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  1. F.C.S. Schiller’s Pragmatist Philosophy of History.Marnie Binder - 2017 - Contemporary Pragmatism 14 (4):387-415.
    This article posits a pragmatist philosophy of history as exemplified in the work of British Philosopher F.C.S. Schiller (1864–1937). Part of this argument for a pragma-tist philosophy of history resides on pragmatism’s key notion of “experience” be-ing presented here as both related to human forces that are operant in history, and the particularly important “temporal” nature within the term, making it also in part “historical.” The goal is to more generally broaden scholarship in pragmatism as both containing important elements of (...)
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  • Pragmatismo, método y educación.Juan Manuel Saharrea & Claudio Marcelo Viale - 2021 - Análisis Filosófico 41 (2):197-229.
    En este artículo analizamos la crítica que Richard Rorty hace de la apelación al “método experimental” por parte de John Dewey. Defendemos que la categórica desestimación que Rorty presenta del vínculo entre el pragmatismo de Dewey y su concepción de método hubiera sido o bien matizada, o bien radicalmente diferente, de haber considerado seriamente la importancia que la reflexión sobre la educación tenía para el filósofo de Vermont. Nuestra estrategia interpretativa se apoya en la recuperación que Henry Cowles hace recientemente (...)
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  • ¿ Ilusorio en comparación con qué? Rorty, Davidson y la posibilidad de una indagación pragmatista sobre el escepticismo al por mayor= Illusory by comparison to what? Rorty, Davidson and the possibility of a pragmatist inquiry about wholesale skepticism.José María Filgueiras Nodar - 2013 - Endoxa (32):153.
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  • La herencia pragmática de Gottlob Frege y Charles Sanders Peirce.César Augusto Vásquez García - 2014 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 35 (111):15.
    El presente artículo muestra cómo los problemas de orden lógico estudiados por Frege y Peirce a finales del siglo XIX devienen en el desarrollo de la filosofía analítica y en la filosofía del lenguaje en el siglo XX. En ese sentido, existe un hilo conductor que articula las propuestas reflexivas de los pragmatistas clásicos con los últimos desarrollos lingüísticos desde la semántica y la pragmalingüística en el marco de las consideraciones sobre los enfoques del lenguaje, entendido este como una red (...)
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  • What Is and What Should Pragmatic Ethics Be?Juan Pablo Serra - 2010 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 2 (2):101-114.
    The aim of this paper is twofold. First, it offers a summary compilation of the main achievements in recent scholarship on the issue of pragmatic ethics – underlining the lack of consensus, but also showing basic agreement about the key features of the ethical philosophy of pragmatism. Second, it focus on two strands of pragmatism: the one spearheaded by Charles S. Peirce, which stresses the importance of habits, and the tendency of things (including human beings) to become habit-governed as the (...)
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  • Political Legitimacy between Substance and Procedure. A Pragmatical Approach.Luis García Valina - 2016 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía Política 5 (1).
    The most popular conceptions of democratic legitimacy incur in serious difficulties in dealing consistently with two dimensions of democratic legitimacy which seem to be naturally associated with it: the procedural dimension, associated with the fairness of the decision making process; and the epistemic dimension, associated with the correction of the outputs. In this paper I argue that such tension arises from the adoption of a “veritistic-consequentialist” social epistemology; it is possible to deal with that tension by replacing this problematic epistemological (...)
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