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  1. Relativism and the Sociology of Mathematics: Remarks on Bloor, Flew, and Frege.Timm Triplett - 1986 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 29 (1-4):439-450.
    Antony Flew's ?A Strong Programme for the Sociology of Belief (Inquiry 25 {1982], 365?78) critically assesses the strong programme in the sociology of knowledge defended in David Bloor's Knowledge and Social Imagery. I argue that Flew's rejection of the epistemological relativism evident in Bloor's work begs the question against the relativist and ignores Bloor's focus on the social relativity of mathematical knowledge. Bloor attempts to establish such relativity via a sociological analysis of Frege's theory of number. But this analysis only (...)
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  • Philosophical skepticism not relativism is the problem with the Strong Programme in Science Studies and with Educational Constructivism.Dimitris P. Papayannakos - 2008 - Science & Education 17 (6):573-611.
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  • Reasons, causes, and the 'strong programme' in the sociology of knowledge.Warren Schmaus - 1985 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 15 (2):189-196.
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  • The sociology of scientific knowledge: Can we ever get it straight?Peter T. Manicas & Alan Rosenberg - 1988 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 18 (1):51–76.
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  • Blurry Humanism: A Reply to Michael Lynch.Chris Calvert-Minor - 2014 - Human Studies 37 (1):147-152.
    Humanism is blurry. It can have some clarity, but it is mainly blurry. To say anything otherwise is to fool oneself. Yes, we can construct reasonable humanistic theories that attempt to organize our understanding, such as methodologicalhumanism where one unifies discourses or practices according to human subjects or substantivehumanism that touts the importance of humanity via some shared attribute or substance. But to suggest that one can delineate and define the full salience of humanity, whether great or small, in the (...)
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  • Deconstructing, and reconstructing, Popper.Antony Flew - 1990 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 4 (1-2):155-172.
    RELATIVISM AND THE SOCIAL SCIENCES by Ernest Gellner Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985. 200 pp., £25, £8.50 (paper) Gellner assails Wittgenstein's putative legitimation of the relativistic assumption that ?forms of life?; are autonomous and ultimate, mutually incommunicable, and immune to external criticism. Gellner's view is used here to defend a reconstructed Popperian position against all comers, including Gellner. The tactic is to attack the Cartesian presuppositions Popper implicitly shares with the whole Logical Positivist tradition, arguing that these cannot even be (...)
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  • La noción de ciencia del programa fuerte de la sociología del conocimiento.Sergio R. Palavecino - 2003 - Análisis Filosófico 23 (1):85-102.
    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la aparente interna del Programa Fuerte de la Sociología del Conocimiento, que parte de principios donde se apoya una explicación causal a través de leyes generales y al mismo tiempo se defiende un reativismo cognitivo para estudiar su objeto de manera simétrica; ta la propuesta de que los mismos tipos de causa deberán explicar tanto las creencias consideradas falsas como las verdaderas. A través de este análisis se pretende constatar la consistencia del programa y, (...)
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  • The Strong Program and Asymmetrical Explanation of the History of Science: A Reply to Collin.Shahram Shahryari - 2022 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 11 (6):31-37.
    In the article “A Tension in the Strong Program: The Relation between the Rational and the Social,” I stated that David Bloor, citing the principle of symmetry, expresses that rational and irrational beliefs must be explained in the same way, that is, by causes of the same kind. On this wise, he rejects the methodology of traditional philosophers and historians of science as asymmetrical; since they explain evidence-based beliefs with epistemic reasons and unreasonable beliefs—e.g. beliefs based on indoctrination, propaganda, ideology, (...)
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