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Undoing Gender

Gender and Society 21 (1):106-127 (2007)

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  1. From Doing To Undoing: Gender as We Know It.Barbara J. Risman - 2009 - Gender and Society 23 (1):81-84.
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  • Stay-at-Home Fathers and Breadwinning Mothers: Gender, Couple Dynamics, and Social Change.Noelle Chesley - 2011 - Gender and Society 25 (5):642-664.
    I examine experiences of married couples to better understand whether economic shifts that push couples into gender-atypical work/family arrangements influence gender inequality. I draw on in-depth interviews conducted in 2008 with stay-at-home husbands and their wives in 21 married-couple families with children. I find that the decision to have a father stay home is heavily influenced by economic conditions, suggesting that men’s increased job instability and shifts in the relative employment conditions of husbands and wives push some men into at-home (...)
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  • Gender Conformity, Perceptions of Shared Power, and Marital Quality in Same- and Different-Sex Marriages.Debra Umberson, Brandon A. Robinson & Amanda M. Pollitt - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (1):109-131.
    Research on gender inequality within different-sex marriages shows that women do more unpaid labor than men, and that the perception of inequality influences perceptions of marital quality. Yet research on same-sex couples suggests the importance of considering how gender is relational. Past studies show that same-sex partners share unpaid labor more equally and perceive greater equity than do different-sex partners, and that lesbian, gay, and bisexual people are less gender conforming than heterosexuals. However, studies have not considered how gender conformity (...)
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  • Doing Gender, Determining Gender: Transgender People, Gender Panics, and the Maintenance of the Sex/gender/sexuality System.Kristen Schilt & Laurel Westbrook - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (1):32-57.
    This article explores “determining gender,” the umbrella term for social practices of placing others in gender categories. We draw on three case studies showcasing moments of conflict over who counts as a man and who counts as a woman: public debates over the expansion of transgender employment rights, policies determining eligibility of transgender people for competitive sports, and proposals to remove the genital surgery requirement for a change of sex marker on birth certificates. We show that criteria for determining gender (...)
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  • “A Rose is a Rose”: On Producing Legal Gender Classifications.Tey Meadow - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (6):814-837.
    Gender is perhaps the most pervasive, fundamental, and universally accepted way we separate and categorize human beings. Yet in recent years, U.S. courts and administrative state agencies have confronted a growing challenge from individuals demanding to have their gender reclassified. Transgender people create a profound category crisis for social institutions built on the idea that biological sex is both immutable and dichotomous. During the past four decades, the central legal question shifted from how to allocate specific individuals to categories to (...)
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  • On the Limits of “Trans Enough”: Authenticating Trans Identity Narratives.Spencer Garrison - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (5):613-637.
    Existing understandings of gender affirm some types of gendered accounts as “authentic,” while others are discredited or obscured. As a consequence, many transgender people express anxiety about whether their experience of gender can be distilled into a narrative that is intelligible to others and appears consistent over time. In this article, I assess the identity narratives produced by two cohorts of trans respondents—binary-identified respondents, and non-binary respondents—as a means of understanding the narrative strategies that respondents employ to establish themselves as (...)
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  • Athletes in the Pool, Girls and Boys on Deck: The Contextual Construction of Gender in Coed Youth Swimming.Michela Musto - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (3):359-380.
    Few studies have examined how groups of individuals enact different patterns of gender relations within and across contexts. In this article, I draw upon nine months of fieldwork and 15 semistructured interviews conducted with eight- to 10-year-old swimmers on a co-ed youth swim team. During focused aspects of swim practice, gender was less salient and structural mechanisms encouraged athletes to interact in ways that illuminated girls’ and boys’ similar athletic abilities, undermining categorical, essentialist, and hierarchical gender beliefs pertaining to athleticism. (...)
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  • Gender and Sexual Practice in Structural Context: Condom Use among Women Doing Sex Work in Southern India.Kim M. Blankenship, Lucía Fort, Mona J. E. Danner & Gay Young - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (6):860-888.
