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Science Without Numbers: A Defence of Nominalism

Princeton, NJ, USA: Princeton University Press (1980)

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  1. Measurement-Theoretic Observations on Field’s Instrumentalism and the Applicability of Mathematics.Davide Rizza - 2006 - Abstracta 2 (2):148-171.
    In this paper I examine Field’s account of the applicability of mathematics from a measurementtheoretic perspective. Within this context, I object to Field’s instrumentalism, arguing that it depends on an incomplete analysis of applicability. I show in particular that, once the missing piece of analysis is provided, the role played by numerical entities in basic empirical theories must be revised: such revision implies that instrumentalism should be rejected and mathematical entities be regarded not merely as useful tools but also as (...)
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  • Ficcionalismo matemático y si-entoncismo russelliano¿ dos caras de la misma moneda?Wilfredo Quezada Pulido - 2004 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 29 (2):73-97.
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  • Mathematical explanation and indispensability.Vineberg Susan - 2018 - Theoria : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science 33 (2):233-247.
    This paper discusses Baker’s Enhanced Indispensability Argument for mathematical realism on the basis of the indispensable role mathematics plays in scientific explanations of physical facts, along with various responses to it. I argue that there is an analogue of causal explanation for mathematics which, of several basic types of explanation, holds the most promise for use in the EIA. I consider a plausible case where mathematics plays an explanatory role in this sense, but argue that such use still does not (...)
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  • Fragmented Truth.Andy Demfree Yu - 2016 - Dissertation, University of Oxford
    This thesis comprises three main chapters—each comprising one relatively standalone paper. The unifying theme is fragmentalism about truth, which is the view that the predicate “true” either expresses distinct concepts or expresses distinct properties. -/- In Chapter 1, I provide a formal development of alethic pluralism. Pluralism is the view that there are distinct truth properties associated with distinct domains of subject matter, where a truth property satisfies certain truth-characterizing principles. On behalf of pluralists, I propose an account of logic (...)
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  • Algunas consideraciones sobre el argumento de indispensabilidad en matemáticas.Antonio Caba Sánchez - 2002 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 27 (1):111-133.
    La tesis de indispensabilidad se toma habitualmente como un argumento (posiblemente el mejor) para defender el realismo matemático. La propuesta se asocia con Quine y Putnam, y establece que, en tanto en cuanto las entidades matemáticas se muestran indispensables para nuestras mejores teorías físicas, comparten el estatus ontológico de las entidades científicas. Pese a que el argumento ha sufrido ataques desde prácticamente todas las direcciones, algunos autores continúan tratando de defenderlo. En este artículo se analizan de manera especial las críticas (...)
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  • Objects and objectivity : Alternatives to mathematical realism.Ebba Gullberg - 2011 - Dissertation, Umeå Universitet
    This dissertation is centered around a set of apparently conflicting intuitions that we may have about mathematics. On the one hand, we are inclined to believe that the theorems of mathematics are true. Since many of these theorems are existence assertions, it seems that if we accept them as true, we also commit ourselves to the existence of mathematical objects. On the other hand, mathematical objects are usually thought of as abstract objects that are non-spatiotemporal and causally inert. This makes (...)
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  • On Tins and Tin-Openers.Michael Liston - 2009 - In Henk W. de Regt (ed.), Epsa Philosophy of Science: Amsterdam 2009. Springer. pp. 151--160.
    Most science requires applied mathematics. This truism underlies the Quine-Putnam indispensability argument: we cannot be mathematical nominalists without rejecting whole swaths of good science that are seamlessly linked with mathematics. One style of response accepts the challenge head-on and attempts to show how to do science without mathematics. There is some consensus that the response fails because the nominalistic apparatus deployed either is not extendible to all of mathematical physics or is merely a deft reconstrual equivalent to standard mathematics. A (...)
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  • On field's nominalization of physical theories.Mate Szabo - 2010 - Magyar Filozofiai Szemle 54 (4):231-239.
    Quine and Putnam's Indispensability Argument claims that we must be ontologically committed to mathematical objects, because of the indispensability of mathematics in our best scientific theories. Indispensability means that physical theories refer to and quantify over mathematical entities such as sets, numbers and functions. In his famous book 'Science Without Numbers' Hartry Field argues that this is not the case. We can "nominalize" our physical theories, that is we can reformulate them in such a way that 1) the new version (...)
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  • Conceptions of the continuum.Solomon Feferman - unknown
    Key words: the continuum, structuralism, conceptual structuralism, basic structural conceptions, Euclidean geometry, Hilbertian geometry, the real number system, settheoretical conceptions, phenomenological conceptions, foundational conceptions, physical conceptions.
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  • Wie individuell sind intentionale Einstellungen wirklich?Ralf Stoecker - 2000 - Metaphysica 1:107-119.
    So selbstverständlich es klingt, vom Geist, der Psyche oder auch der Seele eines Menschen zu reden, und so vertraut uns wissenschaftliche Disziplinen sind, die sich philosophisch oder empirisch damit beschäftigen, so schwer fällt es, ein einheitliches Merkmale dafür anzugeben, wann etwas ein psychisches Phänomen ist. Viele der potentiellen Merkmale decken eben nur einen Teil des Spektrums dessen ab, was wir gewöhnlich als psychisch bezeichnen würden, und sind damit bestenfalls hinreichende, aber sicher keine notwendigen Bedingungen des Psychischen. Im Mittelpunkt des folgenden (...)
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  • A polar concept argument for the existence of abstracta.Paul Franceschi - 2003
    In this paper, I present a polar concept argument for the existence of abstract objects. After recalling the fundamentals concerning the debate about the existence of abstracta, I present in a detailed way the argument for the existence of abstracta. I offer two different variations of the argument: one, deductive and the other, inductive. The argument rests primarily on the fact that our universe is well-balanced. This well-balanced property results from the fact that all instantiable polar dualities are instantiated. Hence, (...)
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