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  1. A Genealogical Analysis of Nietzschean Drive Theory.Brian Lightbody - 2023 - Palgrave MacMillan.
    Nietzsche’s “drive theory”, as it is referred to in the secondary literature, is a rich, unique and fascinating articulation of the human condition. In broad brushstrokes, Nietzsche appears to contend that all human psychology is either directly reducible to animal drives (e.g. sex, aggression) or indirectly explicable to the historical transformations thereof (e.g. ressentiment). Moreover, Nietzsche’s initial elucidation of drive theory in On the Genealogy of Morals (and elsewhere) is well-complemented with a fecund, profound, and clear elucidation of the concept (...)
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  • Nietzsche on the necessity of repression.James S. Pearson - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (1):1-30.
    It has become orthodox to read Nietzsche as proposing the ‘sublimation’ of troublesome behavioural impulses. On this interpretation, he is said to denigrate the elimination of our impulses, preferring that we master them by pressing them into the service of our higher goals. My thesis is that this reading of Nietzsche’s conception of self-cultivation does not bear scrutiny. Closer examination of his later thought reveals numerous texts that show him explicitly recommending an eliminatory approach to self-cultivation. I invoke his theory (...)
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  • Nietzsche on the health of the soul.Andrew Huddleston - 2017 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 60 (1-2):135-164.
    Health is a central concept in Nietzsche’s work. Yet in the most philosophically sophisticated secondary literature on Nietzsche, there has been fairly little sustained treatment of just what Nietzschean health consists in. In this paper, I aim to provide an account of some of the central marks of this health: resilience, discipline, vitality, a certain positive condition of the will to power, a certain tendency toward integration, and so on. This exposition and discussion will be the main task of the (...)
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  • Virtuous Homunculi: Nietzsche on the Order of Drives.Matta Riccardi - 2017 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 61 (1):21-41.
    The primary explanatory items of Nietzsche’s philosophical psychology are the drives. Such drives, he holds, are arranged hierarchically in virtue of their entering dominance-obedience relations analogous to those obtaining in human societies. This view is puzzling for two reasons. First, Nietzsche’s idea of a hierarchical order among the drives is far from clear. Second, as it postulates relations among subpersonal items that mimic those among persons, Nietzsche’s view seems to trade on the homunculus fallacy. In this paper, I argue that (...)
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  • Nietzschean Decadence as Psychic Disunity.Kaitlyn Creasy - 2024 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 55 (2):127-157.
    This article offers an account of Nietzschean decadence as a psycho-physiological condition characterized by a failure of psychic integration—a failure Nietzsche thinks precludes genuine agency, since the psychic integration the decadent fails to achieve is necessary for agency. As part of this account, this article develops an interpretation of an underexplored but crucial form of decadence: repressed decadence. Exploring this variety of Nietzschean decadence both enables us to make sense of the case of Wagner’s alleged decadence and adds nuance to (...)
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  • United we stand, divided we fall: the early Nietzsche on the struggle for organisation.James S. Pearson - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (4):508-533.
    ABSTRACTAccording to Nietzsche, both modern individuals and societies are pathologically fragmented. In this paper, I examine how he proposes we combat this affliction in his Untimely Meditations. I argue that he advocates a dual struggle involving both instrumental domination and eradication. On these grounds, I claim the following: 1. pace a growing number of commentators, we cannot categorise the species of conflict he endorses in the Untimely Meditations as agonistic; and 2. this conflict is better understood as analogous to the (...)
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  • (1 other version)Nietzsche on Human Greatness.Patrick Hassan - 2017 - Journal of Value Inquiry 51 (2):293-310.
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  • Nietzsche on the passions and self-cultivation: contra the Stoics and Spinoza.Keith Ansell-Pearson - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 55 (3):245-265.
    Although the literature on Nietzsche is now voluminous one area where there has surprisingly been very little research concerns Nietzsche on the passions. This essay aims to correct this neglect. My focus is on illuminating Nietzsche on the passions in relation to his primary teaching on self-cultivation. To illuminate his position, I focus attention on examining his relation to Stoic teaching on the passions. If for Nietzsche the Christian mind-set involves a disturbing pathological excess of feeling, the Stoic way of (...)
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  • A Leibniz-Informed Approach to Nietzsche’s Drive Psychology.James A. Mollison - 2023 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 54 (2):177-202.
    Despite drives’ importance for Nietzsche’s explanation of individuals’ values, controversies persist over how to interpret Nietzsche’s attribution of normative capacities to the drives themselves. On one reading, drives evaluate their aims and recognize the normative authority of other drives’ aims. On another, drives’ normative properties reduce to nonnormative, causal properties. Neither approach is satisfying. The former commits Nietzsche to the homuncular fallacy by granting drives complex cognitive capacities. The latter reading either commits Nietzsche to the naturalistic fallacy, having him derive (...)