    In this study, we elaborate connections among gender, structure, and practice to suggest how social structural relations shape social sexual practice and, in the process, reshape gender relations. Using survey data from a study of a community mobilization intervention, we investigate the connection between institutional arrangements and condom use practice in sexual encounters with commercial clients and intimate partners among 410 women engaged in sex trade in a semiurban town in southern India. Multinomial logistic regression analysis uncovers the effects of (...)
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  • Toward Exclusion through Inclusion: Engendering Reputation with Gender-Inclusive Facilities at Colleges and Universities in the United States, 2001-2013.Alexander K. Davis - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (3):321-347.
    Ample sociological evidence demonstrates that binary gender ideologies are an intractable part of formal organizations and that transgender issues tend to be marginalized by a wide range of social institutions. Yet, in the last 15 years, more than 200 colleges and universities have attempted to ameliorate such realities by adopting gender-inclusive facilities in which students of any gender can share residential and restroom spaces. What cultural logics motivate these transformations? How can their emergence be reconciled with the difficulty of altering (...)
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  • Queering Doing Gender: The Curious Absence of Ethnomethodology in Gender Studies and in Sociology.S. L. Crawley - forthcoming - Sociological Theory:073527512211348.
    “Doing Gender,” Candance West and Don Zimmerman’s famous 1987 article, has become a folk concept—a trope or commonsense resource within the sociology of gender. Yet at the same time, most gender scholars overlook its ethnomethodological premise, visible in both poststructuralist misunderstandings of its argument outside the discipline of sociology and what I term a realist misunderstanding of it in the study of structures and identities within the discipline. Reading West and Zimmerman queerly while clarifying ethnomethodology’s ontology, I refocus attention for (...)
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  • Pronouns Beyond the Binary: The Change of Attitudes and Use Over Time.Anna Lindqvist, Emma Renström & Marie Gustafsson Sendén - 2021 - Gender and Society 35 (4):588-615.
    Gender-inclusive language, such as the Swedish pronoun hen, may aid in breaking a binary notion of gender and avoid sexism. The present study followed the implementation of a gender-inclusive third-person pronoun singular in Swedish in two surveys with representative samples in 2015 and in 2018. The surveys comprised measures of attitudes toward, and use of, hen as well as possible predictors such as area of residence, age, preferred pronoun, political orientation, and interest in gender issues. Results showed that attitudes toward (...)
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  • Separated Parents Reproducing and Undoing Gender Through Defining Legitimate Uses of Child Support.Belinda Hewitt & Kristin Natalier - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (6):904-925.
    The use of child support is a politically and personally contested issue and a policy challenge across developed countries. This offers an opportunity to identify family practices and relationships through which hegemonic masculinity and socially valued femininities are reproduced and challenged. We present data from interviews with 28 fathers and 30 mothers to argue that when people discuss how child support is or should be spent, they are managing gendered parenting identities. Most fathers defined child support as “special money.” This (...)
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  • The Importance of Motherhood Among Women in the Contemporary United States.Veronica Tichenor, Karina M. Shreffler, Arthur L. Greil & Julia Mcquillan - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (4):477-496.
    We contribute to feminist and gender scholarship on cultural notions of motherhood by analyzing the importance of motherhood among mothers and non-mothers. Using a national probability sample of U.S. women ages 25-45, we find a continuous distribution of scores measuring perceptions of the importance of motherhood among both groups. Employing OLS multiple regression, we examine why some women place more importance on motherhood, focusing on interests that could compete with valuing motherhood, and controlling for characteristics associated with becoming a mother. (...)
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  • Doing Murga, Undoing Gender: Feminist Carnival in Argentina.Michael S. O’Brien & Julia Mcreynolds-Pérez - 2020 - Gender and Society 34 (3):413-436.
