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Unquiet Understanding: Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics

State University of New York Press (2006)

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  1. Hermeneutics.Bjørn Ramberg - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Hermeneutics.Theodore George - 2020 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Call or Question: a Rehabilitation of Conscience as Dialogical.Nathan Eric Dickman - 2018 - Sophia 57 (2):275-294.
    It is by way of the call that one is enabled to wake up to responsibility. What is the illocutionary mood of the ‘call’ of conscience, though? Is this transcendental enabler of responsibility an imposing demand or an invitational question? Both Levinas and Heidegger emphasize the impositional character of the call in conscience. The call seems to be the very essence of imperatives. I develop an apology for questioning by way of appeal to crumbs scattered throughout Jewish traditions as well (...)
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  • Buddhist thought and nursing: a hermeneutic exploration.Graham McCaffrey, Shelley Raffin-Bouchal & Nancy J. Moules - 2012 - Nursing Philosophy 13 (2):87-97.
    In this paper I lay out the ground for a creative dialogue between Buddhist thought and contemporary nursing. I start from the observation that in tracing an arc from the existential human experience of suffering to finding compassionate responses to suffering in everyday practice Buddhist thought already appears to present significant affinities with nursing as a practice discipline. I discuss some of the complexities of entering into a cross‐cultural dialogue, which is already well under way in the working out of (...)
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  • Dialectic and Dialogue in Plato: Refuting the model of Socrates-as-teacher in the pursuit of authentic Paideia.James Michael Magrini - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (12):1320-1336.
    Incorporating Gadamer and other thinkers from the continental tradition, this essay is a close and detailed hermeneutic, phenomenological, and ontological study of the dialectic practice of Plato’s Socrates—it radicalizes and refutes the Socrates-as-teacher model that educators from scholar academic ideology embrace.
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  • Understanding the relational aspects of learning with, from, and about the other.Richard Hovey & Robert Craig - 2011 - Nursing Philosophy 12 (4):262-270.
    Frequently heard among healthcare providers, administrators, students, and educators, especially within the context of interprofessional collaboration, is the phrase: learning with, from, and about the other. Our purpose in writing this article was to explore the relational aspects of interprofessional collaboration and provide a conversational perspective on how this phrase may be co-constructed by members of the interprofessional team, to achieve a contextual understanding for enhanced practice. It is through understanding and analysing the meaning of commonly held words and phrases (...)
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  • Six Steps of Hermeneutical Process at H.-G. Gadamer.Stefan Vladutescu - 2018 - Postmodern Openings 9 (2):161-174.
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  • Between Gadamer and Ricoeur: Preserving Dialogue in the Hermeneutical Arc for the Sake of a God Who Speaks and Listens.Nathan Eric Dickman - 2014 - Sophia 53 (4):553-573.
    Wolterstorff defends the claim not only that ‘God speaks’ through the Bible but also that the reader gains ever new insights upon subsequent readings of it. I qualify this project with the philosophical hermeneutics he rejects—namely that of Gadamer and Ricoeur. Wolterstorff thinks what he calls ‘authorial discourse interpretation’ provides warrant for religious communities believing that ‘God speaks’ to them through a text. In developing this hermeneutic, he dismisses the viability of Gadamer and Ricoeur's approach because, Wolterstorff asserts, their form (...)
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  • The hermeneutics of ecological simulation.Steven L. Peck - 2008 - Biology and Philosophy 23 (3):383-402.
    Computer simulation has become important in ecological modeling, but there have been few assessments on how complex simulation models differ from more traditional analytic models. In Part I of this paper, I review the challenges faced in complex ecological modeling and how models have been used to gain theoretical purchase for understanding natural systems. I compare the use of traditional analytic simulation models and point how that the two methods require different kinds of practical engagement. I examine a case study (...)
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  • On hermeneutical openness and wilful hermeneutical ignorance.Karl Landström - 2022 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 24 (1):113-134.
    In this paper I argue for the relevance of the philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer for contemporary feminist scholarship on epistemic injustice and oppression. Specifically, I set out to argue for the Gadamerian notion of hermeneutical openness as an important hermeneutic virtue, and a potential remedy for existing epistemic injustices. In doing so I follow feminist philosophers such as Linda Martín Alcoff and Georgia Warnke that have adopted the insights of Gadamer for the purpose of social and feminist philosophy. Further, this (...)
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  • Exploring Ethical Listening Among Public Relations Professionals.Katie R. Place & Emily J. Flamme - 2024 - Journal of Media Ethics 39 (1):2-15.
    This qualitative study explored how 54 U.S.-based public relations practitioners engaged in ethical listening. Findings of the study suggest that public relations professionals engage in ethical listening by drawing upon deontological concepts of dignity and respect, implementing care-centered concepts of empathy and inherent connection to others, modeling inclusivity and attentiveness to diverse perspectives, practicing accountability to ethical listening, and remaining humble. Models depicting organizational listening should consider inclusion of ethical values.
