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The gender of modernity

Cambridge: Harvard University Press (1995)

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  1. (1 other version)What Knowers Know Well: Women, Work, and the Academy.Alison Wylie - 2011 - In Heidi Grasswick (ed.), Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science: Power in Knowledge. Springer. pp. 157-179.
    Research on the status and experience of women in academia in the last 30 years has challenged conventional explanations of persistent gender inequality, bringing into sharp focus the cumulative impact of small scale, often unintentional differences in recognition and response: the patterns of 'post-civil rights era' dis­crimination made famous by the 1999 report on the status of women in the MIT School of Science. I argue that feminist standpoint theory is a useful resource for understanding how this sea change in (...)
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  • Whose Body Matters? Feminist Sociology and the Corporeal Turn in Sociology and Feminism.Anne Witz - 2000 - Body and Society 6 (2):1-24.
    This article proposes that the urgent task for feminist sociology is to recuperate those lost or residual `body matters' which lurk, unattended to, on the sidelines of the social. Feminist sociology must carefully negotiate the complex space between sociality and corporeality. The new feminist philosophies of the body tend sometimes to grate against this project by valorizing the body but de-valorizing gender. The new sociology of the body is recuperating the body within sociology, but pays insufficient attention to the ways (...)
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  • Cosmetic Surgery and the Eclipse of Identity.Llewellyn Negrin - 2002 - Body and Society 8 (4):21-42.
    Recently, there has been a shift in attitude among some feminists towards the practice of cosmetic surgery away from that of outright rejection. Kathy Davis, for instance, offers a guarded `defence' of the practice as a strategy that enables women to exercise a degree of control over their lives in circumstances where there are very few other opportunities for self-realization. Others, such as Kathryn Morgan, Anne Balsamo and Orlan, though highly critical of the current practice of cosmetic surgery, go even (...)
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  • Latin American Decolonial Social Studies of Scientific Knowledge: Alliances and Tensions.Sandra Harding - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (6):1063-1087.
    A distinctive form of anticolonial analysis has been emerging from Latin America in recent decades. This decolonial theory argues that important new insights about modernity, its politics, and epistemology become visible if one starts off thinking about them from the experiences of those colonized by the Spanish and Portuguese in the Americas. For the decolonial theorists, European colonialism in the Americas, on the one hand, and modernity and capitalism in Europe, on the other hand, coproduced and coconstituted each other. The (...)
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  • Dress Matters: Change and Continuity in the Dress Practices of Bosnian Muslim Refugee Women.Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo & Kimberly Huisman - 2005 - Gender and Society 19 (1):44-65.
    Dress serves as a discursive daily practice of gender, and this article explains the dress practices of Bosnian Muslim refugee women living in Vermont. These dress practices tend toward elaborate, carefully cultivated styles for hair, makeup, and dress. Based on participant observation, in-depth interviews, and secondary historical sources, the authors seek to explain the meanings and practice of these dress practices. They argue that gendered dress practices reflect agentic processes that are situated within the flow of time and are rooted (...)
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  • Feminism after measure.Lisa Adkins - 2009 - Feminist Theory 10 (3):323-339.
    This article engages the crisis of measure currently being articulated within social and cultural theory and the associated claim that this crisis should compel an embrace of methods which seek to know the heterogeneous, the multiple, the complex and the vague. Taking the rise of immaterial forms of labour and value as paradigmatic of the crisis of measure, it questions the use of the figure of a domestically labouring woman who lacks ownership of her labour to illuminate this crisis, as (...)
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  • Modernity and Veiled Women.Ibrahim Kaya - 2000 - European Journal of Social Theory 3 (2):195-214.
    This article aims to explore the relationship between veiled, Islamist, women and modernity in Turkey where the woman question is indeed exemplary of the tension-ridden relations between modernity and Islam. By examining the veiled women's rejection of modernity I argue that it is wrong to read Islamism as an actual questioning of modernity. Traditional Islam is not the key element in understanding the veiled women's identity; rather, at the core of the issue is the reproduction of identity under conditions of (...)
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  • A place for the animal dead: Pets, pet cemeteries and animal ethics in late Victorian Britain.Philip Howell - 2002 - Ethics, Place and Environment 5 (1):5 – 22.
    The recent 'animal turn' in geography has contributed to a critical examination of the inseparable geographies of human and non-human animals, and has a clear ethical dimension. This paper is intended to explore these same ethical issues through a consideration of the historical geography of petkeeping as this relates to the death and commemoration of favourite household animals. The emergence of the pet cemetery, towards the end of the 19th century, is a significant step in itself, but this was only (...)
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  • Social capital: The anatomy of a troubled concept.Lisa Adkins - 2005 - Feminist Theory 6 (2):195-211.
    Within the social sciences the widespread impact of the social capital concept has prompted strong critique on the part of feminists, for it is a concept which appears to reinstate a version of social worlds which for the past thirty years or more feminist social scientists have sought to problematize and move beyond. Yet do these critiques go beyond the social capital paradigm? It is the contention of this article that they do not and in particular that such critiques fail (...)
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  • Ways in, Ways Out: Theorizing the Kantian Body.Heather Merle Benbow - 2003 - Body and Society 9 (1):57-72.
    A self-confessed hypochondriac, Immanuel Kant was prolific on the topic of his own corporeality, diligently recording the details of his ‘Di‰tetik’–a physical regimen intended to ensure long life. The ‘Di‰tetik’ reveals a Kantian body in which the orifices–the ways in and out of the body–are problematized, and exchange with the world of objects via these orifices is strictly regulated. The Kantian body is a ‘classic’ body in Bakhtinian terms; its ‘grotesque’ counterpart–the feminine body–is explored in a range of Enlightenment and (...)