    Murga porteña, the satirical street theatre tradition associated with Carnival in Buenos Aires, Argentina, is historically a strongly patriarchal institution. Prominent roles such as reciting poetry, singing, and playing percussion instruments have been reserved exclusively for men. As the feminist movement in Argentina has grown in visibility and importance in recent years, feminist murga participants disrupted these patriarchal patterns. Women murga performers have begun to use murga as a space for feminist practice, both by creating women-only organizations to learn murga (...)
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  • Negotiating “Impossible” Ideals: Latent Classes of Intensive Mothering in the United States.Jane Lankes - 2022 - Gender and Society 36 (5):677-703.
    The primary goal of this study is to identify patterns in the ways mothers adhere to, reject, and combine intensive mothering attitudes and behaviors. Mothers often face immense pressure to devote significant physical and mental effort toward childrearing, referred to as intensive mothering. At the same time, many mothers do not follow the actions or beliefs that gender norms suggest they should. It remains unclear how mothers holistically approach intensive parenting across many different facets. Using the 2014 Child Development Supplement (...)
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  • Mothers, Fathers, and “Mathers”: Negotiating a Lesbian Co-parental Identity.Jonniann Butterfield & Irene Padavic - 2011 - Gender and Society 25 (2):176-196.
    This article argues that to gain a more complete understanding of how lesbian families experience parenthood outside of the heterosexual context, scholars must consider how co-parents negotiate a parental identity, rather than presuming that women parents want to mother. Drawing on in-depth interviews with 17 women in a state that denies them parental legal rights, this article asks how a non—biologically related and non—legally related woman parent determines a parental identity in a social system that continually reminds her of her (...)
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  • Intersectionality as multi-level analysis: Dealing with social inequality.Nina Degele & Gabriele Winker - 2011 - European Journal of Women's Studies 18 (1):51-66.
    The concept of intersectionality is on its way to becoming a new paradigm in gender studies. In its current version, it denominates reciprocities between gender, race and class. However, it also allows for the integration of other socially defined categories, such as sexuality, nationality or age. On the other hand, it is widely left unclear as to which level these reciprocal effects apply: the level of social structures, the level of constructions of identity or the level of symbolic representations. This (...)
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  • Redefining the Marital Power Struggle through Relationship Skills: How U.S. Marriage Education Programs Challenge and Reproduce Gender Inequality.Jennifer M. Randles - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (2):240-264.
    In 2002, the United States federal government created the Healthy Marriage Initiative, a policy that has distributed almost $1 billion in welfare money to marriage education programs. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork in classes for a purposive sample of 20 government-approved marriage education programs and textual analysis of more than 3,000 pages of curricular materials, I analyze how U.S. healthy marriage policy addresses issues of gendered communication and power. This case reveals the limitations of what I call ‘‘interpersonal gender interventions,’’ which (...)
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  • Exploring Bias in Math Teachers’ Perceptions of Students’ Ability by Gender and Race/ethnicity.Melissa Humphries & Catherine Riegle-Crumb - 2012 - Gender and Society 26 (2):290-322.
    This study explores whether gender stereotypes about math ability shape high school teachers’ assessments of the students with whom they interact daily, resulting in the presence of conditional bias. It builds on theories of intersectionality by exploring teachers’ perceptions of students in different gender and racial/ethnic subgroups and advances the literature on the salience of gender across contexts by considering variation across levels of math course-taking in the academic hierarchy. Analyses of nationally representative data from the Education Longitudinal Study of (...)
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  • Anatomy of a Stalled Revolution: Processes of Reproduction and Change in Russian Women’s Gender Ideologies.Olga Isupova & Sarah Ashwin - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (4):441-468.
    Russia’s gender revolution notoriously produced women’s economic empowerment without domestic equality. Although the Soviet state vastly expanded women’s employment, this had little impact on a starkly unequal gender division of domestic labor. Such “stalling” is common, but in Russia its extent and persistence presents a puzzle, requiring us to investigate linkages between macro-level factors and micro-level interactions regarding the gender division of domestic labor. We do this by focusing on gender ideology, an important variable explaining the gender division of domestic (...)
