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Schriften zur Logik und Sprachphilosophie

Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag (1971)

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  1. The logical way of being true: Truth values and the ontological foundation of logic.Yaroslav Shramko - 2014 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 23 (2):119-131.
    In this paper I reject the normative interpretation of logic and give reasons for a realistic account based on the ontological treatment of logical values.
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  • One Heresy and One Orthodoxy: On Dialetheism, Dimathematism, and the Non-normativity of Logic.Heinrich Wansing - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (1):181-205.
    In this paper, Graham Priest’s understanding of dialetheism, the view that there exist true contradictions, is discussed, and various kinds of metaphysical dialetheism are distinguished between. An alternative to dialetheism is presented, namely a thesis called ‘dimathematism’. It is pointed out that dimathematism enables one to escape a slippery slope argument for dialetheism that has been put forward by Priest. Moreover, dimathematism is presented as a thesis that is helpful in rejecting the claim that logic is a normative discipline.
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  • Denotation and reference.Pavel Materna - 2010 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 17 (1):3-20.
    The terms denotation and reference are commonly used as synonyms. A more fine-grained analysis of natural language as offered by TIL shows that we can distinguish these terms in the case of empirical expressions. The latter are shown to denote non-trivial intensions while their reference is the value of these intensions in the actual world.
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  • Analytical Philosophy and Its Forgetfulness of the Continent. Gottfried Gabriel in conversation with Todor Polimenov.Gottfried Gabriel & Todor Polimenov - 2012 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review.
    Gottfried Gabriel is interviewed by Todor Polimenov about the relationship between analytic and continental philosophy.
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  • The logic of the articles in traditional philosophy: a contribution to the study of conceptual structures.Else Margarete Barth - 1974 - Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co..
    When the original Dutch version of this book was presented in 1971 to the University of Leiden as a thesis for the Doctorate in philosophy, I was prevented by the academic mores of that university from expressing my sincere thanks to three members of the Philosophical Faculty for their support of and interest in my pursuits. I take the liberty of doing so now, two and a half years later. First and foremost I want to thank Professor G. Nuchelmans warmly (...)
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  • Communication and strong compositionality.Peter Pagin - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 32 (3):287-322.
    Ordinary semantic compositionality (meaning of whole determined from meanings of parts plus composition) can serve to explain how a hearer manages to assign an appropriate meaning to a new sentence. But it does not serve to explain how the speaker manages to find an appropriate sentence for expressing a new thought. For this we would need a principle of inverse compositionality, by which the expression of a complex content is determined by the expressions of it parts and the mode of (...)
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  • The Inward Turn.Charles Travis - 2009 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 65:313-349.
    Seeing is, or affords, a certain sort of awareness – visual – of one's surroundings. The obvious strategy for saying what one sees, or what would count as seeing something would be to ask what sort of sensitivity to one's surroundings – e.g. the pig before me – would so qualify. Alas, for more than three centuries – at least from Descartes to VE day – it was not so. Philosophers were moved by arguments, rarely stated which concluded that one (...)
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  • (1 other version)Reason’s Reach.Charles Travis - 2007 - European Journal of Philosophy 15 (2):225–248.
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  • What is a genuine intuitionistic notion of falsity?Yaroslav Shramko - 2012 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 21 (1):3-23.
    I highlight the importance of the notion of falsity for a semantical consideration of intuitionistic logic. One can find two principal (and non-equivalent) versions of such a notion in the literature, namely, falsity as non-truth and falsity as truth of a negative proposition. I argue in favor of the first version as the genuine intuitionistic notion of falsity.
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  • Luhmann und die formale mathematik.Boris Hennig - 2000 - In Peter-Ulrich Merz-Benz & Gerhard Wagner (eds.), Die Logik Der Systeme. Universitätsverlag Konstanz.
