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  1. Can quantum probability provide a new direction for cognitive modeling?Emmanuel M. Pothos & Jerome R. Busemeyer - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):255-274.
    Classical (Bayesian) probability (CP) theory has led to an influential research tradition for modeling cognitive processes. Cognitive scientists have been trained to work with CP principles for so long that it is hard even to imagine alternative ways to formalize probabilities. However, in physics, quantum probability (QP) theory has been the dominant probabilistic approach for nearly 100 years. Could QP theory provide us with any advantages in cognitive modeling as well? Note first that both CP and QP theory share the (...)
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  • Concepts and Their Dynamics: A Quantum‐Theoretic Modeling of Human Thought.Diederik Aerts, Liane Gabora & Sandro Sozzo - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (4):737-772.
    We analyze different aspects of our quantum modeling approach of human concepts and, more specifically, focus on the quantum effects of contextuality, interference, entanglement, and emergence, illustrating how each of them makes its appearance in specific situations of the dynamics of human concepts and their combinations. We point out the relation of our approach, which is based on an ontology of a concept as an entity in a state changing under influence of a context, with the main traditional concept theories, (...)
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  • The Potential of Using Quantum Theory to Build Models of Cognition.Zheng Wang, Jerome R. Busemeyer, Harald Atmanspacher & Emmanuel M. Pothos - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (4):672-688.
    Quantum cognition research applies abstract, mathematical principles of quantum theory to inquiries in cognitive science. It differs fundamentally from alternative speculations about quantum brain processes. This topic presents new developments within this research program. In the introduction to this topic, we try to answer three questions: Why apply quantum concepts to human cognition? How is quantum cognitive modeling different from traditional cognitive modeling? What cognitive processes have been modeled using a quantum account? In addition, a brief introduction to quantum probability (...)
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  • Quantum Structure in Cognition: Human Language as a Boson Gas of Entangled Words.Diederik Aerts & Lester Beltran - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (3):755-802.
    We model a piece of text of human language telling a story by means of the quantum structure describing a Bose gas in a state close to a Bose–Einstein condensate near absolute zero temperature. For this we introduce energy levels for the words used in the story and we also introduce the new notion of ‘cogniton’ as the quantum of human thought. Words are then cognitons in different energy states as it is the case for photons in different energy states, (...)
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  • Quantum Approaches to Consciousness.Harald Atmanspacher - 2006 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    It is widely accepted that consciousness or, more generally, mental activity is in some way correlated to the behavior of the material brain. Since quantum theory is the most fundamental theory of matter that is currently available, it is a legitimate question to ask whether quantum theory can help us to understand consciousness. Several approaches answering this question affirmatively, proposed in recent decades, will be surveyed. It will be pointed out that they make different epistemological assumptions, refer to different neurophysiological (...)
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  • Quantum theory and human perception of the macro-world.Diederik Aerts - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  • (1 other version)A theory of concepts and their combinations I: The structure of the sets of contexts and properties.Diederik Aerts & Liane Gabora - 2005 - Aerts, Diederik and Gabora, Liane (2005) a Theory of Concepts and Their Combinations I.
    We propose a theory for modeling concepts that uses the state-context-property theory (SCOP), a generalization of the quantum formalism, whose basic notions are states, contexts and properties. This theory enables us to incorporate context into the mathematical structure used to describe a concept, and thereby model how context influences the typicality of a single exemplar and the applicability of a single property of a concept. We introduce the notion `state of a concept' to account for this contextual influence, and show (...)
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  • The quantum mechanics and conceptuality: matter, histories, semantics, and space-time.Diederik Aerts - 2013 - Scientiae Studia 11 (1):75-99.
    Elaboramos aquí una nueva interpretación propuesta recientemente de la teoría cuántica, según la cual las partículas cuánticas son consideradas como entidades conceptuales que median entre los pedazos de materia ordinaria los cuales son considerados como estructuras de memoria para ellos. Nuestro objetivo es identificar qué es lo equivalente para el ámbito cognitivo humano de lo que el espacio-tiempo físico es para el ámbito de las partículas cuánticas y de la materia ordinaria. Para ello, se identifica la noción de "historia" como (...)
