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  1. On a possibility to find experimental evidence for the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.R. Plaga - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (4):559-577.
    The many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics predicts the formation of distinct parallel worlds as a result, of a quantum mechanical measurement. Communication among these parallel worlds would experimentally rule out alternatives to this interpretation. A possible procedure for “interworld” exchange of information and energy, using only state of the art quantum optical equipement, is described. A single ion is isolated from its environment in an ion trap. Then a quantum mechanical measurement with two discrete outcomes is performed on another system, (...)
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  • Eventos qu'nticos e reducionismo causal.Osvaldo Pessoa Jr - 2013 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 17 (3):365.
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  • Realistic Interaction-Free Detection of Objects in a Resonator.Harry Paul & Mladen Pavičić - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (6):959-970.
    We propose a realistic device for detecting objects almost without transferring a single quantum of energy to them. The device can work with an efficiency close to 100% and relies on two detectors counting both presence and absence of the objects. Its possible usage in performing fundamental experiments as well as possible applications are discussed.
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  • The screen problem.Bogdan Mielnik - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (8):1113-1129.
    The statistical interpretation of the quantum mechanical wave packet contains a gap. The author outlines the problem without offering a solution.
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  • A modal-Hamiltonian interpretation of quantum mechanics.Olimpia Lombardi & Mario Castagnino - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (2):380-443.
    The aim of this paper is to introduce a new member of the family of the modal interpretations of quantum mechanics. In this modal-Hamiltonian interpretation, the Hamiltonian of the quantum system plays a decisive role in the property-ascription rule that selects the definite-valued observables whose possible values become actual. We show that this interpretation is effective for solving the measurement problem, both in its ideal and its non-ideal versions, and we argue for the physical relevance of the property-ascription rule by (...)
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  • The quantum liar experiment in Cramer's transactional interpretation.Ruth E. Kastner - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 41 (2):86-92.
    Cramer's Transactional Interpretation (TI) is applied to the ``Quantum Liar Experiment'' (QLE). It is shown how some apparently paradoxical features can be explained naturally, albeit nonlocally (since TI is an explicitly nonlocal interpretation). At the same time, it is proposed that in order to preserve the elegance and economy of the interpretation, it may be necessary to consider offer and confirmation waves as propagating in a ``higher space'' of possibilities.
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  • Quantum Information in a Distributed Apparatus.Subhash C. Kak - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (6):1005-1012.
    We investigate the information provided about a specified distributed apparatus of n units in the measurement of a quantum state. It is shown that, in contrast to such measurement of a classical state, which is bounded by log(n + 1) bits, the information in a quantum measurement is bounded by 3.7 × n 1/2 bits. This means that the use of quantum apparatus offers an exponential advantage over classical apparatus.
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  • problema de incoherencia en la Interpretación de los Muchos Mundos de la Mecánica Cuántica.María Rubio Juan - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 16 (1):59-79.
    La Interpretación de los Muchos Mundos de la Mecánica Cuántica se enfrenta desde su origen al problema de cómo reconciliar la naturaleza probabilística de la teoría cuántica con una descripción determinista del Universo en la que todas las posibilidades se actualizan. En este trabajo se busca presentar la situación del problema a través de las soluciones propuestas por Lev Vaidman y David Deutsch y ponerlas en relación, además de plantear la probabilidad como un postulado epistemológico de acuerdo con su interpretación (...)
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  • A Symmetrical Interpretation of the Klein-Gordon Equation.Michael B. Heaney - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (6):733-746.
    This paper presents a new Symmetrical Interpretation (SI) of relativistic quantum mechanics which postulates: quantum mechanics is a theory about complete experiments, not particles; a complete experiment is maximally described by a complex transition amplitude density; and this transition amplitude density never collapses. This SI is compared to the Copenhagen Interpretation (CI) for the analysis of Einstein’s bubble experiment. This SI makes several experimentally testable predictions that differ from the CI, solves one part of the measurement problem, resolves some inconsistencies (...)
