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Audre Lorde’s Erotic as Epistemic and Political Practice.Caleb Ward - 2023 - Hypatia 38 (4):896–917.details
How biological is essentialism.Susan A. Gelman & Lawrence A. Hirschfeld - 1999 - In Douglas L. Medin & Scott Atran (eds.), Folkbiology. MIT Press. pp. 403--446.details
Resisting the Veil of Privilege: Building Bridge Identities as an Ethico-Politics of Global Feminisms.Ann Ferguson - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (3):95 - 113.details
Public Discourse on the Biology of Alcohol Addiction: Implications for Stigma, Self-Control, Essentialism, and Coercive Policies in Pregnancy.Eric Racine, Emily Bell, Natalie Zizzo & Courtney Green - 2015 - Neuroethics 8 (2):177-186.details
Women's Lives/Feminist Knowledge: Feminist Standpoint as Ideology Critique.Rosemary Hennessy - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (1):14-34.details
(1 other version)On the functional origins of essentialism.H. Clark Barrett - 2001 - [Journal (Paginated)] (in Press) 2 (1):1-30.details
Definition and Power: Toward Authority without Privilege.Lynne Tirrell - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (4):1-34.details
Pedagogical postures: a feminist search for a geometry of the educational relation.Lovisa Bergdahl & Elisabet Langmann - 2018 - Ethics and Education 13 (3):1-20.details
Phenomenology of Bodily Integrity in Disfiguring Breast Cancer.Jenny Slatman - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (2):281-300.details
(1 other version)On the functional orgins of essentialism.H. Clark Barrett - 2001 - Mind and Society 2 (1):1-30.details
Feminist history of philosophy.Charlotte Witt - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.details
“All the Difference in the World”: The Nature of Difference and Different Natures.Paolo Heywood - 2020 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 50 (6):543-564.details
Anti‐Essentialism in Practice: Carol Gilligan and Feminist Philosophy.Cressida J. Heyes - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (3):142-163.details
The Radical Future of Feminist Empiricism.Nancy Tuana - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (1):100-114.details
Identity in whose eyes? The role of representations in identity construction.Caroline Howarth - 2002 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 32 (2):145–162.details
Trans as Bodily Becoming: Rethinking the Biological as Diversity, Not Dichotomy.Riki Lane - 2008 - Hypatia 24 (3):136 - 157.details
A Critique of Normative Heterosexuality: Identity, Embodiment, and Sexual Difference in Beauvoir and Irigaray.Ofelia Schutte - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (1):40 - 62.details
Exclusion and Essentialism in Feminist Theory: The Problem of Mothering.Patrice DiQuinzio - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (3):1 - 20.details
Ecofeminism and Nonhumans: Continuity, Difference, Dualism, and Domination.Ronnie Zoe Hawkins - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (1):158 - 197.details
Hannah Arendt, Feminism, and the Politics of Alterity: “What Will We Lose If We Win?”.Joanne Cutting-Gray - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (1):35-54.details
The personal, the political, third-wave and postfeminisms.Ann Braithwaite - 2002 - Feminist Theory 3 (3):335-344.details
“Gender is No Substitute for Sex”: A Comparative Human Rights Analysis of the Legal Regulation of Sexual Identity.Sharon Cowan - 2005 - Feminist Legal Studies 13 (1):67-96.details
On Performance, Productivity, and Vocabularies of Motive in Recent Studies of Science.Rebecca Herzig - 2004 - Feminist Theory 5 (2):127-147.details
The Politics of Masculinity and the Ex-Gay Movement.Sue E. Spivey & Christine M. Robinson - 2007 - Gender and Society 21 (5):650-675.details
Ma(R)King Essence-Ecofeminism and Embodiment.Richard T. Twine - 2001 - Ethics and the Environment 6 (2):31-58.details
But the empress has no clothes!: Some awkward questions about the ‘missing revolution’ in feminist theory.Sue Wise & Liz Stanley - 2000 - Feminist Theory 1 (3):261-288.details
The Importance of Realism about Gender Kinds: Lessons from Beauvoir.Theodore Bach - 2023 - Analyse & Kritik 45 (2):269-295.details
Queer Ethics; or, The Challenge of Bisexuality to Lesbian Ethics.Elisabeth D. Däumer - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (4):91-105.details
Exceeding Hegel and Lacan: Different Fields of Pleasure within Foucault and Irigaray.Shannon Winnubst - 1999 - Hypatia 14 (1):13-37.details
Twenty Years of Feminist Philosophy.Ann Ferguson - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (3):197 - 215.details
From Political to Realist Essentialism: Rereading Luce Irigaray.Alison Stone - 2004 - Feminist Theory 5 (1):5-23.details
The Woman in Black: Exposing Sexist Beliefs About Female Officials in Elite Men’s Football.Carwyn Jones & Lisa Louise Edwards - 2013 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 7 (2):202-216.details
Affective Schemas, Gestational Incorporation, and Fetal-Maternal Touch.Nicole Miglio - 2019 - Humana Mente 12 (36).details
Anti‐Essentialism, Multiculturalism and the ‘Recognition’ of Religious Groups.T. Modood - 1998 - Journal of Political Philosophy 6 (4):378–399.details
Presence with a Difference: Buddhists and Feminists on Subjectivity.Anne C. Klein - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (4):112 - 130.details
Exploring a Moral Landscape: Genetic Science and Ethics.Barbara Nicholas - 2001 - Hypatia 16 (1):45-63.details
Feminist political philosophy.Noëlle McAfee - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.details
essentialism and method.Fernando Eliécer Vásquez Barba - 2017 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 24 (2):166 – 183.details
The Pure Moment of Murder: The Symbolic Function of Bodily Interactions in Horror Film.Steve Jones - 2011 - Projections 6 (2):96-114.details
Construction and Deconstruction of Essence in Representating Social Groups: Identity Projects, Stereotyping, and Racism.Wolfgang Wagner, Peter Holtz & Yoshihisa Kashima - 2009 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 39 (3):363-383.details
Revisiting Gender-Inclusive God-Talk.J. Aaron Simmons & Mason Marshall - 2008 - Philosophy and Theology 20 (1-2):243-263.details
World Alienation in Feminist Thought: The Sublime Epistemology of Emphatic Anti-Essentialism.Bonnie Mann - 2005 - Ethics and the Environment 10 (2):45-74.details
The unholy alliance of sex and gender.Marilyn Friedman - 1996 - Metaphilosophy 27 (1-2):78-91.details
Reading Irigaray, Dancing.Eluned Summers-Bremner - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (1):90-124.details
Power and Desire: The Embodiment of Female Sexuality1.Rachel Thomson, Sue Sharpe, Caroline Ramazanoglu & Janet Holland - 1994 - Feminist Review 46 (1):21-38.details
Postmodern Feminist Politics: The Art of the (Im)Possible?Sasha Roseneil - 1999 - European Journal of Women's Studies 6 (2):161-182.details
The Feminine Subject and Female Body in Discourse about Childbirth.Marina Sbisà - 1996 - European Journal of Women's Studies 3 (4):363-376.details
The ghost of Wittgenstein: Forms of life, scientific method, and cultural critique.William T. Lynch - 2005 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 35 (2):139-174.details
Realizing Love and Justice: Lesbian Ethics in the Upper and Lower Case.Kathleen Martindale & Martha Saunders - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (4):148 - 171.details