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Hermeneutics.Theodore George - 2020 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.details
Call or Question: a Rehabilitation of Conscience as Dialogical.Nathan Eric Dickman - 2018 - Sophia 57 (2):275-294.details
Buddhist thought and nursing: a hermeneutic exploration.Graham McCaffrey, Shelley Raffin-Bouchal & Nancy J. Moules - 2012 - Nursing Philosophy 13 (2):87-97.details
Dialectic and Dialogue in Plato: Refuting the model of Socrates-as-teacher in the pursuit of authentic Paideia.James Michael Magrini - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (12):1320-1336.details
Understanding the relational aspects of learning with, from, and about the other.Richard Hovey & Robert Craig - 2011 - Nursing Philosophy 12 (4):262-270.details
Six Steps of Hermeneutical Process at H.-G. Gadamer.Stefan Vladutescu - 2018 - Postmodern Openings 9 (2):161-174.details
Between Gadamer and Ricoeur: Preserving Dialogue in the Hermeneutical Arc for the Sake of a God Who Speaks and Listens.Nathan Eric Dickman - 2014 - Sophia 53 (4):553-573.details
The hermeneutics of ecological simulation.Steven L. Peck - 2008 - Biology and Philosophy 23 (3):383-402.details
On hermeneutical openness and wilful hermeneutical ignorance.Karl Landström - 2022 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 24 (1):113-134.details
Exploring Ethical Listening Among Public Relations Professionals.Katie R. Place & Emily J. Flamme - 2024 - Journal of Media Ethics 39 (1):2-15.details
Anamnemic subjectivity: new steps toward a hermeneutics of memory.Hans Ruin - 2015 - Continental Philosophy Review 48 (2):197-216.details
Learning to Live with Osteoporosis: A Metaphoric Narrative.Richard Hovey & Robert Craig - 2012 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2012 (1).details
Possibility and Radical Understanding.Gaetano Chiurazzi - 2017 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 9 (2):700-715.details
A Question of Listening: Nancean Resonance and Listening in the Work of Charlie Chaplin.Carolyn Sara Giunta - 2013 - Dissertation, University of Dundeedetails
Understanding the Lived Experience of a Sioux Indian Male Adolescent: Toward the pedagogy of hermeneutical phenomenology in education.K. I. M. Jeong-hee - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (6):630-648.details
Understanding the Lived Experience of a Sioux Indian Male Adolescent: Toward the pedagogy of hermeneutical phenomenology in education.Jeong-hee Kim - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (6):630-648.details
The Case of the Disappearing/Appearing Slow Learner: An Interpretive Mystery.W. John Williamson & James Colin Field - 2014 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2014 (1).details
Editorial: Catching Hermeneutics in the Act.Nancy J. Moules & Graham McCaffrey - 2015 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2015 (1).details
Conducting Hermeneutic Research: The Address of the Topic.Nancy J. Moules, Jim C. Field, Graham P. McCaffrey & Catherine M. Laing - 2014 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2014 (1).details
Social Work and Hermeneutic Phenomenology.Andrea Margaret Newberry - 2012 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2012 (1).details
Distanciamento Teórico e Engajamento Prático: acerca da unidade entre atitude teórica e atitude prática.Rainri Back dos Santos - 2013 - Dissertation, Rio de Janeiro State Universitydetails
From the "Science of Disease" to the "Understanding of Those Who Suffer": The Cultivation of an Interpretive Understanding of "Behaviour Problems" in Children.Christopher Matthew Gilham - 2012 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2012 (1).details
Invited Guest Editorial: Quaint Memories of Puzzling Through Mysteries.James Colin Field - 2016 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2016 (1).details
A "Fundamental Theory" of Education Grounded in Ontology? A Phenomenological Rejoinder.James Magrini - unknowndetails
Teaching Science as a Hermeneutic Event.Sharon Pelech - 2013 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2013 (1).details
Towards a Hermeneutics on Ageing: Or What Gadamer Can Teach Us About Growing Old.Lorraine Venturato - 2015 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2015 (1).details
Losing the So-Called Paradigm War: Does our Confusion, Disarray, and Retreat Contribute to the Advance?James Colin Field - 2017 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2017 (1).details
Intensive Care Unit Nursing: An Interpretable and Hermeneutic Practice.Harvey Giuliana, Dianne M. Tapp & Nancy J. Moules - 2016 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2016 (1).details
A Philosophic Poetic Inquiry of Three Aspects of Interpretation within Music Education Research : An Autoethnodrama in Four Acts.Carl Holmgren - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy in Arts Education 3 (1):7-86.details
Synergistic Research in Medical Education: Some Philosophical Reflections.Richard B. Hovey, Charo Rodríguez, Steven Jordan & Angela Morck - 2016 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2016 (1).details
Guest Editorial: Preface to "A Strange and Earnest Client" Part One of the Case of the Disappearing/Appearing Slow Learner: An Interpretive Mystery.W. John Williamson - 2016 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2016 (1).details
Engaging with the 'modern birth story' in pregnancy: A hermeneutic phenomenological study of women's experiences across two generations.Lesley Kay - unknowndetails
Right There, in the Midst of It: Impacts of the Therapeutic Relationship on Mental Health Nurses.Angela C. Morck - 2016 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2016 (1).details
Conducting Hermeneutic Research in International Settings: Philosophical, Practical, and Ethical Considerations.Charlene A. VanLeeuwen, Linyuan Guo-Brennan & Lori E. Weeks - 2017 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2017 (1).details