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  1. Hume and the enactive approach to mind.Tom Froese - 2009 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8 (1):95-133.
    An important part of David Hume’s work is his attempt to put the natural sciences on a firmer foundation by introducing the scientific method into the study of human nature. This investigation resulted in a novel understanding of the mind, which in turn informed Hume’s critical evaluation of the scope and limits of the scientific method as such. However, while these latter reflections continue to influence today’s philosophy of science, his theory of mind is nowadays mainly of interest in terms (...)
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  • (1 other version)Nomadic Ethics.Rosi Braidotti - 2013 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 7 (3):342-359.
    Deleuze's ethics constitutes the core of his philosophy, which proposes a post-humanistic but robust nomadic vision of the subject that respects the complexity of our times while avoiding the pitfalls of postmodern and other forms of relativism. Deleuze's neo-Spinozist ethics rests on an active relational ontology that looks for the ways in which otherness prompts, mobilises and allows for flows of affirmation of values and forces which are not yet sustained by the current conditions. Insofar as the conditions need to (...)
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  • Did Foucault Find a ‘Way Out’ of Hegel?Pierre Macherey - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (1-2):19-36.
    A ‘way out’ expresses a movement which looks completely different depending on whether one views it prospectively or retrospectively: in the first instance, it signifies ‘to emerge from’, which suggests a relationship of continuity; in the second it signifies ‘to breach a threshold’, a distancing, that is to say, a rupture. Which of these two meanings should we ascribe to the expression ‘Foucault’s way out of Hegel’ – that of a connection, which emerges when we look behind us, or that (...)
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  • Concepto, método y sistema de "Différence et répétition" de Gilles Deleuze.Miguel Ángel Martínez Quintanar - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (3):759-779.
    Este artículo propone una explicación e interpretación del contenido y estructura de Différence et répétition de Gilles Deleuze. La obra expone un sistema de filosofía contemporánea cuyo objetivo es determinar las condiciones de la experiencia real. El sistema se compone de varias partes: crítica de la forma y contenido del concepto filosófico; métodos filosóficos; estesiología trascendental; dialéctica de las Ideas; estética de las intensidades. Esta interpretación muestra el recorrido y función de la razón suficiente en varios descubrimientos: el método como (...)
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  • Now This : On the Gradual Production of Justice Whilst Doing Law and Music.Claudius Messner - 2018 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 31 (2):187-214.
    This paper examines the role of performance in law and music as a structural means of their self-programming construction. Music and law are considered as parallel social practices or performative doings. The paper begins with a critical analysis of the special aesthetical features of present-day juridical practice as exemplified by legal trial and legal expertise. Drawing upon reflections on the modern discourse on aesthetics and art, the article then examines in greater detail the specific traits of performance in law and (...)
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  • Deleuze Transcendental Empiricism as Exercise of Thought: Hume’s Case.Emilian Margarit - 2012 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 4 (2):377-403.
    This paper aims to clarify the program of Deleuze’s work on Hume’s philosophy. Also, I plan to make clear the operational meaning of Deleuze’s own hallmark regarding his approaches to philosophy. I start to follow Deleuze’s plot by engendering three functions of his interpretation of Hume’s Treatise that will be the area of three thematic chapters. The first tries to sort the polemical function of empiricism that is launched through Deleuze’s Hume; the second attempts to figure the domain of subjectivity (...)
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  • Musil’s Imaginary Bridge.Achille C. Varzi - 2014 - The Monist 97 (1):30-46.
    In a calculation involving imaginary numbers, we begin with real numbers that represent concrete measures and we end up with numbers that are equally real, but in the course of the operation we find ourselves walking “as if on a bridge that stands on no piles”. How is that possible? How does that work? And what is involved in the as-if stance that this metaphor introduces so beautifully? These are questions that bother Törless deeply. And that Törless is bothered by (...)
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  • La sensibilité différentielle. Psychologie, éthologie et sociologie dans Instincts et institutions de Gilles Deleuze.Camille Chamois - 2023 - Dialogue 62 (2):323-355.
    This article is an analysis of a collection of articles published by Gilles Deleuze in 1953 under the direction of Georges Canguilhem. This collection, which has been little read and commented upon, sheds light on the intellectual trajectory of its author by underlining the theoretical hesitations that were his. I show that Deleuze then outlined an ambitious “psycho-sociological” project that he never fully realized. To do this, I reconstitute the psychological and ethological subtext of the book by following his sources; (...)
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  • Rhythm and Refrain: In Between Philosophy and Arts (2016).Jurate Baranova (ed.) - 2016 - Vilnius: Lithuanian University of educational sciences.
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  • Sympathie restreinte et sympathie étendue dans le Traité de la Nature Humaine de David Hume.Philippe Blouin - 2010 - Gnosis 11 (3):1-15.
    Cet article consiste en une analyse critique de la notion de sympathie dansles deuxièmes et troisièmes tomes du *Traité de la Nature Humaine* de DavidHume. Il s’agit plus particulièrement de l’étude du passage de la sympathierestreinte à la sympathie étendue comme concept clé dans la philosophiepolitique de Hume. La lecture deleuzienne de Hume, telle qu’elle se donnedans *Empirisme et Subjectivité* est particulièrement mobilisée pour montreren quoi ce passage est représentatif des difficultés d’une philosophiepolitique qui, se voulant demeurer *empiriste*, doit passer (...)
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  • La monnaie dans l’ordre du discours : la fonction symbolique de la monnaie.Yaël Dosquet - 2018 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 19 (1):15-48.