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  • Comparing the axiomatic and ecological approaches to rationality: fundamental agreement theorems in SCOP.Patricia Rich - 2018 - Synthese 195 (2):529-547.
    There are two prominent viewpoints regarding the nature of rationality and how it should be evaluated in situations of interest: the traditional axiomatic approach and the newer ecological rationality. An obstacle to comparing and evaluating these seemingly opposite approaches is that they employ different language and formalisms, ask different questions, and are at different stages of development. I adapt a formal framework known as SCOP to address this problem by providing a comprehensive common framework in which both approaches may be (...)
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  • (1 other version)Minimal mind.Alexei A. Sharov - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 343--360.
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  • Quantum cognition and bounded rationality.Reinhard Blutner & Peter Beim Graben - 2016 - Synthese 193 (10).
    We consider several puzzles of bounded rationality. These include the Allais- and Ellsberg paradox, the disjunction effect, and related puzzles. We argue that the present account of quantum cognition—taking quantum probabilities rather than classical probabilities—can give a more systematic description of these puzzles than the alternate treatments in the traditional frameworks of bounded rationality. Unfortunately, the quantum probabilistic treatment does not always provide a deeper understanding and a true explanation of these puzzles. One reason is that quantum approaches introduce additional (...)
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  • Neuropragmatism on the origins of conscious minding.Tibor Solymosi - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 273--287.
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  • Self-other organization: Why early life did not evolve through natural selection.Liane Gabora - manuscript
    The improbability of a spontaneously generated self-assembling molecule has suggested that life began with a set of simpler, collectively replicating elements, such as an enclosed autocatalytic set of polymers (or autocell). Since replication occurs without a self-assembly code, acquired characteristics are inherited. Moreover, there is no strict distinction between alive and dead; one can only infer that an autocell was alive if it replicates. These features of early life render natural selection inapplicable to the description of its change-of-state because they (...)
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  • (1 other version)Imitation, Skill Learning, and Conceptual Thought: an embodied, developmental approach.Ellen Fridland - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 203--224.
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  • Generalizing Prototype Theory: A Formal Quantum Framework.Diederik Aerts, Jan Broekaert, Liane Gabora & Sandro Sozzo - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  • Fundamental Physics and the Mind – Is There a Connection?Paavo Pylkkänen - 2016 - In Atmanspacher H., Filk T. & Pothos E., Quantum Interaction 2015: 9th International Conference, QI 2015,. Springer Publishing Company. pp. 76-87.
    Recent advances in the field of quantum cognition suggest a puzzling connection between fundamental physics and the mind. Many researchers see quantum ideas and formalisms merely as useful pragmatic tools, and do not look for deeper underlying explanations for why they work. However, others are tempted to seek for an intelligible explanation for why quantum ideas work to model cognition. This paper first draws attention to how the physicist David Bohm already in 1951 suggested that thought and quantum processes are (...)
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  • Amplifying phenomenal information: Toward a fundamental theory of consciousness.Liane Gabora - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (8):3-29.
    from non-conscious components by positing that consciousness is a universal primitive. For example, the double aspect theory of information holds that infor- mation has a phenomenal aspect. How then do you get from phenomenal infor- mation to human consciousness? This paper proposes that an entity is conscious to the extent it amplifies information, first by trapping and integrating it through closure, and second by maintaining dynamics at the edge of chaos through simul- taneous processes of divergence and convergence. The origin (...)
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  • Origins of the Qualitative Aspects of Consciousness: Evolutionary Answers to Chalmers' Hard Problem.Jonathan Y. Tsou - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 259--269.
