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  1. Ricoeur’s Transcendental Concern: A Hermeneutics of Discourse.William D. Melaney - 1971 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.), Analecta Husserliana. Dordrecht,: Springer. pp. 495-513.
    This paper argues that Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutical philosophy attempts to reopen the question of human transcendence in contemporary terms. While his conception of language as self-transcending is deeply Husserlian, Ricoeur also responds to the analytical challenge when he deploys a basic distinction in Fregean logic in order to clarify Heidegger’s phenomenology of world. Ricoeur’s commitment to a transcendental view is evident in his conception of narrative, which enables him to emphasize the role of the performative in literary reading. The meaning (...)
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  • Nietzsche's Sensualism.Mattia Riccardi - 2011 - European Journal of Philosophy 21 (2):219-257.
    The late Nietzsche defended a position which he sometimes to refers as ‘sensualism’ and which consists of two main theses: senses ‘do not lie’ (T1) and sense organs are ‘causes’ (T2). Two influential interpretations of this position have been proposed by Clark and Hussain, who also address the question whether Nietzsche's late sensualism is (Hussain) or not (Clark) compatible with the epistemological view which he held in his previous work and which has been dubbed the ‘falsification thesis’ (FT). In my (...)
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  • „Oh Voltaire! Oh Humanität! Oh Blödsinn!“ Über den Zusammenhang von Anerkennung, Leben und menschlichem Selbstverständnis bei Nietzsche.Sarah Bianchi - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 4 (1):15-36.
    Mit diesem Aufsatz soll ein Beitrag zur Klärung von Nietzsches Humanitätsverständnis in binnenrelationaler Perspektive geleistet werden. Dabei wird in drei Schritten vorgegangen: Der erste Schritt setzt an den kritischen Vorzeichen von Nietzsches Humanitätsverständnis an. Hierbei geht es um die Skizzierung der kritischen Verfahren der genealogischen Kritik und des Perspektivismus. In einem zweiten Schritt soll sodann aufgezeigt werden, worin bei Nietzsche die genealogische Kritik ihren Halt findet, damit nicht jeglicher Wert destruiert wird. Dabei soll die binnenrelationale Perspektive des Individuums in der (...)
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  • Vom ‚Scham-Ersparen’. Über Nietzsches fragiles Verständnis von Anerkennung in Abgrenzung zur französischen Verkennungslinie.Sarah Bianchi - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 4 (2):15-40.
    Während Nietzsche in der Debatte um Anerkennung bisher vorwiegend in Bezug zur Verkennungslinie interpretiert wird, geht es in dem Beitrag dagegen um die Abgrenzung Nietzsches zu dieser vorwiegend französisch geprägten Verkennungslinie. Dies soll an der sozialen Praktik der Scham als distinktes Beispiel für eine konkrete Situation von Anerkennungsbeziehungen im Lebenszusammenhang gezeigt werden. Für die Verkennungslinie wird exemplarisch Jean Paul-Sartres Verständnis von Scham aus Das Sein und das Nichts als Anerkennungsbeziehung herangezogen. Dazu kontrastierend soll auf Nietzsches Beschreibung des „Scham-Ersparens“ als konkrete (...)
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  • Nietzsche: Looking right, reading left.Babette Babich - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (3):261-268.
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  • Critical reflections on Pollitt and Bouckaert’s construct of the neo-Weberian state (NWS) in their standard work on public management reform.Hubert Treiber - 2023 - Theory and Society 52 (2):179-212.
    Pollitt and Bouckaert and their neo-Weberian state (NWS) have been chosen as the subject for this essay because the book has become a standard work in the public management movement. It is frequently cited and has been re-published in multiple editions (most recently in 2017). The authors also refer explicitly to Max Weber.This contribution seeks to draw attention to three important aspects, which inevitably overlap with one another:1. There is no Weber in the neo-Weberian State (introduction, 1; section II). Pollitt (...)
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  • Affektivität und Hermeneutik der Macht. Ein Kommentar zum Aphorismus 13 der Fröhlichen Wissenschaft.David Simonin - 2023 - Nietzsche Studien 52 (1):171-193.
    Affectivity and the Hermeneutics of Power: A Commentary on Aphorism 13 ofThe Gay Science.Section 13 ofThe Gay Scienceis devoted to the doctrine of the feeling of power, which recapitulates Nietzsche’s main ideas of the previous years and already presents them in the form of a doctrine that does not yet bear the name “will to power.” Hence, GS 13 is a turning point in the development of Nietzsche’s philosophy of power, which, from the perspective of feeling, points to two essential (...)
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  • Nietzsche contra Liberalism on Freedom.Herman Siemens - 2006-01-01 - In Keith Ansell Pearson (ed.), A Companion to Nietzsche. Blackwell. pp. 435–454.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Nietzsche's Socio‐Physiology and the Question of Sovereignty Nietzsche versus Liberalism on Freedom and Resistance Freedom and Resistance in Nietzsche's Later Thought On the Necessity of Conflict for Freedom: Nietzsche's Critique of the Subject.
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  • Will to Power as Alternative to Causality.Joshua Rayman - 2016 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 30 (3):361-372.
    Nietzsche’s critique of causality has not been taken as seriously as it should be. Nietzschean naturalists such as Ken Gemes, Brian Leiter, and John Richardson carry on with their appeals to causal-scientific forms of explanation as if there were no such critique.1 For instance, Leiter claims that Nietzsche is a naturalist in that he sets forth “theories that explain various important human phenomena … [in scientific terms], but are also modeled on science in the sense that they seek to reveal (...)
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