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  • How Quantum is Quantum Counterfactual Communication?Jonte R. Hance, James Ladyman & John Rarity - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (1):1-17.
    Quantum Counterfactual Communication is the recently-proposed idea of using quantum physics to send messages between two parties, without any matter/energy transfer associated with the bits sent. While this has excited massive interest, both for potential ‘unhackable’ communication, and insight into the foundations of quantum mechanics, it has been asked whether this process is essentially quantum, or could be performed classically. We examine counterfactual communication, both classical and quantum, and show that the protocols proposed so far for sending signals that don’t (...)
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  • The New Quantum Logic.Robert B. Griffiths - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (6):610-640.
    It is shown how all the major conceptual difficulties of standard (textbook) quantum mechanics, including the two measurement problems and the (supposed) nonlocality that conflicts with special relativity, are resolved in the consistent or decoherent histories interpretation of quantum mechanics by using a modified form of quantum logic to discuss quantum properties (subspaces of the quantum Hilbert space), and treating quantum time development as a stochastic process. The histories approach in turn gives rise to some conceptual difficulties, in particular the (...)
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  • Timeless Configuration Space and the Emergence of Classical Behavior.Henrique Gomes - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (6):668-715.
    The inherent difficulty in talking about quantum decoherence in the context of quantum cosmology is that decoherence requires subsystems, and cosmology is the study of the whole Universe. Consistent histories gave a possible answer to this conundrum, by phrasing decoherence as loss of interference between alternative histories of closed systems. When one can apply Boolean logic to a set of histories, it is deemed ‘consistent’. However, the vast majority of the sets of histories that are merely consistent are blatantly nonclassical (...)
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  • On Interchangeability of Probe–Object Roles in Quantum–Quantum Interaction-Free Measurement.Stanislav Filatov & Marcis Auzinsh - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (3):283-297.
    In this paper we examine Interaction-free measurement where both the probe and the object are quantum particles. We argue that in this case the description of the measurement procedure must by symmetrical with respect to interchange of the roles of probe and object. A thought experiment is being suggested that helps to determine what does and what doesn’t happen to the state of the particles in such a setup. It seems that unlike the case of classical object, here the state (...)
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  • An Interaction-Free Quantum Measurement-Driven Engine.Cyril Elouard, Mordecai Waegell, Benjamin Huard & Andrew N. Jordan - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (11):1294-1314.
    Recently highly-efficient quantum engines were devised by exploiting the stochastic energy changes induced by quantum measurement. Here we show that such an engine can be based on an interaction-free measurement, in which the meter seemingly does not interact with the measured object. We use a modified version of the Elitzur–Vaidman bomb tester, an interferometric setup able to detect the presence of a bomb triggered by a single photon without exploding it. In our case, a quantum bomb subject to a gravitational (...)
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  • Single-particle trajectories and interferences in quantum mechanics.Nicola Cufaro-Petroni & Jean-Pierre Vigier - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (1):1-40.
    In this paper some topics concerning the possibility of describing phenomena of quantum interference in terms of individual particle spacetime trajectories are reviewed. We focus our attention, on the one hand, on the recent experimental advances in neutron and photon interferometry and, on the other hand, on a theoretical analysis of the description of these experiments allowed by stochastic mechanics. It is argued that, even if no conclusive argument is yet at hand in both the theoretical and the experimental fields, (...)
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  • Contrafácticos cuánticos.José Alejandro Fernández Cuesta & Carmen Sánchez Ovcharov - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 23 (46):313-337.
    Este artículo presenta una aproximación lógico-filosófica al problema de las medidas sin interacción (ifm, por sus siglas en inglés) presentes en ciertos experimentos físicos mecánico-cuánticos. Se explicitarán tanto las posibles vías para abordar el estudio de las IFM desde una perspectiva formal, como algunos de los principales retos a la hora de llevar a cabo dicha aproximación.
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  • A Quantum Field Theory View of Interaction Free Measurements.Filipe C. R. Barroso & Orfeu Bertolami - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (8):764-771.