    According to David Chalmers, the hard problem of consciousness consists of explaining how and why qualitative experience arises from physical states. Moreover, Chalmers argues that materialist and reductive explanations of mentality are incapable of addressing the hard problem. In this chapter, I suggest that Chalmers’ hard problem can be usefully distinguished into a ‘how question’ and ‘why question,’ and I argue that evolutionary biology has the resources to address the question of why qualitative experience arises from brain states. From this (...)
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  • Concept combination and the origins of complex cognition.Liane Gabora & Kirsty Kitto - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 361--381.
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  • Organic codes and the natural history of mind.Marcello Barbieri - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 21--52.
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  • (1 other version)Evolving consciousness : the very idea!James H. Fetzer - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 225--242.
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  • Creative thought as a non-Darwinian evolutionary process.Dr Liane M. Gabora - 2005 - [Journal (Paginated)] (in Press).
    Selection theory requires multiple, distinct, simultaneously-actualized states. In cognition, each thought or cognitive state changes the 'selection pressure' against which the next is evaluated; they are not simultaneously selected amongst. Creative thought is more a matter of honing in a vague idea through redescribing successive iterations of it from different real or imagined perspectives; in other words, actualizing potential through exposure to different contexts. It has been proven that the mathematical description of contextual change of state introduces a non-Kolmogorovian probability (...)
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  • The mind of the noble ape in three simulations.Tom Barbalet - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 383--397.
    The Noble Ape Simulation offers an account of the mind as something that can be observed, measured, and ultimately simulated through external effects. This version of the applied mind is not created through a single method but through layering three simulations relating to information chemistry, social constraints, and evolving narrative. As examples, additional simulation elements in Noble Ape are presented to offer the simulation methodology of Noble Ape. This chapter, rather than being a theoretical critique, is intended as a project (...)
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  • The evolution of scenario visualization and the early hominin mind.Robert Arp - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 143--159.
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  • (1 other version)Cybersemiotics : a new foundation for a transdisciplinary theory of consciousness, cognition, meaning and communication.Soren Brier - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 97--126.
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  • Perceptions of document relevance.Peter Bruza & Vivien Chang - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  • The Mismatch of Intrinsic Fluctuations and the Static Assumptions of Linear Statistics.Mary Jean Amon & John G. Holden - 2019 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 12 (1):149-173.
    The social and cognitive science replication crisis is partly due to the limitations of commonly used statistical tools. Inferential statistics require that unsystematic measurement variation is independent of system history, and weak relative to systematic or causal sources of variation. However, contemporary systems research underscores the dynamic, adaptive nature of social, cognitive, and behavioral systems. Variation in human activity includes the influences of intrinsic dynamics intertwined with changing contextual circumstances. Conventional inferential techniques presume milder forms of variability, such as unsystematic (...)
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  • Die Tripelstruktur der Begriffe.W. Balzer & V. Kuznetsov - 2010 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 41 (1):21 - 43.
    Wir stellen ein präzises Modell der wissenschaftlichen Begriffs-theorie vor, in dem die Beschreibungs-, die Wirklichkeits- und die mengentheoretische Ebene verknüpft werden. Einerseits wird ein allgemeiner Rahmen für die Gesamtheit der Begriffe, andererseits die „lokale” Struktur eines Begriffs beschrieben. Wir spezialisieren diesen Rahmen auf wissenschaftliche Begriffe, wissenschaftliche Theorien, und auf die zugehörigen strukturalistischen, wissenschaftstheoretischen Konstruktionen. We introduce a precise model for the theory of concepts in philosophy of science. In this model we connect the level of description, the level of reality (...)
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  • GIRL special issue introduction.Justine Jacot & Philip Pärnamets - 2018 - Synthese 195 (2):483-490.
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  • Representation in biological systems : teleofunction, etiology, and structural preservation.Michael Nair-Collins - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 161--185.
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  • From the natural brain to the artificial mind.Massimo Negrotti - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 399--409.
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  • The Tacit ‘Quantum’ of Meeting the Aesthetic Sign; Contextualize, Entangle, Superpose, Collapse or Decohere.Jan Broekaert - 2018 - Foundations of Science 23 (2):255-266.
