetica e fede nella storia (dell’arte).Michele Di Monte - 2007 - Rivista di Estetica 35 (35):147-167.
    Video barbam et pallium, philosophum nondum videoAulo Gellio, Noctes Atticae, IX, 2, 4 1 Lo scenario Immaginiamo che il direttore di un grande museo venga a sapere che uno dei più grandi e riconosciuti maestri dell’arte contemporanea - anch’egli immaginario, chiamiamolo per comodità D’Auchan — ha lasciato in eredità a qualcuno, diciamo un oscuro collezionista, una grande quantità di opere del tutto inedite e completamente ignote anche alla critica, che il fortunato beneficiario ha deciso infi...
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  • Artworks as diagrams : Diagrammatic reasoning and the epistemic potential of art.Leticia Vitral - unknown
    This thesis is concerned with establishing a bridge between matters of aesthetics and epistemology, by investigating the mechanisms through which artworks allow agents to derive knowledge through the former’s manipulation. It is proposed that, in order to understand the epistemic potential of artworks, we need to approach them as diagrams, in the sense developed by Charles Peirce. The background upon which the arguments are developed are mainly those of American Pragmatism – with a special emphasis on primary literature from Charles (...)
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  • El lugar común de la transfiguración. Historia, representación y filosofía de las asimetrías en Arthur Danto.Nicolás Lavagnino - 2015 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 16 (19):33-57.
    El presente artículo se propone mostrar la vinculación conceptual que se establece en el conjunto de la obra de Arthur Danto –un autor clave en la consideración analítica del concepto de representación- entre asimetrías cognitivas, teoría de la representación y criterio transfigurativo de realidad. Esa articulación nos entrega un modelo de particular predilección por las asimetrías cognitivas vinculadas a la estructura trágica, que es limitativa de las posibilidades aventuradas por el mismo Danto respecto de nuestra capacidad para captar la apertura (...)
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