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  • Nietzsche and Plato on Unity and Disunity of the Soul.Mattia Riccardi - manuscript
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  • Nietzsche contra Sublimation.Eli I. Lichtenstein - 2020 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 58 (4):755-778.
    Many commentators have claimed that Nietzsche views the “sublimation” (Sublimierung) of drives as a positive achievement. Against this tradition, I argue that, on the dominant if not universal Nietzschean use of Sublimierung and its cognates, sublimation is just a broad psychological analogue of the traditional (al)chemical process: the “vaporization” of drives into a finer or lighter state, figuratively if not literally. This can yield ennobling elevation, or purity in a positive sense—the intensified “sublimate” of an unrefined original sample. But it (...)
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  • A Nietzschean Critique of Obligation-Centred Moral Theory.Simon Robertson - 2011 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19 (4):563-591.
    The focal objection of Nietzsche’s critique of morality is that morality is disvaluable because antagonistic to the highest forms of human excellence. Recent advances in Nietzsche commentary have done much to unpack this objection – an objection which, at first blush, shares certain affinities with worries developed by a number of more recent morality critics. Some, though, have sought to disassociate Nietzsche from these more recent critics, claiming that his critique is directed mainly against moralized culture and that it cannot (...)
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  • Nietzsche's Fourfold Conception of the Self.Robert Miner - 2011 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 54 (4):337-360.
    Abstract Struck by essentialist and anti-essentialist elements in his writings, Nietzsche's readers have wondered whether his conception of the self is incoherent or paradoxical. This paper demonstrates that his conception of the self, while complex, is not paradoxical or incoherent, but contains four distinct levels. Section I shows Schopenhauer as Educator to contain an early description of the four levels: (1) a person's deepest self, embracing all that cannot be educated or molded; (2) a person's ego; (3) a person's ?ideal? (...)
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  • Paradigmatically active: why Nietzschean drives are not dispositions.James Mollison - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    In this article, I argue against the scholarly consensus that Nietzsche understands drives as dispositions toward characteristic modes of behavior. After showing that Nietzsche’s texts do not support construing drives as dispositions, I draw out three consequences of this view: it undermines Nietzsche’s analysis of how drives take up objects, risks rendering drives causally otiose, and makes drives’ relations with affects needlessly complex. These consequences, I argue, impede drives’ abilities to assist Nietzsche’s philosophical ambitions. To avoid these textual and philosophical (...)
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  • Modelling the mind: Nietzsche’s epistemic ends in his account of drive interaction.Toby Tricks - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (5):1296-1319.
    Nietzsche offers us an account of how different drives interact with one another; it is rich but also appears to risk the homunculus fallacy. Competing attempts to deflect this charge on his behalf share an implicit consensus about the ‘epistemic ends’ of the account: they assume Nietzsche is trying to provide true explanations of psychological phenomena. I argue against this consensus. I claim that Nietzsche's characterisations of drive interaction are to be taken as fictive and are not intended to have (...)
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  • Friedrich Nietzsche.Robert Wicks - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • “Vergangenheitsbewältigung” revisited: Distinguishing two paradigms of working through the past.Johannes Schulz - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (2):391-415.
    Social movements like BLM and Rhodes Must Fall have recently re-emphasized the need for “working through” our collective past. I argue that we must be careful to distinguish two distinct and sometimes conflicting understandings of what it means to work through the past. An “idealist” understanding which sees “working through” as a process of self-enlightenment and moral learning through uncovering and acknowledging past moral failures and incorporating them into our collective self-image. The “materialist paradigm”, in contrast, understands “working through” as (...)
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  • Psychology as a First Principle? Self-Love and the Will to Power in La Rochefoucauld and Nietzsche.Jiani Fan - 2023 - The European Legacy 29 (1):1-19.
    Both Nietzsche and La Rochefoucauld rejected metaphysical principles, such as the Kantian moral imperatives, and adopted psychology as their first philosophy. In this article I explore their views of self-love and of the will to power as the first principles of human motivation. Although both thinkers reduce actions to egoistic motives, they define the human drives and passions differently. While Nietzsche criticizes La Rochefoucauld’s view of a self-love-oriented intention as the principal cause of deeds, his interpretation is reductionist seeing that (...)
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  • On the Possibility and Impossibility of a Theoretical Dialogue between Nietzsche and Lacan.Rodrigo Farías Rivas - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e02400216.
    Resumo: O artigo examina os estudos contemporâneos na tentativa de uma convergência teórica entre a psicanálise lacaniana e a filosofia nietzschiana. São avaliadas as principais posições, ideias e argumentos desta bolsa. Ao fazê-lo, o problema filosófico que surge imediatamente diz respeito à própria possibilidade de tal diálogo teórico. A tese a ser desenvolvida é que semelhanças superficiais obscurecem divergências teóricas centrais e até mesmo ontológicas. Assim, além do exame crítico da literatura mencionada, o objetivo do artigo é iluminar essas tensões (...)