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  • When Women Reject Women’s Ordination: Reframing and Semanticizing in the Speeches of Two Female Seventh-day Adventists.Eun-Young Julia Kim - 2020 - Feminist Theology 29 (1):33-47.
    This study analyzes two public speeches of two North-American Seventh-day Adventist women who oppose women’s ordination, in order to understand how they reconcile inequity perpetuated by their religious position that denigrates women. The two women in this study address the apparent disadvantage by reframing the issue and reordering their reality. Whereas one speaker creates other formidable sub-issues that make exclusion of women from church leadership imperative, the other speaker resorts to the elusive notion of female privilege. I demonstrate how their (...)
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  • Women (Re)Negotiating Care across Family Generations: Intersections of Gender and Socioeconomic Status.Thomas Scharf, Gemma Carney, Virpi Timonen & Catherine Conlon - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (5):729-751.
    Changing Generations, a study of intergenerational relations in Ireland undertaken between 2011 and 2013 by the Social Policy and Ageing Research Centre, Trinity College, Dublin, and the Irish Centre for Social Gerontology, NUI Galway, used the Constructivist Grounded Theory method to interrogate support and care provision between generations. This article draws on interviews with 52 women ages 18 to 102, allowing for simultaneous analysis of older and younger women’s perspectives. The intersectionality of gender and class emerged as central to the (...)
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  • Alpha, Omega, and the Letters in Between: LGBTQI Conservative Christians Undoing Gender.J. E. Sumerau, Theresa W. Tobin & Dawne Moon - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (4):583-606.
    Sociologists studying gender have debated West and Zimmerman’s premise that “doing gender is unavoidable,” seeking to ascertain whether people can “undo” or only “redo” gender. While sociologists have been correct to focus on the interactional accomplishment of gender, they have neglected one of Garfinkel’s key insights about interaction: that people hold each other accountable to particular narratives. Neglecting the narrative aspect of doing—and undoing—gender impedes our ability to recognize processes of social change. Based on a qualitative study, we show how (...)
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  • Equality on His Terms: Doing and Undoing Gender through Men’s Discussion Groups.Chloé Lewis, Milli Lake & Rachael S. Pierotti - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (4):540-562.
    Efforts to promote gender equality often encourage changes to interpersonal interactions as a way of undermining gender hierarchy. Such programs are premised on the idea that the gender system can be “undone” when individuals behave in ways that challenge prevailing gender norms. However, scholars know little about whether and under what conditions real changes to the gender system can result from changed behaviors. We use the context of a gender sensitization program in the Democratic Republic of Congo to examine prospects (...)
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  • Fathering, Class, and Gender: A Comparison of Physicians and Emergency Medical Technicians.Naomi Gerstel & Carla Shows - 2009 - Gender and Society 23 (2):161-187.
    Using a multimethod approach, this article examines the link between class and masculinities by comparing the way two groups—professional men and working-class men —practice fatherhood. First, the authors show that these two groups practice different types of masculinity as they engage in different kinds of fatherhood. Physicians emphasize “public fatherhood,” which entails attendance at public events but little involvement in the daily care of their children. In contrast, EMTs are not only involved in their children's public events but also emphasize (...)
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  • A Very “Gay” Straight?: Hybrid Masculinities, Sexual Aesthetics, and the Changing Relationship between Masculinity and Homophobia.Tristan Bridges - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (1):58-82.
    This article addresses a paradoxical stance taken by young straight men in three groups who identify aspects of themselves as “gay” to construct heterosexual masculine identities. By subjectively recognizing aspects of their identities as “gay,” these men discursively distance themselves from stereotypes of masculinity and privilege and/or frame themselves as politically progressive. Yet, both of these practices obscure the ways they benefit from and participate in gender and sexual inequality. I develop a theory of “sexual aesthetics” to account for their (...)
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  • Redoing Gender, Redoing Religion.Helana Darwin - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (3):348-370.
