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  1. Maximality Principles in Set Theory.Luca Incurvati - 2017 - Philosophia Mathematica 25 (2):159-193.
    In set theory, a maximality principle is a principle that asserts some maximality property of the universe of sets or some part thereof. Set theorists have formulated a variety of maximality principles in order to settle statements left undecided by current standard set theory. In addition, philosophers of mathematics have explored maximality principles whilst attempting to prove categoricity theorems for set theory or providing criteria for selecting foundational theories. This article reviews recent work concerned with the formulation, investigation and justification (...)
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  • The envelope of a pointclass under a local determinacy hypothesis.Trevor M. Wilson - 2015 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 166 (10):991-1018.
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  • The large cardinals between supercompact and almost-huge.Norman Lewis Perlmutter - 2015 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (3-4):257-289.
    I analyze the hierarchy of large cardinals between a supercompact cardinal and an almost-huge cardinal. Many of these cardinals are defined by modifying the definition of a high-jump cardinal. A high-jump cardinal is defined as the critical point of an elementary embedding j:V→M\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${j: V \to M}$$\end{document} such that M is closed under sequences of length sup{j|f:κ→κ}\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\sup\{{j\,|\,f: \kappa \to \kappa}\}}$$\end{document}. Some of the other (...)
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  • Closed Maximality Principles and Generalized Baire Spaces.Philipp Lücke - 2019 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 60 (2):253-282.
    Given an uncountable regular cardinal κ, we study the structural properties of the class of all sets of functions from κ to κ that are definable over the structure 〈H,∈〉 by a Σ1-formula with parameters. It is well known that many important statements about these classes are not decided by the axioms of ZFC together with large cardinal axioms. In this paper, we present other canonical extensions of ZFC that provide a strong structure theory for these classes. These axioms are (...)
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  • Generic embeddings associated to an indestructibly weakly compact cardinal.Gunter Fuchs - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (1):89-105.
    I use generic embeddings induced by generic normal measures on that can be forced to exist if κ is an indestructibly weakly compact cardinal. These embeddings can be applied in order to obtain the forcing axioms in forcing extensions. This has consequences in : The Singular Cardinal Hypothesis holds above κ, and κ has a useful Jónsson-like property. This in turn implies that the countable tower works much like it does when κ is a Woodin limit of Woodin cardinals. One (...)
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