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  • Anamnemic subjectivity: new steps toward a hermeneutics of memory.Hans Ruin - 2015 - Continental Philosophy Review 48 (2):197-216.
    The topic and theme of memory has occupied an ambiguous position in phenomenological and hermeneutic thinking from the start, at once central and marginalized. Parallel to and partly following upon the general turn toward collective and cultural memory in the human and social sciences over the last decades, the importance of memory in and for phenomenological and hermeneutic theory has begun to emerge more clearly. The article seeks to untangle the reasons for the ambiguous position of this theme. It describes (...)
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  • Learning to Live with Osteoporosis: A Metaphoric Narrative.Richard Hovey & Robert Craig - 2012 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2012 (1).
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  • Possibility and Radical Understanding.Gaetano Chiurazzi - 2017 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 9 (2):700-715.
    In this text, I connect the concept of existence worked out by Heidegger with the concepts of radical understanding. Under this concept I mean the idea that existence is the radical content of every understanding. The fact that according to Heidegger existence is understanding is then explained through their common structure: existence is possibility as well as understanding is directed prominently to possibility. But, as it is shown through wider references to ancient as well as to some contemporary discussions, possibility (...)
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  • A Question of Listening: Nancean Resonance and Listening in the Work of Charlie Chaplin.Carolyn Sara Giunta - 2013 - Dissertation, University of Dundee
    In this thesis, I use a close reading of the silent films of Charlie Chaplin to examine a question of listening posed by Jean-Luc Nancy, “Is listening something of which philosophy is capable” (Nancy 2007:1)? Drawing on the work of Nancy, Jacques Derrida and Gayatri Spivak, I consider a claim that philosophy has failed to address the topic of listening because a logocentric tradition claims speech as primary. In response to Derrida’s deconstruction of logocentrism, Nancy complicates the problem of listening (...)
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  • Understanding the Lived Experience of a Sioux Indian Male Adolescent: Toward the pedagogy of hermeneutical phenomenology in education.K. I. M. Jeong-hee - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (6):630-648.
    Currently, there is a resurgence of interests in phenomenology in education. This article sheds light on the importance of hermeneutical phenomenology in teaching and learning based on the lived experience of a Sioux Indian adolescent boy, elicited from an ethnographic case study conducted at an alternative high school in the US. Employing narrative inquiry, this article seeks phenomenological ways of understanding students' lived experiences and explores the meaning of the pedagogical practice of hermeneutical phenomenology in education. I delve into how (...)
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  • Understanding the Lived Experience of a Sioux Indian Male Adolescent: Toward the pedagogy of hermeneutical phenomenology in education.Jeong-hee Kim - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (6):630-648.
    Currently, there is a resurgence of interests in phenomenology in education. This article sheds light on the importance of hermeneutical phenomenology in teaching and learning based on the lived experience of a Sioux Indian adolescent boy, elicited from an ethnographic case study conducted at an alternative high school in the US. Employing narrative inquiry, this article seeks phenomenological ways of understanding students' lived experiences and explores the meaning of the pedagogical practice of hermeneutical phenomenology in education. I delve into how (...)
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  • The Case of the Disappearing/Appearing Slow Learner: An Interpretive Mystery.W. John Williamson & James Colin Field - 2014 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2014 (1).
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  • Editorial: Catching Hermeneutics in the Act.Nancy J. Moules & Graham McCaffrey - 2015 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2015 (1).
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  • Conducting Hermeneutic Research: The Address of the Topic.Nancy J. Moules, Jim C. Field, Graham P. McCaffrey & Catherine M. Laing - 2014 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2014 (1).
    The conduct of research as guided by philosophical tenets of hermeneutics, in particular the hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer, is a complex and sophisticated endeavor. In this paper, we offer that one of the things that guides the inquiry is the topic and that most often topics for discovery arrive with the experience of an address. We discuss the notion of the address of the topic, how a researcher discerns a topic to be studied and, from this address, develops appropriate research (...)
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  • Social Work and Hermeneutic Phenomenology.Andrea Margaret Newberry - 2012 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2012 (1).
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  • Distanciamento Teórico e Engajamento Prático: acerca da unidade entre atitude teórica e atitude prática.Rainri Back dos Santos - 2013 - Dissertation, Rio de Janeiro State University
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  • From the "Science of Disease" to the "Understanding of Those Who Suffer": The Cultivation of an Interpretive Understanding of "Behaviour Problems" in Children.Christopher Matthew Gilham - 2012 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2012 (1).
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  • Invited Guest Editorial: Quaint Memories of Puzzling Through Mysteries.James Colin Field - 2016 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2016 (1).
    The incompleteness of meaning and the finitude of understanding suggest that the subject matters of understanding are mysteries rather than problems. Mysteries are not subject to the methodological solutions problems are. A problem denotes a difficulty demanding a solution. Mysteries however can only be understood more deeply. They are not to be explained away but are to be discerned as an ever-present limit to our understanding. They invoke an apprehension of a radical limitlessness. I had the good fortune of supervising (...)
