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  1. Exploration on Scientific Research Data-Targeted Intelligent Recommendation System Using Machine Learning Under the Background of Sustainable Development.Ruoqi Wang, Shaozhong Zhang, Lin Qi & Jingfeng Huang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose is to provide researchers with reliable Scientific Research Data from the massive amounts of research data to establish a sustainable Scientific Research environment. Specifically, the present work proposes establishing an Intelligent Recommendation System based on Machine Learning algorithm and SRD. Firstly, the IRS is established over ML technology. Then, based on user Psychology and Collaborative Filtering recommendation algorithm, a hybrid algorithm [namely, Content-Based Recommendation-Collaborative Filtering ] is established to improve the utilization efficiency of SRD and Sustainable Development of (...)
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  • The virtues of COVID‐19 pandemic: How working from home can make us the best (or the worst) version of ourselves.Marta Rocchi & Caleb Bernacchio - 2022 - Business and Society Review 127 (3):685-700.
    The combined effect of technological innovations in the workplace and the lockdowns imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly increased the prominence of remote working, with an undeniable impact on both business and society. In light of this organizational and sociological change, this article analyzes how this renewed work environment can be the place where workers can develop several relevant virtues, specifically moderation, integrity, and mercy. This new environment may also present the opportunity to develop a number of opposing vices, (...)
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  • Who Should Decide How Machines Make Morally Laden Decisions?Dominic Martin - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (4):951-967.
    Who should decide how a machine will decide what to do when it is driving a car, performing a medical procedure, or, more generally, when it is facing any kind of morally laden decision? More and more, machines are making complex decisions with a considerable level of autonomy. We should be much more preoccupied by this problem than we currently are. After a series of preliminary remarks, this paper will go over four possible answers to the question raised above. First, (...)
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  • Operationalising AI ethics: how are companies bridging the gap between practice and principles? An exploratory study.Javier Camacho Ibáñez & Mónica Villas Olmeda - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (4):1663-1687.
    Despite the increase in the research field of ethics in artificial intelligence, most efforts have focused on the debate about principles and guidelines for responsible AI, but not enough attention has been given to the “how” of applied ethics. This paper aims to advance the research exploring the gap between practice and principles in AI ethics by identifying how companies are applying those guidelines and principles in practice. Through a qualitative methodology based on 22 semi-structured interviews and two focus groups, (...)
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  • The Ethics of AI Ethics: An Evaluation of Guidelines.Thilo Hagendorff - 2020 - Minds and Machines 30 (1):99-120.
    Current advances in research, development and application of artificial intelligence systems have yielded a far-reaching discourse on AI ethics. In consequence, a number of ethics guidelines have been released in recent years. These guidelines comprise normative principles and recommendations aimed to harness the “disruptive” potentials of new AI technologies. Designed as a semi-systematic evaluation, this paper analyzes and compares 22 guidelines, highlighting overlaps but also omissions. As a result, I give a detailed overview of the field of AI ethics. Finally, (...)
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  • Metaverse: a Matter of Experience.Luciano Floridi - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (3):1-7.
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  • Black-box artificial intelligence: an epistemological and critical analysis.Manuel Carabantes - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (2):309-317.
    The artificial intelligence models with machine learning that exhibit the best predictive accuracy, and therefore, the most powerful ones, are, paradoxically, those with the most opaque black-box architectures. At the same time, the unstoppable computerization of advanced industrial societies demands the use of these machines in a growing number of domains. The conjunction of both phenomena gives rise to a control problem on AI that in this paper we analyze by dividing the issue into two. First, we carry out an (...)
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