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  1. ‘Finding Foucault’: orders of discourse and cultures of the self.A. C. Besley - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (13):1435-1451.
    The idea of finding Foucault first looks at the many influences on Foucault, including his Nietzschean acclamations. It examines Foucault’s critical history of thought, his work on the orders of discourse with his emphasis on being a pluralist: the problem he says that he has set himself is that of the individualization of discourses. Finally, it addresses his work on the culture of the self which became a philosophical and historical question for Foucault later in his life as he investigated (...)
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  • Resisting the Veil of Privilege: Building Bridge Identities as an Ethico-Politics of Global Feminisms.Ann Ferguson - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (3):95 - 113.
    Northern researchers and service providers espousing modernist theories of development in order to understand and aid countries and peoples of the South ignore their own non-universal starting points of knowledge and their own vested interests. Universal ethics are rejected in favor of situated ethics, while a modified empowerment development model for aiding women in the South based on poststructuralism requires building a bridge identity politics to promote participatory democracy and challenge Northern power knowledges.
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  • A politics of passion in education: The foucauldian legacy.Michalinos Zembylas - 2007 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 39 (2):135–149.
    Prompted by what is seen as a missing analysis in the discussions about passion and affect in education, this essay attempts to clarify and provide a context for understanding the contribution of Foucault in the discourse of passion. In particular, the author traces the politics of passion in Foucault's work. A ‘politics of passion’ is the analysis that challenges the cultural and historical emotional rules with respect to what passion is, how it is expressed, who gets to express it and (...)
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  • Is Caravaggio a queer theologian? Paul’s conversion on the way to Damascus.Luis Menéndez-Antuña - 2018 - Critical Research on Religion 6 (2):132-150.
    Queer theology has not paid enough attention to queer sex, how queers understand sexual intimate relationships outside hetero/homonormative frameworks, and more importantly, what notions of relationality with Otherness undergird those experiences and practices. This contribution exemplifies a trajectory of visualization—a theoretically based approach to reading art—where the practices of barebacking and cruising in queer subcultures trigger a reading of Caravaggio’s Conversion on the Way the Damascus that, in turn, reads the biblical text in terms of radical hospitality to Otherness. Barebacking (...)
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  • Heidegger and Foucault: On the Relation Between the Anxiety–Engendering–Truth and Being-Towards-Freedom. [REVIEW]Aret Karademir - 2013 - Human Studies 36 (3):375-392.
    In his very last, now famous, interview, Michel Foucault states that his philosophical thought was shaped by his reading of Heidegger, even though he does not specify what aspects of Heidegger’s philosophy inspired him in the first place. However, his last interview is not the only place where Foucault refers to Heidegger as his intellectual guide. In his 1981/1982 lecture course, The Hermeneutics of the Subject, Foucault confesses that the way Heidegger conceptualized the relationship between subject and truth was a (...)
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  • Reclaiming Antiquity Within the Spaces of Disciplinarity.Luis S. David - 2008 - Thesis Eleven 93 (1):88-100.
    Foucault's account of the shift from the sovereign, or juridical, to the disciplinary mode of power produces an understanding of the operations of power cast in terms of individuals' imbeddedness within networks of dependencies specified by `norms' that measure individual performance according to the principles of equivalency (solidarity) and difference (`ab-normality'). Individuals, therefore, must not understand themselves as finally ensnared or trapped by the specific distribution of power within which they find themselves. Under determinate conditions and according to precise strategies, (...)
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