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  1. Positive modal logic.J. Michael Dunn - 1995 - Studia Logica 55 (2):301 - 317.
    We give a set of postulates for the minimal normal modal logicK + without negation or any kind of implication. The connectives are simply , , , . The postulates (and theorems) are all deducibility statements . The only postulates that might not be obvious are.
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  • On the complexity of propositional quantification in intuitionistic logic.Philip Kremer - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (2):529-544.
    We define a propositionally quantified intuitionistic logic Hπ + by a natural extension of Kripke's semantics for propositional intutionistic logic. We then show that Hπ+ is recursively isomorphic to full second order classical logic. Hπ+ is the intuitionistic analogue of the modal systems S5π +, S4π +, S4.2π +, K4π +, Tπ +, Kπ + and Bπ +, studied by Fine.
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  • The existential fragment of second-order propositional intuitionistic logic is undecidable.Ken-Etsu Fujita, Aleksy Schubert, Paweł Urzyczyn & Konrad Zdanowski - 2024 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 34 (1):55-74.
    The provability problem in intuitionistic propositional second-order logic with existential quantifier and implication (∃,→) is proved to be undecidable in presence of free type variables (constants). This contrasts with the result that inutitionistic propositional second-order logic with existential quantifier, conjunction and negation is decidable.
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  • A Note on Algebraic Semantics for $mathsf{S5}$ with Propositional Quantifiers.Wesley H. Holliday - 2019 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 60 (2):311-332.
    In two of the earliest papers on extending modal logic with propositional quantifiers, R. A. Bull and K. Fine studied a modal logic S5Π extending S5 with axioms and rules for propositional quantification. Surprisingly, there seems to have been no proof in the literature of the completeness of S5Π with respect to its most natural algebraic semantics, with propositional quantifiers interpreted by meets and joins over all elements in a complete Boolean algebra. In this note, we give such a proof. (...)
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  • On some new intuitionistic propositional connectives. I.Dov M. Gabbay - 1977 - Studia Logica 36 (1-2):127 - 139.
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  • A content semantics for quantified relevant logics. II.Ross T. Brady - 1989 - Studia Logica 48 (2):243 - 257.
    In part I, we presented an algebraic-style of semantics, which we called “content semantics,” for quantified relevant logics based on the weak systemBBQ. We showed soundness and completeness with respect to theunreduced semantics ofBBQ. In part II, we proceed to show soundness and completeness for extensions ofBBQ with respect to this type of semantics. We introducereduced semantics which requires additional postulates for primeness and saturation. We then conclude by showing soundness and completeness forBB d Q and its extentions with respect (...)
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  • Quantification and RM.J. Michael Dunn - 1976 - Studia Logica 35 (3):315 - 322.
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  • A content semantics for quantified relevant logics. I.Ross T. Brady - 1988 - Studia Logica 47 (2):111 - 127.
    We present an algebraic-style of semantics, which we call a content semantics, for quantified relevant logics based on the weak system BBQ. We show soundness and completeness for all quantificational logics extending BBQ and also treat reduced modelling for all systems containing BB d Q. The key idea of content semantics is that true entailments AB are represented under interpretation I as content containments, i.e. I(A)I(B) (or, the content of A contains that of B). This is opposed to the truth-functional (...)
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  • Propositional Quantification in the Topological Semantics for S.Philip Kremer - 1997 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 38 (2):295-313.
    Fine and Kripke extended S5, S4, S4.2 and such to produce propositionally quantified systems , , : given a Kripke frame, the quantifiers range over all the sets of possible worlds. is decidable and, as Fine and Kripke showed, many of the other systems are recursively isomorphic to second-order logic. In the present paper I consider the propositionally quantified system that arises from the topological semantics for S4, rather than from the Kripke semantics. The topological system, which I dub , (...)
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  • Non-axiomatizable second order intuitionistic propositional logic.D. Skvortsov - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 86 (1):33-46.
    The second order intuitionistic propositional logic characterized by the class of all “principal” Kripke frames is non-recursively axiomatizable, as well as any logic of a class of principal Kripke frames containing every finite frame.
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  • Propositional Quantification in the Monadic Fragment of Intuitionistic Logic.Tomasz Połacik - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (1):269-300.
    We study the monadic fragment of second order intuitionistic propositional logic in the language containing the standard propositional connectives and propositional quantifiers. It is proved that under the topological interpretation over any dense-in-itself metric space, the considered fragment collapses to Heyting calculus. Moreover, we prove that the topological interpretation over any dense-in-itself metric space of fragment in question coincides with the so-called Pitts' interpretation. We also prove that all the nonstandard propositional operators of the form q $\mapsto \exists$p ), where (...)
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  • Completeness of second-order propositional s4 and H in topological semantics.Philip Kremer - 2018 - Review of Symbolic Logic 11 (3):507-518.
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  • A secondary semantics for Second Order Intuitionistic Propositional Logic.Mauro Ferrari, Camillo Fiorentini & Guido Fiorino - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (2):202-210.
    In this paper we propose a Kripke-style semantics for second order intuitionistic propositional logic and we provide a semantical proof of the disjunction and the explicit definability property. Moreover, we provide a tableau calculus which is sound and complete with respect to such a semantics.
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  • An inadequacy in Kripke-semantics for intuitionistic quantificational logic.Richard Routley - 1978 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 7 (2):61-65.
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  • Craig interpolation theorem for intuitionistic logic and extensions part III.Dov M. Gabbay - 1977 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 42 (2):269-271.
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  • Description of all functions definable by formulæ of the 2nd order intuitionistic propositional calculus on some linear Heyting algebras.Dimitri Pataraia - 2006 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 16 (3-4):457-483.
    Explicit description of maps definable by formulæ of the second order intuitionistic propositional calculus is given on two classes of linear Heyting algebras—the dense ones and the ones which possess successors. As a consequence, it is shown that over these classes every formula is equivalent to a quantifier free formula in the dense case, and to a formula with quantifiers confined to the applications of the successor in the second case.
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  • A Syntactic Embedding of Predicate Logic into Second-Order Propositional Logic.Morten H. Sørensen & Paweł Urzyczyn - 2010 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 51 (4):457-473.
    We give a syntactic translation from first-order intuitionistic predicate logic into second-order intuitionistic propositional logic IPC2. The translation covers the full set of logical connectives ∧, ∨, →, ⊥, ∀, and ∃, extending our previous work, which studied the significantly simpler case of the universal-implicational fragment of predicate logic. As corollaries of our approach, we obtain simple proofs of nondefinability of ∃ from the propositional connectives and nondefinability of ∀ from ∃ in the second-order intuitionistic propositional logic. We also show (...)
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  • Philosophical Logic: Current Trends in Asia: Proceedings of Awpl-Tplc 2016.Syraya Chin-Mu Yang, Kok Yong Lee & Hiroakira Ono (eds.) - 2017 - Singapore: Springer.
    This volume brings together a group of logic-minded philosophers and philosophically oriented logicians, mainly from Asia, to address a variety of logical and philosophical topics of current interest, offering a representative cross-section of the philosophical logic landscape in early 21st-century Asia. It surveys a variety of fields, including modal logic, epistemic logic, formal semantics, decidability and mereology. The book proposes new approaches and constructs more powerful frameworks, such as cover theory, an algebraic approach to cut-elimination, and a Boolean approach to (...)
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  • Czego informatycy nauczyli się od Andrzeja Grzegorczyka?Andrzej Salwicki - 2012 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 27 (40).
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