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  • ‘The Purdahnashin in Her Setting’: Colonial Modernity and the Zenana in Cornelia Sorabji's Memoirs.Antoinette Burton - 2000 - Feminist Review 65 (1):145-158.
    This article focuses on two memoirs written by Cornelia Sorabji in the 1930s – India Calling (1934), and a subsequent book, India Recalled (1936) – in order to explore how discourses of space and place shaped the representations of femininity which structure these texts. Specifically, I will examine Sorabji's apprehensions of femininity in relation to the Muslim and Hindu women she viewed as her legal ‘clients.’ I am equally interested in these texts as evidence of how memory works as a (...)
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  • Creative evolution and the creation of man.Claire Colebrook - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 48 (s1):109-132.
    This paper argues that Darwin's theory of evolution offers two modes of understanding the relation between life and human knowledge. On the one hand, Darwin can be included within a general turn to “life,” in which human self-knowledge is part of a general unfolding of increasing awareness and anthropological reflexivity; life creates an organism, man, capable of discerning the logic of organic existence. On the other hand, Darwin offers the possibility of understanding life beyond the self-maintenance of organism and, therefore, (...)
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  • Beauty and Woolf.Maggie Humm - 2006 - Feminist Theory 7 (2):237-254.
    This essay argues that feminist theory has focused, in the main and for too long, on theories of the body, in a legitimate reaction to a Western masculine coupling of beauty with a female or idealized maternal body and the sublime with male creativity. In consequence, there are few productive feminist accounts of female or maternal beauty. However, Virginia Woolf’s writings about beauty, mothers and the body, if read through the lens of post-Lacanian theory - particularly the work of Luce (...)
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  • Bridging the Gap: Feminism, Fashion and Consumption.Angela McRobbie - 1997 - Feminist Review 55 (1):73-89.
    The article confronts two issues, first the question of women and consumption and second the fashion industry as a feminized sector. In the first instance the argument is that recent scholarship on consumption has been weakened by an inattention to questions of exclusion from consumption and the production of consumption. Income differentials as well as questions of poverty have dropped off the agenda in this debate. Attention instead has been paid to the meaning systems which come into play around items (...)
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  • La aparición del mercado capitalista y sus efectos sobre la agencia de la mujer. La pérdida de aura en Walter Benjamin.Alicia Valdés Lucas - 2021 - Endoxa 48:255-274.
    Los procesos históricos suponen diferentes impactos a los diferentesagentes históricos. Los procesos que dieron forma al mercado capitalista neoliberalimpusieron al varón blanco heterosexual como único agente oficial de los procesos históricos.Esta imposición supuso la base para la construcción del actual sistema patriarcal.Este artículo se pregunta cómo estos procesos históricos afectaron a la mujer. Cómo laagencia femenina ha sido condicionada por el capitalismo. Este ensayo busca observarcómo los procesos de consumo y producción de masas han afectado a la construcciónde la agencia (...)
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  • The social nature of serial murder: The intersection of gender and modernity.Louise Wattis - 2017 - European Journal of Women's Studies 24 (4):381-393.
    The literature on the aetiology of serial killing has benefited from analyses which offer an alternative perspective to individual/psychological approaches and consider serial murder as a sociological phenomenon. The main argument brought to bear within this body of work identifies the socio-economic and cultural conditions of modernity as enabling and legitimating the motivations and actions of the serial killer. This article interrogates this work from the standpoint of a gendered reading of modernity. Using the Yorkshire Ripper case, it emphasizes how (...)
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  • Human Nature and Motivation: A Comparative Analysis between Western and Islamic Psychologies.Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak, Maziah Bte Mustapha & Md Yousuf Ali - 2017 - Intellectual Discourse 25 (S1).
    In the fi eld of psychology, the topics on human nature and motivation have been quite extensively discussed. These two topics are interrelated and inseparable. Any endeavor to understand man and his potentials makes it necessary for one to venture into the study of human nature. Major topics in psychology like motivation, personality, creativity, psychotherapy, mental health, etc. could be well understood with a proper understanding on human nature. In the light of this reality, what makes this research an appealing (...)
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  • Performing with the Masquerade: Towards a Corporeal Reconstitution of Sophie Taeuber’s Dada Performances.Christel Stalpaert & Sophie Doutreligne - 2019 - Performance Philosophy 4 (2):528-545.
    This contribution aims for a “corporeal reconstitution” of Sophie Taeuber’s dance performances at the Cabaret Voltaire and the Galerie Dada in 1916/17. This means that the movements from the static images informing the history of Dada art need to be re-imagined. It implies a rendering perceptible of Taeuber’s trained dancer’s body, its particular movements, and the quality of these movements. Through testimonies of contemporaries, it becomes clear that Taeuber not only dances in a costume or behind a mask but with (...)
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  • J. Randvere „Ruthist” – eesti kirjandusliku dekadentsi ühest esimesest näitest. On J. Randvere’s Ruth: One of the First Examples of Estonian Literary Decadence. [REVIEW]Mirjam Hinrikus - 2008 - Methis: Studia Humaniora Estonica 1 (1-2).
    Ruth is one of the first examples of literary decadence in Estonian literature, a manifestation of the discourse of decadence that dominated the fin-de-siècle period. The function of this discourse was on the one hand the expression of the experience of modernity, and on the other, its critique. Just as in the majority of examples of literary decadence, Ruth is a ”studied composition”, relying more on cultural intertexts than on direct observation of the world of experience. Many of the explicit (...)
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