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  1. Page, text and screen in the university: Revisiting the Illich hypothesis.Lavinia Marin, Jan Masschelein & Maarten Simons - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (1):49-60.
    In the age of web 2.0, the university is constantly challenged to re-adapt its ‘old-fashioned’ pedagogies to the new possibilities opened up by digital technologies. This article proposes a rethinking of the relation between university and (digital) technologies by focusing not on how technologies function in the university, but on their constituting a meta-condition for the existence of the university pedagogy of inquiry. Following Ivan Illich’s idea that textual technologies played a crucial role in the inception of the university, we (...)
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  • Heidegger on ontological education, or: How we become what we are.Iain Thomson - 2001 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 44 (3):243 – 268.
    Heidegger presciently diagnosed the current crisis in higher education. Contemporary theorists like Bill Readings extend and update Heidegger's critique, documenting the increasing instrumentalization, professionalization, vocationalization, corporatization, and technologization of the modern university, the dissolution of its unifying and guiding ideals, and, consequently, the growing hyper-specialization and ruinous fragmentation of its departments. Unlike Heidegger, however, these critics do not recognize such disturbing trends as interlocking symptoms of an underlying ontological problem and so they provide no positive vision for the future of (...)
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  • Individualization, singularization and e-ducation.Jan Masschelein - 1996 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 15 (1):97-105.
    It is commonly supposed that acting and judging ought to rest on a community-wide, binding definition of what is right and respectable, that is, a substantial consensus. Such consensus is thought possible only when we engage shared values and criteria, when we use knowledge and abilities appropriated through education. On this view, education deals with the reproduction of consensus and, hence, with the passing on of traditions and norms. On my view, we need to question the framework in which the (...)
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  • Global university rankings: Metrics, performance, governance.Michael A. Peters - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (1):5-13.
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  • Can subjectivity be salvaged?Marianna Papastephanou - 2005 - Common Knowledge 11 (1):136-159.
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  • The worst, the lesser violence and the politics of deconstruction.Mihail Evans - 2022 - Continental Philosophy Review 55 (3):267-288.
    The characterisation of Derrida’s politics as a seeking for the “lesser violence” has become an almost paradigmatic interpretation. Yet the phrase _la moindre violence_ appears only in the early essay “Violence and Metaphysics” and its meaning is not as straightforward as might initially seem. I will argue that it is a mistake to take this expression to summarise the political import of this essay let alone of deconstruction more generally. What Derrida repeatedly concerns himself on that occasion is not “the (...)
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  • The Identity Game: Michel Foucault's Discourse-Mediated Identity as an Effective Tool for Achieving a Narrative-Based Ethic.Steve Urbanski - 2011 - Open Ethics Journal 5 (1):3-9.
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  • Judging justice: The strange responsibility of deconstruction.Stella Gaon - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (1):97-114.
    This paper demonstrates that when the concept of ethicalpolitical responsibility is taken in its modern sense as a decision or outcome based on the protocols of reason, responsibility is neither simply possible nor simply impossible. Paradoxically, it appeals to a demand that it cannot fulfil; responsibility is thus (im)possible. Moreover, insofar as a deconstructive demonstration of this aporia is itself a response to reason’s own demand, deconstruction cannot be characterized as simply responsible or irresponsible. Rather, deconstruction inscribes itself as the (...)
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  • The politics of inquiry: Education research and the "culture of science" (review).David Hursh - 2011 - Education and Culture 27 (1):73-77.
    Baez and Boyle provide evidence that educational research is inherently political and shapes how we look at the world, what research questions we ask, and what counts as a valid answer. They show how those who hold powerful governmental and academic positions advocate for and limit funding to research that is positivistic and elevates the natural sciences above all other forms of science. Such an approach not only marginalizes other forms of science but also slights ethical questions of good and (...)
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  • On collegiality: Kittler models Derrida.Peter Krapp - 2011 - Thesis Eleven 107 (1):21-32.