    We propose a Quantum Field Theory description of beams on a Mach–Zehnder interferometer and apply the method to describe Interaction Free Measurements, concluding that there is a change of momentum of the fields in IFMs. Analysing the factors involved in the probability of emission of low-energy photons, we argue that they do not yield meaningful contributions to the probabilities of the IFMs.
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  • Absorbers in the Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Jean-Sébastien Boisvert & Louis Marchildon - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (3):294-309.
    The transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics, following the time-symmetric formulation of electrodynamics, uses retarded and advanced solutions of the Schrödinger equation and its complex conjugate to understand quantum phenomena by means of transactions. A transaction occurs between an emitter and a specific absorber when the emitter has received advanced waves from all possible absorbers. Advanced causation always raises the specter of paradoxes, and it must be addressed carefully. In particular, different devices involving contingent absorbers or various types of interaction-free measurements (...)
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  • Quantum Phenomena in a Classical Model.Vieri Benci - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (1):1-28.
    This work is part of a program which has the aim to investigate which phenomena can be explained by nonlinear effects in classical mechanics and which ones require the new axioms of quantum mechanics. In this paper, we construct a nonlinear field equation which admits soliton solutions. These solitons exibit a dynamics which is similar to that of quantum particles.
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  • Foundations of Quantum Approaches to Consciousness.Hamid Faghanpour Azizi, Mehdi Golshani & Kourosh Nozari - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 15 (36):151-170.
    As generally accepted, consciousness or mind and material brain are closely related to each other; but how? Quantum mechanics is a new pathway to understand the hard problem of consciousness and its relation to the brain. Consciousness has specific properties such as unity, irreducibility, non-locality, etc. The completely different features of classical physics (locality, reducibility, determinacy, etc.) hindered the success of scientists to study consciousness. But quantum mechanics with its features (non-locality, irreducibility, indeterminacy, etc.) gave scientists hope to study consciousness. (...)
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  • On the Physical Reality of Quantum Waves.Gennaro Auletta & Gino Tarozzi - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (11):1675-1694.
    The main interpretations of the quantum-mechanical wave function are presented emphasizing how they can be divided into two ensembles: The ones that deny and the other ones that attribute a form of reality to quantum waves. It is also shown why these waves cannot be classical and must be submitted to the restriction of the complementarity principle. Applying the concept of smooth complementarity, it is shown that there can be no reason to attribute reality only to the events and not (...)
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  • Quantum Information and Inferential Reasoning.Gennaro Auletta - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (1):155-156.
    Information may be extracted from a quantum–mechanical system only by means of inference. For this reason, the observer, although not required as such for obtaining an eigenstate of the measured observable on a given system, is necessary for obtaining information.
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  • Quantum Information as a General Paradigm.Gennaro Auletta - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (5):787-815.
    Quantum–mechanical systems may be understood in terms of information. When they interact, they modify the information they carry or represent in two, and only two, ways: by selecting a part of the initial amount of (potential) information and by sharing information with other systems. As a consequence, quantum systems are informationally shielded. These features are shown to be general features of nature. In particular, it is shown that matter arises from quantum–mechanical processes through the constitution of larger ensembles that share (...)
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  • On the Interpretative Essence of the Term “Interaction-Free Measurement”: The Role of Entanglement. [REVIEW]Renato M. Angelo - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (2):109-119.
    The polemical term “interaction-free measurement” (IFM) is analyzed in its interpretative nature. Two seminal works proposing the term are revisited and their underlying interpretations are assessed. The role played by nonlocal quantum correlations (entanglement) is formally discussed and some controversial conceptions in the original treatments are identified. As a result the term IFM is shown to be consistent neither with the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics nor with the lessons provided by the EPR debate.
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  • Interaction-Free Effects Between Distant Atoms.Yakir Aharonov, Eliahu Cohen, Avshalom C. Elitzur & Lee Smolin - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (1):1-16.
