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  1. On the Concept of Independent Nature.J. Michael Scoville - 2023 - Environmental Philosophy 20 (2):237-265.
    Multiple concepts of nature are at play in environmental theory and practice. One that has gripped several theorists is the idea of nature as referring to that which is independent of humans and human activity. This concept has been subject to forceful criticism, notably in the recent work of Steven Vogel. After clarifying problematic and promising ways of charac­terizing independent nature, I engage Vogel’s critique. While the critique is compelling in certain respects, I argue that it fails to appreciate what (...)
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  • Bitcoin beyond ambivalence.Tom Redshaw - 2017 - Thesis Eleven 138 (1):46-64.
    In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, Bitcoin emerged as an alternative monetary system that could circumvent political and financial authorities. A practice in libertarian prefigurative politics, Bitcoin demonstrates the capacity for online subgroups to creatively appropriate internet-based technologies to enact alternative futures. Andrew Feenberg’s critical theory of technology clarifies this capacity and outlines the significance of agency in technical action. As technology mediates many social relations, it has a significant role in the reproduction of social power. Technological agency (...)
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  • Questioning technology in South America.Cheryl Martens - 2017 - Thesis Eleven 138 (1):13-25.
    This paper examines Andrew Feenberg’s radical democratic politics of technology in relation to the context of Ecuador’s free and open software movement. It considers the articulation of this movement via the government sponsored activist project FLOK Society (Free/Libre Open Knowledge Society). Based on an ethnographic study (2015–16), which included interviews with FLOK Society coordinators, the paper discusses how such government-activist collaborations, may be useful in expanding Feenberg’s notion of technical politics and the nature of representation in the technical sphere. More (...)
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  • No Gods, No Masters, No Coders? The Future of Sovereignty in a Blockchain World.Sarah Manski & Ben Manski - 2018 - Law and Critique 29 (2):151-162.
    The building of the blockchain is predicted to harken the end of the contemporary sovereign order. Some go further to claim that as a powerful decentering technology, blockchain contests the continued functioning of world capitalism. Are such claims merited? In this paper we consider sovereignty and blockchain technology theoretically, posing possible futures for sovereignty in a blockchain world. These possibilities include various forms of individual, popular, technological, corporate, and techno-totalitarian state sovereignty. We identify seven structural tendencies of blockchain technology and (...)
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  • Landscapes of Sociotechnical Imaginaries in Education: A Theoretical Examination of Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Education.Dan Mamlok - forthcoming - Foundations of Science.
    The vision of integrating artificial intelligence in education is part of an ongoing push for harnessing digital solutions to improve teaching and learning. Drawing from Jasanoff and Hasse, this paper deliberates on how sociotechnical imaginaries are interrelated to the implications of new technologies, such as AI, in education. Complicating Hasses’s call for the development of Socratic ignorance to consider our predispositions about new technologies and open new prospects of thought, this paper revisits postphenomenology and Feenberg’s critical constructivist theories. While embracing (...)
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  • Re-taking Care: Open Source Biotech in Light of the Need to Deproletarianize Agricultural Innovation. [REVIEW]Pieter Lemmens - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (1):127-152.
    This article deals with the biotechnology revolution in agriculture and analyzes it in terms of Bernard Stiegler’s theory of techno-evolution and his thesis that technologies have an intrinsically pharmacological nature, meaning that they can be both supportive and destructive for sociotechnical practices based on them. Technological innovations always first disrupt existing sociotechnical practices, but are subsequently always appropriated by the social system to be turned into a new technical system upon which new sociotechnical practices are based. As constituted and conditioned (...)
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  • Towards reconciliation or mediated non-identity? Feenberg’s aesthetic critique of technology.Graeme Kirkpatrick - 2017 - Thesis Eleven 138 (1):81-98.
    This article interrogates Andrew Feenberg’s thesis that modern technology is in need of ‘re-aestheticization’. The notion that modern technology requires aesthetic critique connects his political analysis of micro-contexts of social shaping to his wider concern with civilization change. The former involves a modified constructionism, in which the motives, values and beliefs of proximal agents are understood in terms of their wider sociological significance. This remedies a widely acknowledged blind-spot of conventional constructionism, enabling Feenberg to identify democratic potential in progressive agency (...)
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  • Technical politics: Andrew Feenberg’s critical theory of technology.Graeme Kirkpatrick - 2020 - Manchester University Press.
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  • Time, Mechanisms and Technology: Challenges of Abstraction and Decision in Realist Economic Theory.Mark William Johnson - 2013 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 14 (1):105-123.
    Résumé Cet article soutient que la causalité au sens humien (mettant en relief la succession) qui fut la principale cible des critiques du Réalisme Critique de Bhaskar, demeure très présente dans le concept même de “mécanisme”. En effet, le concept de mécanisme implique une abstraction newtonienne du temps ignorée par le Réalisme Critique. Il s’agit cependant d’un problème plus large d’abstraction mécaniste, que cet article analyse simultanément sous l’angle du Réalisme Critique et de la discipline ayant pour objet l’étude des (...)