    La monnaie symbolise la valeur, le souverain, ou le Peuple, bref la Totalité. Mais quelle fonction a cette symbolisation? Au plus strict, la fonction symbolique de la monnaie c’est de quantifier. Or la quantification est déjà épaisse de nombreux problèmes philosophiques. Alors, le propos tentera ici de montrer une problématisation foucaldienne de la fonction symbolique de la monnaie, en termes de pouvoir-savoir. Car la considération de la fonction symbolique de la monnaie ouvre, au niveau théorique, le problème de l’articulation de (...)
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  • Archipelagic System and Deleuze's Philosophy.Masato Gōda - 2018 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 12 (2):283-301.
    In his essay on Herman Melville, Gilles Deleuze writes about an affirmation of the world as process and as archipelago. What does this mode of affirmation mean not only for the philosophy of Deleuze, but also for us all who live in this world today? This is the principal issue which I try to take up in my paper. Already in his text on David Hume, the young Deleuze was obliged to confront the problematics of the becoming-system of collection, which (...)
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  • (1 other version)Ceticismo de Hume através do Empirismo Transcendental de Deleuze: disjunção inclusiva e sujeito empírico.Hélio Rebello Cardoso Jr - 2008 - Dois Pontos 5 (1).
    re s u m o O pre s e nte artigo se inic ia com uma cláusula interna à filosof ia de l e u z e a na, a de que todo pens a me nto pode ser carc t e r i z a do pelo grau de ima n ê nc ia que o me s mo realiza. O pens a me nto de Hu me, como “e m p i r i s mo superior”, segundo ex (...)
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  • David Hume et les règles générales.André Lapidus - 2020 - Philosophiques 47 (1):189-224.
    This paper supports the contention that the general rules introduced by Hume in the Treatise on Human Nature (THN 1.3.15) are a selection mechanism for inductive inferences, which rejects two sources of inefficiency : (i) from emotional origin, which would reduce the uneasiness coming from a possible failure in the uniformity of nature ; (ii) from cognitive origin, which would tolerate the possible overflow of the imagination on judgment. A growing consensus in recent decades, which distinguishes between two kinds of (...)
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  • Indivíduo E implexa individuação.Luiz Orlandi - 2015 - Doispontos 12 (1).
    resumo: O texto visa valorizar aspectos promissores do encontro filosófico entre Gilles Deleuze e Gilbert Simondon em torno da recriação do problema da individuação e da ênfase na problemática das disparações intensivas. abstract: The text aims to enrich promising aspects of the philosophical encounter between Gilles Deleuze and Gilbert Simondon around the recreation of the individuation problem and the emphasis in the intensive disparitions problematic.
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  • De la pregunta por el ser al ser de la pregunta. Dos malentendidos en torno a Deleuze y Heidegger.Pablo Pachilla - 2021 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 74:51-66.
    This paper aims to clear two regular misunderstandings when comparing the thoughts of Gilles Deleuze and Martin Heidegger: firstly, the alleged opposition between Heideggerian negativity and Deleuzian positivity; secondly, the assumed contrariety between Deleuzian immanence and Heideggerian transcendence. In this fashion, the proposal is not so much to point at coincidences as to underline the fact that the differences are not where they are usually sought. The method used consists in taking Deleuze’s mentions to Heidegger in Difference and Repetition as (...)
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  • El concepto deleuzo-guattariano de agencement y su recepción en Manuel DeLanda.Pablo Pachilla & Juan Manuel Spinelli - 2025 - Tábano 25:e3.
    En el presente artículo, se rastrea el concepto de agencement en la obra de Deleuze y Guattari, siguiendo sus ajustes y modificaciones desde El Anti-Edipo (1972) hasta Mil mesetas (1980), pasando por Kafka, por una literatura menor (1975). A continuación, presentaremos el concepto de assemblage en Manuel DeLanda, atendiendo a sus versiones mínima y ampliada y procurando explicitar sus puntos de contacto y de tensión con los pensadores franceses. A lo largo de este recorrido, se intentará mostrar tanto la genealogía (...)
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  • The Determination of Sense via Deleuze and Blanchot: Paradoxes of the Habitual, the Immemorial, and the Eternal Return.Eugene Brently Young - 2008 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 2 (2):155-177.
    Eternal return is the paradox that accounts for the interplay between difference and repetition, a dynamic at the heart of Deleuze's philosophy, and Blanchot's approach to this paradox, even and especially through what it elides, further illuminates it. Deleuze draws on Blanchot's characterisations of difference, forgetting, and the unlivable to depict the ‘sense’ produced via eternal return, which, for Blanchot, is where repetition implicates or ‘carries’ pure difference. However, for Deleuze, difference and the unlivable are also developed by the living (...)
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  • The Death of Gilles Deleuze as Composition of a Concept.Alain Beaulieu & Douglas Ord - 2017 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 11 (1):121-138.
    There was a wide range of in memoriam and homages published in the years following Deleuze's suicide. However, none of them succeeded in grasping ‘the evential’ aspect of his death. This paper identifies a series of errors in the literature on Deleuze's death. It also suggests a way to overcome them by considering a singular encounter between Alice's passage through the looking glass and Deleuze's defenestration, which both took place on 4 November. We will show how a new conception of (...)
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  • La imaginación y la estructura del pensamiento político de Hobbes.Omar Astorga - 1999 - Araucaria 1 (2).
    La siguiente propuesta de lectura es, en muchos sentidos, el resultado del encuentro con la obra de Norberto Bobbio. Este pensador italiano se dedicó a estudiar a los clásicos de la filosofía política y, entre ellos, especialmente a Thomas Hobbes, y fue. mostrando, de un modo cada vez más convincente, la presencia de la obra de: Hobbes en el desarrollo de la filosofía política moderna, hasta el punto de considerarla: como el gran modelo que reemplaza ala tradición aristotélica. Su tesis (...)
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