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Starved by Society: An Examination of Judith Butler’s Gender Performance and Society’s Slender Ideal.Emma White - 2015 - Feminist Theology 23 (3):316-329.details
Discursos de género: el modelo de la igualdad en la diferencia.Ángela Aparisi Miralles - 2016 - Arbor 192 (778):a303.details
Unsettling Feminist Philosophy: An Encounter with Tracey Moffatt's Night Cries.Shelley M. Park - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (1):97-122.details
(1 other version)What Knowers Know Well: Women, Work, and the Academy.Alison Wylie - 2011 - In Heidi Grasswick (ed.), Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science: Power in Knowledge. Springer. pp. 157-179.details
A Minoritarian Feminism? Things to Do with Deleuze and Guattari.Pelagia Goulimari - 1999 - Hypatia 14 (2):97-120.details
Why Care About Gender?Ann Garry - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (3):155-161.details
(Dis)ordering Motherhood: Mothering a Child with Attention-Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder.Janette Bennett - 2007 - Body and Society 13 (4):97-110.details
Positioning Subjects and Objects: Agency, Narration, Relationality.Carole Anne Taylor - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (1):55-80.details
Exclusion and Essentialism in Feminist Theory: The Problem of Mothering.Patrice DiQuinzio - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (3):1 - 20.details
Twenty Years of Feminist Philosophy.Ann Ferguson - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (3):197 - 215.details
The palestinian women's autonomous movement: Emergence, dynamics, and challenges.Rabab Abdulhadi - 1998 - Gender and Society 12 (6):649-673.details
Nursing Histories: Reviving Life in Abandoned Selves.Marian Mcmahon - 1991 - Feminist Review 37 (1):23-37.details
Is the postmodern self a feminised citizen?Eloise A. Buker - 1999 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 2 (1):80-99.details
Cosmetic Surgery and the Eclipse of Identity.Llewellyn Negrin - 2002 - Body and Society 8 (4):21-42.details
Performativity, Parody, Politics.Moya Lloyd - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (2):195-213.details
NHS Trust Chief Executives as Heroes?Mark Learmonth - 2001 - Health Care Analysis 9 (4):417-436.details
Relational Individualism and Feminist Therapy.Jennifer Radden - 1996 - Hypatia 11 (3):71 - 96.details
Beyond identity: Feminism, identity and identity politics.Susan Hekman - 2000 - Feminist Theory 1 (3):289-308.details
Discourses of emotionality and rationality in the financial services industry.Dina V. Nekrassova - unknowndetails
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The waning of vision’s hegemony: A phenomenological perspective on mother-daughter discord in patriarchal societies.Casper Lötter - 2021 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 21 (1).details
But the empress has no clothes!: Some awkward questions about the ‘missing revolution’ in feminist theory.Sue Wise & Liz Stanley - 2000 - Feminist Theory 1 (3):261-288.details
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The Curse of the Smile: Ambivalence and the ‘Asian’ Woman in Australian Multiculturalism.Ien Ang - 1996 - Feminist Review 52 (1):36-49.details
Reproducing normative and marginalized masculinities: Adolescent male popularity and the outcast.Debby A. Phillips - 2005 - Nursing Inquiry 12 (3):219-230.details
Presence with a Difference: Buddhists and Feminists on Subjectivity.Anne C. Klein - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (4):112 - 130.details
(1 other version)Democracies-Always-in-the-Making: Maxine Greene's Influence.Barbara Thayer-Bacon - 2008 - Educational Studies 44 (3):256-269.details
Decentering women.Rebecca Kukla - 1996 - Metaphilosophy 27 (1-2):28-52.details
The child as a feminist figuration: Toward a politics of privilege.Claudia CastaÒeda - 2001 - Feminist Theory 2 (1):29-53.details
Closing the split between practical and theoretical reasoning: Knowers and the known.Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon - 1999 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 31 (3):341–358.details
Feminists, Philosophers, and Mystics.Grace M. Jantzen - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (4):186-206.details
“I’m No Athlete [but] I Can Make This Thing Dance!”—Men’s Pleasures in Technology.Wendy Faulkner & Tine Kleif - 2003 - Science, Technology and Human Values 28 (2):296-325.details
Critiquing the “Good Enough” Mother: A Perspective Based on the Murik of Papua New Guinea.Kathleen Barlow - 2004 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 32 (4):514-537.details
Editor's introduction.Hwa Yol Jung - 1993 - Human Studies 16 (1):1-17.details
Using and Abusing French Discourse Theory: Misreading Lacan and the Symbolic Order.D. S. Aoki - 1995 - Theory, Culture and Society 12 (4):47-70.details
A tale of two biographies: the myth and truth of Barbara McClintock.Esha Shah - 2016 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 38 (4).details
The New Feminist Philosophy of the Body: Haraway, Butler and Brennan.Michelle Renée Matisons - 1998 - European Journal of Women's Studies 5 (1):9-34.details
(1 other version)Democracies-always-in-the-making: Maxine Greene's influence.Barbara Thayer-Bacon - 2008 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 44 (3):256-269.details
Assessment of the practicum in teacher education: advocating for the student teacher and questioning the gatekeepers.Doreen Rorrison - 2010 - Educational Studies 36 (5):505-519.details
A Future for Critique?: Positioning, Belonging and Reflexivity.Tim May - 2000 - European Journal of Social Theory 3 (2):157-173.details
Confronting ‘reality’: Nursing, science and the micro‐politics of representation.Kim Walker - 1994 - Nursing Inquiry 1 (1):46-56.details