    This article advances a critical gender lens on the sociology of religion by arguing that “doing gender” and “doing religion” function as intertwined systems of accountability. To demonstrate the inextricability of these two systems, this study analyzes open-ended survey data from 576 Jewish women who wear kippot. These women’s responses reveal that this religious practice is fraught with social sanctions on the basis of the women’s simultaneous gender deviance and religious deviance. These women are not read as simply “doing Jewish” (...)
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  • Gendering security: The substantive representation of women in the Israeli parliament.Chen Friedberg & Reut Itzkovitch-Malka - 2018 - European Journal of Women's Studies 25 (4):419-439.
    The study focuses on the links between gender and national security in the legislative arena in Israel, considering whether men and women legislators prioritize security differently, alongside other thematic policy areas. The centrality of national security issues in Israeli politics makes it a good case study for these questions, as it enhances existing gendered stereotypes. The article examines two competing hypotheses. The first suggests that Israeli female legislators will mostly refrain from addressing national security policy issues, focusing instead on softer (...)
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  • Organizations as Spaces for Caring: A Case of an Anti-trafficking Organization in India.Roscoe Conan D’Souza & Ignasi Martí - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (4):829-842.
    Prior research has shown that human trafficking has multiple facets and is deeply enmeshed in societies around the world. Two central challenges for anti-trafficking organizations pertain to confronting systemic injustices and establishing caring organizations for survivors to start the process of healing and restoration. Analyzing the work of an anti-trafficking organization, International Sanctuary in Mumbai, we seek to elucidate how a space for caring for trafficking survivors is constructed in a largely non-egalitarian and unjust context. We contribute to discussions on (...)
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  • Negotiating Hegemonic Masculinity in a Batterer Intervention Program.Irene Padavic & Douglas P. Schrock - 2007 - Gender and Society 21 (5):625-649.
    Domestic violence represents a crucial underpinning of women's continued subordination, which is why much scholarly and activist energy has been expended in designing, implementing, and evaluating programs to reduce it. On the basis of three years of fieldwork, the authors analyze the interactional processes through which masculinity was constructed in one such program. They find that facilitators had success in getting the men to agree to take responsibility, use egalitarian language, control anger, and choose nonviolence, but the men were successful (...)
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  • Determining Transgender: Adjudicating Gender Identity in U.S. Asylum Law.Stefan Vogler - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (3):439-462.
    Transgender legal protections have long been contentious issues, with courts often pathologizing or refusing recognition of transgender identities. Recently, however, courts adjudicating asylum claims have recognized “transgender” as a legitimate category of protection. I take this legal development as an opportunity to ask how courts determine if individuals are transgender. While previous work has shown how courts maintain the gender binary, asylum law offers the first chance to analyze how recognizing a distinct transgender category affects the legal gender order and (...)
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  • “I Demand More of People”: Accountability, Interaction, and Gender Change.Jocelyn A. Hollander - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (1):5-29.
    Although accountability lies at the heart of the “doing gender” perspective, it has received surprisingly little attention from gender scholars. In this article, I analyze the different ways that scholars have conceptualized accountability. I propose a synthesis of these various understandings, and demonstrate the utility of this conceptualization with examples from my research on feminist self-defense training. This analysis sheds light on both the workings of accountability and the process of change in gender expectations and practices. I conclude by considering (...)
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  • Queer Women in the Hookup Scene: Beyond the Closet?Paula England, Alison C. K. Fogarty, Shiri Regev-Messalem, Verta Taylor & Leila J. Rupp - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (2):212-235.
    The college hookup scene is a profoundly gendered and heteronormative sexual field. Yet the party and bar scene that gives rise to hookups also fosters the practice of women kissing other women in public, generally to the enjoyment of male onlookers, and sometimes facilitates threesomes involving same-sex sexual behavior between women. In this article, we argue that the hookup scene serves as an opportunity structure to explore same-sex attractions and, at least for some women, to later verify bisexual, lesbian, or (...)