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  • A "Fundamental Theory" of Education Grounded in Ontology? A Phenomenological Rejoinder.James Magrini - unknown
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  • Teaching Science as a Hermeneutic Event.Sharon Pelech - 2013 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2013 (1).
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  • Towards a Hermeneutics on Ageing: Or What Gadamer Can Teach Us About Growing Old.Lorraine Venturato - 2015 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2015 (1).
    Ageing is one of life’s most pervasive shared experiences, and one that is imbued with social, cultural and bio-medical meaning. This paper begins a conversation on what hermeneutics, and in particular, the philosophical hermeneutics of Gadamer, can add to contemporary understandings of ageing.
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  • Losing the So-Called Paradigm War: Does our Confusion, Disarray, and Retreat Contribute to the Advance?James Colin Field - 2017 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2017 (1).
    In this article, I argue that what is commonly lamented as the decline of qualitative research might be because of our own inability to reveal something true about being-in-the-world. Four problems with qualitative work are identified: making what is obvious inescapable, confusion around what constitutes qualitative research and phenomenology, uniformed and disrespectful mixing of methods, and devolution into “little t” truth. I finish by calling for bold, evocative interpretation, and posing the question: What is the nature of the revolution that (...)
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  • Intensive Care Unit Nursing: An Interpretable and Hermeneutic Practice.Harvey Giuliana, Dianne M. Tapp & Nancy J. Moules - 2016 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2016 (1).
    Intensive care unit nursing is an interpretive practice. Hermeneutics, as an interpretive philosophy, is an ideal approach to make meaning of the ambiguities that exist in this intensive practice setting. This paper uses the underpinnings from Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics to explore the idea that ICU nursing is an interpretive practice.
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  • A Philosophic Poetic Inquiry of Three Aspects of Interpretation within Music Education Research : An Autoethnodrama in Four Acts.Carl Holmgren - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy in Arts Education 3 (1):7-86.
    This article explores three aspects of interpretation—musical interpretation of notated Western art music, hermeneutics, and poetry —based on ongoing music education research focusing on the learning of musical interpretation within the one-to-one context of higher music education. The broad philosophic poetic inquiry of interpretation has the form of an autoethnodrama containing both haiku and found poetry. Poetry is both used as a process of inquiry and as a means of representation. The autoethnodrama explores the author’s struggle with finding his cogito (...)
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  • Synergistic Research in Medical Education: Some Philosophical Reflections.Richard B. Hovey, Charo Rodríguez, Steven Jordan & Angela Morck - 2016 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2016 (1).
    In this paper, we present and discuss the “synergistic research approach,” from quantitative and qualitative through mixed methods, as a term that refers to an academic endeavour in which researchers are not only committed to comprehensiveness and rigor, but also – and importantly – to excellence in peer processes that further enhance knowledge generation by emphasizing the philosophical underpinnings thereof. We outline the hermeneutic wager, which provides the philosophical grounds for synergistic research, and explain the reasons why we consider this (...)
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  • Guest Editorial: Preface to "A Strange and Earnest Client" Part One of the Case of the Disappearing/Appearing Slow Learner: An Interpretive Mystery.W. John Williamson - 2016 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2016 (1).
    Ladies and gentlemen, the story you are about to see is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
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  • Engaging with the 'modern birth story' in pregnancy: A hermeneutic phenomenological study of women's experiences across two generations.Lesley Kay - unknown
    This in-depth qualitative study considered how women from two different generations came to understand birth in the context of their own experience but also in the milieu of other women’s stories. For the purposes of this thesis the birth story encompassed personal oral stories as well as media and other representations of contemporary childbirth, all of which had the potential to elicit emotional responses and generate meaning in the interlocutor. The research utilised a hermeneutic phenomenological approach underpinned by the philosophies (...)
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  • Right There, in the Midst of It: Impacts of the Therapeutic Relationship on Mental Health Nurses.Angela C. Morck - 2016 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2016 (1).
    Mental health nurses are frequently confronted by intense emotions within the therapeutic relationship. In this philosophical hermeneutic inquiry, five mental health nurses were interviewed to extend our understandings of how nurses are impacted by the interplay with the often emotion-laden narratives of their patients. Findings exposed the nurses journeyed between fluctuating needs to separate and protect their private from their work life. In order for this fluctuation to occur, they developed a sense of the world as requiring a sanctuary. This (...)
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  • Conducting Hermeneutic Research in International Settings: Philosophical, Practical, and Ethical Considerations.Charlene A. VanLeeuwen, Linyuan Guo-Brennan & Lori E. Weeks - 2017 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2017 (1).
    Hermeneutics has been theorized and applied as a philosophical framework and interpretive research methodology which pays particular attention to linguistic, social, cultural, and historical contexts to understand the life world and human experiences. While adopted as a qualitative research approach in the fields of education, nursing, psychology, and legal studies, its use is emerging in other human service disciplines. The rich philosophical and theoretical legacy embedded in this research methodology often presents unique challenges and a steep learning curve for researchers, (...)
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