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  • Empowerment: Freud, Canguilhem and Lacan on the ideal of health promotion.Bas de Boer & Ciano Aydin - 2023 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (3):301-311.
    Empowerment is a prominent ideal in health promotion. However, the exact meaning of this ideal is often not made explicit. In this paper, we outline an account of empowerment grounded in the human capacity to adapt and adjust to environmental and societal norms without being completely determined by those norms. Our account reveals a tension at the heart of empowerment between (a) the ability of self-governance and (b) the need to adapt and adjust to environmental and societal norms. We address (...)
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  • Nietzsche e o Valor: Florescimento e Excelência.Simon Robertson - 2016 - Cadernos Nietzsche 37 (1):145-184.
    Resumo Florescimento e excelência são dois ideais que ocupam um lugar central no perfeccionismo de Nietzsche. Este artigo procura oferecer uma interpretação original acerca do que está envolvido nestes termos, de como eles se diferenciam e se conectam, desenvolvendo assim um quadro axiológico que confira sentido a esse conjunto. Uma sugestão adicional é de que o modelo subjacente de valor que emerge a partir desta interpretação - com efeito, um modelo de uma vida boa - seja interessante e atrativo por (...)
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  • Nietzsche's Scala Amoris: Nietzsche and Diotima on Eros and Philosophy.Paul R. Murphy - unknown
    Nietzsche’s conception of eros and its role in the development of philosophers is similar to the conception of those same topics espoused by Diotima in Plato’s Symposium. Nietzsche and Diotima agree that eros is an insatiable desire to possess the beautiful, that eros aims at immortality through reproduction, and that philosophy requires an ascent beyond sexual desire to “higher” forms of eros, which nevertheless are still modeled on heterosexual reproduction. Understanding these facets of Nietzsche’s view leads to an apparent contradiction (...)
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  • Ethics and aesthetics of non-duality: responses to Nihilism from Nietzsche to Camus.Adrian Moore - 2019 - Dissertation, The University of Queensland
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  • Will to power and sexuality in Nietzsche’s account of the ascetic ideal.Maudemarie Clark - 2017 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 60 (1-2):96-134.
    This paper challenges a near universal assumption regarding the third treatise of Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morality : that its main concern is to explain the attraction or power of the ascetic ideal. I argue that GM III’s main concern is normative rather than descriptive-explanatory. An earlier paper argues that GM III’s leading question – What is the meaning of the ascetic ideal? – is equivalent to the question: What is the value of the ascetic ideal? In the present (...)
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  • (1 other version)The role of removal and elimination in Nietzsche’s model of self-cultivation.Richard J. Elliott - 2020 - Tandf: Inquiry 63 (1):65 - 84.
    In this paper I call into question the commonplace assumption in Anglophone Nietzsche scholarship that ideal psychological self-cultivation comes about solely by means of the sublimation of all of one's drives. While the psychological incorporation of one’s drives and instincts plays a crucial role in promoting what Nietzsche considers a higher self, I argue that some degree of removal and elimination of particular drives and instincts could be, perhaps necessarily is, involved in ideal cases. Yet I will suggest that we (...)
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  • (1 other version)The role of removal and elimination in Nietzsche’s model of self-cultivation.Richard J. Elliott - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 63 (1):65-84.
    ABSTRACTIn this paper I call into question the commonplace assumption in Anglophone Nietzsche scholarship that ideal psychological self-cultivation comes about solely by means of the sublimation of all of one's drives. While the psychological incorporation of one’s drives and instincts plays a crucial role in promoting what Nietzsche considers a higher self, I argue that some degree of removal and elimination of particular drives and instincts could be, perhaps necessarily is, involved in ideal cases. Yet I will suggest that we (...)
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  • Safety Valves of the Psyche: Reading Freud on Aggression, Morality, and Internal Emotions.Daniel O’Shiel - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (4):86.
    This article argues for a Freudian theory of internal emotion, which is best characterised as key “safety valves of the psyche”. After briefly clarifying some of Freud’s metapsychology, I present an account regarding the origin of (self-)censorship and morality as internalised aggression. I then show how this conception expands and can be detailed through a defence of a hydraulic model of the psyche that has specific “safety valves” of disgust, shame, and pity constantly counteracting specific sets of Freudian drives. This (...)
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  • Creativity through the prism of the unconscious in S. Freud's concept of psychoanalysis.Ol'ga Nikolaevna Tomyuk - 2020 - Философия И Культура 5:11-20.
    The modernizing global world with new sociocultural practices actualizes the study of creativity as a constitutive phenomenon of human personality in the context of the challenges of modern era. The object of this research is creativity as a cultural phenomenon. The subject is creativity in the S. Freud's concept of psychoanalysis. In the era of change and uncertainty, when the role of creativity is increasing, the ideas of S. Freud acquire special significance. The article considers the unconscious in the context (...)
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