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The Cognitive Role of Phantasia in Aristotle

In Martha C. Nussbaum & Amélie Oksenberg Rorty (eds.), Essays on Aristotle's de Anima. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK (1992)

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  1. Ethics for Rational Animals. The Moral Psychology at the Basis of Aristotle's Ethics.Elena Cagnoli Fiecconi - 2024 - Oxford University Press.
    Ethics for Rational Animals brings to light a novel account of akrasia, practical wisdom, and character virtue through an original and comprehensive study of the moral psychology at the basis of Aristotle's ethics. It argues that practical wisdom is a persuasive rational excellence, that virtue is a listening excellence, and that the ignorance involved in akrasia is in fact a failure of persuasion. Aristotle's moral psychology emerges from this reconstruction as a qualified intellectualism. The view is intellectualistic because it describes (...)
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  • Alexander of Aphrodisias’ Criticism of the Stoic Theory of Perception: typos and typōsis.Attila Hangai - 2022 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 43 (2):339-362.
    The Stoics identified thephantasiawith the impression (typos) in the soul, or the impressing process (typōsis). Alexander of Aphrodisias engages directly with this account atDe anima68.10–21, and argues against the applicability of the impression in a theory of perception inMantissa10, especially 133.25–134.23. I analyse Alexander’s polemic account atDe anima68.10–21, I demonstrate that it differs from Chrysippus’ criticism of Cleanthes (contrary to some commentators), and I show how it fits in the context of his argument. From this analysis it will emerge how (...)
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  • Aristotle on Attention.Elena Cagnoli Fiecconi - 2021 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 103 (4):602-633.
    I argue that a study of the Nicomachean Ethics and of the Parva Naturalia shows that Aristotle had a notion of attention. This notion captures the common aspects of apparently different phenomena like perceiving something vividly, being distracted by a loud sound or by a musical piece, focusing on a geometrical problem. For Aristotle, these phenomena involve a specific selectivity that is the outcome of the competition between different cognitive stimuli. This selectivity is attention. I argue that Aristotle studied the (...)
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  • Mimesis or Phantasia? Two Representational\\ Modes in Roman Commemorative Art.Michael Koortbojian - 2005 - Classical Antiquity 24 (2):285-306.
    The commemorative forms of the Romans are marked by the ubiquity of two contrasting presentational modes: one essentially mimetic, rooted in the representational power of artistic forms, the other abstract and figurative, dependent on the presentation of cues for the summoning of absent yet necessary images. The mimetic mode was thoroughly conventional, and thus posed few problems of interpretation; the figurative knew no such orthodoxy and required a different and distinctive form of attention. At the tomb, epigraphic and sculptural forms, (...)
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  • Under Darwin’s Cosh? Neo-Aristotelian Thinking in Environmental Ethics.Michael Wheeler - 2005 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 56:22-23.
    As a first shot, one might say that environmental ethics is concerned distinctively with the moral relations that exist between, on the one hand, human beings and, on the other, the non-human natural environment. But this really is only a first shot. For example, one might be inclined to think that at least some components of the non-human natural environment have independent moral status, that is, are morally considerable in their own right, rather than being of moral interest only to (...)
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  • Rhetoric, Grief, and the Imagination in Early Modern England.Stephen Pender - 2010 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 43 (1):54-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rhetoric, Grief, and the Imagination in Early Modern EnglandStephen PenderIn 1633, the Northampton physician James Hart warned that excessive grief "will to some procure irrecoverable Consumptions," dry the brain and bone marrow, hinder digestion, interrupt rest, and "by consequent prove a cause of many dangerous diseases." The risk was grave: "Galen himself maketh answer that one may dye of these passions, and to this doe all Physicians assent; and (...)
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  • (1 other version)Aristotle’s Phantasia in the Rhetoric: Lexis, Appearance, and the Epideictic Function of Discourse.Ned O'Gorman - 2005 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 38 (1):16-40.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Aristotle’s Phantasia in the Rhetoric:Lexis, Appearance, and the Epideictic Function of DiscourseNed O’GormanIntroductionThe well-known opening line of Aristotle's Rhetoric, where he defines rhetoric as a "counterpart" (antistrophos) to dialectic, has spurred many conversations on Aristotelian rhetoric and motivated the widespread interpretation of Aristotle's theory of civic discourse as heavily rationalistic. This study starts from a statement in the Rhetoric less discussed, yet still important, that suggests that a visual (...)
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  • What can Maimonides' understanding of the shamefulness of touch teach us about Aristotle's NE III.10, 1118b1–3?Mor Segev - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (3):405-420.
    In NE III.10, 1118b1–3, Aristotle says that the “most shared of the senses is that according to which intemperance [comes about], and it would seem justifiably to be shameful, because it inheres [in us] not insofar as we are human beings, but insofar as we are animals”. This statement appears to describe the sense of touch as shameful. This may seem like a strange position for Aristotle to hold, since elsewhere he describes human touch as the most accurate among animal (...)
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  • (1 other version)Aristotle's.Ned O'Gorman - 2005 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 38 (1):16-40.
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  • Unité et vérité de la « phantasia »chez Aristote.Annick Stevens - 2006 - Philosophie Antique 6 (6):181-199.
    The article aims to show that the unity of the various functions Aristotle assigns to phantasia is ensured by the originary signification of the term, corresponding to the verb ‘appear’, and that the diversity of its functions and truth values depends on the circumstances of the appearance. The main division has to be done between the appearance in presence of the object, of which it is question in all the passages where phantasia is closely associated to sensation, and the appearance (...)
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