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  • Working-Class Job Loss, Gender, and the Negotiation of Household Labor.Marie Cornwall & Elizabeth Miklya Legerski - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (4):447-474.
    Scholars see the gendered division of household labor as a stronghold of gender inequality. We explore changes in household labor and gender relations when conservative, working-class families experience employment disruptions. Using data from 49 qualitative interviews conducted with men and women following the forced unemployment of breadwinning husbands, we observe some change in gendered household labor but conclude that a significant degendering of housework is thwarted by institutional-, interactive-, and individual-level processes. At the institutional level, the lack of well-paying jobs (...)
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  • Breaking Barriers? Examining Neoliberal–Postfeminist Empowerment in Women’s Mixed Martial Arts.Justen Hamilton - 2022 - Gender and Society 36 (5):652-676.
    This article problematizes claims of women’s empowerment in “masculine” sports through an exploration of women’s participation in mixed martial arts —a combat sport colloquially referred to as “cage fighting.” MMA, perhaps more than any other sport, allows women athletes to challenge patriarchal beliefs about gender by demonstrating women’s capacity for physical violence and domination. But whereas investigations into MMA have produced important findings for studies of men and masculinities, there has been surprisingly little attention paid to women’s participation in this (...)
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  • Upgraded Masculinity: A Gendered Analysis of the Debriefing in the Israeli Air Force.Eyal Ben-Ari, Ilan Dayan & Varda Wasserman - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (2):228-251.
    This article examines the importation of new gender ideals into a highly masculine organization through top-down and bottom-up processes. We analyze how a dominant group of men undo and redo gender to reproduce their supremacy and create a new, “improved” form of masculinity. Based on qualitative research on the practice of debriefing in the Israel Air Force, we explore how new practices of masculinity are incorporated into a hegemonic masculinity by introducing so-called “soft” organizational practices and thus constructing a new (...)
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  • Perinatal Care for Trans and Nonbinary People Birthing in Heteronormative “Maternity” Services: Experiences and Educational Needs of Professionals.Vic Valentine, Isaac Samuels, Laura Godfrey-Isaacs, Adam Jowett, Gemma Pearce, Rebecca Crowther & Sally Pezaro - 2023 - Gender and Society 37 (1):124-151.
    Childbearing trans and nonbinary people are confronted with the heteronormative and cisgender frameworks that underpin “maternity” services. We explored the educational needs of 108 perinatal staff in the United Kingdom as related to the needs of trans and nonbinary service users. Participants were most confident in formulating care plans and least confident about the provision of colleagues’ perinatal care in this context. While the majority of participants were positive toward the trans and nonbinary communities, they considered that those communities remain (...)
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  • “Doing Gender” as Canon or Agenda: A Symposium on West and Zimmerman.Cynthia Siemsen & Nancy C. Jurik - 2009 - Gender and Society 23 (1):72-75.
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  • “I Feel Like It’s a Heavier Burden...”: The Gendered Contours of Heterosexual Partnering after Welfare Reform.Jill Weigt - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (5):565-590.
    One of the explicit goals of the 1996 welfare reform in the United States was to create conditions that would encourage marriage as a means of reducing poverty and welfare “dependency.” With the exception of a few notable studies that examine reliance on abusive partners and former partners, relatively little scholarly attention has been given to the contours of partnering after welfare reform. Using a feminist lens on data from two qualitative studies, the author examines the partnership experiences of a (...)
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  • ‘Doing gender’ in the wild berry industry: Transforming the role of Thai women in rural Sweden 1980–2012.Charlotta Hedberg - 2016 - European Journal of Women's Studies 23 (2):169-184.
    ‘Doing gender’ has often been used as the theoretical entrance for research on gender issues in the social sciences. However, research has been accused of using the concept in a ‘ceremonial’ way, treating gendered structures as static. In response to this claim, this article investigates the process of ‘hierarchization’, or how gendered and racial hierarchies occur through everyday practices and political and economic contexts in the rural, wild berry industry in contemporary Sweden. The industry has gone through a thorough transformation, (...)
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