    Kittler was among the first to invite Derrida to lectures in Germany, and to translate Derrida’s texts into German. Yet a cursory tally in his references does not always do justice to what Kittler’s media theory owes to deconstruction. Discourse Networks credits Derrida with a mere ‘rediscovery’ of grammatology, although Wellbery’s foreword labors mightily to identify the deconstructive traits in Kittler’s work. Gramophone, Film, Typewriter reduces The Post Card’s complex networks to an allegation that ‘voice remains the other of typescripts' (...)
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  • Reading Derrida with Daya Krishna: Postmodern Trends in Contemporary Indian Philosophy.Dor Miller - 2018 - Sophia 57 (3):425-442.
    In his published lectures Civilizations: Nostalgia and Utopia, Daya Krishna criticizes postmodern thought and especially the writings of Jacques Derrida. By outlining similarities between the two, I would claim that, indeed, it was Daya Krishna’s unexpected proximity to Derrida’s ‘deconstruction’ project that triggered his scathing critique of the latter. Moreover, Daya Krishna’s response to Derrida reveals an ongoing inner conflict in his own thinking. On the one hand, he provides us with a harsh critique of Derrida the ‘postmodern’; on the (...)
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  • Philosophy, Poetry, Parataxis.Jonathan Monroe - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (5):599-611.
    At the heart of the relationship between philosophy and poetry, and of the philosophical and the literary tout court, is the relationship between poetry and prose. In the increasingly influential work of Giorgio Agamben, whose impact continues to grow across a wide range of disciplines, the relationship between philosophy and poetry, poetry and prose, receives renewed attention and significance. Situating Agamben's philosophical, poetic prose in relation to the legacy of the prose poem from Charles Baudelaire through Walter Benjamin and Rosmarie (...)
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  • Crossing the Divide Within Continental Philosophy: Reconstruction, Deconstruction, Dialogue and Education.Marianna Papastephanou - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (2):153-170.
    In this article I explore some points of convergence between Habermas and Derrida that revolve around the intersection of ethical and epistemological issues in dialogue. After some preliminary remarks on how dialogue and language are viewed by Habermas and Derrida as standpoints for departing from the philosophy of consciousness and from logocentric metaphysics, I cite the main points of a classroom dialogue in order to illustrate the way in which the ideas of Habermas and Derrida are sometimes received as well (...)
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  • Ethics of ambiguity and irony: Jacques Derrida and Richard Rorty.Honglim Ryu - 2001 - Human Studies 24 (1-2):5-28.
    This paper examines the relation or, more precisely, tension between postmodern deconstruction and ethics by elaborating upon the ethico-political dimensions of deconstructionism. It embarks on a critical assessment of postmodern discourse on ethics in view of its political implications by analyzing Jacques Derrida''s and Richard Rorty''s arguments with an assumption that their positions represent a certain logic in the postmodern discourse on ethics. Postmodern ethics is based on incredulity with regard to traditional metanarratives, and it defines ethics in terms of (...)
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  • The Fate of the Humanities, the Fate of the University.Evy Varsamopoulou - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (1):59-73.
    The aim of this article is to analyze the current crisis of higher education and to propose a new model to counter the threat this crisis poses to the arts and humanities. The crisis of the university is presented through a comparison with two earlier crises: the first occurring in the seventeenth century and the second in the early nineteenth century. I argue that as an institution and a culture the mission of the university is to uphold the value of (...)
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  • Memoir of a Metaphilosopher (2023).Klier David - manuscript
    This essay seeks to finalize a personal conception of the method of philosophizing. It aims to argue that works of philosophy are to be considered as well-informed expressions of belief. It does this by first introducing the topic, considering the broad views of the analytic, continental, and pragmatic traditions, and then presenting an exposition of passages on the topic. Finally, a novel contribution is presented in consideration of those passages before ending in concluding remarks.
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  • Jacques Derrida and the necessity of chance.Christoforos Diakoulakis - unknown
    Chance, in the sense of the incalculable, the indeterminable, names the limit of every estimation of the truth. Whereas traditional philosophical discourses aspire to transcend this limit, deconstruction affirms on the contrary its necessity; not as a higher principle that relativizes truth and renders all our calculations futile, as is commonly suggested by flippant appropriations of Derrida’s work, but as a structural property within every event and every concept, every mark. Rather than a mere impediment to the pursuit of truth (...)
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