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Adolf Reinach

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2009)

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  1. Intentionality and virtual objects: the case of Qiu Chengwei’s dragon sabre.Michael Madary - 2014 - Ethics and Information Technology 16 (3):219-225.
    This article offers an analysis of intentionality for virtual objects and explores some of the ethical implications of this analysis. The main example which serves as a motivation for the article is the case of a Chinese gamer who, in 2005, committed murder in retaliation for the theft of a virtual object, the theft of his virtual dragon sabre. The intentional analysis reveals that the way in which we experience virtual objects shares a structural similarity with the way in which (...)
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  • Wert, Rechtheit and Gut. Adolf Reinach's Contribution to Early Phenomenological Ethics.James H. Smith - unknown
    Adolf Reinach (1883-1917) is most often remembered for his role as a teacher of phenomenology or as a philosopher of law, yet the range of subjects covered in his surviving published and unpublished works is diverse. As scholars such as Kimberley Baltzer-Jaray have argued, Reinach's contributions to philosophy, and in particular his influence on the early phenomena logical movement, have been underestimated in the past. It is of both historical and philosophical importance, therefore, to identify and recognise the contributions that (...)
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  • Los múltiple a priori de los actos sociales en Adolf Reinach.Urbano Ferrer - 2015 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 49:209-230.
    El artículo pone en relación los dos principales hallazgos de Reinach: la noción de estado de cosas y los aprioris materiales de los actos lingüistico-sociales. Aunque ambos provienen de la reducción eidética dentro de la Fenomenología, se anticipan con ellos los estudios posteriores de autores analíticos sobre los actos de habla. Se examinan los componentes y estructura de los actos sociales, con especial atención al prometer y al preguntar, que llevan a Reinach a sobrepasar ampliamente el marco husserliano de los (...)
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