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  1. The Power of Stories: Responsibility for the Use of Autobiographical Stories in Mental Health Debates.Lisa Bortolotti & Anneli Jefferson - 2019 - Diametros 60:18-33.
    Autobiographical stories do not merely offer insights into someone’s experience but can constitute evidence or even serve as self-standing arguments for a given viewpoint in the context of public debates. Such stories are likely to exercise considerable influence on debate participants’ views and behaviour due to their being more vivid, engaging, and accessible than other forms of evidence or argument. In this paper we are interested in whether there are epistemic and moral duties associated with the use of autobiographical stories (...)
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  • Ashley, Two Born as One, and the Best Interests of a Child.Grant Gillett - 2016 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 25 (1):22-37.
    Abstract:What is in the best interests of a child, and could that ever include interventions that we might regard as prima facie detrimental to a child’s physical well-being? This question is raised a fortiori by growth attenuation treatments in children with severe neurological disorders causing extreme developmental delay. I argue that two principles that provide guidance in generating a conception of best interests for each individual child yield the right results in such cases. The principles are as follows: thepotentiality principle, (...)
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