    A Gedanken experiment is presented where an excited and a ground-state atom are positioned such that, within the former’s half-life time, they exchange a photon with 50% probability. A measurement of their energy state will therefore indicate in 50% of the cases that no photon was exchanged. Yet other measurements would reveal that, by the mere possibility of exchange, the two atoms have become entangled. Consequently, the “no exchange” result, apparently precluding entanglement, is non-locally established between the atoms by this (...)
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  • Could wavefunctions simultaneously represent knowledge and reality?Jonte Hance, John Rarity & James Ladyman - 2022 - Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 9 (3):333-341.
    In discussion of the interpretation of quantum mechanics the terms ‘ontic’ and ‘epistemic’ are often used in the sense of pertaining to what exists, and pertaining to cognition or knowledge respectively. The terms are also often associated with the formal definitions given by Harrigan and Spekkens for the wavefunction in quantum mechanics to be ψ-ontic or ψ-epistemic in the context of the ontological models framework. The formal definitions are contradictories, so that the wavefunction can be either ψ-epistemic or ψ-ontic but (...)
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  • The wave function as a true ensemble.Jonte Hance & Sabine Hossenfelder - 2022 - Proceedings of the Royal Society 478 (2262).
    In quantum mechanics, the wavefunction predicts probabilities of possible measurement outcomes, but not which individual outcome is realised in each run of an experiment. This suggests that it describes an ensemble of states with different values of a hidden variable. Here, we analyse this idea with reference to currently known theorems and experiments. We argue that the ψ-ontic/epistemic distinction fails to properly identify ensemble interpretations and propose a more useful definition. We then show that all local ψ-ensemble interpretations which reproduce (...)
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  • Interpreting Quantum Mechanics and Predictability in Terms of Facts About the Universe.Andrew Knight - manuscript
    A potentially new interpretation of quantum mechanics posits the state of the universe as a consistent set of facts that are instantiated in the correlations among entangled objects. A fact (or event) occurs exactly when the number or density of future possibilities decreases, and a quantum superposition exists if and only if the facts of the universe are consistent with the superposition. The interpretation sheds light on both in-principle and real-world predictability of the universe.
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  • Classification of Approaches to Technological Resurrection.Alexey Turchin & Chernyakov Maxim - manuscript
    Abstract. Death seems to be a permanent event, but there is no actual proof of its irreversibility. Here we list all known ways to resurrect the dead that do not contradict our current scientific understanding of the world. While no method is currently possible, many of those listed here may become feasible with future technological development, and it may even be possible to act now to increase their probability. The most well-known such approach to technological resurrection is cryonics. Another method (...)
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  • Quantum mechanics as a deterministic theory of a continuum of worlds.Kim Joris Boström - 2015 - Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 2 (3):315-347.
    A non-relativistic quantum mechanical theory is proposed that describes the universe as a continuum of worlds whose mutual interference gives rise to quantum phenomena. A logical framework is introduced to properly deal with propositions about objects in a multiplicity of worlds. In this logical framework, the continuum of worlds is treated in analogy to the continuum of time points; both “time” and “world” are considered as mutually independent modes of existence. The theory combines elements of Bohmian mechanics and of Everett’s (...)
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  • Empirical Protocols for Mediating Long-Range Coherence in Biological Systems.Richard L. Amoroso - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Exploration and Research 4 (09):24-45.
    Delineating the framework for a fundamental model of long-range coherence in biological systems is said to rely on principles beyond parameters addressed by current physical science. Just as phenomena of quantum mechanics lay beyond tools of classical Newtonian mechanics we must now enter a 3rd regime of unified field, UF mechanics. In this paper we present a battery of nine empirical protocols for manipulating long-range coherence in complex self-organized living systems (SOLS) in a manner surmounting the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum (...)
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  • The Meaning of the Interaction-Free Measurements.Lev Vaidman - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (3):491-510.
