- Emotional Campaigning in Politics: Being Moved and Anger in Political Ads Motivate to Support Candidate and Party.David J. Grüning & Thomas W. Schubert - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:781851.details
Moved by Sad Music: Pleasure and Emotion in Sad Music Listening Experiences.Matthew Dunaway - unknowndetails
Moved by Observing the Love of Others: Kama Muta Evoked Through Media Fosters Humanization of Out-Groups.Johanna K. Blomster Lyshol, Lotte Thomsen & Beate Seibt - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.details
On the Enjoyment of Sad Music: Pleasurable Compassion Theory and the Role of Trait Empathy.David Huron & Jonna K. Vuoskoski - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.details
The Role of Social Relational Emotions for Human-Nature Connectedness.Evi Petersen, Alan Page Fiske & Thomas W. Schubert - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.details
Suppressing the Chills: Effects of Musical Manipulation on the Chills Response.Scott Bannister & Tuomas Eerola - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:412115.details
An empirical investigation of conflicting relational models as an antecedent of perceived (in)justice and (un)cooperative behavior at work.Johannes Friedrich Walter Arendt - 2019 - Dissertation, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Münchendetails
Touching the base: heart-warming ads from the 2016 U.S. election moved viewers to partisan tears.Beate Seibt, Thomas W. Schubert, Janis H. Zickfeld & Alan P. Fiske - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (2):197-212.details
Moved by Social Justice: The Role of Kama Muta in Collective Action Toward Racial Equality.Diana M. Lizarazo Pereira, Thomas W. Schubert & Jenny Roth - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.details
Proper understanding of grounded procedures of separation needs a dual inheritance approach.Thomas W. Schubert & David J. Grüning - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.details
Collective Effervescence, Self-Transcendence, and Gender Differences in Social Well-Being During 8 March Demonstrations.Larraitz N. Zumeta, Pablo Castro-Abril, Lander Méndez, José J. Pizarro, Anna Włodarczyk, Nekane Basabe, Ginés Navarro-Carrillo, Sonia Padoan-De Luca, Silvia da Costa, Itziar Alonso-Arbiol, Bárbara Torres-Gómez, Huseyin Cakal, Gisela Delfino, Elza M. Techio, Carolina Alzugaray, Marian Bilbao, Loreto Villagrán, Wilson López-López, José Ignacio Ruiz-Pérez, Cynthia C. Cedeño, Carlos Reyes-Valenzuela, Laura Alfaro-Beracoechea, Carlos Contreras-Ibáñez, Manuel Leonardo Ibarra, Hiram Reyes-Sosa, Rosa María Cueto, Catarina L. Carvalho & Isabel R. Pinto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.details
On the Good that Moves Us.Julien A. Deonna - 2020 - The Monist 103 (2):190-204.details
What Evokes Being Moved?.Eric Cullhed - 2020 - Emotion Review 12 (2):111-117.details
Too Cute for Words: Cuteness Evokes the Heartwarming Emotion of Kama Muta.Kamilla Knutsen Steinnes, Johanna Katarina Blomster, Beate Seibt, Janis H. Zickfeld & Alan Page Fiske - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:428867.details
Being moved by meaningfulness: appraisals of surpassing internal standards elicit being moved by relationships and achievements.Helen Landmann, Florian Cova & Ursula Hess - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (7):1387-1409.details
“Tears of joy” & “smiles of joy” prompt distinct patterns of interpersonal emotion regulation.Oriana R. Aragón & Margaret S. Clark - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (5):913-940.details
Emotional processes, collective behavior, and social movements: A meta-analytic review of collective effervescence outcomes during collective gatherings and demonstrations.José J. Pizarro, Larraitz N. Zumeta, Pierre Bouchat, Anna Włodarczyk, Bernard Rimé, Nekane Basabe, Alberto Amutio & Darío Páez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:974683.details
Valence, sensations and appraisals co-occurring with feeling moved: evidence on kama muta theory from intra-individually cross-correlated time series.Anders K. Herting & Thomas W. Schubert - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (6):1149-1165.details
Warm and touching tears: tearful individuals are perceived as warmer because we assume they feel moved and touched.Janis H. Zickfeld & Thomas W. Schubert - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (8):1691-1699.details
Emotions as Overlapping Causal Networks of Emotion Components: Implications and Methodological Approaches.Jens Lange & Janis H. Zickfeld - 2021 - Emotion Review 13 (2):157-167.details
Moving Through the Literature: What Is the Emotion Often Denoted Being Moved?.Janis H. Zickfeld, Thomas W. Schubert, Beate Seibt & Alan P. Fiske - 2019 - Emotion Review 11 (2):123-139.details