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  • Social networking services: A digital extension of the surveillance state?Mark Jacob Amiradakis - 2016 - South African Journal of Philosophy 35 (3):281-292.
    This paper investigates whether or not corporate social networking services (SNS) possess the potential to act as surveillance tools within contemporary society and, as a corollary, operate as coercive and exploitative technologies for the individuals who employ such devices in their daily lives. By relying on an interdisciplinary framework, this investigation argues that exploitative surveillance practices are indeed evident within the digital world of SNS platforms, along with how a performativity pressure (in the form of continuous self-surveillance) has been engendered (...)
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  • Lying to ourselves: rationality, critical reflexivity, and the moral order as ‘structured agency’.Benny Goodman - 2016 - Nursing Philosophy 17 (3):211-221.
    A report suggests that United States’ army officers may engage in dishonest reporting regarding their compliance procedures. Similarly, nurses with espoused high ethical standards sometimes fail to live up to them and may do so while deceiving themselves about such practices. Reasons for lapses are complex. However, multitudinous managerial demands arising within ‘technical and instrumental rationality’ may impact on honest decision‐making. This paper suggests that compliance processes, which operates within the social structural context of the technical and instrumental rationality manifest (...)
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  • The Online Education Controversy and the Future of the University.Andrew Feenberg - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (2):363-371.
    The neo-liberal reform of the university has had a huge impact on higher education and promises still more changes in the future. Many of these changes have had a negative impact on academic careers, values, and the educational experience. Educational technology plays an important role in the defense of neo-liberal reform, less through actual accomplishment than as a rhetorical justification for supposed “progress.” This paper outlines the main claims and consequences of this rhetorical strategy and its actual effects on the (...)
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  • AI Ethics: how can information ethics provide a framework to avoid usual conceptual pitfalls? An Overview.Frédérick Bruneault & Andréane Sabourin Laflamme - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-10.
    Artificial intelligence plays an important role in current discussions on information and communication technologies and new modes of algorithmic governance. It is an unavoidable dimension of what social mediations and modes of reproduction of our information societies will be in the future. While several works in artificial intelligence ethics address ethical issues specific to certain areas of expertise, these ethical reflections often remain confined to narrow areas of application, without considering the global ethical issues in which they are embedded. We, (...)
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  • (1 other version)The ‘Empirical’ in the Empirical Turn: A Critical Analysis.Mariska Thalitha Bosschaert & Vincent Blok - 2022 - Foundations of Science 1 (2):1-22.
    During the second half of the twentieth century, several philosophers of technology argued that their predecessors had reflected too abstractly and pessimistically on technology. In the view of these critics, one should study technologies empirically in order to fully understand them. They developed several strategies to empirically inform the philosophy of technology and called their new approach the empirical turn. However, they provide insufficient indications of what exactly is meant by empirical study in their work. This leads to the critical (...)
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  • Saving Earth: encountering Heidegger's philosophy of technology in the anthropocene.Jochem Zwier & Vincent Blok - 2017 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 21 (2/3):222-242.
    In this paper, we argue that the Anthropocene is relevant for philosophy of technology because it makes us sensitive to the ontological dimension of contemporary technology. In §1, we show how the Anthropocene has ontological status insofar as the Anthropocenic world appears as managerial resource to us as managers of our planetary oikos. Next, we confront this interpretation of the Anthropocene with Heidegger’s notion of “Enframing” to suggest that the former offers a concrete experience of Heidegger’s abstract, notoriously difficult, and (...)
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  • Unidimensionalidad y teoría crítica. Estudios sobre Herbert Marcuse.Leandro Sánchez Marín & David Giraldo J. Sebastian - 2024 - Medellín: Ennegativo Ediciones.
    La trayectoria intelectual de Marcuse está acompañada de un compromiso constante con las formas de la crítica filosófica heredadas de la tradición occidental, desde la forma en la cual aparece la negación de lo dado a través del diálogo socrático hasta la manera en que se configura la crítica del sistema capitalista en el siglo XX. Esto no quiere decir que Marcuse haya sido un erudito que absorbió y comprendió a cabalidad todos los sistemas e ideas filosóficas y que las (...)
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  • VI JORNADAS NACIONALES DE ANTROPOLOGÍA FILOSÓFICA“Usos de técnica, razón e historia en la crítica a la modernidad”Convergencias y Divergencias.Alan Matías Florito Mutton - 2015 - Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Universidad de Mar del Plata.
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  • Is Social Media Neutral? Rethinking Indonesia’s Social Media in Postphenomenology and Critical Theory of Technology Perspective.Rangga Kala Mahaswa - forthcoming - In Mahaswa Rangga Kala (ed.), proceeding The 5th International Conference on Nusantara Philosophy 2017. Universitas Gadjah Mada.
    This article elucidates the neutrality of social media in the discourse of philosophy of technology. I prefer to Don Ihde’s postphenomenology and Andrew Feenberg’s critical theory of technology for opening discourse and criticizing the status of neutrality in social media. This article proves that social media cannot be neutral because there are internal contradictions in technocracy that view social media merely as an instrument. Through postphenomenology, social media becomes non-neutral because it has the relation intensionality between human and technology based (...)
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