    Interaction-free measurements introduced by Elitzur and Vaidman [Found. Phys. 23, 987 (1993)] allow finding infinitely fragile objects without destroying them. Many experiments have been successfully performed showing that indeed, the original scheme and its modifications lead to reduction of the disturbance of the observed systems. However, there is a controversy about the validity of the term “interaction-free” for these experiments. Broad variety of such experiments are reviewed and the meaning of the interaction-free measurements is clarified.
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  • Null-Result Detection and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Correlations.Luiz Carlos Ryff - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (1):58-70.
    It follows from Bell’s theorem and quantum mechanics that the detection of a particle of an entangled pair can (somehow) “force” the other distant particle of the pair into a well-defined state (which is equivalent to a reduction of the state vector): no property previously shared by the particles can explain the predicted quantum correlations. This result has been corroborated by experiment, although some loopholes still remain. However, it has not been experimentally proved—and it is far from obvious—that the absence (...)
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  • Many Worlds Model resolving the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox via a Direct Realism to Modal Realism Transition that preserves Einstein Locality.Sascha Vongehr - 2011
    The violation of Bell inequalities by quantum physical experiments disproves all relativistic micro causal, classically real models, short Local Realistic Models (LRM). Non-locality, the infamous “spooky interaction at a distance” (A. Einstein), is already sufficiently ‘unreal’ to motivate modifying the “realistic” in “local realistic”. This has led to many worlds and finally many minds interpretations. We introduce a simple many world model that resolves the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox. The model starts out as a classical LRM, thus clarifying that the (...)
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  • Counterfactuality and the Physical Reality - Lessons from quantum mechanics.Nicholas Kluge Corrêa - manuscript
    In this essay, I'll present an example of counterfactual physical phenomena. More precisely, counterfactual definiteness and interaction-free measurements in quantum mechanics. The example used will be the Elitzur-Vaidman bomb testing experiment, which shows how we can probe the properties of objects, even when they have not been measured, i. e., counterfactual measurements. This type of physical phenomenon seems to operate by the same laws of causality as counterfactual reasoning in decision-making. After all, how can something that doesn't happen affect the (...)
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  • What is Orthodox Quantum Mechanics?David Wallace - 2019 - In Alberto Cordero (ed.), Philosophers Look at Quantum Mechanics. Springer Verlag.
    What is called ``orthodox'' quantum mechanics, as presented in standard foundational discussions, relies on two substantive assumptions --- the projection postulate and the eigenvalue-eigenvector link --- that do not in fact play any part in practical applications of quantum mechanics. I argue for this conclusion on a number of grounds, but primarily on the grounds that the projection postulate fails correctly to account for repeated, continuous and unsharp measurements and that the eigenvalue-eigenvector link implies that virtually all interesting properties are (...)
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  • Quantum Theory and Determinism.Lev Vaidman - unknown
    Historically, appearance of the quantum theory led to a prevailing view that Nature is indeterministic. The arguments for the indeterminism and proposals for indeterministic and deterministic approaches are reviewed. These include collapse theories, Bohmian Mechanics and the many-worlds interpretation. It is argued that ontic interpretations of the quantum wave function provide simpler and clearer physical explanation and that the many-worlds interpretation is the most attractive since it provides a deterministic and local theory for our physical Universe explaining the illusion of (...)
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  • On the Paradoxical Aspects of New Quantum Experiments.Lev Vaidman - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:211 - 217.
    Two recently proposed quantum experiments are analyzed. The first allows to find an object without "touching" it. The second allows to teleport quantum states, transmitting a very small amount of information. It is shown that in the standard approach these experiments are in conflict with the intuitive notions of causality and locality. It is argued that the situation is less paradoxical in the framework of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum theory.
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  • Relational Analysis of the Frauchiger–Renner Paradox and Interaction-Free Detection of Records from the Past.Marijn Waaijer & Jan van Neerven - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (2):1-18.