    Niklas Luhmann verwendet in seiner soziologischen Systemtheorie offenbar etwas, das er den Büchern des englischen Mathematikers George Spencer Brown entnimmt. Dessen Formenkalkül ist für Luhmann, wie Günther Schulte treffend bemerkt, “Mädchen für alles, mit dem er nicht nur in der Lage ist Teezukochen, sondern auch Auto oder Straßenbahn zu fahren”. Der erste Blick in Spencer Browns Laws of Form vermittelt einen anderen Eindruck: nichts scheinen sie mit soziologischer Systemtheorie zu tun zu haben. Der vorliegende Text bearbeitet hieran anknüpfend eine recht (...)
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  • Before the law.Mark Eli Kalderon - 2011 - Philosophical Issues 21 (1):219-244.
    Before the law sits a gatekeeper. To this gatekeeper comes a man from the country who asks to gain entry into the law. But the gatekeeper says that he cannot grant him entry at the moment. The man thinks about it and then asks if he will be allowed to come in sometime later on. “It is possible,” says the gatekeeper, “but not now.”—Franz Kafka..
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  • Paradoxien und die Vergegenständlichung von Begriffen – zu Freges Unterscheidung zwischen Begriff und Gegenstand.Rosemarie Rheinwald - 1997 - Erkenntnis 47 (1):7-35.
    In this paper I discuss Frege's distinction between objects and concepts and suggest a solution of Frege's paradox of the concept horse. The expression ''the concept horse'' is not eliminated and the concept is not identified with its extension, but the concept is identified with the sense of the corresponding predicate. This solution fits better into a fregean ontology and philosophy of language than alternative solutions and allows for a general answer to the question why Frege's system is infected with (...)
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  • Meaning in Gender Theory: Clarifying a Basic Problem from a Linguistic‐Philosophical Perspective.Eva Waniek & Translated By Erik M. Vogt - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (2):48-68.
    The author investigates the notion of linguistic meaning in gender research. She approaches this basic problem by drawing upon two very different conceptions of language and meaning: that of the logician Gottlob Frege and that of the linguist Ferdinand de Saussure. Motivated by the controversial response the Anglo-American sex/gender debate received within the German context, the author focuses on the connection between this epistemological controversy among feminists and two discursive traditions of linguistic meaning , to show how philosophy of language (...)
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  • Aspectos de la Filosofía de lenguaje de Gottlob Frege a la luz de una motivación neo-kantiana.Kurt Wischin - 2016 - Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin 5 (6):225--236.
    [ES] Gottlob Frege posiblemente era el primer filósofo analítico. La exégesis de su doctrina quedó durante varias décadas restringida casi naturalmente al ámbito de la filosofía analítica y angloparlante. El método que Frege heredó a la filosofía analítica se basa en el análisis abstracto y formal, y la aprehensión de su doctrina se desarrolló bajo el supuesto –tomado casi por autoevidente- que éste método es el único correcto para dar cuenta de los problemas filosóficos más fundamentales, muy particularmente el de (...)
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  • Crítica al psicologismo y concepción de subjetividad en frege.Mario Ariel González Porta - 2014 - Manuscrito 37 (2):357-413.
    La remisión del problema relativo al como de la captación de pensamientos a la psicología por parte de Frege ha llevado a que se imponga entre los críticos la idea de que toda consideración subjetiva está ausente en este autor. La crítica fregueana al psicologismo, sin embargo, se concentra en una crítica a la concepción psicologista de subjetividad y, correlativamente, implica una concepción de subjetividad novedosa en el contexto de la filosofía alemana de la segunda mitad del s. XIX que, (...)
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  • Frege sobre “decisiones” : intencionalidad y motivación en Frege y Husserl.Mario González Porta - 2013 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 25 (37):289.
    Existe en Frege no solo una concepción intencional de la conciencia, sino también uma concepción motivacional de su causalidad, esto es, Frege concibe la idea de una causalidade específica, diferente de la científico-natural, y que tiene como presupuesto la existência de estados intencionales. En tal sentido, existe un interesante punto de contacto entre Frege y Husserl.
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