    The semantically ambiguous nature of the sign and aspects of non-classicality of elementary matter as described by quantum theory show remarkable coherent analogy. We focus on how the ambiguous nature of the image, text and art work bears functional resemblance to the dynamics of contextuality, entanglement, superposition, collapse and decoherence as these phenomena are known in quantum theory. These quantumlike properties in linguistic signs have previously been identified in formal descritions of e.g. concept combinations and mental lexicon representations and have (...)
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  • GAS doesn't “turn the engine” when states are sequential or context-dependent.Liane Gabora - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (6):901-902.
    Selection theory requires multiple, simultaneously-actualized states. In cognition, each thought changes the “selection pressure” against which the next is evaluated; they are not simultaneously selected amongst. Cognitive change occurs not through selection among discrete “neural configurations,” but through interaction between conceptual web and context. This introduces a non-Kolmogorovian probability distribution, hence a classical formalism (e.g., selection theory) cannot be used.
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  • Beyond the Stalemate: Conscious MInd -Body - Quantum Mechanics - Free Will - Possible Panpsychism - Possible Interpretation of Quantum Enigma.Stuart Kauffman - 2014 - Cosmos and History 10 (1):149-169.
    I wish to discuss a large, interwoven set of topics pointed at in the title above. Much of what I say is highly speculative, some is testable, some is, at present, surely not. It is, I hope, useful, to set these ideas forth for our consideration. What I shall say assumes quantum measurement is real, and that Bohm's interpretation of Quantum Mechanics is not true. The Stalemate: In our contemporary neurobiology and much of the philosophy of mind post Descartes we (...)
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  • Mental organs and the origins of mind.Thomas S. Ray - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 301--326.
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  • Mind or mechanism : which came first?Teed Rockwell - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 243--258.
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  • From Non-minds to Minds: Biosemantics and the Tertium Quid.Crystal L'Hôte - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 85--95.
    I present and evaluate the prospects of the biosemantic program, understood as a philosophical attempt to explain the mind’s origins by appealing to something that non-minded organisms and minded organisms have in common: representational capacity. I develop an analogy with ancient attempts to account for the origins of change, clarify the biosemantic program’s aims and methods, and then distinguish two importantly different forms of objection, a priori and a posteriori. I defend the biosemantic program from a priori objections on the (...)
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  • (1 other version)The emergence of empathy in the context of cross-species mind reading.John Sarnecki - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 129--142.
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  • Mnemo-psychography: The Origin of Mind and the Problem of Biological Memory Storage.Frank Scalambrino - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 327--339.
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  • (1 other version)Introduction : exploring the origins of mindedness in nature.Liz Swan - 2012 - In Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 1--17.
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  • Not so exceptional : away from Chomskian saltationism and towards a naturally gradual account of mindfulness.Andrew M. Winters & Alex Levine - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 289--299.
    It is argued that a chief obstacle to a naturalistic explanation of the origins of mind is human exceptionalism, as exempli fi ed in the seventeenth century by René Descartes and in the twentieth century by Noam Chomsky. As an antidote to human exceptionalism, we turn to the account of aesthetic judgment in Charles Darwin’s Descent of Man , according to which the mental capacities of humans differ from those of lower animals only in degree, and not in kind. Thoroughgoing (...)
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  • Quantum particles as conceptual entities: A possible explanatory framework for quantum theory. [REVIEW]Diederik Aerts - 2009 - Foundations of Science 14 (4):361-411.
    We put forward a possible new interpretation and explanatory framework for quantum theory. The basic hypothesis underlying this new framework is that quantum particles are conceptual entities. More concretely, we propose that quantum particles interact with ordinary matter, nuclei, atoms, molecules, macroscopic material entities, measuring apparatuses, in a similar way to how human concepts interact with memory structures, human minds or artificial memories. We analyze the most characteristic aspects of quantum theory, i.e. entanglement and non-locality, interference and superposition, identity and (...)
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