    We present an analysis of the Frauchiger–Renner Gedankenexperiment from the point of view of the relational interpretation of quantum mechanics. Our analysis shows that the paradox obtained by Frauchiger and Renner disappears if one rejects promoting one agent’s certainty to another agent’s certainty when it cannot be validated by records from the past. A by-product of our analysis is an interaction-free detection scheme for the existence of such records.
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  • Why quantum mechanics favors adynamical and acausal interpretations such as relational blockworld over backwardly causal and time-symmetric rivals.Michael Silberstein, Michael Cifone & William Mark Stuckey - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (4):736-751.
    We articulate the problems posed by the quantum liar experiment (QLE) for backwards causation interpretations of quantum mechanics, time-symmetric accounts and other dynamically oriented local hidden variable theories. We show that such accounts cannot save locality in the case of QLE merely by giving up “lambda-independence.” In contrast, we show that QLE poses no problems for our acausal Relational Blockworld interpretation of quantum mechanics, which invokes instead adynamical global constraints to explain Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen (EPR) correlations and QLE. We make the case (...)
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  • The Reality in Bohmian Quantum Mechanics or Can You Kill with an Empty Wave Bullet?Lev Vaidman - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (2):299-312.
    Several situations, in which an empty wave causes an observable effect, are reviewed. They include an experiment showing ‘‘surrealistic trajectories’’ proposed by Englert et al. and protective measurement of the density of the quantum state. Conditions for observable effects due to empty waves are derived. The possibility (in spite of the existence of these examples) of minimalistic interpretation of Bohmian quantum mechanics in which only Bohmian positions supervene on our experience is discussed.
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  • On schizophrenic experiences of the neutron or why we should believe in the many‐worlds interpretation of quantum theory.Lev Vaidman - 1990 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 12 (3):245 – 261.
    This is a philosophical paper in favor of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum theory. The necessity of introducing many worlds is explained by analyzing a neutron interference experiment. The concept of the “measure of existence of a world” is introduced and some difficulties with the issue of probability in the framework of the MWI are resolved.
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  • Many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.Lev Vaidman - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The Many-Worlds Interpretation (MWI) is an approach to quantum mechanics according to which, in addition to the world we are aware of directly, there are many other similar worlds which exist in parallel at the same space and time. The existence of the other worlds makes it possible to remove randomness and action at a distance from quantum theory and thus from all physics.
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  • Reconciling Spacetime and the Quantum: Relational Blockworld and the Quantum Liar Paradox. [REVIEW]William Mark Stuckey, Michael Silbserstein & Michael Cifone - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (4):348-383.
    The Relational Blockworld (RBW) interpretation of non-relativistic quantum mechanics (NRQM) is introduced. Accordingly, the spacetime of NRQM is a relational, non-separable blockworld whereby spatial distance is only defined between interacting trans-temporal objects. RBW is shown to provide a novel statistical interpretation of the wavefunction that deflates the measurement problem, as well as a geometric account of quantum entanglement and non-separability that satisfies locality per special relativity and is free of interpretative mystery. We present RBW’s acausal and adynamical resolution of the (...)
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  • An Ontology of Nature with Local Causality, Parallel Lives, and Many Relative Worlds.Mordecai Waegell - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (12):1698-1730.
    Parallel lives is an ontological model of nature in which quantum mechanics and special relativity are unified in a single universe with a single space-time. Point-like objects called lives are the only fundamental objects in this space-time, and they propagate at or below c, and interact with one another only locally at point-like events in space-time, very much like classical point particles. Lives are not alive in any sense, nor do they possess consciousness or any agency to make decisions—they are (...)
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  • Superseparability and its Physical Implications.Rathindra Nath Sen - unknown
    Since the canonical commutation relations for a finite number of degrees of freedom have many inequivalent irreducible representations, the states of a physical system may span more than one such representation. `Superseparability' is defined to be the case in which no meaning can be attached to a superposition of vectors belonging to inequivalent representations. In this paper, which is basically nonmathematical, we trace the origin of superseparability and suggest two experiments that may establish the existence of the phenomenon. We then (...)
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